Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

What I don't understand is how those of you on the left pretend you think the use of government in ways that are less than legal is ok. Yet even in items you previously found objectionable, suddenly are ok, when your party is in power. I personally don't give a damn who is in power, if an agency is found to be corrupt I want it cleaned up for the sake of us as a nation. Noone, left, right up, down center, whatever should have to feel like they can't speak their mind, in fear of being eavesdropped on, falsely investigated, harassed etc. Simply because of their beliefs. And I would hope that you all would want the same for all Americans. But there is a minority that will give their own a free pass, as long as it is a ways and means to an end even if illegal. Sad.
What I don't understand is how those of you on the left pretend you think the use of government in ways that are less than legal is ok. Yet even in items you previously found objectionable, suddenly are ok, when your party is in power. I personally don't give a damn who is in power, if an agency is found to be corrupt I want it cleaned up for the sake of us as a nation. Noone, left, right up, down center, whatever should have to feel like they can't speak their mind, in fear of being eavesdropped on, falsely investigated, harassed etc. Simply because of their beliefs. And I would hope that you all would want the same for all Americans. But there is a minority that will give their own a free pass, as long as it is a ways and means to an end even if illegal. Sad.

It is very clear that you do not wish to answer the question.

In some odd way....I am kind of proud of you. You don't want to lie....but you know that being truthful would give you up as being blatantly partisan. So...you avoid the question. That is very much like what our politicians do every day. I'm glad that you didn't just lie. That would be worse.
Here is an opportunity for you to answer a simple question honestly. Are you game?

This question can be fully answered with a single word. If you are to be honest about it....you shouldn't need any more. Ready?

Are you hopeful that the president is implicated in the IRS scandal?

I seriously doubt he would be. He is shielded by his staff.

That is not what I asked. Are you going to answer the question?
Do I want him to be? No, I hope has more integrity than that. That would be a real blight on our nation.
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Oh, and just so you know, I am not a member of the tea party.

Now, you answer a question, does anything that has happened bother you?
From the IRS, to the VA, to the release of 5 top taliban, to Benhazi being denied extra state dept. security, to the harvesting of emails, phone conversations, the influx of thousands of minors and letting them out on the streets? The release of 35,000 criminal illegal aliens, including murders ? Do any of these things bother you.
Oh, and just so you know, I am not a member of the tea party.

Now, you answer a question, does anything that has happened bother you?
From the IRS, to the VA, to the release of 5 top taliban, to Benhazi being denied extra state dept. security, to the harvesting of emails, phone conversations, the influx of thousands of minors and letting them out on the streets? The release of 35,000 criminal illegal aliens, including murders ? Do any of these things bother you.

That is not an honest question. But I will say that the problems at the VA bother me a great deal.

Why is it so hard for you to ask an honest question?

By the way....I don't believe that you are not hoping that the president is implicated in the "scandal". Straight up.
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Oh, and just so you know, I am not a member of the tea party.

Now, you answer a question, does anything that has happened bother you?
From the IRS, to the VA, to the release of 5 top taliban, to Benhazi being denied extra state dept. security, to the harvesting of emails, phone conversations, the influx of thousands of minors and letting them out on the streets? The release of 35,000 criminal illegal aliens, including murders ? Do any of these things bother you.

That is not an honest question. But I will say that the problems at the VA bother me a great deal.

Why is it so hard for you to ask an honest question?

Explain what is not honest about it.
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Oh, and just so you know, I am not a member of the tea party.

Now, you answer a question, does anything that has happened bother you?
From the IRS, to the VA, to the release of 5 top taliban, to Benhazi being denied extra state dept. security, to the harvesting of emails, phone conversations, the influx of thousands of minors and letting them out on the streets? The release of 35,000 criminal illegal aliens, including murders ? Do any of these things bother you.

That is not an honest question. But I will say that the problems at the VA bother me a great deal.

Why is it so hard for you to ask an honest question?

Explain what is not honest about.

Holy shit.

The IRS issue is a mid level deal where an influx of applications caused workers to make some choices that you don't like.

The 5 guys released are not top level anything. One of them was nasty. They are not free to do whatever they want. They were not charged with any crimes.

Benghazi was not denied security. The funding was reduced and the dude refused extra security.

Emails being harvested? When did that begin?

No phone conversations are being recorded. Meta data is being kept.

What murderers released? Names.

Minors are not being let into the streets.

All of that is talking point pablum. Not a serious, honest question.

Try again.

Is there any evidence that anyone erased anything?

If so, please direct me to it.


Is there any evidence that anyone wasn't practicing omuerta as usual?

If so, please direct me to it.



Learn how to spell the words first....then use them.

As is often the case with USMB nutters....you ask others to prove a negative.

If evidence is produced that proves wrongdoing regarding this matter, I'll be happy to show you how a normal person reacts to government corruption.

They've already committed obstruction of justice with this "the dog ate my homework" bullshit. They KNOW the rabid partisians will defend the indefensible. Since the early 90s Fed agencies have been required to archive all e-communications at the server level. Doesn't matter a twit what happened to a computer on her desk. EVERY ONE of her emails hit the IRS servers. If they didnt', she was illegally conducting business thru private email accounts. No matter. They should find the appropriate archives and respond to the request and quit believing that every American is as stupid as you are..

EVERY ONE of these disgusting events on the news today is because the govt is incompetent and non-responsive. We have agencies that don't even care about Congressional Oversight because the Admin and Justice will protect them from being held accountable..
Is there any evidence that anyone wasn't practicing omuerta as usual?

If so, please direct me to it.



Learn how to spell the words first....then use them.

As is often the case with USMB nutters....you ask others to prove a negative.

If evidence is produced that proves wrongdoing regarding this matter, I'll be happy to show you how a normal person reacts to government corruption.

They've already committed obstruction of justice with this "the dog ate my homework" bullshit. They KNOW the rabid partisians will defend the indefensible. Since the early 90s Fed agencies have been required to archive all e-communications at the server level. Doesn't matter a twit what happened to a computer on her desk. EVERY ONE of her emails hit the IRS servers. If they didnt', she was illegally conducting business thru private email accounts. No matter. They should find the appropriate archives and respond to the request and quit believing that every American is as stupid as you are..

EVERY ONE of these disgusting events on the news today is because the govt is incompetent and non-responsive. We have agencies that don't even care about Congressional Oversight because the Admin and Justice will protect them from being held accountable..

Oh good! Another expert who knows more than AP does! Cool!

Learn how to spell the words first....then use them.

As is often the case with USMB nutters....you ask others to prove a negative.

If evidence is produced that proves wrongdoing regarding this matter, I'll be happy to show you how a normal person reacts to government corruption.

They've already committed obstruction of justice with this "the dog ate my homework" bullshit. They KNOW the rabid partisians will defend the indefensible. Since the early 90s Fed agencies have been required to archive all e-communications at the server level. Doesn't matter a twit what happened to a computer on her desk. EVERY ONE of her emails hit the IRS servers. If they didnt', she was illegally conducting business thru private email accounts. No matter. They should find the appropriate archives and respond to the request and quit believing that every American is as stupid as you are..

EVERY ONE of these disgusting events on the news today is because the govt is incompetent and non-responsive. We have agencies that don't even care about Congressional Oversight because the Admin and Justice will protect them from being held accountable..

Oh good! Another expert who knows more than AP does! Cool!

AP reporters call IT when the janitor unplugs their monitors. Don't you know where your email goes and where it is stored? Or are you just convieniently stupid until a Repub Admin is in charge and pulls this deception??

As i said -- stupid excuses... Criminal obstruction. Send the FBI in to lock down their servers and computers until there is a BETTER answer. That's what THEY would do to YOU !!!!!
A Management Guide

Electronic Mail

Agency files and electronic recordkeeping systems must be available to all authorized staff members. Consequently, Federal records in electronic form should not be maintained solely on a staff member's computer hard disk, diskettes, or directories assigned only for an individual's use. This would be the electronic equivalent of maintaining agency paper records in an individual s locked desk drawer. Nor should agencies establish a recordkeeping system, either hard copy or electronic, for the maintenance of electronic mail messages, word processing documents, spreadsheets, data base reports, or other computer-generated records, unless these files can be linked, such as through automated indexing. See Appendix B for further guidance on creation and preservation of records with personal computers. NARA has found that documentation practices are often weakest in the following areas:

Common sense stuff. But the Feds will undoubtably muck it up...
They've already committed obstruction of justice with this "the dog ate my homework" bullshit. They KNOW the rabid partisians will defend the indefensible. Since the early 90s Fed agencies have been required to archive all e-communications at the server level. Doesn't matter a twit what happened to a computer on her desk. EVERY ONE of her emails hit the IRS servers. If they didnt', she was illegally conducting business thru private email accounts. No matter. They should find the appropriate archives and respond to the request and quit believing that every American is as stupid as you are..

EVERY ONE of these disgusting events on the news today is because the govt is incompetent and non-responsive. We have agencies that don't even care about Congressional Oversight because the Admin and Justice will protect them from being held accountable..

Oh good! Another expert who knows more than AP does! Cool!

AP reporters call IT when the janitor unplugs their monitors. Don't you know where your email goes and where it is stored? Or are you just convieniently stupid until a Repub Admin is in charge and pulls this deception??

As i said -- stupid excuses... Criminal obstruction. Send the FBI in to lock down their servers and computers until there is a BETTER answer. That's what THEY would do to YOU !!!!!

And........you know that this has not already been done......how?

I'm perfectly happy to pass over all the defenders of the indefensible and ignore your dancing and spinning. And discuss this topic only with folks that give a damn.

You are a waste of time to anyone that's concerned about the corrupt and inept bureaucracy and lack of accountability in the Fed Govt. That is -- until the leadership CHANGES. And that's why you rabid partisians are tanking this country..
Oh good! Another expert who knows more than AP does! Cool!

AP reporters call IT when the janitor unplugs their monitors. Don't you know where your email goes and where it is stored? Or are you just convieniently stupid until a Repub Admin is in charge and pulls this deception??

As i said -- stupid excuses... Criminal obstruction. Send the FBI in to lock down their servers and computers until there is a BETTER answer. That's what THEY would do to YOU !!!!!

And........you know that this has not already been done......how?


Are you honestly defending the government's version of this story? A person would have to be a brain dead piece of road kill that had never seen a computer to believe it. Or a hyper partisan Obama knee padder. It is totally unbelievable. Of course the IRS has all those emails backed up. It is absurd to think they dont. This wont was.
Congress needs to cut off funding for IRS salaries until they produce the emails.
I'm perfectly happy to pass over all the defenders of the indefensible and ignore your dancing and spinning. And discuss this topic only with folks that give a damn.

You are a waste of time to anyone that's concerned about the corrupt and inept bureaucracy and lack of accountability in the Fed Govt. That is -- until the leadership CHANGES. And that's why you rabid partisians are tanking this country..
This here.
I'm perfectly happy to pass over all the defenders of the indefensible and ignore your dancing and spinning. And discuss this topic only with folks that give a damn.

You are a waste of time to anyone that's concerned about the corrupt and inept bureaucracy and lack of accountability in the Fed Govt. That is -- until the leadership CHANGES. And that's why you rabid partisians are tanking this country..
This here.

That there was preaching and grandstanding. Since I am defending nobody in this thread. I am simply advocating that we reserve judgement until more is known. I've only said that a half dozen times, though....so I understand how you missed it. And since the author of that, there, is a known rabid partisan who ignores the fact that people have already been held accountable for this largely made up scandal...his words ring hollow. Hear the echo? I'll bet you do.
I'm perfectly happy to pass over all the defenders of the indefensible and ignore your dancing and spinning. And discuss this topic only with folks that give a damn.

You are a waste of time to anyone that's concerned about the corrupt and inept bureaucracy and lack of accountability in the Fed Govt. That is -- until the leadership CHANGES. And that's why you rabid partisians are tanking this country..
This here.

That there was preaching and grandstanding. Since I am defending nobody in this thread. I am simply advocating that we reserve judgement until more is known. I've only said that a half dozen times, though....so I understand how you missed it. And since the author of that, there, is a known rabid partisan who ignores the fact that people have already been held accountable for this largely made up scandal...his words ring hollow. Hear the echo? I'll bet you do.

But for the partisan right that will take too long, they need to attack the president with contrivances and lies now. And few on the right have any interest in facts or the truth consequently.

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