Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

How many of you good Democrats actually believe they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails, including ones to the White House?

That is what Fox News is reporting: that our Federal Government has informed them that they have lost Lois Lerner's e-mails for over a significant period of time....many months.

The better question might be: You know Obama's Cabal is corrupt, are you stiill for his bullshit anyway, just because he's a Democrat?

Naw, I still don't care if Granny Teabag didn't get her check from the Koch Brothers.
Well Mr./Ms.

There is no "issue", at least not the one that Issa has painted.

The real issue is that all these 501(c)(4)s are really and truly breaking federal law.


What do you think should be done?

Should they be deported to Mexico?

Or maybe Somalia.


They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

Obama blew the dog whistle on a group I support, Americans for Prosperity. He even went as far as calling us out multiple times during his campaign.


The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?
They aren't 501(c)(4)s because their applications were never approved, you fucking moron. The issue is whether the IRS broke the law, not the people the IRS persecuted.

Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

Obama blew the dog whistle on a group I support, Americans for Prosperity. He even went as far as calling us out multiple times during his campaign.



You sent them money?
Except they were approved. Each and every one of the tea baggers got the status they wanted.

You fucking lying monarchist racist asshole.

Obama blew the dog whistle on a group I support, Americans for Prosperity. He even went as far as calling us out multiple times during his campaign.



You sent them money?

You appear curious. I can send you a link for donations if your interested

The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

Well....I suppose that this is being done to the extent that it can be done. If getting at the truth was the goal of Issa and Camp, they would have acknowledged what is being done to recover the lost documents and reserved judgement.

But....it is much more advantageous for them to run to a microphone and display outrage and suggest that there are unanswered questions. You can see how it riled up the base in this thread.

Now....regardless of what is discovered as truth....they have done their primary job......which is casting doubt and making accusations that can do political damage to their opponents. That is the game.
Obama blew the dog whistle on a group I support, Americans for Prosperity. He even went as far as calling us out multiple times during his campaign.



You sent them money?

You appear curious. I can send you a link for donations if your interested


I am curious. How much did you send them? Do you feel that it was money well spent? If I were you, I'd question their tactics leading up to the 2012 elections. They spent your cash and got trounced.
I don't know what happened. I haven't made a judgement of any kind. I will...as I always do....wait until the matter has been fully investigated and the facts made known.

At what point in history does the IRS claim that the computer crash occurred?

[FONT=&quot]IRS Statement[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the IRS today provided a summary of its production of email and materials to the Committee related to the processing and review of applications for tax-exempt status, as described in the May 2013 report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. The IRS has made unprecedented efforts in connection with this effort, producing more than 750,000 pages of documents to help complete the investigations. In total, the IRS’s efforts to respond to Congress have involved more than 250 IRS employees working more than 120,000 hours at a direct cost of nearly $10 million. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As we advised the committee three months ago, we have completed the production of materials related to the investigation, including 11,000 emails sent or received by Lois Lerner.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Since then, at the request of other Congressional committees, the IRS has been working on the identification and production of other Lois Lerner emails. The additional emails do not relate to the Finance Committee’s investigation. As part of this additional search, the IRS collected emails from 83 individuals. Congressional investigators have – or will soon have – a total of 67,000 emails sent or received by Ms. Lerner. In the course of collecting and producing Ms. Lerner’s additional emails, the IRS determined her hard drive crashed in 2011. At the time, Ms. Lerner asked IRS IT professionals to restore her hard drive, but they were unable to do so. Nonetheless, the IRS has or will produce 24,000 Lerner emails from this 2009-2011 time period, largely from the files of the other 82 individuals. The IRS’s production to Congress of the 67,000 Lerner emails is nearly complete.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The IRS is committed to working with Congress. The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information.[/FONT]

IRS Says Official's Emails Were Lost in Computer Crash - WSJ


Did her computer crash in 2011?

Naw. Her computer was working super great while she was screwing Americans but failed for some strange reason when she got caught.

"I plead the 5th" is another way of saying: "I'm as guilty as hell."
You sent them money?

You appear curious. I can send you a link for donations if your interested


I am curious. How much did you send them? Do you feel that it was money well spent? If I were you, I'd question their tactics leading up to the 2012 elections. They spent your cash and got trounced.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.


Eric Cantor loses primary in big upset

(CNN) -- In what's being described as a political "earthquake," a tea party neophyte booted the No. 2 House Republican, Eric Cantor, from office. But the tea party suffered a setback in South Carolina, where incumbent Lindsey Graham prevailed to avoid a runoff.

Cantor conceded the race with 99% of precincts reporting from the Richmond-area district showing him trailing Dave Brat 56% to 44%, according to the Virginia Secretary of State's website. Turnout was low.

"Obviously we came up short," Cantor said in his concession speech.

Bart Simpson comes up with better excuses than this. ("I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!")

Naturally, it was announced late on a Friday, after all the daily news shows are over.

They are insulting the entire American public by even pretending they expect us to believe this one.

With this one, I'm finally starting to realize that Lois Lerner and the IRS are hiding something REALLY big. A direct email from Obama's Blackberry, telling her to hold up approvals of conservative groups or something?

Remember that Richard Nixon was impeached for commanding the IRS to go after his enemies... or would have been, if he hadn't gotten out of town just ahead of the posse. It was one of the Articles of Impeachment voted out of the House committee.

The only difference? In Nixon's case, the IRS refused to do what he told them, since it was against the law.


IRS: So? Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner?s Emails

IRS: So… Our Computer Crashed And Erased All Of Lois Lerner’s Emails

1 hour ago

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claimed Friday that it cannot produce Lois Lerner’s emails to and from the White House and other administration departments due to a supposed computer crash.

The IRS previously agreed to hand over all of the ex-IRS official’s emails from 2009 to 2011 to the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Dave Camp. But the IRS claimed Friday that it has Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS officials but it cannot produce emails to and from the Treasury and Justice Departments, the Federal Election Commission, or Democratic offices.

The IRS’ computer crash may go down in history next to the eighteen and a half minute gap in the Watergate tapes, which was supposedly caused by a mistake by Richard Nixon’s secretary Rose Mary Woods.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries,” Camp said in a statement.

Wait, what???????



Had NIXON stayed in office? The charges would have centered around the Watergate break in.

Wonderful thing about the Internet, you can find anything.

Article 2

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening the laws governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposed of these agencies.
This conduct has included one or more of the following:

  1. He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

That article actually got more votes that the Watergate charges in Article 1, which means they were more concerned about the abuse of power than the break in, but keep rewriting history to make yourself into a genius.
Let's see...Nixon resigns for losing 18 minutes of recordings he wasn't supposed to be making or keeping...Obama gets a pass for losing TWO YEARS worth of emails he was supposed to be keeping?
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Well... I waited a long time for the fanged wolf to answer my question. Guess now I won't get that opportunity. Did I say something wrong to him? Why do liberals defend such treachery? What do conservatives do the same with other types of tomfoolery? I'm always perplexed as to why the two sides feel the need to hide the mistakes of those they favor. I find it very objectionable. Nobody is immune to consequences, no matter how high up the totem pole they are.

The IRS should be tried for perjury, and violations of Federal Law pertaining to the destruction of evidence, as in such evidence pertaining to a congressional investigation. You don't simply 'lose' key evidence such as those e-mails.

Let's just cut to the chase. Impeach Obama.
The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

Well....I suppose that this is being done to the extent that it can be done. If getting at the truth was the goal of Issa and Camp, they would have acknowledged what is being done to recover the lost documents and reserved judgement.

But....it is much more advantageous for them to run to a microphone and display outrage and suggest that there are unanswered questions. You can see how it riled up the base in this thread.

Now....regardless of what is discovered as truth....they have done their primary job......which is casting doubt and making accusations that can do political damage to their opponents. That is the game.

This "accident" can be easily made right.

Subpoena the NSA copies of the emails.

No problem.
The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!

Naw. Her computer was working super great while she was screwing Americans but failed for some strange reason when she got caught.

"I plead the 5th" is another way of saying: "I'm as guilty as hell."

More excellence.

If pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt, why is it an option for the accused?
Nixon erased 18 minutes of tapes in 1973 and the Left thought he was evil

you do understand that that 18 minutes was criminal, right?? (as was ordering the break-in)

but if you'd like to compare trivial... clinton got impeached for a blue dress.

i win! :D
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress. Forensic evidence was used in the proof thereof.
Nixon erased 18 minutes of tapes in 1973 and the Left thought he was evil

you do understand that that 18 minutes was criminal, right?? (as was ordering the break-in)

but if you'd like to compare trivial... clinton got impeached for a blue dress.

i win! :D
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress. Forensic evidence was used in the proof thereof.

The blue dress caked with baby batter aka, DNA, was the smoking cigar, I mean smoking gun.

The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!
Pleading the 5th has nothing to do with her hard drive blowing up in the summer of 2011....

In 2011, there was no scandal at the IRS to hide anything from....the irs had not been caught yet, there was no investigation to hide from....

the emails should be on a back up server somewhere, so there should not be a problem for Congress to get them...

Did her computer crash in 2011?

Naw. Her computer was working super great while she was screwing Americans but failed for some strange reason when she got caught.

"I plead the 5th" is another way of saying: "I'm as guilty as hell."

More excellence.

If pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt, why is it an option for the accused?

LOL. It's an option so that the accused doesn't have to INCRIMINATE themselves. Why on earth does she need to plead the 5th unless she needs to protect herself from self-incrimination? Simple logic.

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