Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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GOP is the 'party of God' who reject evolution and science in general. Is that not 'crazy?'

Not sure how to quantify being an asshole, but that doesn't sound unfair either. :)

You have degree in history? Seriously, Joe? That was my major in college so my question for you at this point is...what school of higher learning gave YOU a diploma in history when you know so appallingly little about the subject? I'd like to know what college has the "honor" of having you as a graduate!

University of Illinois.

Where'd you get yours? Liberty University or some other fuckwad Christian College that teaches about fucking Talking Snakes in Science class?

I'm curious, Joe...how is it that the GOP somehow managed to filibuster Barack Obama's plans for economic recovery in the first years of his Presidency yet couldn't filibuster the Affordable Care Act?

They did exactly that. Keep in mind, Obama didn't get a filibuster proof Senate until Arlen Specter switched sides. And he lost it after Ted Kennedy died and we got Scott Brown. Which is why we didn't have a conference committee to work out a compromise. seriously, were you not paying attention, or were you to busy mutterings "Stupid Mulatto Socialist, Muslim Commie bastard ruining my Christian 'Merica!"

Guy, i'm not going to make a habit of doing your research for you, because what I find is that when I do, you pretend you didn't see it.

Stewart claims that the stimulus bill is one-third tax cuts | PolitiFact

The stimulus bill, formally known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is meant to create jobs and boost the economy. It cost $787 billion, including $499 billion to fund new roads, hire teachers and generally keep people employed, and about $288 billion in tax breaks to individuals and businesses. Among other things, the mix of tax cuts includes a refundable credit of up to $400 per individual and $800 for married couples; a temporary increase of the earned income tax credit for disadvantaged families; and an extension of a program that allows businesses to recover the costs of capital expenditures faster than usual.

Bush left YEARS ago...so when is Barry going to be responsible for not having a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?

There is no Constitutional requirement that a President have a Chief Economic Adviser, Joe...but I wonder why a President who supposedly WAS worried about the economy and jobs would have economic advisers that are essentially invisible when the economy and jobs have been the number one problem facing the country FOR YEARS NOW!!!

Guy, you are so blinded by your insane hatred, you can't see much of anything.

My degree is from UMass, Joe and I'm still having a hard time believing that someone could receive a degree in history...yet be so completely oblivious to so much of it!

So explain to me why the GOP WASN'T able to filibuster the ACA but WAS able to filibuster everything that Barry wanted to do with the economy? How can that be, Joe? Common sense tells you that it's obvious that wasn't the case...which is what has always made board progressives claims that it's the GOP "blocking" Obama that has kept him from fixing the economy laughable!

So let me see if I understand how this works...
You claim something but don't support it and when you're called on that...you say you refuse to do "my research" for me? :confused: It's not MY research Joe...it's something to back up a claim that YOU made that's obviously unsupportable! Were you allowed to get away with that kind of nonsense at the University of Illinois? I would have been laughed at or mocked by every single one of my professors at UMass if I'd ever been silly enough to make a statement and then refuse to back it up because "I'm not going to do YOUR research for you!"
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.
GOP is the 'party of God' who reject evolution and science in general. Is that not 'crazy?'

Not sure how to quantify being an asshole, but that doesn't sound unfair either. :)

Actually, it's more along the lines of the people who run the GOP - the rich- use religion to keep stupid people like DogStyle upset about the abortions or the gays or the Negroes.

And they laugh all the way to the bank as the Middle Class vanishes.

I don't know what's funnier, Joe...that you think we're "out" of Iraq or that you think Afghanistan is going to be any better once we leave?

Why does it have to be any better? Frankly, your boy BUsh lost Afghanistan when he decided to use 9/11 as an excuse to avenge his Daddy and take out Saddam for the Zionists at PNAC. By the time Obama got back to it, the Taliban had already regrouped and Afghans were pining for their return.

Where I do criticize Obama is for dragging that mess out for as long as he did. We should have left right after we snuffed Bin Laden.

And Barry has obviously done SO MUCH to diffuse that hatred between Israel and it's Arab neighbors!!! I can see why he won the Nobel Peace Prize! (Now THAT in retrospect is even funnier than you claiming to be a history major!)

He got one for not being Bush. You guys seem to miss that. Bush so offended EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET that just by being gone it was worthy of recognition. Foreigners made fantasy films about Bush getting snuffed they hated him so much. seriously, we need to cart that fucker off to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes and apologize to the rest of the world for him.

Gee, what would any rational Afghan do? You've got Barry announcing a hard date that he's going to withdraw all US combat troops. The Taliban are eagerly waiting for that date to arrive so they can once again come out of the mountains and terrorize anyone who isn't a radical Muslim. Then Barry the Clueless can't figure out why we aren't getting better cooperation from the Afghans! Well, duh...they've watched what happened in Iraq! Obviously the same thing is going to happen in Afghanistan but naive progressives in the Obama Administration make absurd claims like the world is the most "tranquil" it's ever been! If I were a moderate in Afghanistan right now I'd be buying a plane ticket to ANYWHERE else because we're about to see another bloodbath take place there all because Barack Obama and his cast of idiots are the most naive Administration in the history of the United States!
GOP is the 'party of God' who reject evolution and science in general. Is that not 'crazy?'

Not sure how to quantify being an asshole, but that doesn't sound unfair either. :)

Actually, it's more along the lines of the people who run the GOP - the rich- use religion to keep stupid people like DogStyle upset about the abortions or the gays or the Negroes.

And they laugh all the way to the bank as the Middle Class vanishes.

Since I'm pro-choice, have no problem with same sex marriage and I'm not a racist...they obviously aren't spending enough money!!! I'm an agnostic YOU ASSHAT!
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your claim was that the reason the stimulus failed was that it contained too many giveaways for rich people and when challenged to name those you provide a link showing that Americans were given $400 and $800 back in tax refunds? Was THAT the "giveaways" to the rich, Joe? As usual...you're amusingly unable to back up your contentions.

Gee, what would any rational Afghan do? You've got Barry announcing a hard date that he's going to withdraw all US combat troops. The Taliban are eagerly waiting for that date to arrive so they can once again come out of the mountains and terrorize anyone who isn't a radical Muslim. Then Barry the Clueless can't figure out why we aren't getting better cooperation from the Afghans! Well, duh...they've watched what happened in Iraq! Obviously the same thing is going to happen in Afghanistan but naive progressives in the Obama Administration make absurd claims like the world is the most "tranquil" it's ever been! If I were a moderate in Afghanistan right now I'd be buying a plane ticket to ANYWHERE else because we're about to see another bloodbath take place there all because Barack Obama and his cast of idiots are the most naive Administration in the history of the United States!

Rational Afghans tried to vote Karzai out and Karzai stole the election.

You see, it's fun to watch you serious ODS sufferers try to claim that Afghanistan was just wonderful until Obama declared we were going to get out. (Something MOST Americans support, by the way.) No, dude. It was fucked up after Bush invaded it. It was fucked up before Bush invaded it, it will be fucked up after we are gone.

But it's all Obama's fault. It's always Obama's fault. I know you really, really need to believe that.
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your claim was that the reason the stimulus failed was that it contained too many giveaways for rich people and when challenged to name those you provide a link showing that Americans were given $400 and $800 back in tax refunds? Was THAT the "giveaways" to the rich, Joe? As usual...you're amusingly unable to back up your contentions.

Uh, yeah you ignored the parts where there were huge giveaways to businesses.

The Stimulus didn't do as well as it could have because it was too small and Obama went along with more Supply Side Bullshit.

But it's all Obama's fault. I know you need to believe that.
GOP is the 'party of God' who reject evolution and science in general. Is that not 'crazy?'

Not sure how to quantify being an asshole, but that doesn't sound unfair either. :)

Actually, it's more along the lines of the people who run the GOP - the rich- use religion to keep stupid people like DogStyle upset about the abortions or the gays or the Negroes.

And they laugh all the way to the bank as the Middle Class vanishes.

Since I'm pro-choice, have no problem with same sex marriage and I'm not a racist...they obviously aren't spending enough money!!! I'm an agnostic YOU ASSHAT!

Sure you are.

Only a racist would be suffering ODS to this degree.

seriously, a black guy in the White HOuse really upsets the hell out of you.
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your claim was that the reason the stimulus failed was that it contained too many giveaways for rich people and when challenged to name those you provide a link showing that Americans were given $400 and $800 back in tax refunds? Was THAT the "giveaways" to the rich, Joe? As usual...you're amusingly unable to back up your contentions.

Uh, yeah you ignored the parts where there were huge giveaways to businesses.

The Stimulus didn't do as well as it could have because it was too small and Obama went along with more Supply Side Bullshit.

But it's all Obama's fault. I know you need to believe that.

Were you referring to the "huge giveaways" to businesses whose owners contributed heavily to the Obama campaign, Joe? I believe I mentioned Solyndra. Would you like me to name all the others? It's YOU that ignored my reply. The stimulus failed because it was a liberal pork-fest designed to reward groups that supported Barry like government unions and "green energy" companies!

So one more time, Joey...what huge giveaways were given to the wealthy by the stimulus that Harry and Nancy drew up and Barry signed? I'm still waiting for you to list them.
Actually, it's more along the lines of the people who run the GOP - the rich- use religion to keep stupid people like DogStyle upset about the abortions or the gays or the Negroes.

And they laugh all the way to the bank as the Middle Class vanishes.

Since I'm pro-choice, have no problem with same sex marriage and I'm not a racist...they obviously aren't spending enough money!!! I'm an agnostic YOU ASSHAT!

Sure you are.

Only a racist would be suffering ODS to this degree.

seriously, a black guy in the White HOuse really upsets the hell out of you.

Only someone who's floundering as badly as you are in this string would have to fall back on that tired liberal tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with Barry's policies of being a "racist".

Let's be honest here, Joe...Barack Obama is one of the biggest "Oreo's" ever. He can play to a black audience...he's got that down pat...but at heart where he's really the most comfortable is on a golf course on Martha's Vineyard or back in Hawaii hanging out with rich white liberals.

Were you referring to the "huge giveaways" to businesses whose owners contributed heavily to the Obama campaign, Joe? I believe I mentioned Solyndra. Would you like me to name all the others? It's YOU that ignored my reply. The stimulus failed because it was a liberal pork-fest designed to reward groups that supported Barry like government unions and "green energy" companies!

So one more time, Joey...what huge giveaways were given to the wealthy by the stimulus that Harry and Nancy drew up and Barry signed? I'm still waiting for you to list them.

Gee, Solyndra... make sure you work all the crazy ass talking points into your discussion.

The Stimulus failed because it wasn't big enough. Period.
Since I'm pro-choice, have no problem with same sex marriage and I'm not a racist...they obviously aren't spending enough money!!! I'm an agnostic YOU ASSHAT!

Sure you are.

Only a racist would be suffering ODS to this degree.

seriously, a black guy in the White HOuse really upsets the hell out of you.

Only someone who's floundering as badly as you are in this string would have to fall back on that tired liberal tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with Barry's policies of being a "racist".

Let's be honest here, Joe...Barack Obama is one of the biggest "Oreo's" ever. He can play to a black audience...he's got that down pat...but at heart where he's really the most comfortable is on a golf course on Martha's Vineyard or back in Hawaii hanging out with rich white liberals.

Ahhh... so he denies being a "racist' and then uses a racist term like "Oreo".

Yup, you don't have a problem. Not at all.

Were you referring to the "huge giveaways" to businesses whose owners contributed heavily to the Obama campaign, Joe? I believe I mentioned Solyndra. Would you like me to name all the others? It's YOU that ignored my reply. The stimulus failed because it was a liberal pork-fest designed to reward groups that supported Barry like government unions and "green energy" companies!

So one more time, Joey...what huge giveaways were given to the wealthy by the stimulus that Harry and Nancy drew up and Barry signed? I'm still waiting for you to list them.

Gee, Solyndra... make sure you work all the crazy ass talking points into your discussion.

The Stimulus failed because it wasn't big enough. Period.

Can't name any giveaways to the wealthy...can ya', Joe? :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin: Why do you continue to allow your mouth to write checks your brain can't cash?
Sure you are.

Only a racist would be suffering ODS to this degree.

seriously, a black guy in the White HOuse really upsets the hell out of you.

Only someone who's floundering as badly as you are in this string would have to fall back on that tired liberal tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with Barry's policies of being a "racist".

Let's be honest here, Joe...Barack Obama is one of the biggest "Oreo's" ever. He can play to a black audience...he's got that down pat...but at heart where he's really the most comfortable is on a golf course on Martha's Vineyard or back in Hawaii hanging out with rich white liberals.

Ahhh... so he denies being a "racist' and then uses a racist term like "Oreo".

Yup, you don't have a problem. Not at all.

I use the term "Oreo" because it fits Barack Obama so well. Barry is so much more of a Yuppie than I or most white Americans could ever HOPE to be it's amusing to label anyone who hates him a racist! He doesn't go back to Chicago and hang out with the brothers...Oh, hell no! He's hanging out with the liberal 1% on Martha's Vineyard, playing golf on courses the average black can't afford to play...eating out at restaurants the average black couldn't afford to eat at and staying at a house that the average black wouldn't be welcome at EVER! I'm not the first to call Obama an Oreo. He was referred to as an Oreo by some of the blacks he went to college with. I suppose THEY are racists as well?

Oh sure...Barry can play the role when he needs to but when he's on his own time he hangs out with the people he feels most comfortable with...limousine liberals!

Were you referring to the "huge giveaways" to businesses whose owners contributed heavily to the Obama campaign, Joe? I believe I mentioned Solyndra. Would you like me to name all the others? It's YOU that ignored my reply. The stimulus failed because it was a liberal pork-fest designed to reward groups that supported Barry like government unions and "green energy" companies!

So one more time, Joey...what huge giveaways were given to the wealthy by the stimulus that Harry and Nancy drew up and Barry signed? I'm still waiting for you to list them.

Gee, Solyndra... make sure you work all the crazy ass talking points into your discussion.

The Stimulus failed because it wasn't big enough. Period.

Can't name any giveaways to the wealthy...can ya', Joe? :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin: Why do you continue to allow your mouth to write checks your brain can't cash?

I already did, and you pretended you didn't see it. It was predictably boring.

Hence, why I don't do links. You guys pretend you don't see them or you pretend they didn't come from a valid source if they aren't one of your wingnut racist sites.
Only someone who's floundering as badly as you are in this string would have to fall back on that tired liberal tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with Barry's policies of being a "racist".

Let's be honest here, Joe...Barack Obama is one of the biggest "Oreo's" ever. He can play to a black audience...he's got that down pat...but at heart where he's really the most comfortable is on a golf course on Martha's Vineyard or back in Hawaii hanging out with rich white liberals.

Ahhh... so he denies being a "racist' and then uses a racist term like "Oreo".

Yup, you don't have a problem. Not at all.

I use the term "Oreo" because it fits Barack Obama so well. Barry is so much more of a Yuppie than I or most white Americans could ever HOPE to be it's amusing to label anyone who hates him a racist! He doesn't go back to Chicago and hang out with the brothers...Oh, hell no! He's hanging out with the liberal 1% on Martha's Vineyard, playing golf on courses the average black can't afford to play...eating out at restaurants the average black couldn't afford to eat at and staying at a house that the average black wouldn't be welcome at EVER! I'm not the first to call Obama an Oreo. He was referred to as an Oreo by some of the blacks he went to college with. I suppose THEY are racists as well?

Oh sure...Barry can play the role when he needs to but when he's on his own time he hangs out with the people he feels most comfortable with...limousine liberals!

You mean the President is actually hanging out with people PRESIDENTS hang out with?

Oh, perish the thought, that uppity negro.

Yeah, guy, you seriously don't have a problem. I just hope the president is paying you rent on all that space he occupies in your head.
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your own article disputes the very claim that you're making, Joe! Did you even read it?

It's examples like this that make it hard for me to believe that you ever graduated with a degree in history...which would by necessity require the ability to do research. You're SO bad at comprehending what it is that is IN the articles you cite that it makes them worthless.
You see, guy, you did EXACTLY what I said you'd do. I provide you a link, showing that a third of the Stimulus was tax breaks, and you ignored it.

This is why talking to you is sort of a waste of time. Just better to mock you for the bigot you obviously are.

Your own article disputes the very claim that you're making, Joe! Did you even read it?

It's examples like this that make it hard for me to believe that you ever graduated with a degree in history...which would by necessity require the ability to do research. You're SO bad at comprehending what it is that is IN the articles you cite that it makes them worthless.

Uh, guy, a third of the stimulus was tax cuts. The same Suppy Side Horseshit you guys ladel out.

You got pwned, man up and deal with it.

We don't need tax cuts, we need tax increases. Clinton raised taxes and turned the country around.
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