LOL...about that NBC poll and 11 point lead

i think the real polls have it 55% Trump 35% Hillary
That would certainly help explain the greater volume of demented yowling from the dems that Trump is imploding (again?!) and this is the end of Trump and the GOP. They hope upon audacious hope that all the sane will be so discouraged as to not vote at all. How else can Hillary win, eh?
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
Yes, and why are you surprised? LOL

it's somewhere around 45% dem leaning
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Well since the populace is about 45% dem leaning 40% gop leaning and 15% actually independent ... that's actually a pretty good sample. LOL

The growing myth of the ‘independent’ voter

You're numbers are asz fugged up as you are.

Gallup's latest has it 32 Dem 27 Repub and 40 Indy so by that reasoning they should be polling more Independants?

Just take your medicine loons, the poll is worthless just given the fact who conducted it.

the 40% is not truly indep. they ... lean. And keep your anal sex fantasies to yourself, Lassie.

Party Affiliation
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
Yes, and why are you surprised? LOL

it's somewhere around 45% dem leaning
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Well since the populace is about 45% dem leaning 40% gop leaning and 15% actually independent ... that's actually a pretty good sample. LOL

The growing myth of the ‘independent’ voter

You're numbers are asz fugged up as you are.

Gallup's latest has it 32 Dem 27 Repub and 40 Indy so by that reasoning they should be polling more Independants?

Just take your medicine loons, the poll is worthless just given the fact who conducted it.

the 40% is not truly indep. they ... lean. And keep your anal sex fantasies to yourself, Lassie.

You need to learn some reading comprehension, pup. Then get past you're taken serious
The Globalist-Administrative Statists are in a panic over the possibility that their tax serfs and debt donkeys are waking up to how they are being used and abused by their ruling elite "betters".

The Establishment Propaganda Must Flow.
Last edited:
The loons: It is true!!!! The poll is TRUE!!!!! You bigot the POLL IS TRUE!!!!!!!!

Dumbass sheep
Trump made a good run. He Lambasted her criminal past on National TV! Laid into her like we all wanted to see for 20 years. Got BJ too. Finally! someone with guts.

That said........we know this is over. Trump has no chance. No one needs to bother to vote. Stay home. The banana republic fix is in.

I have spoken.

Given that Trump had Democraps (and the semi-corrupt Dem Executive branch, soon to be ultra corrupt when Hillary gets elected), turncoat Repubs, and the batshit leftist MSM against him, Trump has done a sterling job!
and why are leftist commentators already declaring that Trump is finished? well,,,most of them have brain damage anyway.

They're doing it to manipulate the public. If people think the election is over, ones who would be inclined to vote for Trump will stay home. Ones who support hiLIARy will also stay home, but with all of the voter fraud being performed in her favor, that won't matter.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
Yes, and why are you surprised? LOL

it's somewhere around 45% dem leaning
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.
Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Well since the populace is about 45% dem leaning 40% gop leaning and 15% actually independent ... that's actually a pretty good sample. LOL

The growing myth of the ‘independent’ voter

You're numbers are asz fugged up as you are.

Gallup's latest has it 32 Dem 27 Repub and 40 Indy so by that reasoning they should be polling more Independants?

Just take your medicine loons, the poll is worthless just given the fact who conducted it.

the 40% is not truly indep. they ... lean. And keep your anal sex fantasies to yourself, Lassie.

You need to learn some reading comprehension, pup. Then get past you're taken serious

Lassie, what might give you comfort (prep H aside) is that the poll was closed before the debate. No way does Hillary have an 11% lead after that.

BUT the problem is that prior polling shows "bill is a rapist" attacks just don't work. They appeal to the 38 or 40% that identify or lean gop. But that's about it.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
See you here November 9th?
They should get a golf cart in the Fox studio to save Megyn another long walk in heels to the 'Decision Desk'.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
Yes, and why are you surprised? LOL

it's somewhere around 45% dem leaning
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.
Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Well since the populace is about 45% dem leaning 40% gop leaning and 15% actually independent ... that's actually a pretty good sample. LOL

The growing myth of the ‘independent’ voter

You're numbers are asz fugged up as you are.

Gallup's latest has it 32 Dem 27 Repub and 40 Indy so by that reasoning they should be polling more Independants?

Just take your medicine loons, the poll is worthless just given the fact who conducted it.

the 40% is not truly indep. they ... lean. And keep your anal sex fantasies to yourself, Lassie.

You need to learn some reading comprehension, pup. Then get past you're taken serious

LOL is nearly as lame and weak as using that ignorant funny thing.
Well, if Hillary has a 20 point lead, why should half of her voters even bother wasting thier time voting when they could all be dining at KFC?
The propagandist mis-classifies Independents into one or another of the two parties to show a partisan bias.

Transparently the poll is manipulated with. . .the following ideological make-up:

♦ Republican and Republican leaners 36%
♦ Democrat and Democrat leaners 43%
♦ Independents 12%

By itself that ideological snapshot is silly. Nationally the party registration is roughly 27% (R), 32% (D), and 40% (I) .

So actual Democrats are 34% (32% nationally), Republicans 26% (27% Nationally). That tends to support the veracity of the poll.

34% are Strong or Not Very Strong Democrat. 26% are Strong or Not Very Strong Republican. "Leans" one party or another is "Independent," plus Strictly Independent.
Independent leans Democrat are 9% with Independent Leans Republican at 10% of the sample. Strictly Independent brings the Independents total to 31% plus 4% Not Sure, maybe 5% in a locker room somewhere: 35% to 39% are easily Independent, like 40% nationwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Also: Pollsters smart enough to keep locker room banter to themselves, and even smarter; Support Secretary Clinton!)
The propagandist mis-classifies Independents into one or another of the two parties to show a partisan bias.

Transparently the poll is manipulated with. . .the following ideological make-up:

♦ Republican and Republican leaners 36%
♦ Democrat and Democrat leaners 43%
♦ Independents 12%

By itself that ideological snapshot is silly. Nationally the party registration is roughly 27% (R), 32% (D), and 40% (I) .

So actual Democrats are 34% (32% nationally), Republicans 26% (27% Nationally). That tends to support the veracity of the poll.

34% are Strong or Not Very Strong Democrat. 26% are Strong or Not Very Strong Republican. "Leans" one party or another is "Independent," plus Strictly Independent.
Independent leans Democrat are 9% with Independent Leans Republican at 10% of the sample. Strictly Independent brings the Independents total to 31% plus 4% Not Sure, maybe 5% in a locker room somewhere: 35% to 39% are easily Independent, like 40% nationwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

That stupid sig is enough to not take you serious
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Just hold on to your size-22 drawers, the polls will change again in a few days,
You are one scummy bitch
And speaking of 2020, how many more times will your girl renege on her integrity before then?

What girl? Never been a Hillary fan, just the opposite.

But Republicans sure could have done a better job than this obsessed, compulsive "short fingered" vulgarian who is gleefully dismantling the GOP while you mouth-breathers stand by and piss yourself.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Just hold on to your size-22 drawers, the polls will change again in a few days,
You are one scummy bitch
And speaking of 2020, how many more times will your girl renege on her integrity before then?

What girl? Never been a Hillary fan, just the opposite.

But Republicans sure could have done a better job than this obsessed, compulsive "short fingered" vulgarian who is gleefully dismantling the GOP while you mouth-breathers stand by and piss yourself.
Warren dummy. "speaking of 2020" ya think I just pooped that out?
The propagandist mis-classifies Independents into one or another of the two parties to show a partisan bias.

Transparently the poll is manipulated with. . .the following ideological make-up:

♦ Republican and Republican leaners 36%
♦ Democrat and Democrat leaners 43%
♦ Independents 12%

By itself that ideological snapshot is silly. Nationally the party registration is roughly 27% (R), 32% (D), and 40% (I) .

So actual Democrats are 34% (32% nationally), Republicans 26% (27% Nationally). That tends to support the veracity of the poll.

34% are Strong or Not Very Strong Democrat. 26% are Strong or Not Very Strong Republican. "Leans" one party or another is "Independent," plus Strictly Independent.
Independent leans Democrat are 9% with Independent Leans Republican at 10% of the sample. Strictly Independent brings the Independents total to 31% plus 4% Not Sure, maybe 5% in a locker room somewhere: 35% to 39% are easily Independent, like 40% nationwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

That stupid sig is enough to not take you serious
out of the 447 people, 200 were borderline coma and voted for Hillary.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
See you here November 9th?

Nah, she'll flip over to that Pumpkin screen name permanently after Trump takes his last dump on her and the other slack-jawed bumblers.

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