Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

....potential......appears that way.......must be........

Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?

One doesn't need an explanation. There are ongoing investigations. Unless you believe that Issa and Camp are colluding with the IRS to cover up the truth....why are you so eager to make your judgement?

As has been stated here dozens of times.....it is not possible to erase emails without leaving a trail of some kind. If that trail exists....I expect Issa and Camp will find it.


well at least you admitted the government is stonewalling and lying

maybe there's hope for you idiots after all
....potential......appears that way.......must be........

Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?

One doesn't need an explanation. There are ongoing investigations. Unless you believe that Issa and Camp are colluding with the IRS to cover up the truth....why are you so eager to make your judgement?

As has been stated here dozens of times.....it is not possible to erase emails without leaving a trail of some kind. If that trail exists....I expect Issa and Camp will find it.

One doesnt need an explanation? That's true. Because the explanation is obvious: massive illegal cover up of illegal operation. It is Occam's Razor in action.
Do you have a better explanation for why they are claiming to have lost the very emails Congress has subpoenaed after we were told they had them and after they've had months to turn them over?

One doesn't need an explanation. There are ongoing investigations. Unless you believe that Issa and Camp are colluding with the IRS to cover up the truth....why are you so eager to make your judgement?

As has been stated here dozens of times.....it is not possible to erase emails without leaving a trail of some kind. If that trail exists....I expect Issa and Camp will find it.


well at least you admitted the government is stonewalling and lying

maybe there's hope for you idiots after all

I did? I admitted that the government is stonewalling and lying? When?

Please......at least try.
It isn't obvious. If it were obvious, there would have already been arrests. No?

It is obvious and known that blacks in MS commited massive voter fraud, the Justice Dept knew about, and no one was prosecuted.

I'm sorry. I missed the part where we were discussing voter fraud in MS. It must have helped the GOP. They ran the table.

But....let's stay on topic, shall we?

Who is responsible for investigating the IRS matter?
Social Welfare agencies- Tax deductable- don't have to disclose donors.

Political groups- Not Tax deductable, have to disclose donors.

Karl Rove is not a social welfare agency!

He's not a pizza either. Is there some kind of point you want to make through the Haldol, Joe?

The point was clearly made. I'm sorry you don't understand it.

the 501(c)4 exemption exists for social welfare agencies, not for political advocacy groups.

Political advocacy groups can get a 527 exemption, but they have to disclose who their donors are- AS THEY SHOULD. I mean, I want to know who is buying our politicians, don't you?

So Lois Lerner after seeing a certain number of Teabaggers trying to defraud the IRS, said something like, "Let's put all the ones that say "TEa Party" in a stack so we can review them consistantly."

Oh, the horror of it all.
It isn't obvious. If it were obvious, there would have already been arrests. No?

It is obvious and known that blacks in MS commited massive voter fraud, the Justice Dept knew about, and no one was prosecuted.

For the reading impaired? What this means is don't count on Holder and the equally corrupt DOJ to investigate any of this.
Social Welfare agencies- Tax deductable- don't have to disclose donors.

Political groups- Not Tax deductable, have to disclose donors.

Karl Rove is not a social welfare agency!

He's not a pizza either. Is there some kind of point you want to make through the Haldol, Joe?

The point was clearly made. I'm sorry you don't understand it.

the 501(c)4 exemption exists for social welfare agencies, not for political advocacy groups.

Political advocacy groups can get a 527 exemption, but they have to disclose who their donors are- AS THEY SHOULD. I mean, I want to know who is buying our politicians, don't you?

So Lois Lerner after seeing a certain number of Teabaggers trying to defraud the IRS, said something like, "Let's put all the ones that say "TEa Party" in a stack so we can review them consistantly."

Oh, the horror of it all.
Yeah OK that's absolutely NOTHING like what happened.
The point was clearly made. I'm sorry you don't understand it.

the 501(c)4 exemption exists for social welfare agencies, not for political advocacy groups.

you mean shills for the Democrat Party masquerading as social welfare agencies

libs are losers who lie to themselves
It isn't obvious. If it were obvious, there would have already been arrests. No?

It is obvious and known that blacks in MS commited massive voter fraud, the Justice Dept knew about, and no one was prosecuted.

I'm sorry. I missed the part where we were discussing voter fraud in MS. It must have helped the GOP. They ran the table.

But....let's stay on topic, shall we?

Who is responsible for investigating the IRS matter?

Ultimately Justice. They had an investigation headed by an Obama contributer who concluded in about a week that there was nothing to see here.
So that clears it up, right?
It is obvious and known that blacks in MS commited massive voter fraud, the Justice Dept knew about, and no one was prosecuted.

I'm sorry. I missed the part where we were discussing voter fraud in MS. It must have helped the GOP. They ran the table.

But....let's stay on topic, shall we?

Who is responsible for investigating the IRS matter?

Ultimately Justice. They had an investigation headed by an Obama contributer who concluded in about a week that there was nothing to see here.
So that clears it up, right?

Oh! Then what are Issa and Camp doing?
I'm sorry. I missed the part where we were discussing voter fraud in MS. It must have helped the GOP. They ran the table.

But....let's stay on topic, shall we?

Who is responsible for investigating the IRS matter?

Ultimately Justice. They had an investigation headed by an Obama contributer who concluded in about a week that there was nothing to see here.
So that clears it up, right?

Oh! Then what are Issa and Camp doing?

Look, do you have 2brain cells or is English not your first language?
A twelve year old with reasonably smart hacking skills can recover any 'deleted' (cough) lost emails.
The problem is Lener and BOBO are busy little bees getting even smarter hackers to actually delete the email. The problem with that is there will be a record of someone finding the 'lost' emails and actively deleting them.
And BOBO couldn't care less.
Did the IRS target conservative groups? Yes....that is a crime.

Did the IRS lose emails to cover up that crime? Yes...that is also a crime.

Yet, liberal scum are here defending it....that shows insanity and stupidity on their part.

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