Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"

The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!
Pleading the 5th has nothing to do with her hard drive blowing up in the summer of 2011....

In 2011, there was no scandal at the IRS to hide anything from....the irs had not been caught yet, there was no investigation to hide from....

the emails should be on a back up server somewhere, so there should not be a problem for Congress to get them...

So it goes from losing email to a "blown up hard drive?" I suppose the next excuse will be that an Al Qaeda suicide bomber blew up the building that the computer was in. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I'm sure she had a top notch computer with all sorts of software protection. The chances that her hard drive "blew up" are miniscule to none.
Nixon erased 18 minutes of tapes in 1973 and the Left thought he was evil

you do understand that that 18 minutes was criminal, right?? (as was ordering the break-in)

but if you'd like to compare trivial... clinton got impeached for a blue dress.

i win! :D
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress. Forensic evidence was used in the proof thereof.

And why, again, did Clinton feel impelled to "lie to Congress?" Answer: Because just another lying Liberal. They're a dime a dozen.
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The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!


confusing totally unrelated subjects.

Naw. Her computer was working super great while she was screwing Americans but failed for some strange reason when she got caught.

"I plead the 5th" is another way of saying: "I'm as guilty as hell."

More excellence.

If pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt, why is it an option for the accused?

LOL. It's an option so that the accused doesn't have to INCRIMINATE themselves. Why on earth does she need to plead the 5th unless she needs to protect herself from self-incrimination? Simple logic.

Is there ever a reason to plead the fifth other than hiding guilt?
Nixon erased 18 minutes of tapes in 1973 and the Left thought he was evil

you do understand that that 18 minutes was criminal, right?? (as was ordering the break-in)

but if you'd like to compare trivial... clinton got impeached for a blue dress.

i win! :D
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress. Forensic evidence was used in the proof thereof.

that's a lie. the testimony he gave was in a civil deposition about a personal affair. had nothing to do with the presidency. he was also the only president in the history of our country forced to testify in a civil matter during his time in office thanks, antonin! :woohoo!

it would be rally helpful if you got facts straight.

like i said.. clinton was impeached for a blue dress.
The emails were wiped off of Learners computer back in 2011, long before any of us even new there was a supposed scandal at the IRS....THEY HAVE PROOF that this took place IN 2011....

so the emails being wiped out for Learner back in 2011 truly could have been a major computer glitch....not involved at all with this investigation going on now...

BUT WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why congress can't just go to the the server providers that backs up their emails and get them from there?

"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!


confusing totally unrelated subjects.


Ummmm ... they aren't "unrelated" if they are actually "related." See how that works? It's just too convenient for that guilty witch to have a computer issue just as she's about to get caught in the center of one of Obama's bigger scandals. There's so many these days it's hard to tell which scandals are worse than all the others.
"Computer glitch" leads to "I plead the 5th?" Hardly!
Pleading the 5th has nothing to do with her hard drive blowing up in the summer of 2011....

In 2011, there was no scandal at the IRS to hide anything from....the irs had not been caught yet, there was no investigation to hide from....

the emails should be on a back up server somewhere, so there should not be a problem for Congress to get them...

So it goes from losing email to a "blown up hard drive?" I suppose the next excuse will be that an Al Qaeda suicide bomber blew up the building that the computer was in. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I'm sure she had a top notch computer with all sorts of software protection. The chances that her hard drive "blew up" are miniscule to none.
Drifting Sand,

Why not just read for yourself what is going on instead of jumping to conclusions about her hard drive blowing up back in 2011? It's partisan hackery at its best with you implying the emails were erased or "lost" intentionally so the committee could not get its info.....

The news on this from any reputable source has ALWAYS BEEN her hard drive blew up in 2011...ALL records SHOW that her computer blew up in 2011....AND in 2011 they did everything they could to restore her hard drive, but could not....back in 2011....

the 'story' that the emails were conveniently lost when congress asked for them, is pure spin....

that being said, it seems to me that congress should easily be able to retrieve the remaining emails missing from the crash, via the back up server....shouldn't they?
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Naw. Her computer was working super great while she was screwing Americans but failed for some strange reason when she got caught.

"I plead the 5th" is another way of saying: "I'm as guilty as hell."

More excellence.

If pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt, why is it an option for the accused?

LOL. It's an option so that the accused doesn't have to INCRIMINATE themselves. Why on earth does she need to plead the 5th unless she needs to protect herself from self-incrimination? Simple logic.

To protect oneself from a court abusing its authority?

Clearly, if they CAN'T Make a case against her without her testimony, they don't have a case.

No reason for her to help them.

Otherwise, she's Cap Weinberger getting prosecuted for meeting notes because they couldn't nail Ollie North.

Just curious: This far into the thread, has any lefty expressed even the slightest concern or doubt about the claim about the hard drive?


Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Just curious: This far into the thread, has any lefty expressed even the slightest concern or doubt about the claim about the hard drive?


Meh, not really.

I mean, you guys are all upset that Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudulent tax exemption.

I'm not.

Let's be straight about what this is about. The Tea Party groups were trying to pull a tax scam. They were trying to claim to be social welfare agencies so they wouldn't have to disclose their donors, when they intended to do political work.

And they are upset because, hey, they got caught like a 15 year old going into a bar with a fake ID, and complaining that the bouncer didn't card the 50 year old bald guy.

Yeah, deflection.

That's pretty much all I'm seeing too.


Just curious: This far into the thread, has any lefty expressed even the slightest concern or doubt about the claim about the hard drive?


Why should any lefty or righty express concern at this point? There is information regarding a hard drive crash that took place in 2011, resulting in emails being "lost", according to the IRS. That is all that is known at this time.

A normal person, like me, withholds judgement until more is known. Should it be determined that this crash never occurred.....or that it did occur but did not result in the loss of any emails.....then....a normal person would express concern.

As it is.....all your doubt or concern is......is pure speculation. Is it not? What is the point of speculating......other than to forward an agenda?

How does the freaking IRS lose emails for God sake?!?!

Anyone who knows about computers knows there is away to get information on even a crashed hard drive... Another lie coming out of this administration and the sad thing is there are stupid people who believe this crap!!
Issa should lock her up..right away.

Like yesterday.

I mean..doesn't he have that power?


Nope. That ain't how it works. I note your sarcasm.
She is a candidate for charges of obstruction of justice and contempt of Congress.
She should be fired and lose her pension.

To late.

Lois Lerner Retires: Official At Heart Of IRS Scandal Leaving

She retired which means she still gets her retirement pay. This lady should be in jail. If any other person did the stuff she has done would be in jail!!
Nope. That ain't how it works. I note your sarcasm.
She is a candidate for charges of obstruction of justice and contempt of Congress.
She should be fired and lose her pension.

To late.

Lois Lerner Retires: Official At Heart Of IRS Scandal Leaving

She retired which means she still gets her retirement pay. This lady should be in jail. If any other person did the stuff she has done would be in jail!!

Interesting statement. The GOP members of Congress must be wholly incompetent given the fact that she hasn't even been charged with a single crime. WTF or those bozo's doing?

If the situation and parties were reversed, the Left would be screaming from the mountain tops about this. It would be wall to wall in the media.

No mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues, not one, zero, zip, zilch, nada.

Too funny.


You have said that. You said it with great certainty.

I ask you....in your opinion....is the right screaming from the mountain tops about this? Or....is the right exhibiting restraint and reserving judgement?

Are you of the opinion that the "media" is giving Lerner a pass?

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