Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.

Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?
NO. Absolutely NOT. And If there was mass manipulation? There are some people seriously guilty of Felonies.

A person would be an Idiot, not just an idiot, to believe that story. It has no credibility whatsoever.
Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?
NO. Absolutely NOT. And If there was mass manipulation? There are some people seriously guilty of Felonies.

A person would be an Idiot, not just an idiot, to believe that story. It has no credibility whatsoever.

None. Zip, Zero, NADA. There are shenanigans going on geared toward the dumbmasses...problem is? They already wore that out.

Trust of the people toward their Government is on the wane.
I would not want to be an employee that has to go into my boss's office to inform them that
I don't have a recent backup of vital company data.

I might not make it home that night.
They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

No they didn't, moron. The last I heard, plenty of them were still waiting on the IRS for a ruling.

Last you heard?


Alex Jones?


That's the inspector general report.

Everyone that wanted the status and didn't withdraw? Got it.
Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?
NO. Absolutely NOT. And If there was mass manipulation? There are some people seriously guilty of Felonies.

A person would be an Idiot, not just an idiot, to believe that story. It has no credibility whatsoever.

I said that about a few things at the beginning of this admin. , and yet that is just what happened having the media covering for them to make it seem plausible or just not reporting on it. Wish I had started a list for everytime I thought that. Finally, after a couple of years I realized people will fall for if they don't want the truth.
THEN Certainly Rep. Camp of ways and means committee knows this and can get the emails from a back up server

Opps what?

You actually read this?

Federal Law Mandates E-Mail Archiving
A Kansas district finds help for e-mail archiving.
Kurt Eisele-Dyrli
District Administration, Oct 2007


To comply with the recent Supreme Court mandate for the storage of electronic records, the Auburn-Washburn School District (AWSD) of Topeka, Kan., needed to implement an e-mail archiving system. The 2006 amendment to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires that public entities, including school districts, be able to produce electronically stored information from staff members, such as e-mail and other digital communications, during the " discovery process" in lawsuits. With 900 staff members sending an average of 12,000 to 14,000 e-mails every day at AWSD, finding a way to archive records was a challenging but vital task.

District Director of Technology Don Williams was responsible for finding a software solution that would meet the federal requirements. Williams and his staff had suspected that the amendment would pass and had been reviewing options for about a year prior to the implementation date of December 1, 2006. After months of legal consultation to properly interpret the law and ensure compliance, and after considering a number of options, in March of this year AWSD chose the View- Wise Enterprise Document Management System from Novell partner Computhink, which includes an e-mail archiving module. The district selected ViewWise software because it was directly compatible with their existing Novell Groupwise e-mail system and had adequate technical support for such a large application. Now, after installing ViewWise, every e-mail message sent through the system is copied and stored on the local server, which has an immense 3 terabytes of storage space. In approximately six months, just 10 gigabytes of space has been used, and administrators expect the current servers will have sufficient space for a number of years.
Federal Law Mandates E-Mail Archiving | District Administration Magazine

This is talking about a school district.

I did a bit of a deeper dive..and still can't find any requirements.

ere's another tough question:

If your organization is sued, are you prepared to provide records of all communications and transactions conducted by certain individuals with the company during certain dates relating to a certain set of issues?

Remember, it's the law that any of your electronic records can be requested and must be provided by a court order under the newly updated Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

What are the FRCP standards?

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure govern the production of evidence in Federal cases. The FRCP is designed for the civil federal court system, with input from the US Supreme Court, and approval by the US Congress. Seventeen states have adopted the new rules for electronic stored information (ESI) discovery and eighteen additional states are considering adopting the new rules for state civil litigation. Companies that find themselves subjected to lawsuits within the federal and state courts system need to be prepared to meet the requirements as written and supply information immediately as it pertains to individual cases.

Amended Rule 26:
As of December 2006, all institutions must meet the eDiscovery requirements as stated in the FRCP. This amended rule was created to assist specifically at helping courts and litigators navigate the new world of ESI. The eDiscovery requirements recognize all electronic communication, especially email and IMs as now legal to request at the court's convenience. Organizations now have a clear responsibility to produce ESI or face the penalty of the law.

Penalties of not following FRCP eDiscovery Requirements:
As outlined in Section V, Rule 37 "Failure to Make or Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions," penalties include paying for the expenses of the opposing party, contempt of court, imposing of sanctions against your case, heavy fines, or even an automatic guilty verdict.

How Your Organization can comply with FRCP Standards:
Organizations need to know exactly where data is stored, what data storage technology is used to backup and archive records, how the retention schedule applies, how and when they are recycled, how long it will take to produce them, and in what formats they can be produced.
The Law Requires Email Archiving | ITworld

That was no help.


What are the requirements?

How long are you suppose to hold on to electronic communications? In perpetuity?

Who pays for that?

And I don't see any of that on Rabbis' link or the deeper dive.

Anyone up for the challenge?

I don't think I have to search around for this..
It's one thing to try to present one system crash as a cause.
But to try to say that they experienced multiple system crashes and didn't have a backup
on a removable or multiple backup hard drives...

Not buying it.
It's one thing to try to present one system crash as a cause.
But to try to say that they experienced multiple system crashes and didn't have a backup
on a removable or multiple backup hard drives...

Not buying it.

Precisely. I work in the Tech world...and knowing/working with government entities as I do? There's one huge LIE afoot...or there's some Government IT guys that have some explaining to do.

EVERYTHING is logged on these systems...

The IRS is hoping for plausible deniability...on behalf of the DumbMasses...

NOT going to cut it...

They had better try with another excuse.
It's one thing to try to present one system crash as a cause.
But to try to say that they experienced multiple system crashes and didn't have a backup
on a removable or multiple backup hard drives...

Not buying it.

Well being that you seem to be an IT expert.

You know what sort of server this was on? Windows? UNIX? Linux? What?

And what was the size of the disk? 1 gig? 1 terabyte?

What sort of redundancy where they using? Veritas Cluster?

And where they backing this up to another medium?

Please..help us understand this.

It's one thing to try to present one system crash as a cause.
But to try to say that they experienced multiple system crashes and didn't have a backup
on a removable or multiple backup hard drives...

Not buying it.

Precisely. I work in the Tech world...and knowing/working with government entities as I do? There's one huge LIE afoot...or there's some Government IT guys that have some explaining to do.

EVERYTHING is logged on these systems...

The IRS is hoping for plausible deniability...on behalf of the DumbMasses...

NOT going to cut it...

They had better try with another excuse.


Sorry..well okay..

Without google...

What would this command tell you.

server:> df -h

Don't google.
So is this just a way of telling the congressional investigators to go fuck themselves without actually saying "go fuck yourselves"?
It's one thing to try to present one system crash as a cause.
But to try to say that they experienced multiple system crashes and didn't have a backup
on a removable or multiple backup hard drives...

Not buying it.

Precisely. I work in the Tech world...and knowing/working with government entities as I do? There's one huge LIE afoot...or there's some Government IT guys that have some explaining to do.

EVERYTHING is logged on these systems...

The IRS is hoping for plausible deniability...on behalf of the DumbMasses...

NOT going to cut it...

They had better try with another excuse.


Sorry..well okay..

Without google...

What would this command tell you.

server:> df -h

Don't google.

Haven't trouble techie tommy?

Okay..I will give you a hint.

server:> df -h
/dev/sda1 121G 15G 101G 13% /
tmpfs 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1 127G 17G 104G 14% /depot
/dev/sda3 6.0G 756M 4.9G 14% /var
/dev/sdc1 30G 28G 690M 98% /syb_dev

I took out some of the output..as to not make it to easy.

What's all that mean?


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