Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

House should hire geek to get in there and look and take it out of IRS budget, from what I understand of computers nothing is really lost its just not accessible.
How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

How convenient. Time to seize the hard drive and see what lurks thereon. Wouldn't it be amazing if the hard drive was accidentally erased by some shear happenstance. But we can all bet that Lois was hiding something very, very important.

Only ONE way to "ERASE" a HD...totally, physically DESTROY IT.

Hard drives "Shadow" everything written to it.

I am not an IT person but my experience has been that even if a hard drive crashes
it is possible that data can be retrieved....

So are they saying the hard drive on the backup server crashed as well.
I can't believe that a government agency doesn't have multiple levels of backup...

This thing stinks....
The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.

Ducking, dodging, shucking, and jiving like mad, sallow is.

ANYTHING but address the real issue: Are Lois Lerner's emails gone? If so, then since the email server (which did not crash, Lerner's computer did) is backed up daily, who deleted the backups from that?

A number of experts on the subject chimed in on the Mark Levin show tonight and they all said that's it's virtually impossible that the emails wouldn't exist on some server because of the built in redundancy. That is, unless someone deliberately deleted them. Now, on top of the original scandal, we have a clear case of obstruction of justice.

They won't get away with this if that spineless Boner convenes a special committee and subpoena's the email records. Then they can send in their own forensic experts to retrieve the data.

Amen. Indeed. Boehner better find a spine...and quick...election is coming...and his Tenure as Speaker...:eusa_whistle:
Oh I think it is a big deal.

Federal law is violated by these PACs.

All these folks should be in jail..or something.

No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There are trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.

The idea that the IRS can't afford a few Windows email servers is too idiotic for words. Only someone as dumb as you would fall for it.
How convenient. Time to seize the hard drive and see what lurks thereon. Wouldn't it be amazing if the hard drive was accidentally erased by some shear happenstance. But we can all bet that Lois was hiding something very, very important.

Only ONE way to "ERASE" a HD...totally, physically DESTROY IT.

Hard drives "Shadow" everything written to it.

I am not an IT person but my experience has been that even if a hard drive crashes
it is possible that data can be retrieved....

So are they saying the hard drive on the backup server crashed as well.
I can't believe that a government agency doesn't have multiple levels of backup...

This thing stinks....
What stinks is how insulting, to even the most mediocre of intelligence, that this claim is.

The only progressive on the two threads is Sallow, sounding like Steve Dallas trying to get two convicted nun beaters off on a technicality! :lol:
Only ONE way to "ERASE" a HD...totally, physically DESTROY IT.

Hard drives "Shadow" everything written to it.

I am not an IT person but my experience has been that even if a hard drive crashes
it is possible that data can be retrieved....

So are they saying the hard drive on the backup server crashed as well.
I can't believe that a government agency doesn't have multiple levels of backup...

This thing stinks....
What stinks is how insulting, to even the most mediocre of intelligence, that this claim is.

The only progressive on the two threads is Sallow, sounding like Steve Dallas trying to get two convicted nun beaters off on a technicality! :lol:
No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There are trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.

The idea that the IRS can't afford a few Windows email servers is too idiotic for words. Only someone as dumb as you would fall for it.
Falling for it?

He is preparing briefs for the defense team! :rofl:
Do you actually find that amusing?
I think it's a disgrace.


I believe he/she thinks its cute, but its main utility is to "Dodge the Issue."

Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


I believe the CFR will answer that, no opinions needed. :D
How convenient. Time to seize the hard drive and see what lurks thereon. Wouldn't it be amazing if the hard drive was accidentally erased by some shear happenstance. But we can all bet that Lois was hiding something very, very important.

Only ONE way to "ERASE" a HD...totally, physically DESTROY IT.

Hard drives "Shadow" everything written to it.

I am not an IT person but my experience has been that even if a hard drive crashes
it is possible that data can be retrieved....

So are they saying the hard drive on the backup server crashed as well.
I can't believe that a government agency doesn't have multiple levels of backup...

This thing stinks....

They want us to believe that not only did Lerners hard drive crash but also the server like you stated. That's unbelievable enough but they also want you to buy that the recipient of the emails had a hard drive and server crash as well, and even then a good Int tech could pull them up. YEP! This thing stinks to high heaven.
No Sallow.

Since we know you don't deflect, you must not have understood my question.

The story that is the basis of the thread. The hard drive crash.

You don't smell even a teeny tiny rat?

This doesn't see kind of odd? Especially announced on a Friday afternoon?


There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There are trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.

The idea that the IRS can't afford a few Windows email servers is too idiotic for words. Only someone as dumb as you would fall for it.

With as much as they BILK from people...? :lol:
There would be no "rat" if they were properly provisioned.

In terms of financing? The IRS is the rats ass.

And it's deliberate.

There are trillions of unpaid taxes floating out there.

Why? The IRS doesn't have the resources to get to it.

Part of the problem?


So..if a 20 or so year old computer crashes..do I smell a rat?


A bunch of them.

In Congress.

The idea that the IRS can't afford a few Windows email servers is too idiotic for words. Only someone as dumb as you would fall for it.
Falling for it?

He is preparing briefs for the defense team! :rofl:

Appointed by Holder...this whole scenario stinks. Another LIE...

I believe he/she thinks its cute, but its main utility is to "Dodge the Issue."

Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.
See, what those on the left are missing is whatever agency she was corresponding with would have the originals she sent to them, but, no, nothing exists. That is a massive cover up.


The people she emailed will have those e mails on their servers.
So all the emails were wiped out on multiple servers....

I don't think so.

Is that what the IRS is claiming, or that just the ones on Lerner's laptop are missing?
Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

It must be a baaaaaaaaaaad day for Obama. Sallow is blowing a gasket. Sal can't even lie his way out of this one. You may want to turn your PC off and watch some reruns of the Brady Bunch and take two aspirin and check back with us tomorrow.:lol:
The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.

Ducking, dodging, shucking, and jiving like mad, sallow is.

ANYTHING but address the real issue: Are Lois Lerner's emails gone? If so, then since the email server (which did not crash, Lerner's computer did) is backed up daily, who deleted the backups from that?

A number of experts on the subject chimed in on the Mark Levin show tonight and they all said that's it's virtually impossible that the emails wouldn't exist on some server because of the built in redundancy. That is, unless someone deliberately deleted them. Now, on top of the original scandal, we have a clear case of obstruction of justice.

They won't get away with this if that spineless Boner convenes a special committee and subpoena's the email records. Then they can send in their own forensic experts to retrieve the data.
Oh sure.

Explain all this "built in" redundancy.

Go for it.

See, what those on the left are missing is whatever agency she was corresponding with would have the originals she sent to them, but, no, nothing exists. That is a massive cover up.


The people she emailed will have those e mails on their servers.
So all the emails were wiped out on multiple servers....

I don't think so.

Is that what the IRS is claiming, or that just the ones on Lerner's laptop are missing?

All emails should be on the email server.

Ducking, dodging, shucking, and jiving like mad, sallow is.

ANYTHING but address the real issue: Are Lois Lerner's emails gone? If so, then since the email server (which did not crash, Lerner's computer did) is backed up daily, who deleted the backups from that?

A number of experts on the subject chimed in on the Mark Levin show tonight and they all said that's it's virtually impossible that the emails wouldn't exist on some server because of the built in redundancy. That is, unless someone deliberately deleted them. Now, on top of the original scandal, we have a clear case of obstruction of justice.

They won't get away with this if that spineless Boner convenes a special committee and subpoena's the email records. Then they can send in their own forensic experts to retrieve the data.
Oh sure.

Explain all this "built in" redundancy.

Go for it.

Government thrives on built in redundancy. It is what they do.

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