Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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So because you can't refute what Sowell says...you accuse him of being an Uncle Tom?

No, guy, a fool who defends the right of rednecks to fly the confederate flag is an Uncle Tom beyond anyone's dispute.

Disturbed and self-loathing are the last two descriptors that I would link to Thomas Sowell. He's one of the more comfortable in his own skin men that I've ever met. You tend to be that way when you've come from humble beginnings and accomplished what he has.

Yup, and I'm sure he never benefited from Affirmative Action.

He's like Ben Carson, Mia Love and Clarance Thomas- black folks who go around assuring white folks like you that there fellow blacks sure are shiftless and you are totally good with your bigotry.

Thomas Sowell is the boogieman to you progressives. He's black...he grew up poor...and he started out as a liberal only to change his philosophy the more he examined the world around him. You need to accuse him of being an Uncle Tom, Joe because what he says makes sense and shoots huge, gaping holes in the progressive narrative of the black man as a victim. You don't read Sowell because he scares you.

Actually, what he is is a hypocrite. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave progressives braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights and then insisted on affirmative action so someone would hire him.

Do you even know what Sowell's history is, Joe? You constantly make sweeping statements about things you obviously haven't taken the time to look into...something which makes it difficult to believe that you graduated with a degree in history. Sowell succeeded in life not because of Affirmative Action but because he's an exceptional person! He overcame the loss of his father at an early age. He overcame being given up by his mother because she was too poor to raise another child. He overcame being relocated from rural North Carolina to Harlem. He overcame being forced to drop out of high school because his family needed him to work. He overcame being drafted into the Korean war. He overcame all of those things by sheer hard work. He worked days and went to college nights. He got into Harvard because of excellent grades, high board scores and the recommendations of his professors at Howard. He graduated with honors from Harvard. He got his Masters in one year from Columbia. He received a PhD from the University of Chicago. He's been a professor at some of the best colleges in this nation for the better part of forty years! That isn't someone who rode the coat-tails of Affirmative Action (such as our present President) that's someone who's rejected the very notion of Affirmative Action as something that ultimately holds back minorities in this country.

So because you can't refute what Sowell says...you accuse him of being an Uncle Tom?

No, guy, a fool who defends the right of rednecks to fly the confederate flag is an Uncle Tom beyond anyone's dispute.

Yup, and I'm sure he never benefited from Affirmative Action.

He's like Ben Carson, Mia Love and Clarance Thomas- black folks who go around assuring white folks like you that there fellow blacks sure are shiftless and you are totally good with your bigotry.

Thomas Sowell is the boogieman to you progressives. He's black...he grew up poor...and he started out as a liberal only to change his philosophy the more he examined the world around him. You need to accuse him of being an Uncle Tom, Joe because what he says makes sense and shoots huge, gaping holes in the progressive narrative of the black man as a victim. You don't read Sowell because he scares you.

Actually, what he is is a hypocrite. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave progressives braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights and then insisted on affirmative action so someone would hire him.

Do you even know what Sowell's history is, Joe? You constantly make sweeping statements about things you obviously haven't taken the time to look into...something which makes it difficult to believe that you graduated with a degree in history. Sowell succeeded in life not because of Affirmative Action but because he's an exceptional person! He overcame the loss of his father at an early age. He overcame being given up by his mother because she was too poor to raise another child. He overcame being relocated from rural North Carolina to Harlem. He overcame being forced to drop out of high school because his family needed him to work. He overcame being drafted into the Korean war. He overcame all of those things by sheer hard work. He worked days and went to college nights. He got into Harvard because of excellent grades, high board scores and the recommendations of his professors at Howard. He graduated with honors from Harvard. He got his Masters in one year from Columbia. He received a PhD from the University of Chicago. He's been a professor at some of the best colleges in this nation for the better part of forty years! That isn't someone who rode the coat-tails of Affirmative Action (such as our present President) that's someone who's rejected the very notion of Affirmative Action as something that ultimately holds back minorities in this country.

If you follow this posters History , you will notice he frequently has diarhea of the mouth on topics to which he is absloutely clueless. ..... Giving credit where credit is due - he can be very eloquent at times - but rarely and I mean extremely rarely does he ever display useful knowledge
If you follow this posters History , you will notice he frequently has diarhea of the mouth on topics to which he is absloutely clueless. ..... Giving credit where credit is due - he can be very eloquent at times - but rarely and I mean extremely rarely does he ever display useful knowledge

I'll give credit where credit is due.

You really are just a troll who spews out his homophobia.

Seriously, you need help.

Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

Those people looked MOstly White to me, very few of them looked like "Muslims". And I wasn't aware that the "Diamond District" was a place of worship for Jewish folks. In fact, that almost sounds like a stereotype.


You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

I know exactly what the Confederate Flag represents. It represents White People showing how really stupid they can be by remembering fondly stupid moments in Whiteness.

"Yup, I'm celebrating my Great-Grandpappy Beauregard, who fought for the Confederacy even though he didn't own slaves and got nothing out of it."

At least Germans are smart enough to be embarrassed about the whole Nazi thing.

But you would find it perfectly Okay to walk into a Christian Business and DEMAND they bake a cake for your Gay Wedding - that's not rude ?

Yes, because they are a public accommodation. They opened a business saying "We make wedding cakes". Society makes sure that they can sell wedding cakes through the whole infrastructure that allows them to do so.

Businesses aren't people.

Beyond that, I'll kind of ignore the rest of your youtube postings, because I think I got you to lose your shit- again.
JoeB is right AGAIN. Its obvious that Greenbean has an agenda given his slew of cut 'n paste youtubes at the ready. Oldstyle? Goes w/o saying ;)

Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

Those people looked MOstly White to me, very few of them looked like "Muslims". And I wasn't aware that the "Diamond District" was a place of worship for Jewish folks. In fact, that almost sounds like a stereotype.


You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

I know exactly what the Confederate Flag represents. It represents White People showing how really stupid they can be by remembering fondly stupid moments in Whiteness.

"Yup, I'm celebrating my Great-Grandpappy Beauregard, who fought for the Confederacy even though he didn't own slaves and got nothing out of it."

At least Germans are smart enough to be embarrassed about the whole Nazi thing.

But you would find it perfectly Okay to walk into a Christian Business and DEMAND they bake a cake for your Gay Wedding - that's not rude ?

Yes, because they are a public accommodation. They opened a business saying "We make wedding cakes". Society makes sure that they can sell wedding cakes through the whole infrastructure that allows them to do so.

Businesses aren't people.

Beyond that, I'll kind of ignore the rest of your youtube postings, because I think I got you to lose your shit- again.

Those people looked MOstly White to me, very few of them looked like "Muslims".

Typical JoeB ignorance . What does a Moslem Look like - hypocrite.

And I wasn't aware that the "Diamond District" was a place of worship for Jewish folks.

Love the way you allways try and backpedal - only problem is I have to keep scrolling back to show you your contradictions- because fact of the matter is - even you can't keep track of what you are saying - which is probably why you confuse the shit out of a lot of people who just walk away scratching their head and shrugging their shoulders like ....huh....wtf was that ?

Hey dumb ass - who was talking about a Jewish Place of Worship .... YOU SAID ....

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag

JOEB :In fact, that almost sounds like a stereotype.
JOEB : very few of them looked like "Muslims".

Do you see the Hypocrisy ? WOW
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JoeB is right AGAIN. Its obvious that Greenbean has an agenda given his slew of cut 'n paste youtubes at the ready. Oldstyle? Goes w/o saying ;)

It's very simple to come up with cut and paste you tube videos - you simply have to Google - heck even the most simple minded people can do it - but it's probably too advanced for you.

OT: PSSSssT - Hey Joe , gotta hide the strings a little better next time
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Typical JoeB ignorance . What does a Moslem Look like - hypocrite.

And I wasn't aware that the "Diamond District" was a place of worship for Jewish folks.

Love the way you allways try and backpedal - only problem is I have to keep scrolling back to show you your contradictions- because fact of the matter is - even you can't keep track of what you are saying - which is probably why you confuse the shit out of a lot of people who just walk away scratching their head and shrugging their shoulders like ....huh....wtf was that ?

Hey dumb ass - who was talking about a Jewish Place of Worship .... YOU SAID ....

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag

JOEB :In fact, that almost sounds like a stereotype.
JOEB : very few of them looked like "Muslims".

Do you see the Hypocrisy ? WOW

Guy, you characterized a bunch of white liberals as "Muslims' because they don't like what is going on in Palestine.

Maybe they just don't like seeing children blown to pieces because Bibi wants to look tough.

I don't like what's going on in Palestine, and I'm an atheist.

Also, protesting the policies of Israel is nowhere near flying a swastika flag.

But I think you are really kind of dense and don't get this.

Do you even know what Sowell's history is, Joe? .


Nor do I care to.

Sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Toms were beneath my contempt when I was a Republican, they've sunk lower since.

So you don't know Sowell's history...nor have you read any of his books...and I strongly doubt you've ever attended one of his lectures...yet SOMEHOW you've come to the conclusion that he's a "sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Tom"?

Yeah, you're a history major all right, Joe! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Do you even know what Sowell's history is, Joe? .


Nor do I care to.

Sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Toms were beneath my contempt when I was a Republican, they've sunk lower since.

So you don't know Sowell's history...nor have you read any of his books...and I strongly doubt you've ever attended one of his lectures...yet SOMEHOW you've come to the conclusion that he's a "sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Tom"?

Yeah, you're a history major all right, Joe! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

I've seen him enough times on TV to have him pretty much pegged. Not to mention he peddles the same Conservative Economic Snake Oil ("I've got mine, fuck you") the rest of them do.

It's amazing that anyone can keep watching it fail miserably and then want to try it again.

Nor do I care to.

Sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Toms were beneath my contempt when I was a Republican, they've sunk lower since.

So you don't know Sowell's history...nor have you read any of his books...and I strongly doubt you've ever attended one of his lectures...yet SOMEHOW you've come to the conclusion that he's a "sorry ass self-loathing Uncle Tom"?

Yeah, you're a history major all right, Joe! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

I've seen him enough times on TV to have him pretty much pegged. Not to mention he peddles the same Conservative Economic Snake Oil ("I've got mine, fuck you") the rest of them do.

It's amazing that anyone can keep watching it fail miserably and then want to try it again.

Now I know you don't know dick about Thomas Sowell, Joe because he very rarely appears on TV. Why don't you admit that you don't REALLY know much of anything about Sowell because he's a well known economist and you know NOTHING about economics!!!

Listening to you blather on about what you GUESS are Sowell's views is like watching an Eskimo holding forth on the best way to build sand castles!

Now I know you don't know dick about Thomas Sowell, Joe because he very rarely appears on TV. Why don't you admit that you don't REALLY know much of anything about Sowell because he's a well known economist and you know NOTHING about economics!!!

Listening to you blather on about what you GUESS are Sowell's views is like watching an Eskimo holding forth on the best way to build sand castles!

Yeah, because frankly, Conservative Economic Policies have worked so well.

I have the underwater mortgage and busted 401K to prove it.

Now I know you don't know dick about Thomas Sowell, Joe because he very rarely appears on TV. Why don't you admit that you don't REALLY know much of anything about Sowell because he's a well known economist and you know NOTHING about economics!!!

Listening to you blather on about what you GUESS are Sowell's views is like watching an Eskimo holding forth on the best way to build sand castles!

Yeah, because frankly, Conservative Economic Policies have worked so well.

I have the underwater mortgage and busted 401K to prove it.

Wait a second...
Aren't you the guys praising Obama for the Dow hitting 17,000?
How is your 401K plan fucked up?

Now I know you don't know dick about Thomas Sowell, Joe because he very rarely appears on TV. Why don't you admit that you don't REALLY know much of anything about Sowell because he's a well known economist and you know NOTHING about economics!!!

Listening to you blather on about what you GUESS are Sowell's views is like watching an Eskimo holding forth on the best way to build sand castles!

Yeah, because frankly, Conservative Economic Policies have worked so well.

I have the underwater mortgage and busted 401K to prove it.

Wait a second...
Aren't you the guys praising Obama for the Dow hitting 17,000?
How is your 401K plan fucked up?

I had to cash it out to pay medical bills in 2011.

Yes, it did recover some.
Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.
Exactly how many applications for tax free status were denied? As I recall the answer is "None." Seems to me if a partisan were in charge there would be a lot of denials. Ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One other thought, conservatives are always screaming about the Constitution and free speech. Doesn't that mean that Lerner has the right to call conservatives "assholes" and "Crazies?" What makes you angry about her comments is the fact that she is correct. What is left of the gop is pretty much a group of assholes and crazies!
Yeah, because frankly, Conservative Economic Policies have worked so well.

I have the underwater mortgage and busted 401K to prove it.

Wait a second...
Aren't you the guys praising Obama for the Dow hitting 17,000?
How is your 401K plan fucked up?

I had to cash it out to pay medical bills in 2011.

Yes, it did recover some.

Some? God but you're an economic IDIOT!!!
Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.
Exactly how many applications for tax free status were denied? As I recall the answer is "None." Seems to me if a partisan were in charge there would be a lot of denials. Ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One other thought, conservatives are always screaming about the Constitution and free speech. Doesn't that mean that Lerner has the right to call conservatives "assholes" and "Crazies?" What makes you angry about her comments is the fact that she is correct. What is left of the gop is pretty much a group of assholes and crazies!

Sigh...it wasn't how many were "denied", Ron...it was how many were put into limbo for years. That "none denied" talking point has been shown to be laughable a long time ago! Are you coming late to the party or were you simply not paying attention?
JoeB is right AGAIN. Its obvious that Greenbean has an agenda given his slew of cut 'n paste youtubes at the ready. Oldstyle? Goes w/o saying ;)

i did get him to totally flip out, I guess.

Guy, you characterized a bunch of white liberals as "Muslims' because they don't like what is going on in Palestine.

You don't know that they're white liberals , and you don't know that they're not Moslems and as a matter of fact neirther do I - it matters not one single iota - to the original argument from which you're simply trying to deflect MAN UP asshole you got beat .... AGAIN [lol]

JOE - I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag .. because it's just fucking rude.

GREENBEAN - Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

And as a matter of fact one of the slogans they were chanting was “Intifada!” which is an Arabic word meaning "shaking off", translated into English as "uprising", "resistance" . Further research finds that some were from a group know as JATO - NOT WHITE LIBERALS

you douchebag - you want some immodium D for that bad case of Oral Diarhea ? Do you know what JATO is - Of course you don't -because you're simply a loud mouth ignorant overbearing imbecile - Research it douchebag - maybe you'll learn something b4 spouting your pompous ignorant opinionated Bullshit -

GREENBEAN : You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

JOE: I know exactly what the Confederate Flag represents. It represents White People showing how really stupid they can be by remembering fondly stupid moments in Whiteness.

Try telling that to the former NAACP President who flies it , and a lot of other educated balck and white people - but of course in your vast and uninformed pomposity Joe the asshole believes they're all Uncle Toms -right ? You're so fucking blatantly Ignorant it's unbelievable - You're the left wiong ARchie Bunker -opinionated, overbearing, obnoxious, half a fucking retard and about as thick as petrified shit.

JOE: I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common

No Pal - In the Real World Scum Like You have proven a few things -
there is no such as common courtesy -
there is no such thing as free speech
there is no such thing as freedom of expression
there is no such thing as justice
there is no such thing as personal Liberty
there is no such thing as the Constitution

Unless ..

It prostrates itself to you definitions of Political Correctness
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