Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Yes, let's have some intellectual discipline about this. You're waiting for something compelling, like a note written in the 70s on technology that wasn't available yet, aren't you?

Nah. Just waiting for the facts.

This guy seems to know something.

The IRS? email black hole - Josh Gerstein and Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

Any thoughts on what he has to say?

That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences
Yes, let's have some intellectual discipline about this. You're waiting for something compelling, like a note written in the 70s on technology that wasn't available yet, aren't you?

Nah. Just waiting for the facts.

This guy seems to know something.

The IRS? email black hole - Josh Gerstein and Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

Any thoughts on what he has to say?

That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?
How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?


When was Lerner hired again?


She lost her e-mails on whose watch? And the government that loses several years worth of e-mails is to be trusted to manage our healthcare.
Nah. Just waiting for the facts.

This guy seems to know something.

The IRS? email black hole - Josh Gerstein and Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

Any thoughts on what he has to say?

That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

While it is highly suspicious that the IRS happened to lose the very emails that have been sought and that Lerner had a computer failure within weeks of the first Congressional investigations,, it is not suspicious that they had no intention of complying with the subpoena and were editing the emails and selecting them even before this came out. THey have admitted to this,so it is not conjecture anywhere.
SO why would they not comply with the subpoena?
That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

While it is highly suspicious that the IRS happened to lose the very emails that have been sought and that Lerner had a computer failure within weeks of the first Congressional investigations,, it is not suspicious that they had no intention of complying with the subpoena and were editing the emails and selecting them even before this came out. THey have admitted to this,so it is not conjecture anywhere.
SO why would they not comply with the subpoena?

What do you mean by "the very emails that have been sought"? What are you referring to when you say the "first Congressional investigation"? What have they ( who is they ) admitted?

Is there any evidence that anyone erased any emails or damaged any hard drives?

If so....please provide.

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

While it is highly suspicious that the IRS happened to lose the very emails that have been sought and that Lerner had a computer failure within weeks of the first Congressional investigations,, it is not suspicious that they had no intention of complying with the subpoena and were editing the emails and selecting them even before this came out. THey have admitted to this,so it is not conjecture anywhere.
SO why would they not comply with the subpoena?

What do you mean by "the very emails that have been sought"? What are you referring to when you say the "first Congressional investigation"? What have they ( who is they ) admitted?

Is there any evidence that anyone erased any emails or damaged any hard drives?

If so....please provide.

Congress subpoenaed ALL emails. The IRS was intent on providing emails they thought were responsive to the scandal. Ergo they were editing the emails. This is not even conjecture but fact.
Dave Camp sent an inquiry to the IRS in June 2011. Lerner sent an email to tech support in the IRS about her crashed computer in July 2011. That is not conjecture, that is fact. Coincidence?
Coincidence that the IRS also happened to lose emails from six other employees on the same topic at the same time?
The coincidences here boggle the mind. No, Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation si the true one: they are engaged in an enormous cover up.
While it is highly suspicious that the IRS happened to lose the very emails that have been sought and that Lerner had a computer failure within weeks of the first Congressional investigations,, it is not suspicious that they had no intention of complying with the subpoena and were editing the emails and selecting them even before this came out. THey have admitted to this,so it is not conjecture anywhere.
SO why would they not comply with the subpoena?

What do you mean by "the very emails that have been sought"? What are you referring to when you say the "first Congressional investigation"? What have they ( who is they ) admitted?

Is there any evidence that anyone erased any emails or damaged any hard drives?

If so....please provide.

Congress subpoenaed ALL emails. The IRS was intent on providing emails they thought were responsive to the scandal. Ergo they were editing the emails. This is not even conjecture but fact.
Dave Camp sent an inquiry to the IRS in June 2011. Lerner sent an email to tech support in the IRS about her crashed computer in July 2011. That is not conjecture, that is fact. Coincidence?
Coincidence that the IRS also happened to lose emails from six other employees on the same topic at the same time?
The coincidences here boggle the mind. No, Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation si the true one: they are engaged in an enormous cover up.

You are still speculating. Do you see that? You are saying that things are facts. But they are not facts.

Camp is still conducting hearings. Do you trust him to ask the right questions?

Final questions.

Do you believe that Issa and Camp are motivated solely by a quest for the truth? Or is there a political component ( some might call it a witch hunt ) to their actions?
What do you mean by "the very emails that have been sought"? What are you referring to when you say the "first Congressional investigation"? What have they ( who is they ) admitted?

Is there any evidence that anyone erased any emails or damaged any hard drives?

If so....please provide.

Congress subpoenaed ALL emails. The IRS was intent on providing emails they thought were responsive to the scandal. Ergo they were editing the emails. This is not even conjecture but fact.
Dave Camp sent an inquiry to the IRS in June 2011. Lerner sent an email to tech support in the IRS about her crashed computer in July 2011. That is not conjecture, that is fact. Coincidence?
Coincidence that the IRS also happened to lose emails from six other employees on the same topic at the same time?
The coincidences here boggle the mind. No, Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation si the true one: they are engaged in an enormous cover up.

You are still speculating. Do you see that? You are saying that things are facts. But they are not facts.

Camp is still conducting hearings. Do you trust him to ask the right questions?

Final questions.

Do you believe that Issa and Camp are motivated solely by a quest for the truth? Or is there a political component ( some might call it a witch hunt ) to their actions?

There is absolutely no speculation. It is a fact the IRS did not intend to comply with the subpoena.
Nah. Just waiting for the facts.

This guy seems to know something.

The IRS? email black hole - Josh Gerstein and Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

Any thoughts on what he has to say?

That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

What utter horseshit. Democrats in the House conducted one witch hunt or show trial after another. The Valerie Plame thing was nothing but a witch hunt. All the liberal nutburgers like you claimed some kind of crime was committed. Yet, no one was indicted for it, not even the guy who admitted doing it. You've been whining about it ever since.

That if this were a liberal witch hunt on Republicans, you'd be screaming bloody murder and calling for heads and jail sentences

No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

What utter horseshit. Democrats in the House conducted one witch hunt or show trial after another. The Valerie Plame thing was nothing but a witch hunt. All the liberal nutburgers like you claimed some kind of crime was committed. Yet, no one was indicted for it, not even the guy who admitted doing it. You've been whining about it ever since.

You are delusional.
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Most on the partisan right don’t wait for the facts with regard to all other issues, jumping instead to inane, unfounded conclusions and contriving ridiculous conspiracy theories – why should this issue be any different.
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Most on the partisan right don’t wait for the facts with regard to all other issues, jumping instead to inane, unfounded conclusions and contriving ridiculous conspiracy theories – why should this issue be any different.

It is a fact that the IRS was not going to comply with the subpoena. Are you OK with that?
When you get audited by IRS they expect you to have copies of pay stubs and receipts from a year ago. These idiots expect us to buy that the e-mails were lost? I'm calling "bullshit" on that one.

Not totally accurate. the IRS requires such data FOR 10 YEARS - not just one. And if you don't have them? They will fine and tax you into non-existence.

When its them though - oh well. I guess you will not be getting to the bottom of those ILLEGAL activities after all, will you.
No. No I would not. I don't dig witch hunts. ( interesting term you used, by the way ). Some liberals might. But NOT ME. You will never see me call for action until he facts are known. And.....before you say it...I KNOW THAT WE ARE SOMETIMES FUCKED OVER BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

The case for destruction of evidence not been made. It is all speculation.

What is wrong with waiting for the review of evidence? Are you questioning whether or not Issa and Camp will be truthful with the investigation?

Now....did anything Gerstein said give you pause? Anything?

What utter horseshit. Democrats in the House conducted one witch hunt or show trial after another. The Valerie Plame thing was nothing but a witch hunt. All the liberal nutburgers like you claimed some kind of crime was committed. Yet, no one was indicted for it, not even the guy who admitted doing it. You've been whining about it ever since.

You are delusional.

Nuh uhn!

You're delusional!
Nothing to see here.
It's just a partisan fake scandal -- much to do about nothing. There is no there there.
Good afternoon USMB nutters.

Has anything that anyone has said given you a moments pause? Has any part of your tiny little brains thought that waiting for the facts to be revealed might be a good idea?

Most on the partisan right don’t wait for the facts with regard to all other issues, jumping instead to inane, unfounded conclusions and contriving ridiculous conspiracy theories – why should this issue be any different.

It is a fact that the IRS was not going to comply with the subpoena. Are you OK with that?

I'm perfectly fine with that. We've wasted too much time on this bullshit already.

You want Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity. Maybe she'll give you Obama, but more than likely she'll just say she was trying to enforce the rules when the Teabaggers were trying to abuse the system, and took shortcuts like most of us do when confronted with a problem at work.
When you get audited by IRS they expect you to have copies of pay stubs and receipts from a year ago. These idiots expect us to buy that the e-mails were lost? I'm calling "bullshit" on that one.

Not totally accurate. the IRS requires such data FOR 10 YEARS - not just one. And if you don't have them? They will fine and tax you into non-existence.

When its them though - oh well.

A fine example of government hypocrisy.

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