Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

if you listened to the acting IRS guy's tape with Rep Chavetz interrogating him, he said that he had to retrieve the older computers/retired computers to get the past emails, or something of the sort? so, it appears that he believed that he had to go in to this graveyard of computers, to retrieve the emails??? Does that make sense? Chavetz didn't question it? but then again he was too busy grandstanding to hear it, probably....?

WHY would this be the way to retrieve old emails if they did have them archived in an outside server?

And if there truly is an archive of all emails then why is this thing such a big deal?

Just because the IRS may not be able to retrieve all of Learner's emails from their computers, doesn't mean they are not archived....and these congress critters can easily get their information...so I ask again, why has this been 'played' the way it has....?

The whole article began with Republicans SAYING the Irs lost lois learner's emails...it was all from the Republican's perspective, with no real explanation of how the system works etc etc etc....

Honestly, this is too stupid of an excuse for even the dumbest of Administrations and this administration isn't that dumb to believe we would believe a story like this....the way it has been presented to us, in this one article released by the AP, with ONLY Republicans....

And CERTAINLY these republican congressmen and senator in the AP article, know that there is an archived copy of all emails, per the law of the land?

So again, what's the big deal? Please explain?

You tell me, why is it they didn't just get the archived copies for them, rather than say they are lost? And why were there no hard copies as supposedly the law also requires? Tell me why they have had to wait for almost 3 years now? Quit your obfuscating. Why is it they have not produced the emails? If they had, then there would be no reason for their latest excuse. Period.
The right has been too kind. If it had been me I would have immediately gotten a warrant when this broke and confiscated the computers. Too much nice has caused this problem.
Awwww...a disappointed HACK.

TOO FUCKING BAD. *Get over it...and yourself*:eusa_hand:

So...what is your point? I am not disappointed by that. Idiot.

And...honest self assessment..........are you a hack?
I am pretty sure his assessment is that you're a hack. With your defense of Bergdahl, it is quite clear.

Yes..I know that is his assessment. I asked him to assess himself.

What defense of Bergdahl?
Yes..I know that is his assessment. I asked him to assess himself.

What defense of Bergdahl?
Your hack defense of Bergdahl. Why do you ask?

I have not defended Bergdahl. You are mistaken.
I apologize if there is another poster usurping you name who has been stumbling all over herself in defense of the deserter whose actions led to the death of those who actually served with honor and distinction.
Your hack defense of Bergdahl. Why do you ask?

I have not defended Bergdahl. You are mistaken.
I apologize if there is another poster usurping you name who has been stumbling all over herself in defense of the deserter whose actions led to the death of those who actually served with honor and distinction.

There may be. How about finding her.....and dealing with it in a thread about Bergdahl.

By the way, idiot.....how long do you think it has been since you became aware of my existence here at USMB? A year? Maybe more?
if you listened to the acting IRS guy's tape with Rep Chavetz interrogating him, he said that he had to retrieve the older computers/retired computers to get the past emails, or something of the sort? so, it appears that he believed that he had to go in to this graveyard of computers, to retrieve the emails??? Does that make sense? Chavetz didn't question it? but then again he was too busy grandstanding to hear it, probably....?

WHY would this be the way to retrieve old emails if they did have them archived in an outside server?

And if there truly is an archive of all emails then why is this thing such a big deal?

Just because the IRS may not be able to retrieve all of Learner's emails from their computers, doesn't mean they are not archived....and these congress critters can easily get their information...so I ask again, why has this been 'played' the way it has....?

The whole article began with Republicans SAYING the Irs lost lois learner's emails...it was all from the Republican's perspective, with no real explanation of how the system works etc etc etc....

Honestly, this is too stupid of an excuse for even the dumbest of Administrations and this administration isn't that dumb to believe we would believe a story like this....the way it has been presented to us, in this one article released by the AP, with ONLY Republicans....

And CERTAINLY these republican congressmen and senator in the AP article, know that there is an archived copy of all emails, per the law of the land?

So again, what's the big deal? Please explain?

You tell me, why is it they didn't just get the archived copies for them, rather than say they are lost? And why were there no hard copies as supposedly the law also requires? Tell me why they have had to wait for almost 3 years now? Quit your obfuscating. Why is it they have not produced the emails? If they had, then there would be no reason for their latest excuse. Period.
CORRECTION: a little over 1 year, not 3 years.

they collected over 80,000 items including emails to cover the request of the widespread subpena, congress critters gave them.

And ALL of those 80,000 items had to be reviewed for redaction of personal information of those applying, or were just tax payers?

Do you truly believe this could be done in any time less than 1 year?

So, I am not with you on this taking a really long time, especially with the scope of the task.

I don't even know for certain if they "gave this excuse"....I only know of the 1 AP article that every blogger and internet sites and news stations just copied the AP story, that was presented solely from the Republican perspective with only Camp, Issa and Hatch discussing it....there was ONLY 1 side of the just unbelievable, lame, story. With no details, or mentioning of archives being available or not available...no nothing! And then nothing on procedures of archiving back in 2009....we are all, including me, running around like chickens without our heads trying to figure out what the heck is truly going on, with the absolute minimum of information.

Nothing at all in the news shows today on it either, not even, Meet the Press....so there has been no further information.

It's hard to continue this debate without more information, other than regurgitating what we all speculate...but again, don't know for certain.

With the little information that we have, I can see how it seems ridiculous and impossible, at least in the way I perceived govt files and emails being archived....

Though, I would note, if it turns out that the IRS only archived emails by just saving the employee's old computer in some graveyard of computers (utterly ridiculous, but for humor, say they did), then it should be noted that Lois Learner's computer hard drive DID BLOW UP in 2011, and all records and repair technicians reports indicate such....

AND NOTE! This was long, long, long before there ever was an investigation of wrong doing at the IRS.....

so unless, it can be proven that Learner intentionally blew up her own hard drive in order to cover up her actions prior to 2011, for just the heck of it....or because she could see an investigation coming a year or two later?, which doesn't make sense either....then we all should take note that these emails were not wiped out within the last year, but over 3 years ago....

I still have my fingers crossed that there is an archive server storing the emails somewhere....

ALSO, it's not like they don't have 67000 lois learner emails from before and after the date of her computer blow up that can be gone through...it's not like email just stopped the day of her computer blow up, and if the contention is that she was directed by someone else, to direct her people, to put more scrutiny on the teaparty or whomever, then those emails should still be there and a part of the 67000....of her directing her people to do this.....no?
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If Americans for Prosperity's primary cause is Charity, then they had nothing to worry about, even with an investigation.

If their primary cause was Political, then they were not qualified to be a 501c3. I think they would be worthy of further scrutiny.
If Americans for Prosperity's primary cause is Charity, then they had nothing to worry about, even with an investigation.

If their primary cause was Political, then they were not qualified to be a 501c3. I think they would be worthy of further scrutiny.

So if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about an intrusive investigation? Yeah, that failed during the McCarthy era, an era we seem to be revisiting under this president.
Only a complete moron would think after Obama calls out Americans for Prosperity for months on end, that he didn't encourage the IRS to jack with them.


Yeah, exactly.

And when President Hoover kept talking about Al Capone, that didn't encourage the IRS to take him out, either.

See the difference between Americans for Prosperity and Al Capone?
If Americans for Prosperity's primary cause is Charity, then they had nothing to worry about, even with an investigation.

If their primary cause was Political, then they were not qualified to be a 501c3. I think they would be worthy of further scrutiny.

So if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about an intrusive investigation? Yeah, that failed during the McCarthy era, an era we seem to be revisiting under this president.

Cool! Who's the modern day McCarthy?

Cruz LOOKS like him. Issa channels him.

Who's it gonna be?
Bart Simpson comes up with better excuses than this. ("I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!")

Naturally, it was announced late on a Friday, after all the daily news shows are over.

They are insulting the entire American public by even pretending they expect us to believe this one.

With this one, I'm finally starting to realize that Lois Lerner and the IRS are hiding something REALLY big. A direct email from Obama's Blackberry, telling her to hold up approvals of conservative groups or something?

Remember that Richard Nixon was impeached for commanding the IRS to go after his enemies... or would have been, if he hadn't gotten out of town just ahead of the posse. It was one of the Articles of Impeachment voted out of the House committee.

The only difference? In Nixon's case, the IRS refused to do what he told them, since it was against the law.


IRS: So? Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner?s Emails

IRS: So… Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner’s Emails

1 hour ago

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claimed Friday that it cannot produce Lois Lerner’s emails to and from the White House and other administration departments due to a supposed computer crash.

The IRS previously agreed to hand over all of the ex-IRS official’s emails from 2009 to 2011 to the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Dave Camp. But the IRS claimed Friday that it has Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS officials but it cannot produce emails to and from the Treasury and Justice Departments, the Federal Election Commission, or Democratic offices.

The IRS’ computer crash may go down in history next to the eighteen and a half minute gap in the Watergate tapes, which was supposedly caused by a mistake by Richard Nixon’s secretary Rose Mary Woods.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries,” Camp said in a statement.

Wait, what???????



Had NIXON stayed in office? The charges would have centered around the Watergate break in.


On this day in 1974,(July 27) the House of Representatives charges PresidentRichard M. Nixon with the first of three articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice after he refused to release White House tape recordings that contained crucial information regarding the Watergate scandal.
In June 1972, five men connected with Nixon's reelection committee, the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), had been caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. A subsequent investigation exposed illegal activities perpetrated by CREEP and authorized by senior members of Nixon's administration. It also raised questions about what the president knew about those activities. In May 1973, the Senate convened an investigation into the Watergate scandal amid public cries for Nixon's impeachment. Nixon vigorously denied involvement in the burglary cover-up, most famously in November 1973 when he declared, "I am not a crook." Although Nixon released some of the tapes requested by the Senate in April 1974, he withheld the most damning of them, claiming executive privilege. On July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court rejected Nixon's claim of executive privilege and ordered him to turn over the remaining tapes. When he refused to do so, the House of Representatives passed the first article of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice. On August 5, with the impeachment process already underway, Nixon reluctantly released the remaining tapes.
On August 8, 1974, Nixon avoided a Senate trial and likely conviction by becoming the first president to resign.

Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment ? History.com This Day in History ? 7/27/1974

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