Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Ahhh... so he denies being a "racist' and then uses a racist term like "Oreo".

Yup, you don't have a problem. Not at all.

I use the term "Oreo" because it fits Barack Obama so well. Barry is so much more of a Yuppie than I or most white Americans could ever HOPE to be it's amusing to label anyone who hates him a racist! He doesn't go back to Chicago and hang out with the brothers...Oh, hell no! He's hanging out with the liberal 1% on Martha's Vineyard, playing golf on courses the average black can't afford to play...eating out at restaurants the average black couldn't afford to eat at and staying at a house that the average black wouldn't be welcome at EVER! I'm not the first to call Obama an Oreo. He was referred to as an Oreo by some of the blacks he went to college with. I suppose THEY are racists as well?

Oh sure...Barry can play the role when he needs to but when he's on his own time he hangs out with the people he feels most comfortable with...limousine liberals!

You mean the President is actually hanging out with people PRESIDENTS hang out with?

Oh, perish the thought, that uppity negro.

Yeah, guy, you seriously don't have a problem. I just hope the president is paying you rent on all that space he occupies in your head.

Ah yes...back to playing the race card once again! What you can't seem to grasp, Joe is that I'm not accusing Barack Obama of being "uppity". Quite the opposite in fact! I've stated that I view him as a Yuppie who pretends to be a "man of the street". When Barack Obama was at Columbia he was mocked by other blacks for being an Oreo. Why? Because he was raised by his mother's side of the family and went to an exclusive private school in Hawaii. He made a concerted effort to become more black by listening to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder albums. Barack Obama isn't an "uppity negro"...he's a mixed race man who was brought up by white people from KANSAS and had to go FIND his "blackness". He's not being uppity when he's hanging out on Martha's Vineyard...that's who he IS! Those are really his kind of people! He's being a fake when he's spending brief periods of time pretending to like black people from poor neighborhoods.
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your own article disputes the very claim that you're making, Joe! Did you even read it?

It's examples like this that make it hard for me to believe that you ever graduated with a degree in history...which would by necessity require the ability to do research. You're SO bad at comprehending what it is that is IN the articles you cite that it makes them worthless.

Uh, guy, a third of the stimulus was tax cuts. The same Suppy Side Horseshit you guys ladel out.

You got pwned, man up and deal with it.

We don't need tax cuts, we need tax increases. Clinton raised taxes and turned the country around.

Wow, you STILL haven't read the article you cited...have you?

As for Clinton? He lowered Capital Gains taxes substantially. The country "turned around" because of the Dot Com boom and Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. Bill Clinton was intelligent enough to ride that wave...unlike Barack Obama. Clinton was fundamentally a fiscal conservative. Barack Obama doesn't even understand that concept.
And raising taxes would simply bring an already glacially slow economy to a shuddering halt. I would suggest getting a few books on economics and reading them so you don't look like such a knee jerk partisan.
And raising taxes would simply bring an already glacially slow economy to a shuddering halt. I would suggest getting a few books on economics and reading them so you don't look like such a knee jerk partisan.

I have.

But the ones I read aren't by Supply Siders who've been WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING for the last 30 years.

You raise taxes, you spend the money on public works, you put people back to work.

It's how we've gotten out of every recession since 1930.

Wow, you STILL haven't read the article you cited...have you?

As for Clinton? He lowered Capital Gains taxes substantially.

He also significantly raised them on the rich. And that's when the economy not only turned around BUT we actually balanced the budget.

The country "turned around" because of the Dot Com boom and Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. Bill Clinton was intelligent enough to ride that wave...unlike Barack Obama. Clinton was fundamentally a fiscal conservative. Barack Obama doesn't even understand that concept.

The Contract on America was horseshit and it did nothing.

Again, guy, you need to stop reading books from Talking Snake U.
I use the term "Oreo" because it fits Barack Obama so well. Barry is so much more of a Yuppie than I or most white Americans could ever HOPE to be it's amusing to label anyone who hates him a racist! He doesn't go back to Chicago and hang out with the brothers...Oh, hell no! He's hanging out with the liberal 1% on Martha's Vineyard, playing golf on courses the average black can't afford to play...eating out at restaurants the average black couldn't afford to eat at and staying at a house that the average black wouldn't be welcome at EVER! I'm not the first to call Obama an Oreo. He was referred to as an Oreo by some of the blacks he went to college with. I suppose THEY are racists as well?

Oh sure...Barry can play the role when he needs to but when he's on his own time he hangs out with the people he feels most comfortable with...limousine liberals!

You mean the President is actually hanging out with people PRESIDENTS hang out with?

Oh, perish the thought, that uppity negro.

Yeah, guy, you seriously don't have a problem. I just hope the president is paying you rent on all that space he occupies in your head.

Ah yes...back to playing the race card once again! What you can't seem to grasp, Joe is that I'm not accusing Barack Obama of being "uppity". Quite the opposite in fact! I've stated that I view him as a Yuppie who pretends to be a "man of the street". When Barack Obama was at Columbia he was mocked by other blacks for being an Oreo. Why? Because he was raised by his mother's side of the family and went to an exclusive private school in Hawaii. He made a concerted effort to become more black by listening to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder albums. Barack Obama isn't an "uppity negro"...he's a mixed race man who was brought up by white people from KANSAS and had to go FIND his "blackness". He's not being uppity when he's hanging out on Martha's Vineyard...that's who he IS! Those are really his kind of people! He's being a fake when he's spending brief periods of time pretending to like black people from poor neighborhoods.

well, it's obvious you don't think Obama 'knows his place'. I hope we never find out he banged a white woman, or you'd completely lose your shit.

But, no man, you aren't the least bit racist.
And raising taxes would simply bring an already glacially slow economy to a shuddering halt. I would suggest getting a few books on economics and reading them so you don't look like such a knee jerk partisan.

I have.

But the ones I read aren't by Supply Siders who've been WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING for the last 30 years.

You raise taxes, you spend the money on public works, you put people back to work.

It's how we've gotten out of every recession since 1930.

Really? Which book on economics did you read THAT in, Joe? Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that you ever took economics at the University of Illinois. I had the good fortune of having Thomas Sowell as a professor of economics back when I was in college. I would suggest you trot your ass over to a nearby library and check out one of Sowell's many books on economics.

Wow, you STILL haven't read the article you cited...have you?

As for Clinton? He lowered Capital Gains taxes substantially.

He also significantly raised them on the rich. And that's when the economy not only turned around BUT we actually balanced the budget.

The country "turned around" because of the Dot Com boom and Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. Bill Clinton was intelligent enough to ride that wave...unlike Barack Obama. Clinton was fundamentally a fiscal conservative. Barack Obama doesn't even understand that concept.

The Contract on America was horseshit and it did nothing.

Again, guy, you need to stop reading books from Talking Snake U.

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes
You mean the President is actually hanging out with people PRESIDENTS hang out with?

Oh, perish the thought, that uppity negro.

Yeah, guy, you seriously don't have a problem. I just hope the president is paying you rent on all that space he occupies in your head.

Ah yes...back to playing the race card once again! What you can't seem to grasp, Joe is that I'm not accusing Barack Obama of being "uppity". Quite the opposite in fact! I've stated that I view him as a Yuppie who pretends to be a "man of the street". When Barack Obama was at Columbia he was mocked by other blacks for being an Oreo. Why? Because he was raised by his mother's side of the family and went to an exclusive private school in Hawaii. He made a concerted effort to become more black by listening to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder albums. Barack Obama isn't an "uppity negro"...he's a mixed race man who was brought up by white people from KANSAS and had to go FIND his "blackness". He's not being uppity when he's hanging out on Martha's Vineyard...that's who he IS! Those are really his kind of people! He's being a fake when he's spending brief periods of time pretending to like black people from poor neighborhoods.

well, it's obvious you don't think Obama 'knows his place'. I hope we never find out he banged a white woman, or you'd completely lose your shit.

But, no man, you aren't the least bit racist.

Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.
Ah yes...back to playing the race card once again! What you can't seem to grasp, Joe is that I'm not accusing Barack Obama of being "uppity". Quite the opposite in fact! I've stated that I view him as a Yuppie who pretends to be a "man of the street". When Barack Obama was at Columbia he was mocked by other blacks for being an Oreo. Why? Because he was raised by his mother's side of the family and went to an exclusive private school in Hawaii. He made a concerted effort to become more black by listening to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder albums. Barack Obama isn't an "uppity negro"...he's a mixed race man who was brought up by white people from KANSAS and had to go FIND his "blackness". He's not being uppity when he's hanging out on Martha's Vineyard...that's who he IS! Those are really his kind of people! He's being a fake when he's spending brief periods of time pretending to like black people from poor neighborhoods.

well, it's obvious you don't think Obama 'knows his place'. I hope we never find out he banged a white woman, or you'd completely lose your shit.

But, no man, you aren't the least bit racist.

Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

Yep. That's because an advisor told him he'd never be president with a white wife. He would probably turn off more blacks than whites.

Wow, you STILL haven't read the article you cited...have you?

As for Clinton? He lowered Capital Gains taxes substantially.

He also significantly raised them on the rich. And that's when the economy not only turned around BUT we actually balanced the budget.

The country "turned around" because of the Dot Com boom and Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. Bill Clinton was intelligent enough to ride that wave...unlike Barack Obama. Clinton was fundamentally a fiscal conservative. Barack Obama doesn't even understand that concept.

The Contract on America was horseshit and it did nothing.

Again, guy, you need to stop reading books from Talking Snake U.

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes

Wow, Rich Douchebag Magazine. WHere they live in horror that Americans might find out about Europe.

Really? Which book on economics did you read THAT in, Joe? Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that you ever took economics at the University of Illinois. I had the good fortune of having Thomas Sowell as a professor of economics back when I was in college. I would suggest you trot your ass over to a nearby library and check out one of Sowell's many books on economics.

Oh, Thomas Sowell? That hack?

It does explain much.

I remember him trying to explain once about how the Civil War wasn't about Slavery, so the Confederate Flag was totally cool with him.
Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

ANd that really burns you, doesn't it?

What part of that last sentence don't you understand, Joe? Just as Barry's own pigmentation doesn't figure into my views about his competency...the pigmentation of who he dated in the past matters not a whit to me either!

You board progressives use racism as your fall back position any time you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate.
He also significantly raised them on the rich. And that's when the economy not only turned around BUT we actually balanced the budget.

The Contract on America was horseshit and it did nothing.

Again, guy, you need to stop reading books from Talking Snake U.

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes

Wow, Rich Douchebag Magazine. WHere they live in horror that Americans might find out about Europe.

Did you want to refute any of the points made in that article, Joe...or is calling it a "Rich Doucebag Magazine" about all you can come up with? Once again...you've made a sweeping statement...backed it up with nothing...and then resorted to name calling when shown a differing view.

Really? Which book on economics did you read THAT in, Joe? Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that you ever took economics at the University of Illinois. I had the good fortune of having Thomas Sowell as a professor of economics back when I was in college. I would suggest you trot your ass over to a nearby library and check out one of Sowell's many books on economics.

Oh, Thomas Sowell? That hack?

It does explain much.

I remember him trying to explain once about how the Civil War wasn't about Slavery, so the Confederate Flag was totally cool with him.

Sowell is a "hack"? Now that's amusing, Joe!

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, September 1980–present
Professor of Economics, UCLA, July 1974–June 1980
Visiting Professor of Economics, Amherst College, September–December 1977
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April–August 1977
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, July 1976–March 1977
Project Director, The Urban Institute, August 1972–July 1974
Associate Professor of Economics, UCLA, September 1970–June 1972
Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, September 1969–June 1970
Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University, September 1965–June 1969[9]
Economic Analyst, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., June 1964–August 1965
Lecturer in Economics, Howard University, September 1963–June 1964
Instructor in Economics, Douglass College, Rutgers University, September 1962–June 1963
Labor Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1961–August 1962

That's his career resume...

As for his academic resume?

He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard with degree in Economics.
He got his masters from Columbia.
He got his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago.

Nah, why would someone as well educated in economics as YOU want to read a "hack" like Thomas Sowell? (Eye-roll)
Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

ANd that really burns you, doesn't it?

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] , you are one lazy ass s.o.b. Oldstyle wooped your ass in that little exchange - and the best you can do is play your dumb ass little race card - you are a loser - better luck next time Pal .
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And raising taxes would simply bring an already glacially slow economy to a shuddering halt. I would suggest getting a few books on economics and reading them so you don't look like such a knee jerk partisan.

I have.

But the ones I read aren't by Supply Siders who've been WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING for the last 30 years.

You raise taxes, you spend the money on public works, you put people back to work.

It's how we've gotten out of every recession since 1930.

Really? Which book on economics did you read THAT in, Joe? Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that you ever took economics at the University of Illinois. I had the good fortune of having Thomas Sowell as a professor of economics back when I was in college. I would suggest you trot your ass over to a nearby library and check out one of Sowell's many books on economics.

His head would explode b4 he made it through the Introduction. Only pictures are Graphs and Charts - and it's not like National Geographic where he can skim through looking for the hot spots
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Ah yes...back to playing the race card once again! What you can't seem to grasp, Joe is that I'm not accusing Barack Obama of being "uppity". Quite the opposite in fact! I've stated that I view him as a Yuppie who pretends to be a "man of the street". When Barack Obama was at Columbia he was mocked by other blacks for being an Oreo. Why? Because he was raised by his mother's side of the family and went to an exclusive private school in Hawaii. He made a concerted effort to become more black by listening to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder albums. Barack Obama isn't an "uppity negro"...he's a mixed race man who was brought up by white people from KANSAS and had to go FIND his "blackness". He's not being uppity when he's hanging out on Martha's Vineyard...that's who he IS! Those are really his kind of people! He's being a fake when he's spending brief periods of time pretending to like black people from poor neighborhoods.

well, it's obvious you don't think Obama 'knows his place'. I hope we never find out he banged a white woman, or you'd completely lose your shit.

But, no man, you aren't the least bit racist.

Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

But I heard his boy friends were black ....

Sorry to interrupt the show fellas, it was fun watching Joe stammer and stutter while he got bitch smacked over and over again - but I came across this article relevant to the OP which mighht be of interest.

Congressional investigators are demanding answers from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner after she reportedly instructed a subordinate to “delete” an Obamacare-related email conversation involving key White House officials.

In a August 15 letter to Tavenner, leaders of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce bring to light an October 5, 2013, email discussion involving White House representatives. The email was then forwarded to the CMS communications director with the following message: “Please delete this email-but please see if we can work on call script.”

According to veteran journalist Sharyl Attiksson, this revelation is “significant” for a number of reasons:

FAX BLAST SPECIAL: Repeal Obamacare NOW!

First, the email to be deleted included an exchange between key White House officials and CMS officials. Second, the email was dated October 5, 2013, five days into the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov. Third, federal law requires federal officials to retain copies of –not delete– email exchanges. And fourth, the document to be deleted is covered under Congressional subpoena as well as longstanding Freedom of Information requests made by members of the media (including me).
Members of Congress are now requesting answers from Tavenner, including why she instructed a subordinate, CMS Director of Communications Julie Bataille, to delete the email exchange rather than telling her to retain it as she claimed was the official policy.

As Attkisson notes, those copied on the email exchange included Jeanne Lambrew, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, White House health care advisor Christopher Jennings, as well as other HHS and CMS officials.

In the 2013 email exchange, Tavenner reportedly explained how CMS staff were dealing with the high volume of Obamacare applications as Healthcare.gov failed. She noted officials were accepting PDF files that “look and act like a paper application” while also trying to accept some information online. Eventually, another official asked for more details on the process.

The Department of Health and Human Services recently informed Congress that they would not be able to produce some of Tavenner’s emails requested under a subpoena as they were deleted. Lawmakers, who are investigating the “processes and procedures” that led to the disastrous rollout of Healthcare.gov, were told “most but not all” of the emails would likely be provided.

Tavenner blamed the email loss on the “extremely high volume of emails” that she receives on a daily basis.

The Friday letter from lawmakers asks Tavenner if any other emails were purposefully deleted and how CMS intends on attempting to recover them. Lawmakers also requested an explanation regarding several redactions made in some documents already provided to Congress.

“[N]ow we know that when HealthCare.gov was crashing, those in charge were hitting the delete button behind the scenes,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, said in a statement.

Despite the “delete” request, CMS spokesman Aaron Albright told FoxNews.com that the email exchange was saved anyway.

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well, it's obvious you don't think Obama 'knows his place'. I hope we never find out he banged a white woman, or you'd completely lose your shit.

But, no man, you aren't the least bit racist.

Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

But I heard his boy friends were black ....
GB loves his faggot jokes. Most immature boys do...
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