Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

The most interesting thing about today's announcement that the emails are missing due to "a computer crash", is that it is now obvious that whatever was in the emails, is far more dangerous to the Obama administration, than having to defend themselves against clear charges of obvious lying to Congress and stonewalling.
her computer crashed in the summer of 2011....long before we even knew there was a scandal and long before congress was involved to even request her emails...

IF THIS WERE NOT the case and it is something that has ''all of a sudden, happened'', I would say that stinks to high heaven, and is VERY suspicious!!!

However, that's not the case and irs has captured a great many of her emails and has spent $10 million so far gathering the information the congress has requested.

The IRS said technicians went to great lengths trying to recover data from Lerner's computer in 2011. In emails provided by the IRS, technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the agency's criminal investigations unit. But to no avail.
The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.
But an untold number are gone. Camp's office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices."
The IRS said in a statement that more than 250 IRS employees have been working to assist congressional investigations, spending nearly $10 million to produce more than 750,000 documents.
Overall, the IRS said it is producing a total of 67,000 emails to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013.
"The IRS is committed to working with Congress," the IRS said in a statement. "The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information."
IRS lost emails by official in tea party probe

Can they request from the DOJ, Treasury and congressmen to send what emails they have to learner to be sent to them?

Also, in the 67000 emails the irs was able to produce, surely if something was going on with the doj or treasury or other congressmen, she would have passed directions on to her subordinates via email....so it ain't over yet....
The most interesting thing about today's announcement that the emails are missing due to "a computer crash", is that it is now obvious that whatever was in the emails, is far more dangerous to the Obama administration, than having to defend themselves against clear charges of obvious lying to Congress and stonewalling.
her computer crashed in the summer of 2011....long before we even knew there was a scandal and long before congress was involved to even request her emails...

IF THIS WERE NOT the case and it is something that has ''all of a sudden, happened'', I would say that stinks to high heaven, and is VERY suspicious!!!

However, that's not the case and irs has captured a great many of her emails and has spent $10 million so far gathering the information the congress has requested.

The IRS said technicians went to great lengths trying to recover data from Lerner's computer in 2011. In emails provided by the IRS, technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the agency's criminal investigations unit. But to no avail.
The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.
But an untold number are gone. Camp's office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices."
The IRS said in a statement that more than 250 IRS employees have been working to assist congressional investigations, spending nearly $10 million to produce more than 750,000 documents.
Overall, the IRS said it is producing a total of 67,000 emails to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013.
"The IRS is committed to working with Congress," the IRS said in a statement. "The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information."
IRS lost emails by official in tea party probe

Can they request from the DOJ, Treasury and congressmen to send what emails they have to learner to be sent to them?

Also, in the 67000 emails the irs was able to produce, surely if something was going on with the doj or treasury or other congressmen, she would have passed directions on to her subordinates via email....so it ain't over yet....
Emails live on servers, not laptops.
They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.
A number of experts on the subject chimed in on the Mark Levin show tonight and they all said that's it's virtually impossible that the emails wouldn't exist on some server because of the built in redundancy. That is, unless someone deliberately deleted them. Now, on top of the original scandal, we have a clear case of obstruction of justice.

They won't get away with this if that spineless Boner convenes a special committee and subpoena's the email records. Then they can send in their own forensic experts to retrieve the data.
Oh sure.

Explain all this "built in" redundancy.

Go for it.

Government thrives on built in redundancy. It is what they do.

Yes they DO. I work for MANY Government entities...and YOU are correct. They are required to by LAW.
Emails live on servers, not laptops.

That is my understanding...
And those servers are backed up....
All companies have archives of their data.

And I'm sure the IRS does this as well.
Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.

Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?
No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There are trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.

The idea that the IRS can't afford a few Windows email servers is too idiotic for words. Only someone as dumb as you would fall for it.

Remember the Benghazi investigation has something like a 27 hour gap in emails missing.
They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:
LOL! :lol:
Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

No they didn't, moron. The last I heard, plenty of them were still waiting on the IRS for a ruling.
It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.

Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?


There weren't any investigations into the invasion of Iraq.

And..here's the fun part.

Issa was in Congress.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.

Well Okay...if you're sure you're ok. Worried about ya getting all steamed and all. :badgrin:
If it's all just a bunch of nothing then why is Obama at a 38% approval? HMMMMMMMM?:D
It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:

No meltdown whatsoever bud.

This is sorta fun.

I watch you guys go from tidbit to tidbit and go "AHA! The smoking gun".

This like so many things congress is wasting your tax payer money on is meaningless.

And completely.

It will amount to nada, zip.

But hey..if it floats your boat? Go for it.

Have fun.

Now you need to talk about where the missing emails from Bush on Iraq are, or about Halliburton. Or Dick Cheney. Or Romney's dog. Or whatever.
Again, does anyone anywhere seriously believe the story as the IRS has presented it?
NO. Absolutely NOT. And If there was mass manipulation? There are some people seriously guilty of Felonies.
Inotice that another single lefty is chiming in here to support the IRS's version of events. We might have just reached some kind of watershed.

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