Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Um. Nixon was never impeached. The only president in the 20th century to be impeached was Clinton.

While strictly true, functionally Nixon is the only president to ever be removed because of impeachment proceedings. He knew what was coming and stepped down because of it. I don't see how stepping down because he KNEW that an impeachment was not only coming but that the conviction was as well somehow makes the fact it was going to happen go away.

It is a true statement to say only Clinton was impeached in the 20th century. It is an untrue statement to say Nixon was impeached.

Well, except for a few things.

1. They went after a lot more than "Tax Fraud", and you know it. You are therefore trying to deceive. Strike one.
2. A president had articles of impeachment drawn up against him for even TRYING to send the IRS after his opponents. This one actually did it. Strike two.
3. You're trying to deflect attention and not hold this administration accountable for its actions by acting like a drunk driver yelling at a cop for stopping him and not chasing after "real" criminals. Strike three.

1. Uh, no, guy, it really was about the Tax Fraud. These Tea Party groups were not Social Welfare Agencies. Fraud. Period.

2. And if you had any proof Obama ordered this to go after his opponents, you might have something. Instead, what you have is Lerner rightfully thinking that the Teabaggers were trying to defraud her, and going after them.

3. Sorry, if the real criminal is dragging a dead body through the street, right past the cop,a nd that cop is bound and determined to prove that my blood alcohol level is .08, (which is pretty much mouthwash) then that cop isn't doing his job.
You keep repeating it as though it were true. We know:
-Senators put pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative groups
-Conservative groups were subject to levels of scrutiny well beyond reasonable, and the IRS apologized for it
-Lois Lerner stated she had been under tremendous pressure to do something about them after Citizens United
-The IRS released confidential information to the FBI, in violation of the law

If that isn't a scandal then I dont know what is.

Well, you clearly don't know what a scandal is.

I'll help you out

- A President lies about a foreign country that didn't attack us having weapons of mass destruction.
- He ignores the generals, goes in with too few troops, and chaos ensues.
- We find out the company that his Vice President used to be in charge of has made tens of billions in no-bid contracts for overpriced, substandard services.
- Said company raped female employees, provided dangerous electrical work that killed soldiers, and provided feces-laden water.

That's a scandal.

The IRS trying to detect tax fraud by going after groups that say 'Tax Fraud' in their titles, not so much.

Grow up and stop using spin in an effort to win a debate. State facts....not assumption.

YOu guys are making a lot of assumptions as well.

But tell me, even if you are right, how does that effect your life in any way?

I honestly wish Congress was spending as much time trying to put people back to work as they are investigating 'phony scandal of the week'.
Well, you clearly don't know what a scandal is.

I'll help you out

- A President lies about a foreign country that didn't attack us having weapons of mass destruction.
- He ignores the generals, goes in with too few troops, and chaos ensues.
- We find out the company that his Vice President used to be in charge of has made tens of billions in no-bid contracts for overpriced, substandard services.
- Said company raped female employees, provided dangerous electrical work that killed soldiers, and provided feces-laden water.

That's a scandal.

The IRS trying to detect tax fraud by going after groups that say 'Tax Fraud' in their titles, not so much.

Grow up and stop using spin in an effort to win a debate. State facts....not assumption.

YOu guys are making a lot of assumptions as well.

But tell me, even if you are right, how does that effect your life in any way?

I honestly wish Congress was spending as much time trying to put people back to work as they are investigating 'phony scandal of the week'.
Are you serious?

You ask how abusing the federal taxing authority to quell political speech affects the lives of Americans in any way?

Wow. Wow. Wow. :eek:
When even the GOP congress doesn't want to touch a conspiracy theory because it's so damn stupid, you'd think the ODS rubes could take the hint. Sadly, their ODS has damaged all of their higher thought processes, with reason being the first casualty.
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Well, except for a few things.

1. They went after a lot more than "Tax Fraud", and you know it. You are therefore trying to deceive. Strike one.
2. A president had articles of impeachment drawn up against him for even TRYING to send the IRS after his opponents. This one actually did it. Strike two.
3. You're trying to deflect attention and not hold this administration accountable for its actions by acting like a drunk driver yelling at a cop for stopping him and not chasing after "real" criminals. Strike three.

1. Uh, no, guy, it really was about the Tax Fraud. These Tea Party groups were not Social Welfare Agencies. Fraud. Period.

Where were the prosecutions for this fraud?
There werent any. Why? Because the non profits never got their tax status. You don't even know what the entire issue was about. What makes you think you are remotely qualified to comment on this when you have no idea--absolutely zero, as to what actually happened?
Are you serious?

You ask how abusing the federal taxing authority to quell political speech affects the lives of Americans in any way?

Wow. Wow. Wow. :eek:


THis is what you guys don't get.

It's like saying that by putting a lock on my car, I'm supressing your right to take my ride. And when I ask you what you are doing with that slimjim, I'm not supressing you.
When even the GOP congress doesn't want to touch a conspiracy theory because it's so damn stupid, you'd think the ODS rubes could take the hint. Sadly, their ODS has damaged all of their higher thought processes, with reason being the first casualty.
There is at least one investigation into the IRS scandal. How is that not touching a conspiracy theory? We want to know exactly what happened. Why don't you?
Are you serious?

You ask how abusing the federal taxing authority to quell political speech affects the lives of Americans in any way?

Wow. Wow. Wow. :eek:


THis is what you guys don't get.

It's like saying that by putting a lock on my car, I'm supressing your right to take my ride. And when I ask you what you are doing with that slimjim, I'm not supressing you.

You're simply babbling here. WTF is a "political deduction"??
Social Welfare agencies- Tax deductable- don't have to disclose donors.

Political groups- Not Tax deductable, have to disclose donors.

Karl Rove is not a social welfare agency!

He's not a pizza either. Is there some kind of point you want to make through the Haldol, Joe?
Are you serious?

You ask how abusing the federal taxing authority to quell political speech affects the lives of Americans in any way?

Wow. Wow. Wow. :eek:


THis is what you guys don't get.

It's like saying that by putting a lock on my car, I'm supressing your right to take my ride. And when I ask you what you are doing with that slimjim, I'm not supressing you.
You are a dangerously ignorant and indifferent fool. The archetypal Leninist useful idiot.

There is no other way to put it.
The IRS recently informed Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp and subcommittee chairman Charles Boustany that computer crashes resulted in additional lost e-mails, including from Nikole Flax, the chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller, who was fired in the wake of the targeting scandal. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/380576/irs-has-lost-more-e-mails-eliana-johnson

We are asked to believe that a government whose National Security Agency has been monitoring and storing for future reference records of our every communication, and which spied on the communications of foreign leaders, has lost one federal employee's emails.

This doesn't pass the smell test. We are potentially dealing here with the deliberate destruction of federal records to cover up the illegal and unconstitutional intimidation of an administration's political opponents. We are talking major felonies. Lost Lois Lerner Emails Mirror Nixon's 18 1/2 Minute Tape Gap - Investors.com
The IRS recently informed Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp and subcommittee chairman Charles Boustany that computer crashes resulted in additional lost e-mails, including from Nikole Flax, the chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller, who was fired in the wake of the targeting scandal. IRS Has Lost More E-mails . . . | National Review Online

We are asked to believe that a government whose National Security Agency has been monitoring and storing for future reference records of our every communication, and which spied on the communications of foreign leaders, has lost one federal employee's emails.

This doesn't pass the smell test. We are potentially dealing here with the deliberate destruction of federal records to cover up the illegal and unconstitutional intimidation of an administration's political opponents. We are talking major felonies. Lost Lois Lerner Emails Mirror Nixon's 18 1/2 Minute Tape Gap - Investors.com

It certainly appears to be exactly that. The very emails Congress is asking for, which we were told they had, and which they have had months to turn over now suddenly have disappeared because a computer went down. How convenient. It is prima facie evidence of criminal activity.
Are you serious?

You ask how abusing the federal taxing authority to quell political speech affects the lives of Americans in any way?

Wow. Wow. Wow. :eek:


THis is what you guys don't get.

It's like saying that by putting a lock on my car, I'm supressing your right to take my ride. And when I ask you what you are doing with that slimjim, I'm not supressing you.
You are a dangerously ignorant and indifferent fool. The archetypal Leninist useful idiot.

There is no other way to put it.

Its truly pointless to even bother with someone that is willfully ignorant. The list of 501 c4 agencies includes such groups as AARP and the Brady Campaign but don't bother trying to point out the fact that those agencies are very politically active. As long as they agree with left ideology, it is acceptable.

This is the inherent problem with a tax code that is so complex no one on earth understands it in its entirety.
....potential......appears that way.......must be........

Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?
....potential......appears that way.......must be........

Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?

One doesn't need an explanation. There are ongoing investigations. Unless you believe that Issa and Camp are colluding with the IRS to cover up the truth....why are you so eager to make your judgement?

As has been stated here dozens of times.....it is not possible to erase emails without leaving a trail of some kind. If that trail exists....I expect Issa and Camp will find it.

....potential......appears that way.......must be........

Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?

Now it's not only Lerner's, but 7 other individuals tied to this...odd that Congress wanted this information a year ago...and they NOW say they've gone missing?

Call the NSA...they have them. You may bet on it.

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