Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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What if Liekhota was a real Native.

He should thank the Europeans for adding wheel to their vocabulary.

Thanks for once again showing your ignorance.

Evidence that some Mesoamerican cultures used calendars and developed the wheel proved the complexity of their societies. They used the wheel only for small toys, rather than in larger ways for transport or production of energy. Mann notes, "Every society missed out on obvious technologies." Mesoamericans did not have the luxury of "stealing" inventions from others, since they were geographically isolated in comparison to the cultures of Eurasia. They also lacked the domesticated large animals. In some populated areas, the land was typically wet and boggy, thus limiting further advancement from the invention of the wheel.

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People in what today is the United States were without draft animals for pulling carts and had no use for wheels.

American Indians north of the Rio Grande before Columbus
What if Liekhota was a real Native.

He should thank the Europeans for adding wheel to their vocabulary.

Thanks for once again showing your ignorance.

Evidence that some Mesoamerican cultures used calendars and developed the wheel proved the complexity of their societies. They used the wheel only for small toys, rather than in larger ways for transport or production of energy. Mann notes, "Every society missed out on obvious technologies." Mesoamericans did not have the luxury of "stealing" inventions from others, since they were geographically isolated in comparison to the cultures of Eurasia. They also lacked the domesticated large animals. In some populated areas, the land was typically wet and boggy, thus limiting further advancement from the invention of the wheel.

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People in what today is the United States were without draft animals for pulling carts and had no use for wheels.

American Indians north of the Rio Grande before Columbus

Call me crazy but if I didn't have access to draft animals and I was going to have to haul goods by myself...I think I would have a USE for wheels!
What if Liekhota was a real Native.

He should thank the Europeans for adding wheel to their vocabulary.

Thanks for once again showing your ignorance.

Evidence that some Mesoamerican cultures used calendars and developed the wheel proved the complexity of their societies. They used the wheel only for small toys, rather than in larger ways for transport or production of energy. Mann notes, "Every society missed out on obvious technologies." Mesoamericans did not have the luxury of "stealing" inventions from others, since they were geographically isolated in comparison to the cultures of Eurasia. They also lacked the domesticated large animals. In some populated areas, the land was typically wet and boggy, thus limiting further advancement from the invention of the wheel.

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People in what today is the United States were without draft animals for pulling carts and had no use for wheels.

American Indians north of the Rio Grande before Columbus

You've got to admit that it's rather amusing that American Indians used wheels on children's toys...yet missed the whole using them for "grownup stuff" thing!
He should thank the Europeans for adding wheel to their vocabulary.

Thanks for once again showing your ignorance.

Evidence that some Mesoamerican cultures used calendars and developed the wheel proved the complexity of their societies. They used the wheel only for small toys, rather than in larger ways for transport or production of energy. Mann notes, "Every society missed out on obvious technologies." Mesoamericans did not have the luxury of "stealing" inventions from others, since they were geographically isolated in comparison to the cultures of Eurasia. They also lacked the domesticated large animals. In some populated areas, the land was typically wet and boggy, thus limiting further advancement from the invention of the wheel.

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People in what today is the United States were without draft animals for pulling carts and had no use for wheels.

American Indians north of the Rio Grande before Columbus

You've got to admit that it's rather amusing that American Indians used wheels on children's toys...yet missed the whole using them for "grownup stuff" thing!

Yeah, it's really amusing - especially considering they had no domesticated animals to pull them. Oh, and no roads...
You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

107 conservative groups singled out for scrutiny. Each group asked an average of 15 questions, 46% of the groups get approval.

7 non conservative groups singled out. Each group asked 5 questions, 100% approved.

Those are interesting numbers!!!

Where'd they come from?

We should discuss them in a little more detail.

They come from the IRS.

Feel free to discuss them until you manage to convince yourself you are an idiot.

When your initial point was disputed and found incorrect, you then spin and twist your remarks. You do this with regularity.

When will you realize there is little difference between Rs and Ds? They are both progressive statists...which you should like very much...but are duped by the Ds and their leftist friends in media and elsewhere in thinking Rs bad Ds good.

Uh, guy, I talk to people who get things done.

Which are not the "libertarian". Go smoke your bong and let the grownups talk.
We don't know what Lois Lerner was saying about conservatives in her emails from the period prior to that because they were destroyed under highly dubious circumstances. There has to be a REASON why the emails of those 7 IRS employees all magically disappeared following the start of an investigation into the targeting of conservatives.

Yes, their IT department is incompetent. But I have it on good authority that those e-mails will prove that Lerner kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, sank the Lusitania and knows the Colonel's Secret Recipe... Because, hey you can claim anything you want, right?

What we know for a fact is that she DID unfairly target conservative groups prior to the election. We also know for a fact that she made highly inflammatory remarks about conservatives AFTER the election.

No, they were trying to claim fraudulent exemptions. She's supposed to target them if they do that. And calling you guys assholes isn't inflammatory. It's probably an insult to a useful body orifice.

We also know that she apologized for targeting conservatives immediately before she knew that the IG's report was about to be made public so it's safe to assume that Lois knew full well that she'd been doing something that she shouldn't. It had ZERO to do with her detecting fraud! She knew full well what was going on in the Cinn. office. We know THAT because she took the 5th when called before Congress.

Or she's just playing the political game. If Issa had something, he'd have gone to a judge by now.

This isn't about Lois Lerner "saying mean things"...this is about an IRS official using the power of that organization to target American citizens who's political beliefs she disagreed with...delaying their applications for tax free status...and even more appalling...turning over confidential tax payer information to fellow liberals to use against conservatives. That ISN'T saying mean things...that's breaking the law!

Yes, those are your opinion.

Please give them to someone who cares. I don't.

Her words and her actions did suggest AND promote the targeting of a group. Make no mistake about that.
She pleaded the 5th for a reason......twice.
She asked about IM's being saved or not......these are the actions of a person who has something to hide.

You wanna play politics with Joe and LL, be my guest, but you and them aren't fooling anyone.

Yup, she pleaded the fifth for a reason.

It's her constitutional right to do so.

That's a pretty good reason.

What would you think if a Bush official at the IRS was caught talking about faggots, looney-leftists, and n***ers, like they needed to protect themselves from whatever they were about to do to them? You wouldn't like that, would you?

I wouldn't like it because it would include a level of homophobia and racism that Lerner's comments didn't indicate. But it's not a crime to have an opinion.

I figure the only way to really look at anything objectively is put yourself in the other person's shoes and wiggle your toes for awhile.

That's awesome, when are you going to start?

Find out what it would be like if you were subjected to the same kind of bigotry and bias that we get from leaders of this president's administration on a daily basis.
Not some schmuck in Montana that got caught saying nasty things, but our leaders in the Federal Government. The folks that seem to have a McCarthy-est attitude about conservatives.

Oh, come on, guy. Get real. She was commenting on the kind of mutant that normally calls in to Talk Radio. Were they impolite? Yes! Were they really that far off the mark? Not really. I have no use for people on EITHER side who threaten violence when they don't win an election.
We don't know what Lois Lerner was saying about conservatives in her emails from the period prior to that because they were destroyed under highly dubious circumstances. There has to be a REASON why the emails of those 7 IRS employees all magically disappeared following the start of an investigation into the targeting of conservatives. What we know for a fact is that she DID unfairly target conservative groups prior to the election. We also know for a fact that she made highly inflammatory remarks about conservatives AFTER the election. We also know that she apologized for targeting conservatives immediately before she knew that the IG's report was about to be made public so it's safe to assume that Lois knew full well that she'd been doing something that she shouldn't. It had ZERO to do with her detecting fraud! She knew full well what was going on in the Cinn. office. We know THAT because she took the 5th when called before Congress.

This isn't about Lois Lerner "saying mean things"...this is about an IRS official using the power of that organization to target American citizens who's political beliefs she disagreed with...delaying their applications for tax free status...and even more appalling...turning over confidential tax payer information to fellow liberals to use against conservatives. That ISN'T saying mean things...that's breaking the law!

actually, we don't know that she targeted anybody. she did allow it to happen by not giving proper guidance, but there has still been no evidence that says she ordered, or suggested, or promoted the targeting of any group.

Her words and her actions did suggest AND promote the targeting of a group. Make no mistake about that.
She pleaded the 5th for a reason......twice.
She asked about IM's being saved or not......these are the actions of a person who has something to hide.

You wanna play politics with Joe and LL, be my guest, but you and them aren't fooling anyone.

Actually you and others on the right are succeeding in only making fools of yourselves.

It's foolish and ignorant, for example, to believe that someone who invokes his 5th Amendment right is 'guilty' or 'hiding something.'
We don't know what Lois Lerner was saying about conservatives in her emails from the period prior to that because they were destroyed under highly dubious circumstances. There has to be a REASON why the emails of those 7 IRS employees all magically disappeared following the start of an investigation into the targeting of conservatives.

Yes, their IT department is incompetent. But I have it on good authority that those e-mails will prove that Lerner kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, sank the Lusitania and knows the Colonel's Secret Recipe... Because, hey you can claim anything you want, right?

What we know for a fact is that she DID unfairly target conservative groups prior to the election. We also know for a fact that she made highly inflammatory remarks about conservatives AFTER the election.

No, they were trying to claim fraudulent exemptions. She's supposed to target them if they do that. And calling you guys assholes isn't inflammatory. It's probably an insult to a useful body orifice.

We also know that she apologized for targeting conservatives immediately before she knew that the IG's report was about to be made public so it's safe to assume that Lois knew full well that she'd been doing something that she shouldn't. It had ZERO to do with her detecting fraud! She knew full well what was going on in the Cinn. office. We know THAT because she took the 5th when called before Congress.

Or she's just playing the political game. If Issa had something, he'd have gone to a judge by now.

This isn't about Lois Lerner "saying mean things"...this is about an IRS official using the power of that organization to target American citizens who's political beliefs she disagreed with...delaying their applications for tax free status...and even more appalling...turning over confidential tax payer information to fellow liberals to use against conservatives. That ISN'T saying mean things...that's breaking the law!

Yes, those are your opinion.

Please give them to someone who cares. I don't.

She wasn't targeting groups claiming fraudulent exemptions, If she was, they wouldn't have all been approved after the House demanded an explanation of the questions being asked. Keep trying to spin things though, it helps reinforce the case you are making for being a mindless hack.
actually, we don't know that she targeted anybody. she did allow it to happen by not giving proper guidance, but there has still been no evidence that says she ordered, or suggested, or promoted the targeting of any group.

Her words and her actions did suggest AND promote the targeting of a group. Make no mistake about that.
She pleaded the 5th for a reason......twice.
She asked about IM's being saved or not......these are the actions of a person who has something to hide.

You wanna play politics with Joe and LL, be my guest, but you and them aren't fooling anyone.

Actually you and others on the right are succeeding in only making fools of yourselves.

It's foolish and ignorant, for example, to believe that someone who invokes his 5th Amendment right is 'guilty' or 'hiding something.'

It is not silly to believe that. It is actually quite logical to believe it, especially if you believe Obama and his claim that only people with something to hide should be afraid of the government looking into everything people do.
She is a typical Washington bureaucrat. Republicans go to private sector jobs. Democrats land jobs in the big bloated federal government. They went out of their way to help Obama get elected and re-elected.
Democrats sponge off taxpayers by having redundant and unnecessary federal jobs, where they can never be fired or held accountable. Shit bags.
Her words and her actions did suggest AND promote the targeting of a group. Make no mistake about that.
She pleaded the 5th for a reason......twice.
She asked about IM's being saved or not......these are the actions of a person who has something to hide.

You wanna play politics with Joe and LL, be my guest, but you and them aren't fooling anyone.

Actually you and others on the right are succeeding in only making fools of yourselves.

It's foolish and ignorant, for example, to believe that someone who invokes his 5th Amendment right is 'guilty' or 'hiding something.'

It is not silly to believe that. It is actually quite logical to believe it, especially if you believe Obama and his claim that only people with something to hide should be afraid of the government looking into everything people do.

Giving the bs GOP propagandists and hacks more ammunition for their idiotic, hateful rants would be silly. The new bs GOP is a horror AND joke around the world...only ignorant hater dupes don't know it, on planet I:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:diot.
We don't know what Lois Lerner was saying about conservatives in her emails from the period prior to that because they were destroyed under highly dubious circumstances. There has to be a REASON why the emails of those 7 IRS employees all magically disappeared following the start of an investigation into the targeting of conservatives.

Yes, their IT department is incompetent. But I have it on good authority that those e-mails will prove that Lerner kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, sank the Lusitania and knows the Colonel's Secret Recipe... Because, hey you can claim anything you want, right?

What we know for a fact is that she DID unfairly target conservative groups prior to the election. We also know for a fact that she made highly inflammatory remarks about conservatives AFTER the election.

No, they were trying to claim fraudulent exemptions. She's supposed to target them if they do that. And calling you guys assholes isn't inflammatory. It's probably an insult to a useful body orifice.

We also know that she apologized for targeting conservatives immediately before she knew that the IG's report was about to be made public so it's safe to assume that Lois knew full well that she'd been doing something that she shouldn't. It had ZERO to do with her detecting fraud! She knew full well what was going on in the Cinn. office. We know THAT because she took the 5th when called before Congress.

Or she's just playing the political game. If Issa had something, he'd have gone to a judge by now.

This isn't about Lois Lerner "saying mean things"...this is about an IRS official using the power of that organization to target American citizens who's political beliefs she disagreed with...delaying their applications for tax free status...and even more appalling...turning over confidential tax payer information to fellow liberals to use against conservatives. That ISN'T saying mean things...that's breaking the law!

Yes, those are your opinion.

Please give them to someone who cares. I don't.

You're blaming the IT department for 7 people involved in this scandal ALL experiencing hard drive crashes...all 7 not asking for their lost data to be retrieved from the tape back up system designed solely in case of computer problems like that...and then everyone at the IRS kind of "forgetting" and scrubbing those 7 hard drives of the very information that Congress was demanding? That's your "go to" explanation of what took place, Joe? :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin: Wow...

If Lerner was only targeting those conservative organizations because they were all claiming "fraudulent exemptions" then why were the majority of them eventually approved...long AFTER the election had taken place? Duh?

Calling someone an asshole is inflammatory...for a high level IRS official to use that term to describe conservatives in general is totally inappropriate. If you can't be non-partisan then you have no business being in the IRS. You for instance would make a TERRIBLE IRS agent!
"Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails"

rdean works for the IRS?

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