Lois Lerner E-Mails "Missing"


Anyone who thinks the e-mails were JUST on her hard drive are loons. They can be copied just like anything else.
no one is saying they are just on her hard drive, they retrieved 24000 emails from the period missing by getting them from 80 other employee hard drives is what I have read on it....a total of 67000 emails were handed over....at the cost of $10 million so far.....too bad congress asked for such a wide request of emails....will they ever have the time to go through the 67000 they do have? If all CONGRESS WANTED were the emails associated with the Treasury, doj, congressmen etc and Learner, then maybe they should have asked specifically for them and not cost us the $10 million?
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Pity the poor conservatives, spun up into pants-wetting hysteria again by yet another phony scandal. I guess with the Bergdahl thing crashing so quickly, something new had to be flung out fast. The conservative base has a short attention span, and they start turning on each other if they don't get fed new red meat regularly.

The tragic thing is how they never learn. It always gets revealed how they've been played for UsefulIdiots yet another time, but still they always go running back to their masters to beg for more humiliation.
Pity the poor conservatives, spun up into pants-wetting hysteria again by yet another phony scandal. I guess with the Bergdahl thing crashing so quickly, something new had to be flung out fast. The conservative base has a short attention span, and they start turning on each other if they don't get fed new red meat regularly.

The tragic thing is how they never learn. It always gets revealed how they've been played for UsefulIdiots yet another time, but still they always go running back to their masters to beg for more humiliation.
The only thing crashing quickly is the lame duck and his legacy. It's one clusterfuck after another.
Pity the poor conservatives, spun up into pants-wetting hysteria again by yet another phony scandal. I guess with the Bergdahl thing crashing so quickly, something new had to be flung out fast. The conservative base has a short attention span, and they start turning on each other if they don't get fed new red meat regularly.

The tragic thing is how they never learn. It always gets revealed how they've been played for UsefulIdiots yet another time, but still they always go running back to their masters to beg for more humiliation.

Since the Bergdahl scam 65% of Americans don't trust Obama.

Wet your shit stained panties over that
Pity the poor conservatives, spun up into pants-wetting hysteria again by yet another phony scandal. I guess with the Bergdahl thing crashing so quickly, something new had to be flung out fast. The conservative base has a short attention span, and they start turning on each other if they don't get fed new red meat regularly.

The tragic thing is how they never learn. It always gets revealed how they've been played for UsefulIdiots yet another time, but still they always go running back to their masters to beg for more humiliation.

^ that

wonder how many MILLIONS in taxpayer $$$ FireBug (Isaa (R) ended blowing on this rw scandal of the week?
I'm sure the NSA is on the case!

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.

I think we will find out what happened, if congress really wants to find out...seems to me that it plays better for republicans if the truth is NOT found out, thus all the Grand Standing and showmanship by them in these hearings...

Watching Chavetz was embarrassing on that video of the hearing...he was nothing but a punk, a bully, an idiot....he would have gotten more with honey than with vinegar.... but it looks like he truly is not interested in the truth, but only interested in a good dog and pony show....

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


You just said " Who knows what happened". But you insist that a lefty ADMIT something might be fishy. Very odd.

Listen to this, genius.

Something might be fishy. Something might not be fishy. as you correctly stated......we do not know.

Why is it important to you that anyone take one side or the other when you ADMIT that nobody knows what happened.

Seems very ideological.
But they've closed ranks on this one.

Given how all of you ODS kooks have been bleating the same thing in unison, your hypocrisy here is amusing.

You ODS loons can't even come up with a sensible conspiracy theory. If I wanted to delete incriminating emails, I would ... delete the incriminating emails, and then send on the rest, as if nothing was amiss. Your bizarre theory assumes that these brilliant criminal masterminds weren't smart enough to delete individual emails. Instead, they decided to call attention to the emails first, and then still send them all along later after they piece them together.

No matter. After nothing comes of it, you'll still have your "the lack of anything bad proves there's coverup!" line of reasoning to fall back on. As a good conspiracy theory should be, it's impossible to disprove.
IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner Emails in Tea Party Probe - NBC News

Nothing to see here people, move along.

*watches democrat sheep turn their backs & walk away*

I have no problem at all with them getting to the bottom of this....I do have a problem with their Dog and Pony shows though....

congress should be able to get this information that is missing from the archived servers since Learner's hard drive blew up in 2011...and they can't get some of them that way....

and YES, there is documentation that her hard drive blew up in the summer of 2011 and that technicians at that time did everything they could to try to recover the hard drive back in 2011...

the way the right wing is posing this, is that "all of a sudden", "all" of her emails disappeared, is simply NOT the truth from all that I have read on the topic Gramps....

One problem, you don't keep backups on your own hard drive...

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


they don't care how corrupt or how many lies their kenyan messiah tells, he is their savior and they will worship him as he shovels shit on their heads after pushing them into a hole.

liberalism is a mental disease, to attempt to apply logical reasoning to a liberal is like trying to teach a slug to dance.
personally, I think Chavetz was being a complete rear end in that video....

the man being questioned was trying to answer his questions but Chavetz arrogance got in his way....

what a punk!

now i can see why learner took the 5th, with these kind of jerks doing the questioning and in the manner they won't let the answers and truth come out...because these Reps are too busy GRAND STANDING.

all they're doing is basically making two-minute, campaign commercials on the taxpayer's dime. EVERYONE knows that these House hearings are merely GOP Dog & Pony shows :yawn:

Why is it taking years.....not weeks, not months, bet years to get the emails? Short answer.....stonewalling. This has become a pattern with all the on going investigations. Nothing to see here!
But they've closed ranks on this one.

Given how all of you ODS kooks have been bleating the same thing in unison, your hypocrisy here is amusing.

You ODS loons can't even come up with a sensible conspiracy theory. If I wanted to delete incriminating emails, I would ... delete the incriminating emails, and then send on the rest, as if nothing was amiss. Your bizarre theory assumes that these brilliant criminal masterminds weren't smart enough to delete individual emails. Instead, they decided to call attention to the emails first, and then still send them all along later after they piece them together.

No matter. After nothing comes of it, you'll still have your "the lack of anything bad proves there's coverup!" line of reasoning to fall back on. As a good conspiracy theory should be, it's impossible to disprove.


"it was only a few guys in Cincinnatti"
"if you like your policy you can keep it"
"I will put the healthcare debate on c-span"
"57 states"
"I will have the most transparent administration in history"
"increasing the debt limit shows a failure of leadership"

NOthing?????????? are you fuckin crazy?

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


they don't care how corrupt or how many lies their kenyan messiah tells, he is their savior and they will worship him as he shovels shit on their heads after pushing them into a hole.

liberalism is a mental disease, to attempt to apply logical reasoning to a liberal is like trying to teach a slug to dance.

There's a reasoned comment! Kudos! Lets see who "thanks" you for that bit of bile.
But they've closed ranks on this one.

Given how all of you ODS kooks have been bleating the same thing in unison, your hypocrisy here is amusing.

You ODS loons can't even come up with a sensible conspiracy theory. If I wanted to delete incriminating emails, I would ... delete the incriminating emails, and then send on the rest, as if nothing was amiss. Your bizarre theory assumes that these brilliant criminal masterminds weren't smart enough to delete individual emails. Instead, they decided to call attention to the emails first, and then still send them all along later after they piece them together.

No matter. After nothing comes of it, you'll still have your "the lack of anything bad proves there's coverup!" line of reasoning to fall back on. As a good conspiracy theory should be, it's impossible to disprove.

[MENTION=39072]mamooth[/MENTION], I've noticed that most of your posts include insults and name-calling, so I won't expect a civil conversation here. Just a few notes:

  • "ODS" is a derivative of "BDS" from when Bush was in office, did you know that?
  • I'd make a lousy Republican. I'm an independent, and I probably agree with the Dems on more issues.
  • Your assumption that I'm a Republican is a vivid example of the simplistic, binary, black & white thought that is causing this country so much damage.
  • I strongly suspect you wouldn't be so understanding if the situations were reversed and the current administration had an "R" after its name.
  • I notice you somehow omitted the part where I said, "Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out". Why? Are you always this dishonest? I'll bet I know the answer to that one.
  • Regarding "the lack of anything bad proves there's a cover up", you provide a nice example of the straw man tactics of partisan ideologues, and an illustration of why they simply have no credibility.
I think you'd have more fun if you were to try these games with a counterpart, a right-wing partisan ideologue. Then you'll have someone else with whom you can be uncivil, immature and intellectually dishonest. These games don't work with me.

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Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.


they don't care how corrupt or how many lies their kenyan messiah tells, he is their savior and they will worship him as he shovels shit on their heads after pushing them into a hole.

liberalism is a mental disease, to attempt to apply logical reasoning to a liberal is like trying to teach a slug to dance.

There's a reasoned comment! Kudos! Lets see who "thanks" you for that bit of bile.

I thanked him. It's right on. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know. All that matters is the agenda. Whatever it takes.

Well, I was wrong. I figured at least one lefty would admit something might be a little fishy.

Who knows what actually happened, maybe we'll find out. But they've closed ranks on this one.

I think we will find out what happened, if congress really wants to find out...seems to me that it plays better for republicans if the truth is NOT found out, thus all the Grand Standing and showmanship by them in these hearings...

Watching Chavetz was embarrassing on that video of the hearing...he was nothing but a punk, a bully, an idiot....he would have gotten more with honey than with vinegar.... but it looks like he truly is not interested in the truth, but only interested in a good dog and pony show....

But they've closed ranks on this one.

Given how all of you ODS kooks have been bleating the same thing in unison, your hypocrisy here is amusing.

You ODS loons can't even come up with a sensible conspiracy theory. If I wanted to delete incriminating emails, I would ... delete the incriminating emails, and then send on the rest, as if nothing was amiss. Your bizarre theory assumes that these brilliant criminal masterminds weren't smart enough to delete individual emails. Instead, they decided to call attention to the emails first, and then still send them all along later after they piece them together.

No matter. After nothing comes of it, you'll still have your "the lack of anything bad proves there's coverup!" line of reasoning to fall back on. As a good conspiracy theory should be, it's impossible to disprove.

^ that & that.

this is a manufacured, crisis of the week for Fox & am radio listeners. IOW's- theres no there there. Even if there were some there there, FireBug (Issa) botched the committee hearings so bad that he insured that nothing will come of it. :thup:
“These legal experts conclude that by prematurely adjourning the hearing without first overruling Ms. Lerner's 5th Amendment assertion and clearly directing her to answer the Committee's questions, Chairman Issa failed to take the basic but Constitutionally required--steps necessary to hold her in contempt,” the letter reads.
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