Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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You don't know that they're white liberals , and you don't know that they're not Moslems and as a matter of fact neirther do I - it matters not one single iota - to the original argument from which you're simply trying to deflect MAN UP asshole you got beat .... AGAIN [lol]

JOE - I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag .. because it's just fucking rude.

GREENBEAN - Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

Guy, criticizing the genocidal policies of the Zionists is not the same thing as getting in people's faces with a Swastika. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

The Zionists are pretty much at the same level of the Nazis. The rest of the world sees this. We Americans can't, probably because they've got our media in a vice-grip.

And as a matter of fact one of the slogans they were chanting was “Intifada!” which is an Arabic word meaning "shaking off", translated into English as "uprising", "resistance" . Further research finds that some were from a group know as JATO - NOT WHITE LIBERALS

you douchebag - you want some immodium D for that bad case of Oral Diarhea ? Do you know what JATO is - Of course you don't -because you're simply a loud mouth ignorant overbearing imbecile - Research it douchebag - maybe you'll learn something b4 spouting your pompous ignorant opinionated Bullshit -

Guy, I watched the tape. It's a bunch of sissy white liberals bitching about Palestine.

GREENBEAN : You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

JOE: I know exactly what the Confederate Flag represents. It represents White People showing how really stupid they can be by remembering fondly stupid moments in Whiteness.

Try telling that to the former NAACP President who flies it , and a lot of other educated balck and white people - but of course in your vast and uninformed pomposity Joe the asshole believes they're all Uncle Toms -right ? You're so fucking blatantly Ignorant it's unbelievable - You're the left wiong ARchie Bunker -opinionated, overbearing, obnoxious, half a fucking retard and about as thick as petrified shit.

The only people I've ever seen fly Confederate flags are piss-ignorant white people. Usually from the South. Usually not much more economically ahead of the blacks they hate so much.

The Racist, much like the Homophobe, is being played by the people who really make their lives miserable.

JOE: I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common

No Pal - In the Real World Scum Like You have proven a few things -
there is no such as common courtesy -
there is no such thing as free speech
there is no such thing as freedom of expression
there is no such thing as justice
there is no such thing as personal Liberty
there is no such thing as the Constitution

Unless ..

It prostrates itself to you definitions of Political Correctness

Guy, you are flipping out.

Here's your real problem. You are finding yourself on the wrong end of the argument.

No one is taking you off to a re-education camp because you are losing your shit over gay people.

It's just that everyone is just rolling their eyes at you like some crazy old uncle who embarrasses people at family dinners.
I had to cash it out to pay medical bills in 2011.

Yes, it did recover some.

Some? God but you're an economic IDIOT!!!

Guy, the whole Stock Market is a scam, much like the Casinos. I'd have done just as well taking my money to a casino.

Since the stock market almost doubled in the two years prior to your cashing out you're as full of shit about this as you are about most things economic. You combine ignorance and self delusion, Joe. Did you even own stocks?
Some? God but you're an economic IDIOT!!!

Guy, the whole Stock Market is a scam, much like the Casinos. I'd have done just as well taking my money to a casino.

Since the stock market almost doubled in the two years prior to your cashing out you're as full of shit about this as you are about most things economic. You combine ignorance and self delusion, Joe. Did you even own stocks?

I had a 401K that lost 60% of its value in Bush's recession.


In 2011, (Three years after leaving the job it was related to due to getting let go illegally after running up medical bills) I had to cash what what left in it out to pay medical bills said insurance wouldn't cover. Yes, it regained some of what it lost, but frankly, I'm never getting back on that horse.

Seriously, guy, everything wrong with capitalism. THe rich got richer, the rest of us had to bail them out, they got to keep their bonuses, the rest of us ended up with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

But, no, let's elect Jeb Bush. Theres' still just a bit of the middle class his brother and father hadn't managed to wipe out.

You don't know that they're white liberals , and you don't know that they're not Moslems and as a matter of fact neirther do I - it matters not one single iota - to the original argument from which you're simply trying to deflect MAN UP asshole you got beat .... AGAIN [lol]

JOE - I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag .. because it's just fucking rude.

GREENBEAN - Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

Guy, criticizing the genocidal policies of the Zionists is not the same thing as getting in people's faces with a Swastika. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

The Zionists are pretty much at the same level of the Nazis. The rest of the world sees this. We Americans can't, probably because they've got our media in a vice-grip.

And as a matter of fact one of the slogans they were chanting was “Intifada!” which is an Arabic word meaning "shaking off", translated into English as "uprising", "resistance" . Further research finds that some were from a group know as JATO - NOT WHITE LIBERALS

you douchebag - you want some immodium D for that bad case of Oral Diarhea ? Do you know what JATO is - Of course you don't -because you're simply a loud mouth ignorant overbearing imbecile - Research it douchebag - maybe you'll learn something b4 spouting your pompous ignorant opinionated Bullshit -

Guy, I watched the tape. It's a bunch of sissy white liberals bitching about Palestine.

GREENBEAN : You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

JOE: I know exactly what the Confederate Flag represents. It represents White People showing how really stupid they can be by remembering fondly stupid moments in Whiteness.

Try telling that to the former NAACP President who flies it , and a lot of other educated balck and white people - but of course in your vast and uninformed pomposity Joe the asshole believes they're all Uncle Toms -right ? You're so fucking blatantly Ignorant it's unbelievable - You're the left wiong ARchie Bunker -opinionated, overbearing, obnoxious, half a fucking retard and about as thick as petrified shit.

The only people I've ever seen fly Confederate flags are piss-ignorant white people. Usually from the South. Usually not much more economically ahead of the blacks they hate so much.

The Racist, much like the Homophobe, is being played by the people who really make their lives miserable.

JOE: I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common

No Pal - In the Real World Scum Like You have proven a few things -
there is no such as common courtesy -
there is no such thing as free speech
there is no such thing as freedom of expression
there is no such thing as justice
there is no such thing as personal Liberty
there is no such thing as the Constitution

Unless ..

It prostrates itself to you definitions of Political Correctness

Guy, you are flipping out.

Here's your real problem. You are finding yourself on the wrong end of the argument.

No one is taking you off to a re-education camp because you are losing your shit over gay people.

It's just that everyone is just rolling their eyes at you like some crazy old uncle who embarrasses people at family dinners.

They say that ignorance is bliss, that being the case you must be one blissful little libtard. Or are you off your meds again ? In any event - I hate to tell you this Joe - but your inferiority complex is fully justified - those Nuns must have really fucked with your head - huh ? ... Is that all they fucked with Joe .... or perhaps it was the priests who fucked with ya ?

In any event - it's been a pleasure proving you wrong again -But I will admit - you are a Master at wiggling off the hook with the incessant back pedaling and deflecting . Doesn't change the outcome -end result -you lose again -actually not once -but twice - as I've been watching Oldstyle smack you around the whole time .... Oh and Joe , put that sock puppet of yours back in the drawer -it's not very convincing.
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They say that ignorance is bliss, that being the case you must be one blissful little libtard. Or are you off your meds again ? In any event - I hate to tell you this Joe - but your inferiority complex is fully justified - those Nuns must have really fucked with your head - huh ? ... Is that all they fucked with Joe .... or perhaps it was the priests who fucked with ya ?

In any event - it's been a pleasure proving you wrong again -But I will admit - you are a Master at wiggling off the hook with the incessant back pedaling and deflecting . Doesn't change the outcome -end result -you lose again -

Guy, you're the one who've been losing his shit for the last five pages.

Your perverted fantasies involving priests aside, the fact is, you are on the wrong side of history. People will not look back at homophobes like you as defenders of freedom, but old bigots who hated for no good reason.

They say that ignorance is bliss, that being the case you must be one blissful little libtard. Or are you off your meds again ? In any event - I hate to tell you this Joe - but your inferiority complex is fully justified - those Nuns must have really fucked with your head - huh ? ... Is that all they fucked with Joe .... or perhaps it was the priests who fucked with ya ?

In any event - it's been a pleasure proving you wrong again -But I will admit - you are a Master at wiggling off the hook with the incessant back pedaling and deflecting . Doesn't change the outcome -end result -you lose again -

Guy, you're the one who've been losing his shit for the last five pages.

Your perverted fantasies involving priests aside, the fact is, you are on the wrong side of history. People will not look back at homophobes like you as defenders of freedom, but old bigots who hated for no good reason.

Neither this thread or this conversation has anything to do with homosexuals, homophobes or anything related - yet you are still trying to deflect and wiggle off the hook... huh you slimy little worm .

You Lost - end of story - you allways lose, yet are never man enough to admit it - because you're an immature little child. ...... At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats describes you to a tee - Grow up Little Fella - that Nun really did a number on you didn't she ?
Guy, the whole Stock Market is a scam, much like the Casinos. I'd have done just as well taking my money to a casino.

Since the stock market almost doubled in the two years prior to your cashing out you're as full of shit about this as you are about most things economic. You combine ignorance and self delusion, Joe. Did you even own stocks?

I had a 401K that lost 60% of its value in Bush's recession.


In 2011, (Three years after leaving the job it was related to due to getting let go illegally after running up medical bills) I had to cash what what left in it out to pay medical bills said insurance wouldn't cover. Yes, it regained some of what it lost, but frankly, I'm never getting back on that horse.

Seriously, guy, everything wrong with capitalism. THe rich got richer, the rest of us had to bail them out, they got to keep their bonuses, the rest of us ended up with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

But, no, let's elect Jeb Bush. Theres' still just a bit of the middle class his brother and father hadn't managed to wipe out.

How exactly did YOU bail out the rich? You didn't leave your job...you got canned. From all appearances you then sat on your ass and collected unemployment until that ran out several years later. Then you whine because you had to close your 401K down to pay your bills and it wasn't as high as it was at the height of the bubble. At the same time you've stated here that you have a full time job...another part time job...and a job that you do on weekends. And all of your "problems" are the fault of the Bush family?

You're so fucking clueless, Joe it doesn't surprise me in the least that you're floundering.
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Some? God but you're an economic IDIOT!!!

Guy, the whole Stock Market is a scam, much like the Casinos. I'd have done just as well taking my money to a casino.

Since the stock market almost doubled in the two years prior to your cashing out you're as full of shit about this as you are about most things economic. You combine ignorance and self delusion, Joe. Did you even own stocks?

If he can compare portfolio management with gambling in a casino....then he does not have a portfolio.

He is likely one of those guys that refused to conform to the basic etiquette of business and therefore never got passed an hourly job file papers...and now blames others for his inability to amass any type of wealth.

I know his type. I see them everyday.
Does Oldstyle always just "make stuff up"? JoeB pwned both of you clowns.

lol....if you are the one who JoeB falls back on to "prove" he was in the right, then he has a bigger issue than being outright wrong.
Does Oldstyle always just "make stuff up"? JoeB pwned both of you clowns.

Oh, Dottie...JoeB hasn't "pwned" anyone in so long he's reaching Deanie status! Give him some positive rep though, little buddy...it'll make you both feel like you're accomplishing something here.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Neither this thread or this conversation has anything to do with homosexuals, homophobes or anything related - yet you are still trying to deflect and wiggle off the hook... huh you slimy little worm .

You Lost - end of story - you allways lose, yet are never man enough to admit it - because you're an immature little child. ...... At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats describes you to a tee - Grow up Little Fella - that Nun really did a number on you didn't she ?

Guy, at the end of the day, you're the one who lost his shit because he couldn't hold up his end of an argument.
How exactly did YOU bail out the rich? You didn't leave your job...you got canned. From all appearances you then sat on your ass and collected unemployment until that ran out several years later. Then you whine because you had to close your 401K down to pay your bills and it wasn't as high as it was at the height of the bubble. At the same time you've stated here that you have a full time job...another part time job...and a job that you do on weekends. And all of your "problems" are the fault of the Bush family?

You're so fucking clueless, Joe it doesn't surprise me in the least that you're floundering.

Wow, guy, you are wrong about everything.

For starters. I was illegally fired for running up too many medical bills, and they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money. NOt that I resolve problems by suing people, but that's what went down.

I got a new job less than two weeks later. (A company that had offered me a position some months before but I turned down, and where I still work today.) I wasn't even off long enough to collect unemployment.

But there was a problem... thousands of dollars in unresolved medical bills they didn't cover. So I had to cash some of that money out.

And yes, I have to work a part time job while trying to build a personal business. But again, when losing your argument, talk about the other guy.
Guy, at the end of the day, you're the one who lost his shit because he couldn't hold up his end of an argument.

So that's your concession ? -yes Joe it's quite obvious you couldn't hold up your shit - so you dumped it on the rest of us. You've done nothing but make uninformed , unsubstantiated bogus claims that you were never able to back up. Basically Diarhea of the Mouth - which is your normal Modus Operandi - It's been a pleasure pissing on you again. Regards
So that's your concession ? -yes Joe it's quite obvious you couldn't hold up your shit - so you dumped it on the rest of us. You've done nothing but make uninformed , unsubstantiated bogus claims that you were never able to back up. Basically Diarhea of the Mouth - which is your normal Modus Operandi - It's been a pleasure pissing on you again. Regards

Funny, guy, all I see is you getting pissed off and made a fool of. I'm starting to wonder what kind of masochist you are.
Wow, guy, you are wrong about everything.

For starters. I was illegally fired for running up too many medical bills, and they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money. NOt that I resolve problems by suing people, but that's what went down.

I got a new job less than two weeks later. (A company that had offered me a position some months before but I turned down, and where I still work today.) I wasn't even off long enough to collect unemployment.

But there was a problem... thousands of dollars in unresolved medical bills they didn't cover. So I had to cash some of that money out.

And yes, I have to work a part time job while trying to build a personal business. But again, when losing your argument, talk about the other guy.

"For starters. I was illegally fired for running up too many medical bills, and they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money. NOt that I resolve problems by suing people, but that's what went down"​
Bullshit - based on the psychological profile I've built on you - it's apparent you were terminated because you coldn't pass drug test

I got a new job less than two weeks later. (A company that had offered me a position some months before but I turned down, and where I still work today.) I wasn't even off long enough to collect unemployment.
Translated -You switched from making Big Macs to flipping Whoppers.

But there was a problem... thousands of dollars in unresolved medical bills they didn't cover. So I had to cash some of that money out.
A lot of Health Insurance Carriers won't cover self inflicted injuries , or ODs , excessive STDs or substance abuse problems - that's fairly reasonable.

And yes, I have to work a part time job while trying to build a personal business.
Isn't that a conflict of interest -cleaning toilets at Wendys while you flip Whoppers at Burger King ?

But again, when losing your argument, talk about the other guy
What was that about the pot calling the kettle black ? From what I can see - you got whooped again Joe - again .... Don't cry little fella - someday ,somewhere you'll find someone dumber than you are.
You got ten thousand for an illegal firing? Are you kidding me, Joe? The average payout for a wrongful termination lawsuit is forty grand. Once again you're demonstrating that you don't have a clue what you are doing when it comes to anything to do with money.
You got ten thousand for an illegal firing? Are you kidding me, Joe? The average payout for a wrongful termination lawsuit is forty grand. Once again you're demonstrating that you don't have a clue what you are doing when it comes to anything to do with money.

Yeah, so I got $10,000 for me as opposed to $40,000 which my lawyer would have gotten most of after three years of litigation. (IT was classified as "Separation pay").
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