Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Since we are all speculating here....who wants to take a stab at this question?

Why hasn't there been any new info reported on this matter since it broke yesterday? We basically have one AP report followed by a slew of opinion pieces based on that one AP report.

The latest is Brietbart giving us the Chaffetz interrogation from months ago.

One would expect something new to be reported. No?
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How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

I was hoping someone would put a thread up about this. Very suspicious. And very convenient. This stinks to high heaven.
Since we are all speculating here....who wants to take a stab at this question?

Why hasn't there been any new info reported on this matter since it broke yesterday? We basically have one AP report followed by a slew of opinion pieces based on that one AP report.

The latest is Brietbart giving us the Chaffetz interrogation from months ago.

One would expect something new to be reported. No?

It has been reported. I saw it on the news
How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

I was hoping someone would put a thread up about this. Very suspicious. And very convenient. This stinks to high heaven.

Oh yes. Very suspicious. There must be foul play. And the trail most certainly leads straight to the Oval Office. Very, very concerning!
Since we are all speculating here....who wants to take a stab at this question?

Why hasn't there been any new info reported on this matter since it broke yesterday? We basically have one AP report followed by a slew of opinion pieces based on that one AP report.

The latest is Brietbart giving us the Chaffetz interrogation from months ago.

One would expect something new to be reported. No?

It has been reported. I saw it on the news

What has been reported? Have you something to add to the OP? Please do.
Yes. And those are being and have been recovered. I don't know anything about the IRS's servers. Do you?

If she used gmail to send to an agency email address, then there are servers that the govt. Is required by law to back up, whether it originated inside or outside of house. On one of these threads I listed the statutes and language.
then no one should be fretting, the emails can be retrieved from these back up servers, right?
Unless they were all scrubbed. And it could take years. It also would require the cooperation of Lerner, having a useful memory of who she corresponded with. In other words, this happening, is helping her greatly. They could logically go to each agency and run her name in a search, but you can imagine all the legwork, in hours and resources, etc. And even then you have to rely on the trustworthiness of each of these it people.
You're the one with the "gubmint" job, the Trannie.

I never was in a union or held a government job in my life.

You don't mind defending the indefensible for Obama though.

What's "indefensible"?

And I didn't see you guys going crazy when the NAACP and Charlie Rangel were dragged into the IRS for what can be seen has "political" paybacks..

Where was Issa?

I don't know about the NAACP, but Charlie Rangel has a history of tax violations.
Even accidental loss, they are still available on the recipients computer. Unless also intentionally crashed and burned.
They did retrieved 24000 emails that were sent during that period of 'loss' from her computer hard drive, by obtaining them from the 80 workers who had received them, from what is being reported...

Listening to the Chavetz interrogation of that IRS man...he said they had to go in to storage and retrieve these computers to get these emails....

I totally do not understand this?

does this mean they were not backed up nightly on a separate server that is offsite and they only just keep these used laptops as their means to get to the emails? that just sounds crazy?

It's not "crazy" it's preposterous. The IRS is deleting incriminating e-mails. What they are saying makes no sense.
i don't believe they can be completely deleted Kaz.... there was no reason to tell anyone her hard drive blew up in 2011 if all they wanted to do is delete them.... they could have just turned over what they wanted to turn over and say NOTHING, would congress have even been the wiser that some were deleted? soooo, i don't think they are destroying evidence....

The only way this whole story makes any kind of sense is if the IRS is inept, and does not have back up servers for their emails....which is a problem with the IRS itself, and not lois learner.
What makes this even more unfathomable is the statement before committee from the irs director stating they had all of Lerner's emails archived. And they suddenly announce this. Who is lying?
I did some research.
Looks like they use the cloud to store their digital information, which would include e- mails.

Shifting to the cloud is one area of opportunity. For example, if applications, operating systems, and data reside in an appropriately secured44 cloud environment rather than on a device, this will limit the potential impact to an agency in the event a device is lost, stolen, or compromised.

Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People
Since we are all speculating here....who wants to take a stab at this question?

Why hasn't there been any new info reported on this matter since it broke yesterday? We basically have one AP report followed by a slew of opinion pieces based on that one AP report.

The latest is Brietbart giving us the Chaffetz interrogation from months ago.

One would expect something new to be reported. No?

It has been reported. I saw it on the news

Besides being a wkend as well, you aren't go to have the same coverage as during the week.
Since we are all speculating here....who wants to take a stab at this question?

Why hasn't there been any new info reported on this matter since it broke yesterday? We basically have one AP report followed by a slew of opinion pieces based on that one AP report.

The latest is Brietbart giving us the Chaffetz interrogation from months ago.

One would expect something new to be reported. No?

It has been reported. I saw it on the news

what "news" did you see it on? Never mind. Just because you see something on the corporate-owned, media doesn't make it true :eusa_hand: Cable *cough* news is designed to bring in advertising revenue. How do they do that you might ask? HERE!!! I'll tell you: they speculate and fabricate based on 1/2 truths and outright lies in order to create controversy. :thup: Controversy= ratings = more rw drones like you watching= ad revenue. Get it now?
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personally, I think Chavetz was being a complete rear end in that video....

the man being questioned was trying to answer his questions but Chavetz arrogance got in his way....

what a punk!

now i can see why learner took the 5th, with these kind of jerks doing the questioning and in the manner they won't let the answers and truth come out...because these Reps are too busy GRAND STANDING.

all they're doing is basically making two-minute, campaign commercials on the taxpayer's dime. EVERYONE knows that these House hearings are merely GOP Dog & Pony shows :yawn:

Yes yes...we know you hate the GOP actually tackling the Obama administration's abuses of government.

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


Or we are just tired of you guys trying to make everything out to be a scandal.

The scandal is that for five years, the GOP has done everything they could to sabotage an economic recovery because the black guy might get credit.

Not that some half-ass group couldn't legally launder Koch money.

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