Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.

It now goes beyond that.
Congress issues a subpoena for ALL of Lerner's emails. The IRS admitted they were screening the emails for ones they felt were responsive to the issue. That was not the subpoena. The subpoena was for ALL emails. IRS showed contempt for Congress' subpoena. That should be a jailable offense.
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime. Yes, they did target them and also some other groups as well...but primarily Tea Party groups....as far as it being a "crime" not certain on that yet.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.
Yes, the IRS says Lois Learner's and other emails are lost! But we do not know the details on the who, what, where, when, why and how of the lost emails. Thus, we don't even know for fact, if a crime was committed by the present day IRS.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.
It's not that it is being defended 1776, they just don't believe everything the fairy gods from the right wing tells them, right off the bat like you guys do....without proof....

Emails lost does not look good, I can agree, but we know so little about the details involved that it is hard to take a position yet, other than, more information is needed....

like if they were purposly erased by this IRS head of today, or were they erased by lois learner before she left office or were they lost due to a legit computer hard drive blow up in the summer of 2011, and there were no back ups? Or are there back ups and we can all still see if any of these emails did anything illegitimately....? Was it directed, or was it rogue, was the whitehouse involved, or no one was involved but the IRS themselves who were inundated with these new 501c's due to the supreme courts' decision?so many more questions, with no answers yet, only speculation.

There are way too many unknowns, at the present time.
When you get audited by IRS they expect you to have copies of pay stubs and receipts from a year ago. These idiots expect us to buy that the e-mails were lost? I'm calling "bullshit" on that one.
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime. Yes, they did target them and also some other groups as well...but primarily Tea Party groups....as far as it being a "crime" not certain on that yet.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.
Yes, the IRS says Lois Learner's and other emails are lost! But we do not know the details on the who, what, where, when, why and how of the lost emails. Thus, we don't even know for fact, if a crime was committed by the present day IRS.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.
It's not that it is being defended 1776, they just don't believe everything the fairy gods from the right wing tells them, right off the bat like you guys do....without proof....

Emails lost does not look good, I can agree, but we know so little about the details involved that it is hard to take a position yet, other than, more information is needed....

like if they were purposly erased by this IRS head of today, or were they erased by lois learner before she left office or were they lost due to a legit computer hard drive blow up in the summer of 2011, and there were no back ups? Or are there back ups and we can all still see if any of these emails did anything illegitimately....? Was it directed, or was it rogue, was the whitehouse involved, or no one was involved but the IRS themselves who were inundated with these new 501c's due to the supreme courts' decision?so many more questions, with no answers yet, only speculation.

There are way too many unknowns, at the present time.
Wow, and where is all that agnosticism when the Left screams "Bush lied us into war!"?

We know the IRS targeted cosnervative groups based on pressure from Dems in Congress, and probably the WH. That is a crime, using the IRS to suppress speech. We know the emails were "lost" about the time Congress started asking about the targeting. We know the IRS had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the subpoena anyway and was editing the emails. We know the IRS now has expanded the "lost" claim to 7 other employees who just happened to be the ones involved in the targeting scandal and for the period that just happens to correspond to the one Congress asked about.
So, are you willing to admit the IRS looks at best negligent and most likely criminal? Or are you really that stupid? Because those are the only choices on the table here.
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.

It now goes beyond that.
Congress issues a subpoena for ALL of Lerner's emails. The IRS admitted they were screening the emails for ones they felt were responsive to the issue. That was not the subpoena. The subpoena was for ALL emails. IRS showed contempt for Congress' subpoena. That should be a jailable offense.
And as noted? The House wants the DRIVES...all of them including the 6 other individuals added to the mix.
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime. Yes, they did target them and also some other groups as well...but primarily Tea Party groups....as far as it being a "crime" not certain on that yet.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.
Yes, the IRS says Lois Learner's and other emails are lost! But we do not know the details on the who, what, where, when, why and how of the lost emails. Thus, we don't even know for fact, if a crime was committed by the present day IRS.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.
It's not that it is being defended 1776, they just don't believe everything the fairy gods from the right wing tells them, right off the bat like you guys do....without proof....

Emails lost does not look good, I can agree, but we know so little about the details involved that it is hard to take a position yet, other than, more information is needed....

like if they were purposly erased by this IRS head of today, or were they erased by lois learner before she left office or were they lost due to a legit computer hard drive blow up in the summer of 2011, and there were no back ups? Or are there back ups and we can all still see if any of these emails did anything illegitimately....? Was it directed, or was it rogue, was the whitehouse involved, or no one was involved but the IRS themselves who were inundated with these new 501c's due to the supreme courts' decision?so many more questions, with no answers yet, only speculation.

There are way too many unknowns, at the present time.
Wow, and where is all that agnosticism when the Left screams "Bush lied us into war!"?

We know the IRS targeted cosnervative groups based on pressure from Dems in Congress, and probably the WH. That is a crime, using the IRS to suppress speech. We know the emails were "lost" about the time Congress started asking about the targeting. We know the IRS had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the subpoena anyway and was editing the emails. We know the IRS now has expanded the "lost" claim to 7 other employees who just happened to be the ones involved in the targeting scandal and for the period that just happens to correspond to the one Congress asked about.
So, are you willing to admit the IRS looks at best negligent and most likely criminal? Or are you really that stupid? Because those are the only choices on the table here.
I thought all of those questions from Congressmen were not hidden and were done "on the congressional and Senate record", so they were not trying to hide something ILLEGAL, at least they didnt see it as illegal or they wouldn't have put themselves 'front and forward' ON THE RECORD...

congress started to ask about the targeting almost 2 years after the emails were lost Rabbi.... it wasn't even close to the time her emails were supposedly lost with a hard drive blow up....still doesn't mean she didn't blow it up herself back then to hide something, and equally, still doesn't mean that she did.

ok, gotta run for now and,

I haven't taken a stance yet.........
It's not that it is being defended 1776, they just don't believe everything the fairy gods from the right wing tells them, right off the bat like you guys do....without proof....

Emails lost does not look good, I can agree, but we know so little about the details involved that it is hard to take a position yet, other than, more information is needed....

like if they were purposly erased by this IRS head of today, or were they erased by lois learner before she left office or were they lost due to a legit computer hard drive blow up in the summer of 2011, and there were no back ups? Or are there back ups and we can all still see if any of these emails did anything illegitimately....? Was it directed, or was it rogue, was the whitehouse involved, or no one was involved but the IRS themselves who were inundated with these new 501c's due to the supreme courts' decision?so many more questions, with no answers yet, only speculation.

There are way too many unknowns, at the present time.
Wow, and where is all that agnosticism when the Left screams "Bush lied us into war!"?

We know the IRS targeted cosnervative groups based on pressure from Dems in Congress, and probably the WH. That is a crime, using the IRS to suppress speech. We know the emails were "lost" about the time Congress started asking about the targeting. We know the IRS had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the subpoena anyway and was editing the emails. We know the IRS now has expanded the "lost" claim to 7 other employees who just happened to be the ones involved in the targeting scandal and for the period that just happens to correspond to the one Congress asked about.
So, are you willing to admit the IRS looks at best negligent and most likely criminal? Or are you really that stupid? Because those are the only choices on the table here.
I thought all of those questions from Congressmen were not hidden and were done "on the congressional and Senate record", so they were not trying to hide something ILLEGAL, at least they didnt see it as illegal or they wouldn't have put themselves 'front and forward' ON THE RECORD...

congress started to ask about the targeting almost 2 years after the emails were lost Rabbi.... it wasn't even close to the time her emails were supposedly lost with a hard drive blow up....still doesn't mean she didn't blow it up herself back then to hide something, and equally, still doesn't mean that she did.

ok, gotta run for now and,

I haven't taken a stance yet.........

It would be nice if just for once you were actually informed about the facts.
The fact is Rep Dave Camp first inquired about targeting on June 15, 2011.
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means
On July 20, 2011 Lerner was emailing the IRS Support division about her crashed hard drive.
Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: 'Sometimes stuff just happens' - Washington Times

Coincidence? Really??
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.

It now goes beyond that.
Congress issues a subpoena for ALL of Lerner's emails. The IRS admitted they were screening the emails for ones they felt were responsive to the issue. That was not the subpoena. The subpoena was for ALL emails. IRS showed contempt for Congress' subpoena. That should be a jailable offense.
And as noted? The House wants the DRIVES...all of them including the 6 other individuals added to the mix.

What do you want to bet that the IRS says they no longer have the drives?
It now goes beyond that.
Congress issues a subpoena for ALL of Lerner's emails. The IRS admitted they were screening the emails for ones they felt were responsive to the issue. That was not the subpoena. The subpoena was for ALL emails. IRS showed contempt for Congress' subpoena. That should be a jailable offense.
And as noted? The House wants the DRIVES...all of them including the 6 other individuals added to the mix.

What do you want to bet that the IRS says they no longer have the drives?
It's a fait-a-complis. And IF they DO get them? They will be wiped clean which would constitute a felony.
Wow, and where is all that agnosticism when the Left screams "Bush lied us into war!"?

We know the IRS targeted cosnervative groups based on pressure from Dems in Congress, and probably the WH. That is a crime, using the IRS to suppress speech. We know the emails were "lost" about the time Congress started asking about the targeting. We know the IRS had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the subpoena anyway and was editing the emails. We know the IRS now has expanded the "lost" claim to 7 other employees who just happened to be the ones involved in the targeting scandal and for the period that just happens to correspond to the one Congress asked about.
So, are you willing to admit the IRS looks at best negligent and most likely criminal? Or are you really that stupid? Because those are the only choices on the table here.
I thought all of those questions from Congressmen were not hidden and were done "on the congressional and Senate record", so they were not trying to hide something ILLEGAL, at least they didnt see it as illegal or they wouldn't have put themselves 'front and forward' ON THE RECORD...

congress started to ask about the targeting almost 2 years after the emails were lost Rabbi.... it wasn't even close to the time her emails were supposedly lost with a hard drive blow up....still doesn't mean she didn't blow it up herself back then to hide something, and equally, still doesn't mean that she did.

ok, gotta run for now and,

I haven't taken a stance yet.........

It would be nice if just for once you were actually informed about the facts.
The fact is Rep Dave Camp first inquired about targeting on June 15, 2011.
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means
On July 20, 2011 Lerner was emailing the IRS Support division about her crashed hard drive.
Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: 'Sometimes stuff just happens' - Washington Times

Coincidence? Really??
I WAS ill informed, because I did not know that....haven't read the links yet, but the headlines seem real damning.

SO, if Congressmen knew this back in 2011, then why ask for the emails again from the IRS for that period via subpoena, after they already knew they were not there? Does the ways and means committee KNOW of a back up for the emails?

I sure hope they have back up servers saving ALL emails....
I thought all of those questions from Congressmen were not hidden and were done "on the congressional and Senate record", so they were not trying to hide something ILLEGAL, at least they didnt see it as illegal or they wouldn't have put themselves 'front and forward' ON THE RECORD...

congress started to ask about the targeting almost 2 years after the emails were lost Rabbi.... it wasn't even close to the time her emails were supposedly lost with a hard drive blow up....still doesn't mean she didn't blow it up herself back then to hide something, and equally, still doesn't mean that she did.

ok, gotta run for now and,

I haven't taken a stance yet.........

It would be nice if just for once you were actually informed about the facts.
The fact is Rep Dave Camp first inquired about targeting on June 15, 2011.
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means
On July 20, 2011 Lerner was emailing the IRS Support division about her crashed hard drive.
Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: 'Sometimes stuff just happens' - Washington Times

Coincidence? Really??
I WAS ill informed, because I did not know that....haven't read the links yet, but the headlines seem real damning.

SO, if Congressmen knew this back in 2011, then why ask for the emails again from the IRS for that period via subpoena, after they already knew they were not there? Does the ways and means committee KNOW of a back up for the emails?

I sure hope they have back up servers saving ALL emails....

Someone else help her.
I thought all of those questions from Congressmen were not hidden and were done "on the congressional and Senate record", so they were not trying to hide something ILLEGAL, at least they didnt see it as illegal or they wouldn't have put themselves 'front and forward' ON THE RECORD...

congress started to ask about the targeting almost 2 years after the emails were lost Rabbi.... it wasn't even close to the time her emails were supposedly lost with a hard drive blow up....still doesn't mean she didn't blow it up herself back then to hide something, and equally, still doesn't mean that she did.

ok, gotta run for now and,

I haven't taken a stance yet.........

It would be nice if just for once you were actually informed about the facts.
The fact is Rep Dave Camp first inquired about targeting on June 15, 2011.
Camp Demands IRS Answer Questions About Gift Tax Investigation | House Committee on Ways & Means
On July 20, 2011 Lerner was emailing the IRS Support division about her crashed hard drive.
Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: 'Sometimes stuff just happens' - Washington Times

Coincidence? Really??
I WAS ill informed, because I did not know that....haven't read the links yet, but the headlines seem real damning.

SO, if Congressmen knew this back in 2011, then why ask for the emails again from the IRS for that period via subpoena, after they already knew they were not there? Does the ways and means committee KNOW of a back up for the emails?

I sure hope they have back up servers saving ALL emails....

OK...the DOG ATE all the E-mails. There! Satisfied? *DIZZY*
And as noted? The House wants the DRIVES...all of them including the 6 other individuals added to the mix.

What do you want to bet that the IRS says they no longer have the drives?
It's a fait-a-complis. And IF they DO get them? They will be wiped clean which would constitute a felony.

Not the first time someone in this administration's committed a felony.
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Yes, let's have some intellectual discipline about this. You're waiting for something compelling, like a note written in the 70s on technology that wasn't available yet, aren't you?
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Yes, let's have some intellectual discipline about this. You're waiting for something compelling, like a note written in the 70s on technology that wasn't available yet, aren't you?

Nah. Just waiting for the facts.

This guy seems to know something.

The IRS? email black hole - Josh Gerstein and Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

Any thoughts on what he has to say?

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