Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Only a complete moron would think after Obama calls out Americans for Prosperity for months on end, that he didn't encourage the IRS to jack with them.


Yeah, exactly.

And when President Hoover kept talking about Al Capone, that didn't encourage the IRS to take him out, either.

See the difference between Americans for Prosperity and Al Capone?

Um, yeah. Al Capone was only fucking over Bugs Moran.

Americans for Prosperity is for fucking over the American WOrking Man because the poor bastard was making too much money.

Shit, given a difference between Karl Rove (who helped kill hundreds of thousands as opposed to Capone, who just killed a few dozen), I'd take Capone any day.
Yeah, exactly.

And when President Hoover kept talking about Al Capone, that didn't encourage the IRS to take him out, either.

See the difference between Americans for Prosperity and Al Capone?

Um, yeah. Al Capone was only fucking over Bugs Moran.

Americans for Prosperity is for fucking over the American WOrking Man because the poor bastard was making too much money.

Shit, given a difference between Karl Rove (who helped kill hundreds of thousands as opposed to Capone, who just killed a few dozen), I'd take Capone any day.

Yeah Joe this is why your credibility on this board is shot.
gawd almighty, why do we have to go through this continual bull crap from the infantile boys on this site? why all this stupid, silly, ridiculous mud slinging bull crud?

Does it make you all feel bigger and better? Are you more of a MAN by posting this pubescent crap?


go ahead, neg me to hell...

But I stand by what I said....GROW UP BOYS....
Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

The partisan right and IRS ‘scandal,’ facts and evidence missing.

You keep repeating it as though it were true. We know:
-Senators put pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative groups
-Conservative groups were subject to levels of scrutiny well beyond reasonable, and the IRS apologized for it
-Lois Lerner stated she had been under tremendous pressure to do something about them after Citizens United
-The IRS released confidential information to the FBI, in violation of the law

If that isn't a scandal then I dont know what is.
Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

The partisan right and IRS ‘scandal,’ facts and evidence missing.

You keep repeating it as though it were true. We know:
-Senators put pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative groups
-Conservative groups were subject to levels of scrutiny well beyond reasonable, and the IRS apologized for it
-Lois Lerner stated she had been under tremendous pressure to do something about them after Citizens United
-The IRS released confidential information to the FBI, in violation of the law

If that isn't a scandal then I dont know what is.

Well, you clearly don't know what a scandal is.

I'll help you out

- A President lies about a foreign country that didn't attack us having weapons of mass destruction.
- He ignores the generals, goes in with too few troops, and chaos ensues.
- We find out the company that his Vice President used to be in charge of has made tens of billions in no-bid contracts for overpriced, substandard services.
- Said company raped female employees, provided dangerous electrical work that killed soldiers, and provided feces-laden water.

That's a scandal.

The IRS trying to detect tax fraud by going after groups that say 'Tax Fraud' in their titles, not so much.
The partisan right and IRS ‘scandal,’ facts and evidence missing.

You keep repeating it as though it were true. We know:
-Senators put pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative groups
-Conservative groups were subject to levels of scrutiny well beyond reasonable, and the IRS apologized for it
-Lois Lerner stated she had been under tremendous pressure to do something about them after Citizens United
-The IRS released confidential information to the FBI, in violation of the law

If that isn't a scandal then I dont know what is.

Well, you clearly don't know what a scandal is.

I'll help you out

- A President lies about a foreign country that didn't attack us having weapons of mass destruction.
- He ignores the generals, goes in with too few troops, and chaos ensues.
- We find out the company that his Vice President used to be in charge of has made tens of billions in no-bid contracts for overpriced, substandard services.
- Said company raped female employees, provided dangerous electrical work that killed soldiers, and provided feces-laden water.

That's a scandal.

The IRS trying to detect tax fraud by going after groups that say 'Tax Fraud' in their titles, not so much.

Well, except for a few things.

1. They went after a lot more than "Tax Fraud", and you know it. You are therefore trying to deceive. Strike one.
2. A president had articles of impeachment drawn up against him for even TRYING to send the IRS after his opponents. This one actually did it. Strike two.
3. You're trying to deflect attention and not hold this administration accountable for its actions by acting like a drunk driver yelling at a cop for stopping him and not chasing after "real" criminals. Strike three.
You guys want a scandal?

Here is a scandal.

President Obama assigned a donor of his to investigate the IRS issue. She completed the investigation within days and found nothing worthy of criminal charges. President Obama ALSO stated as fact that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.


They did not have access to the lost emails of Lois Lerner....the primary subject of the investigation...and emails for the two pertinent years that were being investigated.

Exactly what did they use to determine all is good?
The partisan right and IRS ‘scandal,’ facts and evidence missing.

You keep repeating it as though it were true. We know:
-Senators put pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative groups
-Conservative groups were subject to levels of scrutiny well beyond reasonable, and the IRS apologized for it
-Lois Lerner stated she had been under tremendous pressure to do something about them after Citizens United
-The IRS released confidential information to the FBI, in violation of the law

If that isn't a scandal then I dont know what is.

Well, you clearly don't know what a scandal is.

I'll help you out

- A President lies about a foreign country that didn't attack us having weapons of mass destruction.
- He ignores the generals, goes in with too few troops, and chaos ensues.
- We find out the company that his Vice President used to be in charge of has made tens of billions in no-bid contracts for overpriced, substandard services.
- Said company raped female employees, provided dangerous electrical work that killed soldiers, and provided feces-laden water.

That's a scandal.

The IRS trying to detect tax fraud by going after groups that say 'Tax Fraud' in their titles, not so much.

Grow up and stop using spin in an effort to win a debate. State facts....not assumption.
You guys want a scandal?

Here is a scandal.

President Obama assigned a donor of his to investigate the IRS issue. She completed the investigation within days and found nothing worthy of criminal charges. President Obama ALSO stated as fact that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.


They did not have access to the lost emails of Lois Lerner....the primary subject of the investigation...and emails for the two pertinent years that were being investigated.

Exactly what did they use to determine all is good?

Dude, that was like two months ago!
The most corrupt administration in history.
Um. Nixon was never impeached. The only president in the 20th century to be impeached was Clinton.

While strictly true, functionally Nixon is the only president to ever be removed because of impeachment proceedings. He knew what was coming and stepped down because of it. I don't see how stepping down because he KNEW that an impeachment was not only coming but that the conviction was as well somehow makes the fact it was going to happen go away.

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