Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?


When was Lerner hired again?


yep. She arrived on the scene AFTER the supposed shennanigans that Repubs are boo hooing about. PLUS the emails are from years ago.

I think I also see a double standart here: White House E-Mail Lost in Private Accounts
Democrats have charged that Rove and other officials may have used the private accounts, set up through the Republican National Committee, in an effort to avoid normal review. Under federal law, the White House is required to maintain records, including e-mails, involving presidential decision-making and deliberations. White House aides' use of their political e-mail accounts to discuss the prosecutor firings has also fanned Democratic accusations that the actions were politically motivated.


I only see one Obama defender here...
And I have him on ignore.
No idea what he's chirpin about.

Where are the others?
Oh? You mean "SWALLOW"? He's an idiot with a Gubmint issued Nose Ring...As to the others? They aren't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot cattle prod...they KNOW it's a losing proposition.

You're the one with the "gubmint" job, the Trannie.

I never was in a union or held a government job in my life.
I only see one Obama defender here...
And I have him on ignore.
No idea what he's chirpin about.

Where are the others?
Oh? You mean "SWALLOW"? He's an idiot with a Gubmint issued Nose Ring...As to the others? They aren't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot cattle prod...they KNOW it's a losing proposition.

You're the one with the "gubmint" job, the Trannie.

I never was in a union or held a government job in my life.

The T is a big dope. I point out their double-standard and instead of debating me on the open board he dings me behind the scenes w/ his pathetic neg because thats all he brings to the board- his loud moth lol

Rove intentionally set-up private accts to skirt the law. Wheres the rw outrage? :dunno: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/11/AR2007041102167.html
Rove and other officials may have used the private accounts, set up through the Republican National Committee, in an effort to avoid normal review. Under federal law, the White House is required to maintain records, including e-mails, involving presidential decision-making and deliberations. White House aides' use of their political e-mail accounts to discuss the prosecutor firings has also fanned Democratic accusations that the actions were politically motivated.

Let me guess, it was different then some how. It just was :rolleyes:
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I only see one Obama defender here...
And I have him on ignore.
No idea what he's chirpin about.

Where are the others?
Oh? You mean "SWALLOW"? He's an idiot with a Gubmint issued Nose Ring...As to the others? They aren't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot cattle prod...they KNOW it's a losing proposition.

You're the one with the "gubmint" job, the Trannie.

I never was in a union or held a government job in my life.

You don't mind defending the indefensible for Obama though.
I'm certain some IT guy like me has already stated the obvious fact that:

1. Email is stored on a server.
2. The servers are likely multiply redundant.
3. Forensic hard drive analysis and recovery of a dead drive is way within the range of any sleuth or the buffoons at the FBI.
4. Redundant nodes are backed to tape, the cloud etc.
5. The NSA apparently collects everything. Call those assholes.

Fucking liars are playing people for chumps. There is no way in hell that data was lost. It would the silliest IT group EVER EVAR.
§ 1222.34*How must agencies maintain records?Agencies must implement a records maintenance program so that complete records are filed or otherwise identified and preserved, records can be readily found when needed, and permanent and temporary records are physically segregated from each other or, for electronic records, segregable. Agency records maintenance programs must:(a)*Institute procedures for organizing and storing records;(b)*Maintain electronic, audiovisual and cartographic, and microform records in accordance with 36 CFR parts*1236, 1237, and 1238 of this subchapter, respectively;(c)*Assign responsibilities for maintenance of records in all formats within each agency component, including designation of the officials that are responsible for maintenance and disposition of electronic records and management of automated systems used for recordkeeping;(d)*Institute reference and retrieval procedures and controls that:(1)*Facilitate the finding, charging out, and refiling of records, including safeguards against loss during transit; and(2)*Ensure that access to electronic records minimizes the risk of unauthorized additions, deletions, or alterations;(e)*Issue appropriate instructions to all agency employees on handling and protecting records;(f)*Maintain records and nonrecord materials separately, in accordance with §*1222.16;(g)*Maintain personal files separately from records in accordance with §1222.20; and(h)*Comply with 36 CFR parts*1232*and 1234 of this subchapter when storing records in a records facility.

§ 1222.12*What types of documentary materials are Federal records?(a)*General.*To ensure that complete and accurate records are made and retained in the Federal Government, agencies must distinguish between records and nonrecord materials by applying the definition of records (see*44 U.S.C. 3301*and 36 CFR*1220.18*and 1222.10 of this subchapter) to agency documentary materials in all formats and media.(b)*Record status.*Documentary materials are records when they meet the conditions specified in §*1222.10(b).(c)*Working files and similar materials.*Working files, such as preliminary drafts and rough notes, and other similar materials, are records that must be maintained to ensure adequate and proper documentation if:(1)*They were circulated or made available to employees, other than the creator, for official purposes such as approval, comment, action, recommendation, follow-up, or to communicate with agency staff about agency business; and(2)*They contain unique information, such as substantive annotations or comments that adds to a proper understanding of the agency's formulation and execution of basic policies, decisions, actions, or responsibilities.(d)*Record status of copies.*The determination as to whether a particular document is a record does not depend upon whether it contains unique information. Multiple copies of the same document and documents containing duplicative information may each have record status depending on how they are used in conducting agency business.

44 U.S. Code § 3301 - Definition of records

As used in this chapter, “records” includes all books, papers, maps, photographs, machine readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the United States Government under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational value of data in them. Library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference, and stocks of publications and of processed documents are not included.

This is a little better.

Still..it's lacking.

Lacking what? Let me know, I'll try to find it for you.


How long to records have to be held?
Who pays?
What mediums to they have to be held on?
Who is responsible for holding the records?
What is the level of responsibility? (Criminal liability?)
What constitutes "permanent"?
What level or redundancy is expected? (Dual servers? Tape Medium held in a fireproof safe?)
What type of data center is acceptable?
A. Are they required to have a sprinkler system?
B. Can they be above or below ground?
C. What sort of cooling systems are required?
D. What sort of network is required?
E. What sort of security is required at the data center?
If dual data centers are required, how many miles must there be between them?

That's the short list.
I'm certain some IT guy like me has already stated the obvious fact that:

1. Email is stored on a server.
2. The servers are likely multiply redundant.
3. Forensic hard drive analysis and recovery of a dead drive is way within the range of any sleuth or the buffoons at the FBI.
4. Redundant nodes are backed to tape, the cloud etc.
5. The NSA apparently collects everything. Call those assholes.

Fucking liars are playing people for chumps. There is no way in hell that data was lost. It would the silliest IT group EVER EVAR.
REP OWED...Remind me, will you?
Oh? You mean "SWALLOW"? He's an idiot with a Gubmint issued Nose Ring...As to the others? They aren't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot cattle prod...they KNOW it's a losing proposition.

You're the one with the "gubmint" job, the Trannie.

I never was in a union or held a government job in my life.

You don't mind defending the indefensible for Obama though.

What's "indefensible"?

And I didn't see you guys going crazy when the NAACP and Charlie Rangel were dragged into the IRS for what can be seen has "political" paybacks..

Where was Issa?
I'm certain some IT guy like me has already stated the obvious fact that:

1. Email is stored on a server.
2. The servers are likely multiply redundant.
3. Forensic hard drive analysis and recovery of a dead drive is way within the range of any sleuth or the buffoons at the FBI.
4. Redundant nodes are backed to tape, the cloud etc.
5. The NSA apparently collects everything. Call those assholes.

Fucking liars are playing people for chumps. There is no way in hell that data was lost. It would the silliest IT group EVER EVAR.


You are really showing your "IT" chops here..bucko.


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