Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Oh I think it is a big deal.

Federal law is violated by these PACs.

All these folks should be in jail..or something.

No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.


Okay. I only play Hide 'n Seek™ for so long.

I don't know why you'd want to prove my point like this, but thanks.

IRS lost emails by official in tea party probe

The IRS told Congress Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner's emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year.

Lois Lerner's computer crashed?

Emails aren't stored on the recipient's computer. They're stored on the email server, which is in a different room, and often in a completely different company. And the email server is backed up daily.

No way could Lois Lerner's computer crashing, result in her emails being "wiped out".

So, what (or who) did wipe them out?

Did Rose Mary Woods come back from the dead, to work her magic on yet another politically sensitive Federal govt machine, hmmm?
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Clearly, Obama found the secret hidey hole where Nixon hid his tapes...

The dog ate my Hotmail, promise.​

Maybe her Boss, Mr. Bush..should fire her.

Oh wait..he's not her boss anymore..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

People who think like you do are the problem.

Ducking, dodging, shucking, and jiving like mad, sallow is.

ANYTHING but address the real issue: Are Lois Lerner's emails gone? If so, then since the email server (which did not crash, Lerner's computer did) is backed up daily, who deleted the backups from that?

It's still in the hard drive and can be retrieved even if it was deleted.

Not if they torched the hard drives. How much you wanna bet?

You think they don't have back ups? I'll BET the data resides with the NSA...
Nixon had 18 minutes of recording missing. Lois Lerner? She has 2 years of emails missing. All the sarcasm from Sallow this thread is sheer desperation. His team is coming apart at the seams and he knows it.

Sallow, why do you blindly defend such treachery? Why? Have you no morals?
The Government backs everything up...especially DATA...they are required to...I don't buy this 'Missing E-mails' business for one second.

If anything? The NSA has copies of all of it...heck? They have all OUR data/e-mails as well.

Sallow is a brainwashed dupe that trusts government too readily...which is why he is a raging leftist that hates his own liberty.

You've worked in IT how long?

And you have no fucking idea what the SLA is on IRS employee emails.

But lets see.

Link it.

Show us all how much you fucking know.

Show us what the requirement is on storing emails at the IRS.
It took 2 years to make sure all traces were wiped clean. Just my opinion.
It's still in the hard drive and can be retrieved even if it was deleted.

Not if they torched the hard drives. How much you wanna bet?

You think they don't have back ups? I'll BET the data resides with the NSA...

Yes..because unlike you, I'd like Congress to actually do something.

Instead of having stupid investigation after stupid investigation that go over the same fucking ground and come up with nothing.
We shouldn't get all worked up about this.

It's common for two years' worth of hotly-contested emails in government investigations to simply vanish.

If this is true, it will be interesting to see if any lefties here are willing to admit how badly it stinks.


It stinks about as badly as when another Bush hire, Karl Rove, told congress to go fuck themselves.

No, it sounds like when Sandy Berger walked off with documents from the archives after 9/11

There's no way in hell there are not plenty of backup systems and/or ways to recover this info.

This is absurd.

They'll have to backtrack on this.


Their excuse is geared for the dumbmasses in an attempt to make the masses believe this is like their home computer that they didn't get a subscription to MOZY, or other backup service/device, therefore the data is GONE...

I do work for the Government...they back up EVERYTHING.

BET on it.
Bart Simpson comes up with better excuses than this. ("I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!")

Naturally, it was announced late on a Friday, after all the daily news shows are over.

They are insulting the entire American public by even pretending they expect us to believe this one.

With this one, I'm finally starting to realize that Lois Lerner and the IRS are hiding something REALLY big. A direct email from Obama's Blackberry, telling her to hold up approvals of conservative groups or something?

Remember that Richard Nixon was impeached for commanding the IRS to go after his enemies... or would have been, if he hadn't gotten out of town just ahead of the posse. It was one of the Articles of Impeachment voted out of the House committee.

The only difference? In Nixon's case, the IRS refused to do what he told them, since it was against the law.


IRS: So? Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner?s Emails

IRS: So… Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner’s Emails

1 hour ago

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claimed Friday that it cannot produce Lois Lerner’s emails to and from the White House and other administration departments due to a supposed computer crash.

The IRS previously agreed to hand over all of the ex-IRS official’s emails from 2009 to 2011 to the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Dave Camp. But the IRS claimed Friday that it has Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS officials but it cannot produce emails to and from the Treasury and Justice Departments, the Federal Election Commission, or Democratic offices.

The IRS’ computer crash may go down in history next to the eighteen and a half minute gap in the Watergate tapes, which was supposedly caused by a mistake by Richard Nixon’s secretary Rose Mary Woods.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries,” Camp said in a statement.

Wait, what???????



Had NIXON stayed in office? The charges would have centered around the Watergate break in.

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