Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

Pity the poor conservatives, spun up into pants-wetting hysteria again by yet another phony scandal. I guess with the Bergdahl thing crashing so quickly, something new had to be flung out fast. The conservative base has a short attention span, and they start turning on each other if they don't get fed new red meat regularly.

The tragic thing is how they never learn. It always gets revealed how they've been played for UsefulIdiots yet another time, but still they always go running back to their masters to beg for more humiliation.

Tell me. What's so phony about this? Can you kindly explain? When you send a 9/11 conspirator and four of his buddies home in exchange for a deserter without trying him/them in the court of military law, just what makes it phony?

Why did the IRS claim to 'lose' these e-mails? Did they seriously think anyone would fall for that?
they don't care how corrupt or how many lies their kenyan messiah tells, he is their savior and they will worship him as he shovels shit on their heads after pushing them into a hole.

liberalism is a mental disease, to attempt to apply logical reasoning to a liberal is like trying to teach a slug to dance.

There's a reasoned comment! Kudos! Lets see who "thanks" you for that bit of bile.

I thanked him. It's right on. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know. All that matters is the agenda. Whatever it takes.

since I have laugher on ignore, I did not see his foolish attempt at a rebuttal. He is proof of my claim about liberals and mental disease.
IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner Emails in Tea Party Probe - NBC News

Nothing to see here people, move along.

*watches democrat sheep turn their backs & walk away*

I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....

One problem, you don't keep backups on your own hard drive...

Another problem. Given that our government is a $17 trillion dollar enterprise, you'd think they would have purchased higher quality hard drives. Moreover, hard drives just don't "blow up" unless you subject them to immense heat or make them spin at a higher rpm than what they are designed for. That or they were using an older hard drive, which is unlikely.
This administration said Bergdahl served with honor and distinction. Biden said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Benghazi. Obamacare. On and on. Tell me why I should believe them about the IRS.
The leftist demands everyone else obey the law and shut up and don't question while they're busy stealing my country.
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I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....

One problem, you don't keep backups on your own hard drive...

Another problem. Given that our government is a $17 trillion dollar enterprise, you'd think they would have purchased higher quality hard drives. Moreover, hard drives just don't "blow up" unless you subject them to immense heat or make them spin at a higher rpm than what they are designed for. That or they were using an older hard drive, which is unlikely.

It's unbelievable that the mail servers for the IRS are not regularly backed up.

The emails are somewhere. But the MSM shills will spread the "lost" meme - which enough gullible morons will swallow.
Put it this way, you each have your own personal computer, and another family member has a computer in your house as well. You send an email to one of your family members. Your computer crashes and burns. You no longer have that email. But, because your computer lost your original, do you think it magically erased the copy sent to your family member's computer, that is still up and running? Of course it didn't. There is still a copy on their computer.

The claim here is those she sent from her personal computer were lost, never to be seen again, yet, as I just showed, it didn't in any way affect the copy on the recipients computer. They are lying.

Not to mention the server backups that are required by federal records law, that would have a copy as well.
Anyone that insists they are telling the truth is also guilty of lying.
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One problem, you don't keep backups on your own hard drive...

Another problem. Given that our government is a $17 trillion dollar enterprise, you'd think they would have purchased higher quality hard drives. Moreover, hard drives just don't "blow up" unless you subject them to immense heat or make them spin at a higher rpm than what they are designed for. That or they were using an older hard drive, which is unlikely.

It's unbelievable that the mail servers for the IRS are not regularly backed up.

The emails are somewhere. But the MSM shills will spread the "lost" meme - which enough gullible morons will swallow.

No hard drives protect from when they are deleted intentionally, they only protect from accidental loss
Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


You mean that's all you want to see.

Sounds to me that Lerner was doing her job. Her job was to make sure only organizations that DESERVED an exemption got one.

SHe asked very sensible questions, like "Hey, if you are a social welfare agency, why are you calling yourself a 'Party'?"

The reality is, there are churches where the ministers take videos of themselves preaching politics and send them to the IRS daring them to crack down on abusing their tax exemption.

So is your complaint with Lerner that she enforced the law?

Deserving as meaning a contributor to the Obama campaign.

Why did President Bush appoint her to this position at the IRS, if he thought for one nanno second that she was a Democratic shill? It makes no sense for him and his republican senators in the Senate, to do such a thing....??? Honestly makes no sense, if she were a partisan hack, for him to pick her and the Senate to pass the pick?

So, I have to rule out that she is any kind of partisan hack for the Democrats....

Did she do wrong....yes, to a degree I think she did do wrong...but I don't think she did wrong for partisan reasons, but because she and her staff has a very very very hard job to do when discerning which 501c3's were legal to have tax exempt status and free from saying who donated to them.... vs a group with primarily partisan agendas....

These groups are suppose to be primarily a charitable organization...helping the community with charity.

Personally, I think these partisan groups should reveal donors...'sunshine' is the way to go...on both the left and the right....
Another problem. Given that our government is a $17 trillion dollar enterprise, you'd think they would have purchased higher quality hard drives. Moreover, hard drives just don't "blow up" unless you subject them to immense heat or make them spin at a higher rpm than what they are designed for. That or they were using an older hard drive, which is unlikely.

It's unbelievable that the mail servers for the IRS are not regularly backed up.

The emails are somewhere. But the MSM shills will spread the "lost" meme - which enough gullible morons will swallow.

No hard drives protect from when they are deleted intentionally, they only protect from accidental loss

Even accidental loss, they are still available on the recipients computer. Unless also intentionally crashed and burned.
Another problem. Given that our government is a $17 trillion dollar enterprise, you'd think they would have purchased higher quality hard drives. Moreover, hard drives just don't "blow up" unless you subject them to immense heat or make them spin at a higher rpm than what they are designed for. That or they were using an older hard drive, which is unlikely.

It's unbelievable that the mail servers for the IRS are not regularly backed up.

The emails are somewhere. But the MSM shills will spread the "lost" meme - which enough gullible morons will swallow.

No hard drives protect from when they are deleted intentionally, they only protect from accidental loss

Not necessarily true. Depending on how well they were deleted. In otherwords, you or I can delete an email from our computer, by the push of the delete key, and there is a shadow still on our hard drive that can be retrieved. Now there are programs we can use to try to make it totally irretrievable, but even then, sometimes it can be retrieved.
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Not to mention a copy on the email servers as well as the recipients computer.
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It's unbelievable that the mail servers for the IRS are not regularly backed up.

The emails are somewhere. But the MSM shills will spread the "lost" meme - which enough gullible morons will swallow.

No hard drives protect from when they are deleted intentionally, they only protect from accidental loss

Even accidental loss, they are still available on the recipients computer. Unless also intentionally crashed and burned.
They did retrieved 24000 emails that were sent during that period of 'loss' from her computer hard drive, by obtaining them from the 80 workers who had received them, from what is being reported...

Listening to the Chavetz interrogation of that IRS man...he said they had to go in to storage and retrieve these computers to get these emails....

I totally do not understand this?

does this mean they were not backed up nightly on a separate server that is offsite and they only just keep these used laptops as their means to get to the emails? that just sounds crazy?
Put it this way, you each have your own personal computer, and another family member has a computer in your house as well. You send an email to one of your family members. Your computer crashes and burns. You no longer have that email. But, because your computer lost your original, do you think it magically erased the copy sent to your family member's computer, that is still up and running? Of course it didn't. There is still a copy on their computer.

The claim here is those she sent from her personal computer were lost, never to be seen again, yet, as I just showed, it didn't in any way affect the copy on the recipients computer. They are lying.

Not to mention the server backups that are required by federal records law, that would have a copy as well.
Anyone that insists they are telling the truth is also guilty of lying.

Emails go through mail servers, which, when properly set up, are backed up on a regular basis.

Besides, that, the NSA must have copies as well, considering how they hoover up all of the email traffic.
No hard drives protect from when they are deleted intentionally, they only protect from accidental loss

Even accidental loss, they are still available on the recipients computer. Unless also intentionally crashed and burned.
They did retrieved 24000 emails that were sent during that period of 'loss' from her computer hard drive, by obtaining them from the 80 workers who had received them, from what is being reported...

Listening to the Chavetz interrogation of that IRS man...he said they had to go in to storage and retrieve these computers to get these emails....

I totally do not understand this?

does this mean they were not backed up nightly on a separate server that is offsite and they only just keep these used laptops as their means to get to the emails? that just sounds crazy?

See, this is where they screwed up. First they said these were sent from her personal computer, which crashed. They said they retrieved hers she sent from the agency computer from those on irs employee computers. Now the fact is they are not limited to being able to get them just from their computers. Anyone she ever emailed has their copy on their computers, whether 10 miles away in another agency computer, or 10,000 miles away. They would be on those computers, as well as the email servers, and the backup servers. Only her original email on her hard drive would be lost-but not lost at the receiving end or their replies to her, originated on their computers
The only emails that could not be retrieved are those she composed, saved as a draft, and never sent. But, even then, sometimes a hard drive can have data recovered.

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