Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

and yet, after noting the misspelling of the word, he went on to address the actual point...... which is that alleging something for which there is no proof, and then demanding that others prove that unsubstantiated thing did NOT happen is laughable.

Wow. Not even the first bite of breakfast slides down my throat do I see this. Let's say I stabbed a man in the back with a knife, nobody would know who did it until they check the prints.

What are you going to do? Call me a misogynist for hating on Ms. Lerner?

false analogy. do better.

Prove it. You simply cannot call something false without explaining why. Argumentum ad baculum. Please, try harder.
I guess I nailed that one, eh Jillian.

well, why would he respond to the actual issue when he can predict what my response will be to his silliness?

of course, it still doesn't justify the demand that we prove every lie they come up with false.

Alas, I need to make no predictions with you.

It's funny people like you can't respectfully interact with somene without calling them misogynists, can you?


Has anyone called you a misogynist in this thread?

Perhaps we can?
Now. Let me ask you an honest question, LL. Do you really believe that a 'computer glitch' all of a sudden erased two years worth of Lois Lerner's e-mails? Really??

Do you have evidence to prove it was a 'computer glitch'?
Has anyone called you a misogynist in this thread?

Perhaps we can?

Perhaps you could address thread instead, as jillian has implored me to do. Then again, I'll never be surprised at how easily you manage to derail threads either.

You misunderstand. You stated that we cannot have a discussion without calling someone a misogynist. I simply pointed out that we have been having one for some time and nobody has called you a misogynist. Perhaps you misspoke?
Has anyone called you a misogynist in this thread?

Perhaps we can?

Perhaps you could address thread instead, as jillian has implored me to do. Then again, I'll never be surprised at how easily you manage to derail threads either.

You misunderstand. You stated that we cannot have a discussion without calling someone a misogynist. I simply pointed out that we have been having one for some time and nobody has called you a misogynist. Perhaps you misspoke?

Ah yes, I remember how I was just lectured about not addressing the topic of this thread by jillian, yet here you are engaging in a series of minutiae.
Now. Let me ask you an honest question, LL. Do you really believe that a 'computer glitch' all of a sudden erased two years worth of Lois Lerner's e-mails? Really??

Do you have evidence to prove it was a 'computer glitch'?

I don't know what happened. I haven't made a judgement of any kind. I will...as I always do....wait until the matter has been fully investigated and the facts made known.

At what point in history does the IRS claim that the computer crash occurred?
Now. Let me ask you an honest question, LL. Do you really believe that a 'computer glitch' all of a sudden erased two years worth of Lois Lerner's e-mails? Really??

Do you have evidence to prove it was a 'computer glitch'?

I don't know what happened. I haven't made a judgement of any kind. I will...as I always do....wait until the matter has been fully investigated and the facts made known.

At what point in history does the IRS claim that the computer crash occurred?

[FONT=&quot]IRS Statement[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the IRS today provided a summary of its production of email and materials to the Committee related to the processing and review of applications for tax-exempt status, as described in the May 2013 report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. The IRS has made unprecedented efforts in connection with this effort, producing more than 750,000 pages of documents to help complete the investigations. In total, the IRS’s efforts to respond to Congress have involved more than 250 IRS employees working more than 120,000 hours at a direct cost of nearly $10 million. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As we advised the committee three months ago, we have completed the production of materials related to the investigation, including 11,000 emails sent or received by Lois Lerner.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Since then, at the request of other Congressional committees, the IRS has been working on the identification and production of other Lois Lerner emails. The additional emails do not relate to the Finance Committee’s investigation. As part of this additional search, the IRS collected emails from 83 individuals. Congressional investigators have – or will soon have – a total of 67,000 emails sent or received by Ms. Lerner. In the course of collecting and producing Ms. Lerner’s additional emails, the IRS determined her hard drive crashed in 2011. At the time, Ms. Lerner asked IRS IT professionals to restore her hard drive, but they were unable to do so. Nonetheless, the IRS has or will produce 24,000 Lerner emails from this 2009-2011 time period, largely from the files of the other 82 individuals. The IRS’s production to Congress of the 67,000 Lerner emails is nearly complete.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The IRS is committed to working with Congress. The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information.[/FONT]


IRS Says Official's Emails Were Lost in Computer Crash - WSJ
Now. Let me ask you an honest question, LL. Do you really believe that a 'computer glitch' all of a sudden erased two years worth of Lois Lerner's e-mails? Really??

Do you have evidence to prove it was a 'computer glitch'?

I don't know what happened. I haven't made a judgement of any kind. I will...as I always do....wait until the matter has been fully investigated and the facts made known.

At what point in history does the IRS claim that the computer crash occurred?

[FONT=&quot]IRS Statement[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the IRS today provided a summary of its production of email and materials to the Committee related to the processing and review of applications for tax-exempt status, as described in the May 2013 report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. The IRS has made unprecedented efforts in connection with this effort, producing more than 750,000 pages of documents to help complete the investigations. In total, the IRS’s efforts to respond to Congress have involved more than 250 IRS employees working more than 120,000 hours at a direct cost of nearly $10 million. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As we advised the committee three months ago, we have completed the production of materials related to the investigation, including 11,000 emails sent or received by Lois Lerner.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Since then, at the request of other Congressional committees, the IRS has been working on the identification and production of other Lois Lerner emails. The additional emails do not relate to the Finance Committee’s investigation. As part of this additional search, the IRS collected emails from 83 individuals. Congressional investigators have – or will soon have – a total of 67,000 emails sent or received by Ms. Lerner. In the course of collecting and producing Ms. Lerner’s additional emails, the IRS determined her hard drive crashed in 2011. At the time, Ms. Lerner asked IRS IT professionals to restore her hard drive, but they were unable to do so. Nonetheless, the IRS has or will produce 24,000 Lerner emails from this 2009-2011 time period, largely from the files of the other 82 individuals. The IRS’s production to Congress of the 67,000 Lerner emails is nearly complete.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The IRS is committed to working with Congress. The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information.[/FONT]


IRS Says Official's Emails Were Lost in Computer Crash - WSJ


Did her computer crash in 2011?
Does anybody believe that the IRS's computer never get backed up?

Or that the NSA doeesnt have copies.

Is there anyone on the planet that thinks this is even mildly something other than a big coverup? Dumping the news Friday afternoon at that. I will be curious to see how the Obama knee padders take to this. What possible justification can there be for this?

btw, there are already 3 threads on this I counted. Can't we combine them somehow?

They also dumped the NDAA on us on a late Friday afternoon.

This is a move of desperation.

There is no longer any doubt that there was incriminating stuff in the emails.
They had no choice but destroy or say they were wiped out.
If the emails were harmless they would have produced them in a heartbeat to clear her.

Looks like we have another scandal...

And it's always the coverup that kills these guys.

Just like Obama would provide his transcripts to clear him in a heartbeat

This is a move of desperation.

There is no longer any doubt that there was incriminating stuff in the emails.
They had no choice but destroy or say they were wiped out.
If the emails were harmless they would have produced them in a heartbeat to clear her.

Looks like we have another scandal...

And it's always the coverup that kills these guys.

Just like Obama would provide his transcripts to clear him in a heartbeat


Now that comment is really germane to the discussion. Thanks for adding it.

Is there any evidence that anyone erased anything?

If so, please direct me to it.


Is there any evidence that anyone wasn't practicing omuerta as usual?

If so, please direct me to it.



Learn how to spell* the words first....then use them.

As is often the case with USMB nutters....you ask others to prove a negative. **

If evidence*** is produced that proves wrongdoing regarding this matter, I'll be happy to show you how a normal person reacts to government corruption.

*spellcheck did it

**Learned it from you, tootles.

***It took Bill Clinton 7.5 years to fess up to lying about Jennifer Flowers, who was immolated by Clinton spin room officiated by Hillary. By then, he was the lamest duck in history to that time. And "how a normal person reacts to government corruption..." well, don't expect me to hold my breath while someone else figures it out for you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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