Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Oh, Thomas Sowell? That hack?

It does explain much.

I remember him trying to explain once about how the Civil War wasn't about Slavery, so the Confederate Flag was totally cool with him.

Sowell is a "hack"? Now that's amusing, Joe!

Nah, why would someone as well educated in economics as YOU want to read a "hack" like Thomas Sowell? (Eye-roll)

I don't read Thomas Sowell because like most black conservatives, I think he's a pretty disturbed self-loathing Uncle Tom.

Seriously, a black conservative is like a Chicken who loves Colonel Sanders. some serious self-loathing going on there.
Ah, I hate to break this to you Joe but almost all of Barry's girlfriends were white before he met Michelle. Quite frankly, I could care less.

ANd that really burns you, doesn't it?

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] , you are one lazy ass s.o.b. Oldstyle wooped your ass in that little exchange - and the best you can do is play your dumb ass little race card - you are a loser - better luck next time Pal .

Sorry, DogStyle didn't do anything but expose his Stage Four Obama Derangement Syndrome.

His head would explode b4 he made it through the Introduction. Only pictures are Graphs and Charts - which are way over his head anyway.

The Crash of 2008 invalidates ANYTHING conservatives have to say about economics.

They got everything they wanted. - Low taxes, free trade, busting up unions, etc.

And it was a complete fucking disaster.

We are done.
ANd that really burns you, doesn't it?

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] , you are one lazy ass s.o.b. Oldstyle wooped your ass in that little exchange - and the best you can do is play your dumb ass little race card - you are a loser - better luck next time Pal .

Sorry, DogStyle didn't do anything but expose his Stage Four Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You're Funny - I'm gonna make it my hobby pissing you off :lol: But later Pal - for now .... as you were .
[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] , you are one lazy ass s.o.b. Oldstyle wooped your ass in that little exchange - and the best you can do is play your dumb ass little race card - you are a loser - better luck next time Pal .

Sorry, DogStyle didn't do anything but expose his Stage Four Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You're Funny - I'm gonna make it my hobby pissing you off :lol: But later Pal - for now .... as you were .

Guy, frankly, you're sort of a weak arguer, so I don't worry much about you.

You probably ought to stick the homophobic threads, you'll make yourself look much less sily agreeing with Silly-hate that gays sure are evil.
Oh, Thomas Sowell? That hack?

It does explain much.

I remember him trying to explain once about how the Civil War wasn't about Slavery, so the Confederate Flag was totally cool with him.

Sowell is a "hack"? Now that's amusing, Joe!

Nah, why would someone as well educated in economics as YOU want to read a "hack" like Thomas Sowell? (Eye-roll)

I don't read Thomas Sowell because like most black conservatives, I think he's a pretty disturbed self-loathing Uncle Tom.

Seriously, a black conservative is like a Chicken who loves Colonel Sanders. some serious self-loathing going on there.

So because you can't refute what Sowell says...you accuse him of being an Uncle Tom?

Disturbed and self-loathing are the last two descriptors that I would link to Thomas Sowell. He's one of the more comfortable in his own skin men that I've ever met. You tend to be that way when you've come from humble beginnings and accomplished what he has.

Thomas Sowell is the boogieman to you progressives. He's black...he grew up poor...and he started out as a liberal only to change his philosophy the more he examined the world around him. You need to accuse him of being an Uncle Tom, Joe because what he says makes sense and shoots huge, gaping holes in the progressive narrative of the black man as a victim. You don't read Sowell because he scares you.

His head would explode b4 he made it through the Introduction. Only pictures are Graphs and Charts - which are way over his head anyway.

The Crash of 2008 invalidates ANYTHING conservatives have to say about economics.

They got everything they wanted. - Low taxes, free trade, busting up unions, etc.

And it was a complete fucking disaster.

We are done.

So the crash of 2008 was caused by low taxes, free trade and union busting? Really?

Your knowledge of economics is so shallow, Joe...you could slide it under a closed door like a sheet of typing paper!
Sorry, DogStyle didn't do anything but expose his Stage Four Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You're Funny - I'm gonna make it my hobby pissing you off :lol: But later Pal - for now .... as you were .

Guy, frankly, you're sort of a weak arguer, so I don't worry much about you.

You probably ought to stick the homophobic threads, you'll make yourself look much less sily agreeing with Silly-hate that gays sure are evil.

:lol: That's why you ran with your tail between your legs - about half a dozen times already - :lol: you really are special my furry little friend - I'll throw you a bone a little later - now that you went and done fetched my stick for me.

As for your homophobic BS , the tactic is no different than your race baiting -youlose just about every argument I've ever seen you engage in and revert to childish antics of Jamming .

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.

Sorry Joe - I'm way too advanced for that - and it doesn't really work on intelligent people anymore , It did once - but you dumb asses have worn it out completely - I can't really fault you for that - I mean what else have you got ? - nothing :lol:

As for this thread -OldStyle is bitch smacking you from one end of the thread to another - so he doesn't need any help - I think I'll just sit back and chuckle while you choke back your tears and try and pick your sorry ass up off the ground - where he keeps knocking you to .
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So because you can't refute what Sowell says...you accuse him of being an Uncle Tom?

No, guy, a fool who defends the right of rednecks to fly the confederate flag is an Uncle Tom beyond anyone's dispute.

Disturbed and self-loathing are the last two descriptors that I would link to Thomas Sowell. He's one of the more comfortable in his own skin men that I've ever met. You tend to be that way when you've come from humble beginnings and accomplished what he has.

Yup, and I'm sure he never benefited from Affirmative Action.

He's like Ben Carson, Mia Love and Clarance Thomas- black folks who go around assuring white folks like you that there fellow blacks sure are shiftless and you are totally good with your bigotry.

Thomas Sowell is the boogieman to you progressives. He's black...he grew up poor...and he started out as a liberal only to change his philosophy the more he examined the world around him. You need to accuse him of being an Uncle Tom, Joe because what he says makes sense and shoots huge, gaping holes in the progressive narrative of the black man as a victim. You don't read Sowell because he scares you.

Actually, what he is is a hypocrite. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave progressives braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights and then insisted on affirmative action so someone would hire him.
You're Funny - I'm gonna make it my hobby pissing you off :lol: But later Pal - for now .... as you were .

Guy, frankly, you're sort of a weak arguer, so I don't worry much about you.

You probably ought to stick the homophobic threads, you'll make yourself look much less sily agreeing with Silly-hate that gays sure are evil.

:lol: That's why you ran with your tail between your legs - about half a dozen times already - :lol: you really are special my furry little friend - I'll throw you a bone a little later - now that you went and done fetched my stick for me.

As for your homophobic BS , the tactic is no different than your race baiting -youlose just about every argument I've ever seen you engage in and revert to childish antics of Jamming .

No, guy, it just gets very tiresome listening to your non-stop hatred of gay dudes who aren't doing you any harm.

Like I said, you are like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.
So the crash of 2008 was caused by low taxes, free trade and union busting? Really?

Your knowledge of economics is so shallow, Joe...you could slide it under a closed door like a sheet of typing paper!


Bubbles happen all throughout history, but usually the other fundamentals are strong enough to get us through.

Most recessions, we'd have had a spurt of government spending that would have gotten us past the rough parts. But thanks to your boy Bush already running us into an additional 5 trillion in debt after he gave away all the surpluses Clinton had built up, there really wasn't that much to spend.

There was no middle class to spend money to prop up the economy when unemployment spiked.

2008 was the end result of 30 years of Conservative Economic Policy.

So because you can't refute what Sowell says...you accuse him of being an Uncle Tom?

No, guy, a fool who defends the right of rednecks to fly the confederate flag is an Uncle Tom beyond anyone's dispute.

Disturbed and self-loathing are the last two descriptors that I would link to Thomas Sowell. He's one of the more comfortable in his own skin men that I've ever met. You tend to be that way when you've come from humble beginnings and accomplished what he has.

Yup, and I'm sure he never benefited from Affirmative Action.

He's like Ben Carson, Mia Love and Clarance Thomas- black folks who go around assuring white folks like you that there fellow blacks sure are shiftless and you are totally good with your bigotry.

Thomas Sowell is the boogieman to you progressives. He's black...he grew up poor...and he started out as a liberal only to change his philosophy the more he examined the world around him. You need to accuse him of being an Uncle Tom, Joe because what he says makes sense and shoots huge, gaping holes in the progressive narrative of the black man as a victim. You don't read Sowell because he scares you.

Actually, what he is is a hypocrite. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave progressives braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights and then insisted on affirmative action so someone would hire him.

No, guy, a fool who defends the right of rednecks to fly the confederate flag is an Uncle Tom beyond anyone's dispute.

He would also defend the Rights of a Commie to fly the hammer and sickle, a Nazi to fly the Swastika, a queer to fly the Gay Pride flag - And your rights to be the ignorant asshole you are . Does that bother you Pal ? That other people have rights too, regardless of whether you agree with theirs or not ?

Actually, what he is is a hypocrite. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave progressives braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights and then insisted on affirmative action so someone would hire him.

Actually, what he is is a hero. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave republicans braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights. He never had to rely on affirmative Action which judges a person by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character - that would make him a hypocrite - like you Joe . Unlike You - he is a self made man who was hired because of the content of his character and his brilliance - Not the color of his Skin.
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Guy, frankly, you're sort of a weak arguer, so I don't worry much about you.

You probably ought to stick the homophobic threads, you'll make yourself look much less sily agreeing with Silly-hate that gays sure are evil.

:lol: That's why you ran with your tail between your legs - about half a dozen times already - :lol: you really are special my furry little friend - I'll throw you a bone a little later - now that you went and done fetched my stick for me.

As for your homophobic BS , the tactic is no different than your race baiting -youlose just about every argument I've ever seen you engage in and revert to childish antics of Jamming .

No, guy, it just gets very tiresome listening to your non-stop hatred of gay dudes who aren't doing you any harm.

Like I said, you are like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

Now tell , no better yet - show me - where I initiated the topic re: Gays in this conversation - it's not relevant

He would also defend the Rights of a Commie to fly the hammer and sickle, a Nazi to fly the Swastika, a queer to fly the Gay Pride flag - And your rights to be the ignorant asshole you are . Does that bother you Pal ? That other people have rights too, regardless of whether you agree with theirs or not ?

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag and I wouldn't walk into a black neighborhood with a Confederate Flag... because it's just fucking rude.

I also think it would be rude to walk into Fundy Church with a gay flag...even though gays haven't murdered or whipped or lynched anyone.


Actually, what he is is a hero. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave republicans braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights. He never had to rely on affirmative Action which judges a person by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character - that would him a hypocrite - like you Joe . Unlike You - he is a self made man who was hired because of the content of his character and his brilliance - Not the color of his Skin.

Republicans did nothing of the sort. In fact, when Democrats told the racists and the rednecks they were no longer welcome, the GOP couldn't wait to go down and recruit them.

And much like that earlier generation of racists had Steppin Fetchit to make themselves feel better, you guys have Uncle Tom Sowell.

Incidentally, Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, the actor who played Steppin Fetchit, was a millionaire. so I guess by your and DogStyle Standards, he was a success, too.

He would also defend the Rights of a Commie to fly the hammer and sickle, a Nazi to fly the Swastika, a queer to fly the Gay Pride flag - And your rights to be the ignorant asshole you are . Does that bother you Pal ? That other people have rights too, regardless of whether you agree with theirs or not ?

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag and I wouldn't walk into a black neighborhood with a Confederate Flag... because it's just fucking rude.

I also think it would be rude to walk into Fundy Church with a gay flag...even though gays haven't murdered or whipped or lynched anyone.


Actually, what he is is a hero. The only reason why he has the oppurtunities he has is because a lot of brave republicans braved dogs and fire hoses and lynchings to get him equal rights. He never had to rely on affirmative Action which judges a person by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character - that would him a hypocrite - like you Joe . Unlike You - he is a self made man who was hired because of the content of his character and his brilliance - Not the color of his Skin.

Republicans did nothing of the sort. In fact, when Democrats told the racists and the rednecks they were no longer welcome, the GOP couldn't wait to go down and recruit them.

And much like that earlier generation of racists had Steppin Fetchit to make themselves feel better, you guys have Uncle Tom Sowell.

Incidentally, Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, the actor who played Steppin Fetchit, was a millionaire. so I guess by your and DogStyle Standards, he was a success, too.

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy. I wouldn't walk into a Jewish neighborhood with a Swastika flag .. because it's just fucking rude.

Just recently a bunch of your Moslem buddies tried to storm through a Jewish area in NY City chanting anti-Israeli hate slogans - That wasn't "Rude" ? [By the way the Jews shut their asses down - without having to resort to violence]

[ame=http://youtu.be/NkZdVeb9iSY]Spontaneous Pro-Israel Rally Erupts in Response to Protestors - YouTube[/ame]

and I wouldn't walk into a black neighborhood with a Confederate Flag... because it's just fucking rude

You have no conception of what the Confedrate flag respresents- It's about Heritage Not Hate It represents alot more than those Democratic Party assholes in their previous endeavors to keep the Black Man in chains, and many blacks still show pride in it's symbolism - including a former NAACP president.

[ame=http://youtu.be/rvvEh8hvjz4]Former President of NAACP (Asheville NC) HK Edgerton who carries the Confederate Flag - YouTube[/ame]

I also think it would be rude to walk into Fundy Church with a gay flag...even though gays haven't murdered or whipped or lynched anyone.

But you would find it perfectly Okay to walk into a Christian Business and DEMAND they bake a cake for your Gay Wedding - that's not rude ?

I think there are 'rights', and then there is just common courtesy

No Pal - In the Real World Scum Like You have proven a few things -
there is no such as common courtesy -
there is no such thing as free speech
there is no such thing as freedom of expression
there is no such thing as justice
there is no such thing as personal Liberty
there is no such thing as the Constitution

Unless ..

It prostrates itself to you definitions of Political Correctness

[ame=http://youtu.be/B8gOwt4SI_Y]Michele Bachmann heckled off stage by Occupy Wall St protesters - YouTube[/ame]

Part of the First Ammendment is about respecting the Views of Others ....

[ame=http://youtu.be/xqsGXYEUneo]Sen. Ted Cruz, Conservative Crowd Face Down Liberal Hecklers at "Defund ObamaCare" Event - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/X9XPpSpvoqw]Mitt Romney Takes on Liberal Iowa Hecklers - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/mYKwUQGH4og]HECKLERS AT NRA CONFERENCE!!! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/Jj_stB7lOqo]VIDEO: Tea Party Favorite Allen West Heckled at Town Hall - YouTube[/ame]
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