Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Most on the partisan right don’t wait for the facts with regard to all other issues, jumping instead to inane, unfounded conclusions and contriving ridiculous conspiracy theories – why should this issue be any different.

It is a fact that the IRS was not going to comply with the subpoena. Are you OK with that?

I'm perfectly fine with that. We've wasted too much time on this bullshit already.

Just to be clear: You are okay with the IRS being in non-compliance of a subpoena, which is an illegal act?
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It is a fact that the IRS was not going to comply with the subpoena. Are you OK with that?

I'm perfectly fine with that. We've wasted too much time on this bullshit already.

Just to be clear: You are okay with the IRS being in non-compliance of a subpoena, which is an illegal act?

Yes, I stopped caring about the phony IRS scandal quite some time ago.

So has everyone else who isn't hooked up to Hate Radio.
she may be more worried about being arrested

Representative Files Resolution Directing Sergeant-At-Arms of House to Arrest Lois Lerner For Contempt

press release

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Steve Stockman Thursday filed a resolution directing the House Sergeant-At-Arms to arrest former IRS Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner on charges of contempt of Congress.

“Asking the Justice Department to prosecute Lois Lerner for admittedly illegal activity is a joke. The Obama administration will not prosecute the Obama administration. How much longer will the House allow itself to be mocked? It is up to this House to uphold the rule of law and hold accountable those who illegally targeted American citizens for simply having different ideas than the President,” said Stockman.

“Democrats have openly stated the House has the powers to arrest those in contempt of Congress and imprison them in the Capitol. I don’t want to go as far as Democrats in exercising the House’s powers to arrest. Ms. Lerner will be held in the D.C. jail,” said Stockman.

Under the resolution Lerner would be held in the D.C. jail and would have full legal rights and access to an attorney.

“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable. I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity. The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law,” said Stockman.

Contempt of Congress is a criminal offense (Act of January 24, 1857, Ch. 19, sec. 1, 11 Stat. 155.) Congress’ power to hold someone in contempt has been recognized by the United States Supreme Court four times.

Democrats admit the House has the power to arrest those in contempt of Congress.

Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman
I'm perfectly fine with that. We've wasted too much time on this bullshit already.

Just to be clear: You are okay with the IRS being in non-compliance of a subpoena, which is an illegal act?

Yes, I stopped caring about the phony IRS scandal quite some time ago.

-Would approve of a government agency breaking the law by not complying with a subpoena
-Still calls the IRS debacle a "phony scandal" despite evidence to the contrary

^^^ Political Mind Control at work, folks!

If Obama took a handgun, shot a random person in the head in broad daylight in Times Square on camera, Joey would still swear to God and all the Saints that Obama is the greatest human being to walk the planet.

-Would approve of a government agency breaking the law by not complying with a subpoena
-Still calls the IRS debacle a "phony scandal" despite evidence to the contrary

^^^ Political Mind Control at work, folks!

If Obama took a handgun, shot a random person in the head in broad daylight in Times Square on camera, Joey would still swear to God and all the Saints that Obama is the greatest human being to walk the planet.

Actually, I think Obama is a weak and ineffectual president.

But that doesn't make the IRS "Scandal" any less phony. Teabaggers were trying to defraud the IRS, the IRS went out of their way to catch them.

Not a scandal.

You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

-Would approve of a government agency breaking the law by not complying with a subpoena
-Still calls the IRS debacle a "phony scandal" despite evidence to the contrary

^^^ Political Mind Control at work, folks!

If Obama took a handgun, shot a random person in the head in broad daylight in Times Square on camera, Joey would still swear to God and all the Saints that Obama is the greatest human being to walk the planet.

Actually, I think Obama is a weak and ineffectual president.

But that doesn't make the IRS "Scandal" any less phony. Teabaggers were trying to defraud the IRS, the IRS went out of their way to catch them.

Not a scandal.

You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

Are you this stupid to REWRITE HISTORY that is still being made? The court just today is MAKING the IRS disclose EVERYTHING about the Lerner LOST e-mails, ALONG WITH THE SIX OTHER scum bag IRS democrats, that also SUPPOSEDLY lost theirs. JAIL TIME for not doing this is a PROBABLE!

Lets see if Lois will go to jail, or give up the higher ups!.....2 possibilities that I see, the DNC gives her MULTIPLE MILLIONS in CASH under the table to take the hit, or she's run over, literally, by a BUS!

Does anyone else find it ODD that in this supposed PDF of the email exchange.


as her answer is done in a completely different font than her original inquiry and also a different color, a grey color and also in a larger size type?

AND in addition to this,

her signature prompted at the end of the message is a


than in her original message....the top response that says perfect, her signature is accompanied by her title, but in the original message of inquiry, her signature prompt is just her plain ole signature.


the answer of "perfect" is DOCTORED and not real, a FAKE


As far as the rest of the message from Lois Learner to the IRS tech person, and another IRS head....

It was ALL DONE ABOVE BOARD, it was done in email, to these other IRS employees, email that she specifically KNEW could be called up by congress...so she and the other 2 women copied on the email, did not in any way believe they were doing anything wrong at all.....

So, I would venture to guess, that this is probably about being professional, in every manner, or about regular chatting on the instant email system between co-workers or lovers?? :D

Could be wrong.....? But I am NOT WRONG of the answer of PERFECT, being a FAKE.

Just look at it....pretty please....tell me what you all think....

-Would approve of a government agency breaking the law by not complying with a subpoena
-Still calls the IRS debacle a "phony scandal" despite evidence to the contrary

^^^ Political Mind Control at work, folks!

If Obama took a handgun, shot a random person in the head in broad daylight in Times Square on camera, Joey would still swear to God and all the Saints that Obama is the greatest human being to walk the planet.

Actually, I think Obama is a weak and ineffectual president.

But that doesn't make the IRS "Scandal" any less phony. Teabaggers were trying to defraud the IRS, the IRS went out of their way to catch them.

Not a scandal.

You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

Are you this stupid to REWRITE HISTORY that is still being made? The court just today is MAKING the IRS disclose EVERYTHING about the Lerner LOST e-mails, ALONG WITH THE SIX OTHER scum bag IRS democrats, that also SUPPOSEDLY lost theirs. JAIL TIME for not doing this is a PROBABLE!

Lets see if Lois will go to jail, or give up the higher ups!.....2 possibilities that I see, the DNC gives her MULTIPLE MILLIONS in CASH under the table to take the hit, or she's run over, literally, by a BUS!

Joe has been pushing that phony story for months. Despite being shown many many times it is completely utterly and totally wrong he persists in lying. Some people just can't be helped.

Does anyone else find it ODD that in this supposed PDF of the email exchange.


as her answer is done in a completely different font than her original inquiry and also a different color, a grey color and also in a larger size type?

AND in addition to this,

her signature prompted at the end of the message is a


than in her original message....the top response that says perfect, her signature is accompanied by her title, but in the original message of inquiry, her signature prompt is just her plain ole signature.


the answer of "perfect" is DOCTORED and not real, a FAKE


As far as the rest of the message from Lois Learner to the IRS tech person, and another IRS head....

It was ALL DONE ABOVE BOARD, it was done in email, to these other IRS employees, email that she specifically KNEW could be called up by congress...so she and the other 2 women copied on the email, did not in any way believe they were doing anything wrong at all.....

So, I would venture to guess, that this is probably about being professional, in every manner, or about regular chatting on the instant email system between co-workers or lovers?? :D

Could be wrong.....? But I am NOT WRONG of the answer of PERFECT, being a FAKE.

Just look at it....pretty please....tell me what you all think....
Arent you the one pushing the story that Lerner is a Republican plant? Yeah, you're credible. Not.

Does anyone else find it ODD that in this supposed PDF of the email exchange.


as her answer is done in a completely different font than her original inquiry and also a different color, a grey color and also in a larger size type?

AND in addition to this,

her signature prompted at the end of the message is a


than in her original message....the top response that says perfect, her signature is accompanied by her title, but in the original message of inquiry, her signature prompt is just her plain ole signature.


the answer of "perfect" is DOCTORED and not real, a FAKE


As far as the rest of the message from Lois Learner to the IRS tech person, and another IRS head....

It was ALL DONE ABOVE BOARD, it was done in email, to these other IRS employees, email that she specifically KNEW could be called up by congress...so she and the other 2 women copied on the email, did not in any way believe they were doing anything wrong at all.....

So, I would venture to guess, that this is probably about being professional, in every manner, or about regular chatting on the instant email system between co-workers or lovers?? :D

Could be wrong.....? But I am NOT WRONG of the answer of PERFECT, being a FAKE.

Just look at it....pretty please....tell me what you all think....
Arent you the one pushing the story that Lerner is a Republican plant? Yeah, you're credible. Not.
I'm not pushing anything of the sort....I did speculate, FOR my own FUN....in a post or two, but never pursued it or pushed it!

AND you didn't look at the PDF of the supposed email and answer my concerns about the PERFECT part being an absolute FAKE....look at it, what do you think?


Maybe the font is the same, but the color and signature default are NOT?
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Does anyone else find it ODD that in this supposed PDF of the email exchange.


as her answer is done in a completely different font than her original inquiry and also a different color, a grey color and also in a larger size type?

AND in addition to this,

her signature prompted at the end of the message is a


than in her original message....the top response that says perfect, her signature is accompanied by her title, but in the original message of inquiry, her signature prompt is just her plain ole signature.


the answer of "perfect" is DOCTORED and not real, a FAKE


As far as the rest of the message from Lois Learner to the IRS tech person, and another IRS head....

It was ALL DONE ABOVE BOARD, it was done in email, to these other IRS employees, email that she specifically KNEW could be called up by congress...so she and the other 2 women copied on the email, did not in any way believe they were doing anything wrong at all.....

So, I would venture to guess, that this is probably about being professional, in every manner, or about regular chatting on the instant email system between co-workers or lovers?? :D

Could be wrong.....? But I am NOT WRONG of the answer of PERFECT, being a FAKE.

Just look at it....pretty please....tell me what you all think....
Arent you the one pushing the story that Lerner is a Republican plant? Yeah, you're credible. Not.
I'm not pushing anything of the sort....I did speculate, FOR my own FUN....in a post or two, but never pursued it or pushed it!

AND you didn't look at the PDF of the supposed email and answer my concerns about the PERFECT part being an absolute FAKE....look at it, what do you think?


Maybe the font is the same, but the color and signature default are NOT?

Yet you'll believe all the FAULTS pointed out in the obomanations birth certificate are PERFECTLY fine...... Hypocrisy only works for subversives... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The Odds

The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.

The odds of winning the Powerball is 1 in 175,223,510.

The odds of winning Mega Millions is 1 in 258,890,850.

The odds of a disk drive failing in any given month are roughly one in 36. The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are roughly one in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300. The odds of three drives failing in the same month is 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656.

The odds of seven different drives failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter asking about emails targeting conservative and pro-Israeli groups) is 37 to the 7th power = 1 in 78,664,164,096. (that's over 78 billion) In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida Lottery 342 times than having those seven IRS hard drives crashing in the same month.

No link....just one of those crazy emails...
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You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

Are you this stupid to REWRITE HISTORY that is still being made? The court just today is MAKING the IRS disclose EVERYTHING about the Lerner LOST e-mails, ALONG WITH THE SIX OTHER scum bag IRS democrats, that also SUPPOSEDLY lost theirs. JAIL TIME for not doing this is a PROBABLE!

Lets see if Lois will go to jail, or give up the higher ups!.....2 possibilities that I see, the DNC gives her MULTIPLE MILLIONS in CASH under the table to take the hit, or she's run over, literally, by a BUS!

Okay. So they'll tell the court the same thing they told ISSA. The computers crashed and were recycled.

Oh, incidentally, I probably couldn't give you my work e-mails from 2011, either. I don't have any e-mails at work earlier than 2013. Most people delete emails after about a year if they are no longer relevant.

You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

Are you this stupid to REWRITE HISTORY that is still being made? The court just today is MAKING the IRS disclose EVERYTHING about the Lerner LOST e-mails, ALONG WITH THE SIX OTHER scum bag IRS democrats, that also SUPPOSEDLY lost theirs. JAIL TIME for not doing this is a PROBABLE!

Lets see if Lois will go to jail, or give up the higher ups!.....2 possibilities that I see, the DNC gives her MULTIPLE MILLIONS in CASH under the table to take the hit, or she's run over, literally, by a BUS!

Okay. So they'll tell the court the same thing they told ISSA. The computers crashed and were recycled.

Oh, incidentally, I probably couldn't give you my work e-mails from 2011, either. I don't have any e-mails at work earlier than 2013. Most people delete emails after about a year if they are no longer relevant.
Try telling the IRS you discarded your documents because they were "irrelevant"!:lol:

Stinks to high heaven of sleaze. Nixon would be jealous.

You see, here's the underlying problem. The Teabaggers aren't claiming with a straight face that they really were "Social Welfare Agencies", only that they got more scrutiny than other groups that claim this.

Are you this stupid to REWRITE HISTORY that is still being made? The court just today is MAKING the IRS disclose EVERYTHING about the Lerner LOST e-mails, ALONG WITH THE SIX OTHER scum bag IRS democrats, that also SUPPOSEDLY lost theirs. JAIL TIME for not doing this is a PROBABLE!

Lets see if Lois will go to jail, or give up the higher ups!.....2 possibilities that I see, the DNC gives her MULTIPLE MILLIONS in CASH under the table to take the hit, or she's run over, literally, by a BUS!

Okay. So they'll tell the court the same thing they told ISSA. The computers crashed and were recycled.

Oh, incidentally, I probably couldn't give you my work e-mails from 2011, either. I don't have any e-mails at work earlier than 2013. Most people delete emails after about a year if they are no longer relevant.

But you don't work for the irs that is required by law to keep them, now do you? And if you do and don't have them, you better hope they can be found.

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