Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Camp's office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices."

So the things the Obamanites really want to cover up, are in emails between Lois Lerner and people OUTSIDE the IRS. People in the DoJ, the treasury...

....and the White House.

There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.


Okay. I only play Hide 'n Seek™ for so long.

I don't know why you'd want to prove my point like this, but thanks.


Prove what point?

That you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

That's why I am asking if anyone has a link to the requirements on emails.

Every department has different requirements.

The White House? I am sure they have to save each and every one.

The IRS?

Not so sure about that..or for how long.

So..does anyone know?
The NSA :eusa_whistle:
There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.


Okay. I only play Hide 'n Seek™ for so long.

I don't know why you'd want to prove my point like this, but thanks.


Prove what point?

That you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

That's why I am asking if anyone has a link to the requirements on emails.

Every department has different requirements.

The White House? I am sure they have to save each and every one.

The IRS?

Not so sure about that..or for how long.

So..does anyone know?

No dice, hers to the Whitehouse are also missing.
They are probably parked on a server somewhere.

We are deep inside "the dog ate my homework" territory.
They are not lost forever....simply vacuumed into a balloon within the administration via scrubbing and replacement of PCs, servers and known hard copies, soon to leak out...like helium from a cheap circus balloon. This is the greatest source of fear in the White House today.

I keep wondering how many have been paid off, offered lucrative jobs, or blackmailed.

Or Reassigned...and made to sign a non-disclosure agreement...or else.

This Whitehouse HATES whistleblowers.
Maybe the White House needed something to distract from the five terrorists for a deserter scandal. :lol::lol::lol:

...and the fact that the leader of the militants that are beheading people by the thousands in Iraq was RELEASED BY OBAMA IN 2009....
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.
Maybe the White House needed something to distract from the five terrorists for a deserter scandal. :lol::lol::lol:

...and the fact that the leader of the militants that are beheading people by the thousands in Iraq was RELEASED BY OBAMA IN 2009....

AND one of the Masterminds of 9/11 released with the latest five in the past weeks in a phony "Prisoner exchange"

Okay. I only play Hide 'n Seek™ for so long.

I don't know why you'd want to prove my point like this, but thanks.


Prove what point?

That you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

That's why I am asking if anyone has a link to the requirements on emails.

Every department has different requirements.

The White House? I am sure they have to save each and every one.

The IRS?

Not so sure about that..or for how long.

So..does anyone know?

No dice, hers to the Whitehouse are also missing.


Then they would be on the Whitehouse servers.

Man you guys are rich.
See, what those on the left are missing is whatever agency she was corresponding with would have the originals she sent to them, but, no, nothing exists. That is a massive cover up.
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
Got a link or reference for this information?
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.

Obama-We're the Most Transparent and Ethical Admi…: [ame=http://youtu.be/OXWTdTnhebs]Obama-We're the Most Transparent and Ethical Administration in U.S. History! - YouTube[/ame]
They are not lost forever....simply vacuumed into a balloon within the administration via scrubbing and replacement of PCs, servers and known hard copies, soon to leak out...like helium from a cheap circus balloon. This is the greatest source of fear in the White House today.

I keep wondering how many have been paid off, offered lucrative jobs, or blackmailed.

Or Reassigned...and made to sign a non-disclosure agreement...or else.

This Whitehouse HATES whistleblowers.
Yep. I wonder if in my lifetime the truth will ever make it out. I keep thinking when he is gone, just maybe, but who knows? A couple that lied for them and played cover for another situation, resigned and immediately had their own new security firm working together.
This is a move of desperation.

There is no longer any doubt that there was incriminating stuff in the emails.
They had no choice but destroy or say they were wiped out.
If the emails were harmless they would have produced them in a heartbeat to clear her.

Looks like we have another scandal...

And it's always the coverup that kills these guys.


Until now, I thought the Lerner was hiding something that would embarrass Lerner.

But with a move this desperate and blatant, it becomes clear that Lerner was hiding something on OBAMA.

The order came from on HIGH...no doubt about it.
See, what those on the left are missing is whatever agency she was corresponding with would have the originals she sent to them, but, no, nothing exists. That is a massive cover up.


The people she emailed will have those e mails on their servers.
So all the emails were wiped out on multiple servers....

I don't think so.
Bart Simpson comes up with better excuses than this. ("I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!")

Naturally, it was announced late on a Friday, after all the daily news shows are over.

They are insulting the entire American public by even pretending they expect us to believe this one.

With this one, I'm finally starting to realize that Lois Lerner and the IRS are hiding something REALLY big. A direct email from Obama's Blackberry, telling her to hold up approvals of conservative groups or something?

Remember that Richard Nixon was impeached for commanding the IRS to go after his enemies... or would have been, if he hadn't gotten out of town just ahead of the posse. It was one of the Articles of Impeachment voted out of the House committee.

The only difference? In Nixon's case, the IRS refused to do what he told them, since it was against the law.


IRS: So? Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner?s Emails

IRS: So… Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner’s Emails

1 hour ago

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claimed Friday that it cannot produce Lois Lerner’s emails to and from the White House and other administration departments due to a supposed computer crash.

The IRS previously agreed to hand over all of the ex-IRS official’s emails from 2009 to 2011 to the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Dave Camp. But the IRS claimed Friday that it has Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS officials but it cannot produce emails to and from the Treasury and Justice Departments, the Federal Election Commission, or Democratic offices.

The IRS’ computer crash may go down in history next to the eighteen and a half minute gap in the Watergate tapes, which was supposedly caused by a mistake by Richard Nixon’s secretary Rose Mary Woods.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries,” Camp said in a statement.

Wait, what???????



Had NIXON stayed in office? The charges would have centered around the Watergate break in.

Wonderful thing about the Internet, you can find anything.

Article 2

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening the laws governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposed of these agencies.
This conduct has included one or more of the following:

  1. He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

That article actually got more votes that the Watergate charges in Article 1, which means they were more concerned about the abuse of power than the break in, but keep rewriting history to make yourself into a genius.

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.


Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.

Oh yeah, Tommy..you work for the government alrighty..

Go ahead.

Let us know the SLA, Requirements, Medium and rotations.


The paranoia does strike deep.
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.

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