LOL...about that NBC poll and 11 point lead

You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….
There are supposed to be more Democrats than Republicans in the sample, dummy. Do you want the pollster to make it even 50-50? That's idiotic. the break-down is not chosen arbitrarily by the pollster. It's what respondents said.
If more people identified themselves as Democrats, the pollsters cannot pretend it's 50-50 because message board right-wingnuts get mad when it's not 50-50.

If you want Repulicans to outnumber Democrats, then you should go tell Democrats to turn into Republicans until the number of R outnumber the D.

What happened to the independents?

They got Johnsoned.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

That poll differential is about the same as those in the final polls of 2012 that got the election RIGHT.
You sheep have been had...demos 43% Dem, 36% republican. Poll organization: Hart Research Associates, headed up by Geoffrey Garin who as pollster and strategist to Priorities USA the super PAC supporting Obama's re election and currently holds a similar role in support of Hillary Clinton.

Nah, no funny business in this poll....not a smidgen ;)

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….

So wait!! We're being lied to?!! WTF??!!! No way would pollsters manipulate the polls, I'm not buying it. What next? You going to tell us the media is untruthful?

After closely following this election for over a year I have yet to see shenanigans from the media or the pollsters so I'm fact checking this as:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ck loves to poke fun at the sheeple who believe the media and pollsters....suckers
When I see a poll that is vastly different from other polls taken around the same time I ignore them as they are likely outliers I don't care which candidate the poll favors if there was a poll showing Trump with a double digit lead I would dismiss it as well.
Alt Right and Far Right think everyone else share their cynicism and lack of integrity.

Tough. AR and FR are losers. That will never change.

The scientific polls are accurate.

Sassy and the lads are not.

They are laughable and no longer dangerous after election day.

Buh bye.

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