Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.


Link to what? Sallow don't mess with me today I've been having such a beautiful Friday.
Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.

Oh yeah, Tommy..you work for the government alrighty..

Go ahead.

Let us know the SLA, Requirements, Medium and rotations.


The paranoia does strike deep.

It seriously does.

I've been on government sites when I was a consultant. In the way back when I was working with Data General.

I did a project where we were installing a Data General intel server for the Suffolk County Health Department.

Part of it was moving the data from their old server on to the new server.

Here's the funny part. They had an old 286 PC with old data that they wanted me to port to a UNIX server. They were so scared of losing the data they never shut the machine off for fear it would crash the hard drive.

I declined to touch the thing.

That's the government.
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have been for years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The recipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.


Link to what? Sallow don't mess with me today I've been having such a beautiful Friday.

IRS requirements regarding employee emails.

I am sure you have something..right?
The most interesting thing about today's announcement that the emails are missing due to "a computer crash", is that it is now obvious that whatever was in the emails, is far more dangerous to the Obama administration, than having to defend themselves against clear charges of obvious lying to Congress and stonewalling.
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The greatness that was America is fading away under the influence of misgovernment.

This "lost e-mails" is not just a lie---it is open defiance of the rule of law.

Its hope of succeeding is the usual: 1) Ignorance of the Citizens; and B) A complacent media.

With the help of those two, they can drag out even this treachery for months and months...and, eventually Harry Reid will come out and say "Old News. Lets move on.

But, what is left of vision that was America.

This same stuff got Nixon impeached. The only places it ever works is in Communist societies and/or Banana Republics.

Which are we?
The greatness that was America is fading away under the influence of misgovernment.

This "lost e-mails" is not just a lie---it is open defiance of the rule of law.

Its hopes of succeeding is the usual: 1) Ignorance of the Citizens; and B) A complacent media.

With the help of those two, they can drag out even this treachery for months and months...and, eventually Harry Reid will come out and say "Old News. Lets move on.

But, what is left of vision that was America.

This same stuff got Nixon impeached. The only places it ever works is in Communist societies and/or Banana Republics.

Which are we?

Dead on. Time to STAND UP to the treachery/TYRANNY.
How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

How convenient. Time to seize the hard drive and see what lurks thereon. Wouldn't it be amazing if the hard drive was accidentally erased by some shear happenstance. But we can all bet that Lois was hiding something very, very important.
Do you actually find that amusing?
I think it's a disgrace.


I believe he/she thinks its cute, but its main utility is to "Dodge the Issue."

Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.
How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

How convenient. Time to seize the hard drive and see what lurks thereon. Wouldn't it be amazing if the hard drive was accidentally erased by some shear happenstance. But we can all bet that Lois was hiding something very, very important.

Only ONE way to "ERASE" a HD...totally, physically DESTROY IT.

Hard drives "Shadow" everything written to it.
Do you actually find that amusing?
I think it's a disgrace.


I believe he/she thinks its cute, but its main utility is to "Dodge the Issue."

Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate...Nice try at deflection...ASSHOLE:eusa_hand:
I believe he/she thinks its cute, but its main utility is to "Dodge the Issue."
The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.

Ducking, dodging, shucking, and jiving like mad, sallow is.

ANYTHING but address the real issue: Are Lois Lerner's emails gone? If so, then since the email server (which did not crash, Lerner's computer did) is backed up daily, who deleted the backups from that?

A number of experts on the subject chimed in on the Mark Levin show tonight and they all said that's it's virtually impossible that the emails wouldn't exist on some server because of the built in redundancy. That is, unless someone deliberately deleted them. Now, on top of the original scandal, we have a clear case of obstruction of justice.

They won't get away with this if that spineless Boner convenes a special committee and subpoena's the email records. Then they can send in their own forensic experts to retrieve the data.

Link to what? Sallow don't mess with me today I've been having such a beautiful Friday.

IRS requirements regarding employee emails.

I am sure you have something..right?

All I have is my working knowledge of the rules of public correspondence. The rules and requirements for government emails are the same across the spectrum. All agencies have to follow the same rules including the Pentagon where I worked for two years. I'm not sure what you're asking me for. If it's proof, than look it up for yourself. Why are you defending the actions of the IRS? What they did is illegal.

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