Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"


There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.


Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.
I figure it took them 2 years to scrub everything, and we are just now hearing about it. Remember they had to scrub the Whitehouse traces, treasury, justice, irs, and no telling what other depts. Oh yeah and the epa, and the fbi.
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Oh! No big deal! Don't you know someone's dog ate them. Now lets see that ocean front property in sunny az.
This is a move of desperation.

There is no longer any doubt that there was incriminating stuff in the emails.
They had no choice but destroy or say they were wiped out.
If the emails were harmless they would have produced them in a heartbeat to clear her.

Looks like we have another scandal...

And it's always the coverup that kills these guys.
IRS lost emails by official in tea party probe

The IRS told Congress Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner's emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year.

Lois Lerner's computer crashed?

Emails aren't stored on the recipient's computer. They're stored on the email server, which is in a different room, and often in a completely different company. And the email server is backed up daily.

No way could Lois Lerner's computer crashing, result in her emails being "wiped out".

So, what (or who) did wipe them out?

Did Rose Mary Woods come back from the dead, to work her magic on yet another politically sensitive Federal govt machine, hmmm?

And do you know the SLA on emails at the IRS?

Know what sort of machine it was on?

What the backup requirements were?

The company I presently work at has an SLA of 3 years on highly sensitive financial data.

It's backed up on 2 machines and tape. The tapes are rotated between this site and a data facility.

And I KNOW financial companies are much better with data protection then the government.

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.

They are probably parked on a server somewhere.

We are deep inside "the dog ate my homework" territory.
They are not lost forever....simply vacuumed into a balloon within the administration via scrubbing and replacement of PCs, servers and known hard copies, soon to leak out...like helium from a cheap circus balloon. This is the greatest source of fear in the White House today.
This is a move of desperation.

There is no longer any doubt that there was incriminating stuff in the emails.
They had no choice but destroy or say they were wiped out.
If the emails were harmless they would have produced them in a heartbeat to clear her.

Looks like we have another scandal...

And it's always the coverup that kills these guys.


Until now, I thought the Lerner was hiding something that would embarrass Lerner.

But with a move this desperate and blatant, it becomes clear that Lerner was hiding something on OBAMA.

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.


Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.
I figure it took them 2 years to scrub everything, and we are just now hearing about it. Remember they had to scrub the Whitehouse traces, treasury, justice, irs, and no telling what other depts. Oh yeah and the epa, and the fbi.
Then whomever 'scrubbed' it is guilty of a FELONY.
Libs will say ....the Republicans cut funds for backup programs for the IRS...

It's the Republicans fault.

Here's a thought.

Prove them wrong.

This is hilarious..because I know how bad government IT is..

I've dealt with military folks who came to work with me at the NYSE.

And friends in the military.

One told me they could be on their backup server in an hour!

That was freakin hilarious!!!!

An HOUR!!!

The IRS has no back up? Really?
There are many ways to produce these emails:
Government mail systems for the White House, the DOJ, and the IRS are documented for review reasons, and have beenfor years. Those emails are held for a minimum of seven years and are directly retrievable from those systems.
The receipients of those emails in departments like Treasury, DOJ, the White House, the FEC are on different servers. The only way that a 'computer crash' affected all those disparate systems, only erasing Lerner's mails but leaving the departments merrily functioning otherwise, is if malware specifically targeting and erasing mails from Lerner was introduced into those systems.
If we assume that by 'computer crash', whatever flack that decided to peddle this lie means a local storage hard drive crash, or a distributed storage array crash, the data is still retrievable - unless the drive was deliberately physically destroyed or repeatedly degaussed. Recovery is not quick, and it's crazy, but it's eminently doable.
So again They are. lying. If Boehner doesn't call a press conference, and announce that NO legislation will be taken up until the material is found and surrendered, than the Republican party is worse than useless. It is an active, complicit, co-conspirator.
Watch the lefties scream bloody murder if the Republicans pursue this.
They will say there was nothing on those emails anyway and the right is just trying
to take down the first black President.
What happened to the daily backups for the two year period?

It is completely unbelievable that 730 days of back ups were lost.
No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.


Okay. I only play Hide 'n Seek™ for so long.

I don't know why you'd want to prove my point like this, but thanks.


Prove what point?

That you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

That's why I am asking if anyone has a link to the requirements on emails.

Every department has different requirements.

The White House? I am sure they have to save each and every one.

The IRS?

Not so sure about that..or for how long.

So..does anyone know?

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.

They are probably parked on a server somewhere.

We are deep inside "the dog ate my homework" territory.
They are not lost forever....simply vacuumed into a balloon within the administration via scrubbing and replacement of PCs, servers and known hard copies, soon to leak out...like helium from a cheap circus balloon. This is the greatest source of fear in the White House today.

I keep wondering how many have been paid off, offered lucrative jobs, or blackmailed.

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.


Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.

Oh yeah, Tommy..you work for the government alrighty..

Go ahead.

Let us know the SLA, Requirements, Medium and rotations.


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