Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"


Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


Or we are just tired of you guys trying to make everything out to be a scandal.

The scandal is that for five years, the GOP has done everything they could to sabotage an economic recovery because the black guy might get credit.

Not that some half-ass group couldn't legally launder Koch money.

"You guys". This long, and you still haven't figured out that I'm not a partisan ideologue like you. How simple your world must be.

By the way, did you read the first sentence of the second paragraph? You quoted it. Here, let me help: "Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out."

Why in the world do you keep playing these games with me?

I did some research.
Looks like they use the cloud to store their digital information, which would include e- mails.

Shifting to the cloud is one area of opportunity. For example, if applications, operating systems, and data reside in an appropriately secured44 cloud environment rather than on a device, this will limit the potential impact to an agency in the event a device is lost, stolen, or compromised.

Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People

Was that in 2009 though, when they allegedly have a start missing date? Would be good news as it would be easier overall retrieval.
Tell me, did you actually click the links? Do they have the same info? Yes. Identical in story wording? No. And tell me how many ways can you tell the story the irs lost her emails? You are soooo grasping at straws here. It makes you really look silly, Lone.
i'm sorry, but I hate the SENSATIONALISM in ALL of those headlines...

it implies ALL EMAILS WERE LOST in the tea party probe, but the irs turned over 67,000 lois learner email from that period and 24000 of them came from this supposed ''missing period''....

so these emails were not ALL LOST..... you'd never know it by all of those headlines.

The other question I have is why doesn't these right wing congressmen such as Camp and Issa know about back up servers for the IRS?

Are they aware that there are none, no back ups, and just not telling us or are they aware that there are back up servers per the law of the land, and are just holding back on mentioning them so they can sensationalize the ''headlines''?
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Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


Or we are just tired of you guys trying to make everything out to be a scandal.

The scandal is that for five years, the GOP has done everything they could to sabotage an economic recovery because the black guy might get credit.

Not that some half-ass group couldn't legally launder Koch money.

"You guys". This long, and you still haven't figured out that I'm not a partisan ideologue like you. How simple your world must be.

By the way, did you read the first sentence of the second paragraph? You quoted it. Here, let me help: "Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out."

Why in the world do you keep playing these games with me?


Because you're a big fucking phony and I love pointing it out?
Or we are just tired of you guys trying to make everything out to be a scandal.

The scandal is that for five years, the GOP has done everything they could to sabotage an economic recovery because the black guy might get credit.

Not that some half-ass group couldn't legally launder Koch money.

"You guys". This long, and you still haven't figured out that I'm not a partisan ideologue like you. How simple your world must be.

By the way, did you read the first sentence of the second paragraph? You quoted it. Here, let me help: "Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out."

Why in the world do you keep playing these games with me?


Because you're a big fucking phony and I love pointing it out?

Oh, there it is.

Can you get specific?

Go ahead, knock it out of the park.

i'm soory, but I hate the SENSATIONALISM in ALL of those headlines...

it implies ALL EMAILS WERE LOST in the tea party probe, but the irs turned over 67,000 lois learner email from that period and 24000 of them came from this supposed ''missing period''....

so these emails were not ALL LOST..... you'd never know it by all of those headlines.

The other question I have is why doesn't these right wing congressmen such as Camp and Issa know about back up servers for the IRS?

Are they aware that there are none, no back ups, and just not telling us or are they aware that there are back up servers per the law of the land, and are just holding back on mentioning them so they can sensationalize the ''headlines''?

Well, talk to the press about it. So far as Issa's knowledge in IT? I haven't the slightest idea. But I'll guarantee you they will do all they can to get to the bottom of this, as they should. Did the irs director lie before the committee when he stated they had her emails archived?

You are trying to detract from the seriousness of this, as all good sheep do, rather than admit to the ramifications of what has happened here One day the right will have the Whitehouse again, and you damn sure don't want this to happen to you. Or if you truly think it is fine, let's just plan on doing it, as you have no qualms your tax payer information is given to those that by law have no right to, and can have the IRS ask you what you ate today, who your friends are, have you prayed today, where have you given speeches, what did they say, what books do you read, and then the fbi can show up at your door to just say hi, how are, and if you have a business you can expect OSHA to show up monthly with union thugs in tow, even though they have never in 10 years found a violation, have the IRS show up and take over a desk to audit your personal and business expenses once a month. You can then just set that desk aside with their name on it, since it will happen monthly. And in all this, nothing is ever found. It is only because you are registered as a Democrat. I can't wait.
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How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

I repeat myself, but....when the president reads about this in the paper he will be palpably angry. I am confident he will demand an investigation and hold those responsible, responsible.....period.
Let's see how quickly the NSA responds!

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) is trying to enlist the National Security Agency in the hunt for missing emails to and from the IRS’s Lois Lerner.

In a letter to NSA Director Michael Rogers on Friday, Stockman requested that the NSA turn over information it has about emails between Lerner and outside groups between January 2009 and April 2011.

The IRS told lawmakers this week that it can’t produce those emails as a result of computer problems, prompting criticism from Republicans who say the agency is impeding the three congressional investigations into IRS practices.

Stockman’s request for the NSA’s “metadata” on the emails comes as congressional Republicans probe whether the IRS mishandled applications for tax-exempt status from Tea Party and conservative groups.

In a statement, Stockman said the NSA’s information “will establish who Lerner contacted and when, which helps investigators determine the extent of illegal activity by the IRS.”...

GOP hunts for lost Lerner emails | TheHill
Tell me, did you actually click the links? Do they have the same info? Yes. Identical in story wording? No. And tell me how many ways can you tell the story the irs lost her emails? You are soooo grasping at straws here. It makes you really look silly, Lone.

Yes. I clicked on them. They are all using the same AP report as the basis of their report. Shit. Where is the NEW info? That is the question I asked?
i'm soory, but I hate the SENSATIONALISM in ALL of those headlines...

it implies ALL EMAILS WERE LOST in the tea party probe, but the irs turned over 67,000 lois learner email from that period and 24000 of them came from this supposed ''missing period''....

so these emails were not ALL LOST..... you'd never know it by all of those headlines.

The other question I have is why doesn't these right wing congressmen such as Camp and Issa know about back up servers for the IRS?

Are they aware that there are none, no back ups, and just not telling us or are they aware that there are back up servers per the law of the land, and are just holding back on mentioning them so they can sensationalize the ''headlines''?

Well, talk to the press about it. So far as Issa's knowledge in IT? I haven't the slightest idea. But I'll guarantee you they will do all they can to get to the bottom of this, as they should. Did the irs director lie before the committee when he stated they had her emails archived?

You are trying to detract from the seriousness of this, as all good sheep do, rather than admit to the ramifications of what has happened here One day the right will have the Whitehouse again, and you damn sure don't want this to happen to you. Or if you truly think it is fine, let's just plan on doing it, as you have no qualms your tax payer information is given to those that by law have no right to, and can have the IRS ask you what you ate today, who your friends are, have you prayed today, where have you given speeches, what did they say, what books do you read, and then the fbi can show up at your door to just say hi, how are, and if you have a business you can expect OSHA to show up monthly with union thugs in tow, even though they have never in 10 years found a violation, have the IRS show up and take over a desk to audit your personal and business expenses once a month. You can then just set that desk aside with their name on it, since it will happen monthly. And in all this, nothing is ever found. It is only because you are registered as a Democrat. I can't wait.
sorry, I don't play in those games....too off the wall for me, even if repubs were in power and these things were happening....

I think we need to stick with what we know and derive our own scenarios from there, but they have to be realistic and in context, and not rants of what ifs....and in no way do I mean to be rude towards you, it's just the way I am....I can't even watch sci fi unless the movie is realistic in my head!!!

So, let's go back to what we know....learner's computer was fried back in 2011, LONG BEFORE there was any IRS tea party probe....

was Learner's replacement aware that Learner's hard drive from 2011 was fried when he was interrogated by Chavetz.... probably NOT, at that point....there'd be no reason for him to know that....

did he do what he could to retrieve them? Seems like he did, by going to those computers of other employees who communicated with her, and getting the 24000 lois learner ''lost'' emails from there....

BUT....if this acting IRS Head was aware of a back up server having them and chose not to use this b/u server.... then THAT would be sneaky and deceiving....

LIKEWISE, if Issa, and Camp, and Hatch who have all spoken up on this ARE AWARE of the law of the land and KNOW there are back up servers for all gvt emails and are not telling us this in order to sensationalize this situation, THAT is sneaky and deceiving and devious as well....
Let's see how quickly the NSA responds!

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) is trying to enlist the National Security Agency in the hunt for missing emails to and from the IRS’s Lois Lerner.

In a letter to NSA Director Michael Rogers on Friday, Stockman requested that the NSA turn over information it has about emails between Lerner and outside groups between January 2009 and April 2011.

The IRS told lawmakers this week that it can’t produce those emails as a result of computer problems, prompting criticism from Republicans who say the agency is impeding the three congressional investigations into IRS practices.

Stockman’s request for the NSA’s “metadata” on the emails comes as congressional Republicans probe whether the IRS mishandled applications for tax-exempt status from Tea Party and conservative groups.

In a statement, Stockman said the NSA’s information “will establish who Lerner contacted and when, which helps investigators determine the extent of illegal activity by the IRS.”...

GOP hunts for lost Lerner emails | TheHill

Super grandstanding. And you love it.
Holy shit. Are you not aware that those are all the same story. From yesterday?
Tell me, did you actually click the links? Do they have the same info? Yes. Identical in story wording? No. And tell me how many ways can you tell the story the irs lost her emails? You are soooo grasping at straws here. It makes you really look silly, Lone.

Yes. I clicked on them. They are all using the same AP report as the basis of their report. Shit. Where is the NEW info? That is the question I asked?

And I answered it is a weekend. Why do you think they dump things like this on Friday afternoon? Because they know the coverage will be lacking. Both parties have always pulled this, and since you follow politics, you know it as well. The administration was hoping it will be forgotten by Monday.
But there is one thing new they are trying to get the NSA involved.
Tell me, did you actually click the links? Do they have the same info? Yes. Identical in story wording? No. And tell me how many ways can you tell the story the irs lost her emails? You are soooo grasping at straws here. It makes you really look silly, Lone.

Yes. I clicked on them. They are all using the same AP report as the basis of their report. Shit. Where is the NEW info? That is the question I asked?

And I answered it is a weekend. Why do you think they dump things like this on Friday afternoon? Because they know the coverage will be lacking. Both parties have always pulled this, and since you follow politics, you know it as well. The administration was hoping it will be forgotten by Monday.
But there is one thing new they are trying to get the NSA involved.

Who thinks we will see this pop up on the morning shows tomorrow? If it doesn't....you can bet your ass that Issa and Camp know that they have another dud on their hands.

Although....to be fair to Issa.....he will run with a dud for some time after he knows its a dud. He knows how to take care of his business and his audience.
I've noticed that most of your posts include insults and name-calling, so I won't expect a civil conversation here.

I've noticed you're a passive-aggressive type who freely flings out accusations that all liberals are all corrupt liars, but who doesn't like getting called on it. That puts me ahead, because at least I'm upfront and direct with my insults.

By the way, your concern troll act is boring. And try not to complain about how meeeeeaaaaaaaaaan I am, because that just encourages me.
i'm soory, but I hate the SENSATIONALISM in ALL of those headlines...

it implies ALL EMAILS WERE LOST in the tea party probe, but the irs turned over 67,000 lois learner email from that period and 24000 of them came from this supposed ''missing period''....

so these emails were not ALL LOST..... you'd never know it by all of those headlines.

The other question I have is why doesn't these right wing congressmen such as Camp and Issa know about back up servers for the IRS?

Are they aware that there are none, no back ups, and just not telling us or are they aware that there are back up servers per the law of the land, and are just holding back on mentioning them so they can sensationalize the ''headlines''?

Well, talk to the press about it. So far as Issa's knowledge in IT? I haven't the slightest idea. But I'll guarantee you they will do all they can to get to the bottom of this, as they should. Did the irs director lie before the committee when he stated they had her emails archived?

You are trying to detract from the seriousness of this, as all good sheep do, rather than admit to the ramifications of what has happened here One day the right will have the Whitehouse again, and you damn sure don't want this to happen to you. Or if you truly think it is fine, let's just plan on doing it, as you have no qualms your tax payer information is given to those that by law have no right to, and can have the IRS ask you what you ate today, who your friends are, have you prayed today, where have you given speeches, what did they say, what books do you read, and then the fbi can show up at your door to just say hi, how are, and if you have a business you can expect OSHA to show up monthly with union thugs in tow, even though they have never in 10 years found a violation, have the IRS show up and take over a desk to audit your personal and business expenses once a month. You can then just set that desk aside with their name on it, since it will happen monthly. And in all this, nothing is ever found. It is only because you are registered as a Democrat. I can't wait.
sorry, I don't play in those games....too off the wall for me, even if repubs were in power and these things were happening....

I think we need to stick with what we know and derive our own scenarios from there, but they have to be realistic and in context, and not rants of what ifs....and in no way do I mean to be rude towards you, it's just the way I am....I can't even watch sci fi unless the movie is realistic in my head!!!

So, let's go back to what we know....learner's computer was fried back in 2011, LONG BEFORE there was any IRS tea party probe....

was Learner's replacement aware that Learner's hard drive from 2011 was fried when he was interrogated by Chavetz.... probably NOT, at that point....there'd be no reason for him to know that....

did he do what he could to retrieve them? Seems like he did, by going to those computers of other employees who communicated with her, and getting the 24000 lois learner ''lost'' emails from there....

BUT....if this acting IRS Head was aware of a back up server having them and chose not to use this b/u server.... then THAT would be sneaky and deceiving....

LIKEWISE, if Issa, and Camp, and Hatch who have all spoken up on this ARE AWARE of the law of the land and KNOW there are back up servers for all gvt emails and are not telling us this in order to sensationalize this situation, THAT is sneaky and deceiving and devious as well....
Do you really think Issa and Camp wrote the headlines? Seriously?

Do you really think I made all of that up I ranted about? The only exagerration, was I don't believe they asked them what they ate. You obviously have chosen not to rake the time to hear all the facts. You just might want to take the time to watch all the hearings, look at all documents, emails, etc. and see for yourself. Those are not lies.
Well, talk to the press about it. So far as Issa's knowledge in IT? I haven't the slightest idea. But I'll guarantee you they will do all they can to get to the bottom of this, as they should. Did the irs director lie before the committee when he stated they had her emails archived?

You are trying to detract from the seriousness of this, as all good sheep do, rather than admit to the ramifications of what has happened here One day the right will have the Whitehouse again, and you damn sure don't want this to happen to you. Or if you truly think it is fine, let's just plan on doing it, as you have no qualms your tax payer information is given to those that by law have no right to, and can have the IRS ask you what you ate today, who your friends are, have you prayed today, where have you given speeches, what did they say, what books do you read, and then the fbi can show up at your door to just say hi, how are, and if you have a business you can expect OSHA to show up monthly with union thugs in tow, even though they have never in 10 years found a violation, have the IRS show up and take over a desk to audit your personal and business expenses once a month. You can then just set that desk aside with their name on it, since it will happen monthly. And in all this, nothing is ever found. It is only because you are registered as a Democrat. I can't wait.
sorry, I don't play in those games....too off the wall for me, even if repubs were in power and these things were happening....

I think we need to stick with what we know and derive our own scenarios from there, but they have to be realistic and in context, and not rants of what ifs....and in no way do I mean to be rude towards you, it's just the way I am....I can't even watch sci fi unless the movie is realistic in my head!!!

So, let's go back to what we know....learner's computer was fried back in 2011, LONG BEFORE there was any IRS tea party probe....

was Learner's replacement aware that Learner's hard drive from 2011 was fried when he was interrogated by Chavetz.... probably NOT, at that point....there'd be no reason for him to know that....

did he do what he could to retrieve them? Seems like he did, by going to those computers of other employees who communicated with her, and getting the 24000 lois learner ''lost'' emails from there....

BUT....if this acting IRS Head was aware of a back up server having them and chose not to use this b/u server.... then THAT would be sneaky and deceiving....

LIKEWISE, if Issa, and Camp, and Hatch who have all spoken up on this ARE AWARE of the law of the land and KNOW there are back up servers for all gvt emails and are not telling us this in order to sensationalize this situation, THAT is sneaky and deceiving and devious as well....
Do you really think Issa and Camp wrote the headlines? Seriously?

Do you really think I made all of that up I ranted about? The only exagerration, was I don't believe they asked them what they ate. You obviously have chosen not to rake the time to hear all the facts. You just might want to take the time to watch all the hearings, look at all documents, emails, etc. and see for yourself. Those are not lies.

Here is an opportunity for you to answer a simple question honestly. Are you game?

This question can be fully answered with a single word. If you are to be honest about it....you shouldn't need any more. Ready?

Are you hopeful that the president is implicated in the IRS scandal?
sorry, I don't play in those games....too off the wall for me, even if repubs were in power and these things were happening....

I think we need to stick with what we know and derive our own scenarios from there, but they have to be realistic and in context, and not rants of what ifs....and in no way do I mean to be rude towards you, it's just the way I am....I can't even watch sci fi unless the movie is realistic in my head!!!

So, let's go back to what we know....learner's computer was fried back in 2011, LONG BEFORE there was any IRS tea party probe....

was Learner's replacement aware that Learner's hard drive from 2011 was fried when he was interrogated by Chavetz.... probably NOT, at that point....there'd be no reason for him to know that....

did he do what he could to retrieve them? Seems like he did, by going to those computers of other employees who communicated with her, and getting the 24000 lois learner ''lost'' emails from there....

BUT....if this acting IRS Head was aware of a back up server having them and chose not to use this b/u server.... then THAT would be sneaky and deceiving....

LIKEWISE, if Issa, and Camp, and Hatch who have all spoken up on this ARE AWARE of the law of the land and KNOW there are back up servers for all gvt emails and are not telling us this in order to sensationalize this situation, THAT is sneaky and deceiving and devious as well....
Do you really think Issa and Camp wrote the headlines? Seriously?

Do you really think I made all of that up I ranted about? The only exagerration, was I don't believe they asked them what they ate. You obviously have chosen not to rake the time to hear all the facts. You just might want to take the time to watch all the hearings, look at all documents, emails, etc. and see for yourself. Those are not lies.

Here is an opportunity for you to answer a simple question honestly. Are you game?

This question can be fully answered with a single word. If you are to be honest about it....you shouldn't need any more. Ready?

Are you hopeful that the president is implicated in the IRS scandal?

I seriously doubt he would be. He is shielded by his staff.
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Do you really think Issa and Camp wrote the headlines? Seriously?

Do you really think I made all of that up I ranted about? The only exagerration, was I don't believe they asked them what they ate. You obviously have chosen not to rake the time to hear all the facts. You just might want to take the time to watch all the hearings, look at all documents, emails, etc. and see for yourself. Those are not lies.

Here is an opportunity for you to answer a simple question honestly. Are you game?

This question can be fully answered with a single word. If you are to be honest about it....you shouldn't need any more. Ready?

Are you hopeful that the president is implicated in the IRS scandal?

I seriously doubt he would be. He is shielded by his staff.

That is not what I asked. Are you going to answer the question?

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