Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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"For starters. I was illegally fired for running up too many medical bills, and they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money. NOt that I resolve problems by suing people, but that's what went down"​
Bullshit - based on the psychological profile I've built on you - it's apparent you were terminated because you coldn't pass drug test

Sorry, man, don't do drugs. And frankly, guy, if you want to do "profiles", then you are probably a latent homosexual who lashes out at gays because you are fighting down your own feelings.

A lot of Health Insurance Carriers won't cover self inflicted injuries , or ODs , excessive STDs or substance abuse problems - that's fairly reasonable.

None of which applied here. What they wouldn't cover were things like physical therapy, deducatables, things like that.

What was that about the pot calling the kettle black ? From what I can see - you got whooped again Joe - again .... Don't cry little fella - someday ,somewhere you'll find someone dumber than you are.

Oh, Beanie, you never had a point, little Homophobe. You are still weeping about that time at Camp and the ass-kicking you got afterwards.
If that lawsuit HAD gone through 3 years of litigation the cost to your former employer would have probably been more than $200,000. If you had a clue about wrongful termination suits (which a competent lawyer would have explained to you) you'd grasp the fact that a $10,000 dollar pay out is laughably small.

You're such an idiot that you cash out your 401K and take a huge penalty to pay a few thousand dollars in medical bills when you could have recouped far more than that from pursuing legal action against those who illegally terminated your job.

That ten grand should have been classified as "Stupid pay".
If that lawsuit HAD gone through 3 years of litigation the cost to your former employer would have probably been more than $200,000. If you had a clue about wrongful termination suits (which a competent lawyer would have explained to you) you'd grasp the fact that a $10,000 dollar pay out is laughably small.

You're such an idiot that you cash out your 401K and take a huge penalty to pay a few thousand dollars in medical bills when you could have recouped far more than that from pursuing legal action against those who illegally terminated your job.

That ten grand should have been classified as "Stupid pay".

Two problems with that.

1) I don't resolve my problems by suing people. The 10K was them admitting they were in the wrong, which is pretty much all I really wanted.
2) In my line of work, which involves making contracts, you REALLY REALLY don't want your name coming up in relation to lawsuits. Joe B. v. Evil Packaging Company is pretty much a job killer on a job search.
3) I only cashed out what I needed, the rest I rolled over into something else. In any event, I had to get out of that 401K at some point anyway, as I didn't work there anymore.
That's what I went to school for - Masters Degree, stopped shy of a doctorate, and that was my profession for a good portion of my adult working life. Based on information you provided I ascertain whether you're being truthful or not and construct a psychological profile - in your case it's a tad more difficult because you're generally full of shit but you've given enough truthful information to ascertain that you have some serious psychologiocal issues.

how can someone with so much education be a piss-ignorant homophobe. Smart people are never homophobes.

You claim to be an atheist - but have no logical, factual or rational basis for your beliefs. You once stated you were subjected to abuse by a religous figure when your Mom passed , and that you wanted to bash her brains out .

No, I wanted to bash her brains out because she said something INCREDIBLY STUPID to me at the wrong moment.

You applauded the fact that Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge murdered all the religous figures in Cambodia when they took power -[ hell you almost creamed in your jeans ]. From these and a few other tidbits of data I can safely assume you have a hatred of all things religous and all things Godly and good . They must have abused the shit out of you in that Catholic School - huh ? There's more , a lot more, and I could probably gather even more if I were so inclined - but you ain't worth my time.

Not really. I just hate religious assholes because almost all of you are assholes. I'm actually slightly cooler with the Catholics than I am with, let's say the Mormons.

Don't believe my abilities - that's cool.Just go ask Gadawg - based on information he gave up over time I was able to ascertain who he was - his real identity, and even told him where he went school , how old he was, where his office was located, his college footbal team ....... stopped short of telling him his home address out of respect for his privacy . It's a Hobby Joey Boy - like collecting tropical fish - and your just a bottom feeder . ;)

Guy, I rarely agree with Gadawg, but frankly, every one of those threads, he wiped the floor with you and left you a quivering mass.
Two problems with that.

1) I don't resolve my problems by suing people. The 10K was them admitting they were in the wrong, which is pretty much all I really wanted.
2) In my line of work, which involves making contracts, you REALLY REALLY don't want your name coming up in relation to lawsuits. Joe B. v. Evil Packaging Company is pretty much a job killer on a job search.
3) I only cashed out what I needed, the rest I rolled over into something else. In any event, I had to get out of that 401K at some point anyway, as I didn't work there anymore.

Why wouldn't you resolve being illegally terminated by suing the company that did it? God knows you've ranted about how badly they screwed you over enough times on this board. It appears to be the basis of your hatred of all things private sector. So you let these evil people off the hook with a token payment...happy that they admitted they were in the wrong?

Then you state that you had another job almost right away? Well pardon me, Joe but if that's the case why are you having to take money out of a 401K plan and pay the penalty that invokes? You had to do THAT to pay a medical bill of a few thousand? Really?

But let's say that you are so broke that you can't pay a few thousand in medical bills. (Bills that every hospital or doctor almost universally will quite readily work out payment plans!) Why wouldn't you simply borrow against your 401K and then repay it at a later time thus not subjecting you to a substantial tax penalty?

You really don't know a whole lot about personal finance...do you, Joe?
Why wouldn't you resolve being illegally terminated by suing the company that did it? God knows you've ranted about how badly they screwed you over enough times on this board. It appears to be the basis of your hatred of all things private sector. So you let these evil people off the hook with a token payment...happy that they admitted they were in the wrong?

Then you state that you had another job almost right away? Well pardon me, Joe but if that's the case why are you having to take money out of a 401K plan and pay the penalty that invokes? You had to do THAT to pay a medical bill of a few thousand? Really?

But let's say that you are so broke that you can't pay a few thousand in medical bills. (Bills that every hospital or doctor almost universally will quite readily work out payment plans!) Why wouldn't you simply borrow against your 401K and then repay it at a later time thus not subjecting you to a substantial tax penalty?

You really don't know a whole lot about personal finance...do you, Joe?

My Personal finances were just fine until that Cocksucker Bush showed up, thanks.

And, no, while this probably doesn't compute with you, putting all my friends at that company in a position where they'd have to testify on my behalf or face possible retaliation? While a complete douchebag like you would have no problem doing that, I have reservations about screwing it up for someone else.

They admitted they were in the wrong.

Now we fix the country so that shit stops happening.

ObamaCare was a great start.
My Personal finances were just fine until that Cocksucker Bush showed up, thanks.

And, no, while this probably doesn't compute with you, putting all my friends at that company in a position where they'd have to testify on my behalf or face possible retaliation? While a complete douchebag like you would have no problem doing that, I have reservations about screwing it up for someone else.

They admitted they were in the wrong.

Now we fix the country so that shit stops happening.

ObamaCare was a great start.

W. took money out of your bank account? Really, Joe? Sounds like you were living paycheck to paycheck to me.

And if you really WERE terminated from your job...any people working in the company testifying for you would be protected under Federal "whistle blower" laws. If the company was willing to pay you ten grand to just go away I find it highly unlikely that they would leave themselves open for a much bigger lawsuit from the Feds for the violation of your coworker's rights.
W. took money out of your bank account? Really, Joe? Sounds like you were living paycheck to paycheck to me.

Most people did under Cocksucker Bush's presidency. And, yeah, the Cocksucker did fuck it up pretty badly for most of us.

I'm just happy I still have both legs. A lot of guys can't say that thanks to the Cocksucker.

And if you really WERE terminated from your job...any people working in the company testifying for you would be protected under Federal "whistle blower" laws. If the company was willing to pay you ten grand to just go away I find it highly unlikely that they would leave themselves open for a much bigger lawsuit from the Feds for the violation of your coworker's rights.

Okay, guy, real world.

Illinois is an "At-Will" employment state. They really don't have to give you a reason for letting you go.

Again, I'm sure you'd happily put people who called you a friend in that position, because that's the sort of selfish asshole you are.

I figured, I got my Severance package, I got a new job two weeks later, why put them through that kind of grief. Within a year, everyone involved got fired themselves as the company continued to flounder.
40% of the world's wealth evaporated into thin air during the last Repub Presidency. Prolly 'cause they don't like to staff agencies that safeguard the public. What did Greenspan say? Oh yeah- the markets/banksters will regulate themselves lol.
Most people did under Cocksucker Bush's presidency. And, yeah, the Cocksucker did fuck it up pretty badly for most of us.

I'm just happy I still have both legs. A lot of guys can't say that thanks to the Cocksucker.

Okay, guy, real world.

Illinois is an "At-Will" employment state. They really don't have to give you a reason for letting you go.

Again, I'm sure you'd happily put people who called you a friend in that position, because that's the sort of selfish asshole you are.

I figured, I got my Severance package, I got a new job two weeks later, why put them through that kind of grief. Within a year, everyone involved got fired themselves as the company continued to flounder.

Does Illinois being an "At-Will" employment State mean that they are not subject to FEDERAL whistle blower statutes? They may not have to give a reason for letting someone go but if they have done so because the person testified against the company in a wrongful termination suit then I can assure you that they WILL have to give that reason when they are sued by the Feds!

So how much "grief" did you save your friends in the long run, Joe? If they HAD testified against the company they most likely wouldn't have been fired because your old bosses would have been scared of the resulting law suits.
40% of the world's wealth evaporated into thin air during the last Repub Presidency. Prolly 'cause they don't like to staff agencies that safeguard the public. What did Greenspan say? Oh yeah- the markets/banksters will regulate themselves lol.

The last crash was due to a massive real estate bubble...a bubble that was caused in great part because of the actions of liberal politicians to force lending institutions to make loans that they would have NEVER made under previous standards.
how can someone with so much education be a piss-ignorant homophobe. Smart people are never homophobes.

No, I wanted to bash her brains out because she said something INCREDIBLY STUPID to me at the wrong moment.

Not really. I just hate religious assholes because almost all of you are assholes. I'm actually slightly cooler with the Catholics than I am with, let's say the Mormons.

Guy, I rarely agree with Gadawg, but frankly, every one of those threads, he wiped the floor with you and left you a quivering mass.

how can someone with so much education be a piss-ignorant homophobe. Smart people are never homophobes.
Tell that to Nicholas Cummings who has an IQ in the 270 percentile or Jeffrey Santinover, or Dr. Rogers Wright Cummings, Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, Dr Susan Lerner all of them considered Brilliant - all anti-gay - not due to any irrational fear or hatred - but due to informed and well researched knowledge. You should try it sometime Joe, and stop sticking your foot in your mouth.

No, I wanted to bash her brains out because she said something INCREDIBLY STUPID to me at the wrong moment.
That doesn't excuse smashing a little old ladies head into a wall, nor does it excuse your applauding the executions of thousands of innocent Buddhist priests at the hands of Pol Pot. Do you salivate when you hear that several thousand Rabbis died in the Nazi Gas Chambers ? Did you get your rocks off thinking about all the Christians and other petty tribal religious leaders being massacred by ISIS ?

Not really. I just hate religious assholes because almost all of you are assholes. I'm actually slightly cooler with the Catholics than I am with, let's say the Mormons.
Do not include me in with religous crowd , I was once a Christian and set out on Research project to prove the historical existence of Jesus - By the culmination of my project which lasted about a year and a half, I no longer considered myself a Christian - because Jesus never existed . My conclusions and beliefs are based on objective factual Research not psychotic fixations based on and derived from childhood traumatic experiences as yours are . As with all your opinions - nothing I've ever seen you flap your jaws about has much of a foundation in reality - you're a sick bastard Joe - get Help

Guy, I rarely agree with Gadawg, but frankly, every one of those threads, he wiped the floor with you and left you a quivering mass.
You're funny :laugh2: --- Gadawg has never beaten anyone in a debate -I'd like to say he's the dumbest MF on the USMB .... but there's still you, rdean , paintmyass, and Jake Starkey who are all in competition for douchebag of the decade.
Sorry, man, don't do drugs
You Can't be serious , you mean you're like that normally - HOLY SHIT ! And all his time time I thought you were just stoned off your rocker. You really are fucked in the head aren't you ?

And frankly, guy, if you want to do "profiles", then you are probably a latent homosexual who lashes out at gays because you are fighting down your own feelings.
Sorry Joe, didn't realize you were queer. And so far as this conversation goes - you're the one who keeps dwelling on sexual perversions - what did you run out of ammo oin the logistical front ?

if you want to do "profiles" ....
That's what I went to school for - Masters Degree, stopped shy of a doctorate, and that was my profession for a good portion of my adult working life. Based on information you provided I ascertain whether you're being truthful or not and construct a psychological profile - in your case it's a tad more difficult because you're generally full of shit but you've given enough truthful information to ascertain that you have some serious psychologiocal issues.

You claim to be an atheist - but have no logical, factual or rational basis for your beliefs. You once stated you were subjected to abuse by a religous figure when your Mom passed , and that you wanted to bash her brains out . You applauded the fact that Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge murdered all the religous figures in Cambodia when they took power -[ hell you almost creamed in your jeans ]. From these and a few other tidbits of data I can safely assume you have a hatred of all things religous and all things Godly and good . They must have abused the shit out of you in that Catholic School - huh ? There's more , a lot more, and I could probably gather even more if I were so inclined - but you ain't worth my time.

Don't believe my abilities - that's cool.Just go ask Gadawg - based on information he gave up over time I was able to ascertain who he was - his real identity, and even told him where he went school , how old he was, where his office was located, his college footbal team ....... stopped short of telling him his home address out of respect for his privacy . It's a Hobby Joey Boy - like collecting tropical fish - and your just a bottom feeder . ;)

The bolded, in red: that is data-mining and is absolutely prohibited in USMB. Even worse, you explicitly named the member whom you data-mined. Reported.

Anyone who has ever had any contact with GreenBean on this forum should read this posting of his and realize that anything they write may be used against them via data-mining on the part of GreenBean.
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40% of the world's wealth evaporated into thin air during the last Repub Presidency. Prolly 'cause they don't like to staff agencies that safeguard the public. What did Greenspan say? Oh yeah- the markets/banksters will regulate themselves lol.

Shhh... you can't tell that to people like Dog Style. He's the one who wanted to give Ken Lay the Medal of Freedom. Right after he signed over his soul to the Koch Brothers.
Does Illinois being an "At-Will" employment State mean that they are not subject to FEDERAL whistle blower statutes? They may not have to give a reason for letting someone go but if they have done so because the person testified against the company in a wrongful termination suit then I can assure you that they WILL have to give that reason when they are sued by the Feds!

So how much "grief" did you save your friends in the long run, Joe? If they HAD testified against the company they most likely wouldn't have been fired because your old bosses would have been scared of the resulting law suits.

You really think a lot of these people would have sued over a middle class job. Obviously, you don't really understand how difficult suing an employer is. Now, there is ONE guy who did sue them and got $300,000, but it took him 3 years to do it, and in his case, it was a work-related injury.

Now, you might be enough of a douchebag where you'd ask your friends to risk their jobs for you. I'm not. (I also don't see anyone you work with going to the wall for you. I see you more of the guy they have a party over when you leave.)
how can someone with so much education be a piss-ignorant homophobe. Smart people are never homophobes.
Tell that to Nicholas Cummings who has an IQ in the 270 percentile or Jeffrey Santinover, or Dr. Rogers Wright Cummings, Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, Dr Susan Lerner all of them considered Brilliant - all anti-gay - not due to any irrational fear or hatred - but due to informed and well researched knowledge. You should try it sometime Joe, and stop sticking your foot in your mouth.


Gee, I don't see those people as being "smart". I just see them as hateful bigots.

I'm surprised you didn't add "Doctor Laura" onto that list.
The last crash was due to a massive real estate bubble...a bubble that was caused in great part because of the actions of liberal politicians to force lending institutions to make loans that they would have NEVER made under previous standards.

Bullshit. No one was "forced" to make a loan. They were just told they couldn't discriminate against qualified applicants. And this was back in the 1970's.

The Community Re-investment Act did not cause the Great Recession. Even the Banking Industry is not making this claim.

Fannie, Freddie, and the CRA are Not Responsible for the Financial Crisis - CBS News

However, the evidence does not support the second explanation. First, with respect to the CRA, the main culprits in the crisis were private sector financial institutions that were not subject to the requirements of the CRA. In the story being pushed by free market advocates, the CRA forced banks to make loans to unqualified, low-income households. When those loans blew up, it caused the financial crisis. But the largest players in the subprime market were private sector firms that were not subject to the CRA's rules and regulations. For example, "Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics." The largest losses had nothing to do with banks covered by the CRA.

Second, even if the banks themselves were subject to the CRA, not all loans that they made were covered by these rules. Even in banks where the CRA applied, most of the problems were in loans that did not fall under the CRA's jurisdiction.

in short, the Recession was NOT caused by poor people buying houses. It was caused by middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford.

Gee, I don't see those people as being "smart". I just see them as hateful bigots.

I'm surprised you didn't add "Doctor Laura" onto that list.

Gee, I don't see those people as being "smart". I just see them as hateful bigots.​

And they would see you as an ignorant redneck -the difference being they are highly educated , highly intelligent and are able to think outside the box - they are capable of free and iindependent informed original and intelligent thought.

Your thoughts on the other hand are psychotic manifestations derived from painful personal experiences. Your conclusions on people with opinions that differ from your own psychotic opinions are based on an irrational association of these people with groups and categorizations that your uninformed and irrational bias associates with the people who inflicted so much trauma on you in your formulative years, and quite possibly early adulthood.

I'm surprised you didn't add "Doctor Laura" onto that list​

I don't know Dr.Laura - I believe she's the target of some left wing hate group - or someone who once stuck her foot in her mouth - and I'm not inclined to google it at present.

** ALso - Your post directly above this one Re: Fannie Mae , Fredie Mac.... McMansions etc... BRAVO !!! Ya See Joe - I don't know why everyone says your so stupid
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