Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"


Just curious: This far into the thread, has any lefty expressed even the slightest concern or doubt about the claim about the hard drive?


Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


You mean that's all you want to see.

Sounds to me that Lerner was doing her job. Her job was to make sure only organizations that DESERVED an exemption got one.

SHe asked very sensible questions, like "Hey, if you are a social welfare agency, why are you calling yourself a 'Party'?"

The reality is, there are churches where the ministers take videos of themselves preaching politics and send them to the IRS daring them to crack down on abusing their tax exemption.

So is your complaint with Lerner that she enforced the law?
Nixon erased 18 minutes of tapes in 1973 and the Left thought he was evil

you do understand that that 18 minutes was criminal, right?? (as was ordering the break-in)

but if you'd like to compare trivial... clinton got impeached for a blue dress.

i win! :D

sorry there old babe, but ...,
Published: December 20, 1998

William Jefferson Clinton was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice today by a divided House of Representatives.

U LOSE :lmao: .... :lmao:
Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


You mean that's all you want to see.

Sounds to me that Lerner was doing her job. Her job was to make sure only organizations that DESERVED an exemption got one.

SHe asked very sensible questions, like "Hey, if you are a social welfare agency, why are you calling yourself a 'Party'?"

The reality is, there are churches where the ministers take videos of themselves preaching politics and send them to the IRS daring them to crack down on abusing their tax exemption.

So is your complaint with Lerner that she enforced the law?

No, my point -- and it's stunning that you don't see this -- has nothing to do with the mechanics of the IRS "scandal". It's the claim that emails from the person at the heart of the story have somehow been "lost".

So, one more time for clarity: It's not about the "scandal", it's about this "story".

I don't even know what else to say, Joe, other than you'd be behaving differently if the same thing happened during a controversy in a Republican administration.

Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


You mean that's all you want to see.

Sounds to me that Lerner was doing her job. Her job was to make sure only organizations that DESERVED an exemption got one.

SHe asked very sensible questions, like "Hey, if you are a social welfare agency, why are you calling yourself a 'Party'?"

The reality is, there are churches where the ministers take videos of themselves preaching politics and send them to the IRS daring them to crack down on abusing their tax exemption.

So is your complaint with Lerner that she enforced the law?

Wasn't it also part of her job to testify before congress. Does congress have the responsibility for oversight or not? If she was simply doing the job as she was suppose to be doing then she should have testified to that fact instead of taking the 5th.

No, my point -- and it's stunning that you don't see this -- has nothing to do with the mechanics of the IRS "scandal". It's the claim that emails from the person at the heart of the story have somehow been "lost".

So, one more time for clarity: It's not about the "scandal", it's about this "story".

I don't even know what else to say, Joe, other than you'd be behaving differently if the same thing happened during a controversy in a Republican administration.


Meh, lots of suppossition here.

frankly, if the GOP ever got back into power, what cover story they'd use to cover up their scandels would be the least of my worries. I'd be more worried about the economic and military calamities they'd be inflicting on us.

Wasn't it also part of her job to testify before congress. Does congress have the responsibility for oversight or not? If she was simply doing the job as she was suppose to be doing then she should have testified to that fact instead of taking the 5th.

If Congress is interested in "oversight", they should give her immunity and get her testimony.

They don't want her testimony. They want to hang something over her head hoping she'll break bad on Obama.
Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


You mean that's all you want to see.

Sounds to me that Lerner was doing her job. Her job was to make sure only organizations that DESERVED an exemption got one.

SHe asked very sensible questions, like "Hey, if you are a social welfare agency, why are you calling yourself a 'Party'?"

The reality is, there are churches where the ministers take videos of themselves preaching politics and send them to the IRS daring them to crack down on abusing their tax exemption.

So is your complaint with Lerner that she enforced the law?

Deserving as meaning a contributor to the Obama campaign.


No, my point -- and it's stunning that you don't see this -- has nothing to do with the mechanics of the IRS "scandal". It's the claim that emails from the person at the heart of the story have somehow been "lost".

So, one more time for clarity: It's not about the "scandal", it's about this "story".

I don't even know what else to say, Joe, other than you'd be behaving differently if the same thing happened during a controversy in a Republican administration.


Meh, lots of suppossition here.

frankly, if the GOP ever got back into power, what cover story they'd use to cover up their scandels would be the least of my worries. I'd be more worried about the economic and military calamities they'd be inflicting on us.

But it is stunning that you don't see it. Stunning!

Wasn't it also part of her job to testify before congress. Does congress have the responsibility for oversight or not? If she was simply doing the job as she was suppose to be doing then she should have testified to that fact instead of taking the 5th.

If Congress is interested in "oversight", they should give her immunity and get her testimony.

They don't want her testimony. They want to hang something over her head hoping she'll break bad on Obama.

A more appropriate avatar for you would be Sargent Schultz rather than captain obvious.

[ame=http://youtu.be/rwcBaG-S7UA]Sgt Schultz - Nothing - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ax6QGmKhRwo]Chaffetz asks IRS Commissioner: "Are you going to comply with subpoena?" - YouTube[/ame]
They don't care about the lying, as it protects their own. Problem is if they are able to get those emails, some how, some way, those same people don't realize how much more irrelevant they will become.
personally, I think Chavetz was being a complete rear end in that video....

the man being questioned was trying to answer his questions but Chavetz arrogance got in his way....

what a punk!

now i can see why learner took the 5th, with these kind of jerks doing the questioning and in the manner they won't let the answers and truth come out...because these Reps are too busy GRAND STANDING.
personally, I think Chavetz was being a complete rear end in that video....

the man being questioned was trying to answer his questions but Chavetz arrogance got in his way....

what a punk!

now i can see why learner took the 5th, with these kind of jerks doing the questioning and in the manner they won't let the answers and truth come out...because these Reps are too busy GRAND STANDING.

all they're doing is basically making two-minute, campaign commercials on the taxpayer's dime. EVERYONE knows that these House hearings are merely GOP Dog & Pony shows :yawn:
IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner Emails in Tea Party Probe - NBC News

Nothing to see here people, move along.

*watches democrat sheep turn their backs & walk away*

I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....
IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner Emails in Tea Party Probe - NBC News

Nothing to see here people, move along.

*watches democrat sheep turn their backs & walk away*

I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....

E-mails are not stored on her computer. Further the Agency announced UNDER OATH that it had the archives earlier. You have been told this. Also the White House REFUSES to give their copies.

And you don't care what it is that Obama is hiding.
IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner Emails in Tea Party Probe - NBC News

Nothing to see here people, move along.

*watches democrat sheep turn their backs & walk away*

I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....

E-mails are not stored on her computer. Further the Agency announced UNDER OATH that it had the archives earlier. You have been told this. Also the White House REFUSES to give their copies.

And you don't care what it is that Obama is hiding.
I listened to the disturbing tape of Chavetz grand standing, and did not catch saying it was all archived on a separate server, I guess i need to watch the video again?

congress should be able to get the back up server info!

as far as executive privilege, a precedent was set long before Obama....I don't expect the president to give that up....

BUT I do expect congress to get all emails through their own actions, via a back up server...
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