Lol...another lefty myth busted

Plaintiffs on a class action lawsuit are typically represented by a few people only since large numbers of
plaintiffs cannot all show up in court for litigation.

Maybe if you understood how the legal system works you wouldn't make such a fool of yourself.
That would be relevant IF you showed that these 4 teachers have the support of any significant numbers of those other litigants.

The other thing about class action lawsuits is that the group being represented does not actually have to agree with being represented, you are considered part of the litigation until you opt out - a process that the vast majority of people outright ignore because it is not worth the effort. The existence of the class action lawsuit in no way shows us that there are more than the 4 litigants that agree with the suit itself.
Yes, it is. Not only that, it is one of the most robust studies out there with a huge sample size.

Your heroes have been wrong at every turn.

You stupid twits will continue to follow what they say like the lemmings you are.
You idiots are still advocating horse/cattle dewormer.
They studied that alright, works on head lice AND Scabies too, good job.

And when they had the choice to run and hide they chose to stay and help people live!!!

They have served their purpose and now the left discards them like trash!!!
Wasn't us, that did any discarding, idiot, they have/had choices.
They discarded their job.
All posts I as not responding to.

So, no, you cant actually follow a conversation or a point.

Color me shocked.
Post 46, dipshit.
It goes on from there.

'They have minimal safety requirements'.
Yeah, 'SHOCKED', dumbass.
That would be relevant IF you showed that these 4 teachers have the support of any significant numbers of those other litigants.

The other thing about class action lawsuits is that the group being represented does not actually have to agree with being represented, you are considered part of the litigation until you opt out - a process that the vast majority of people outright ignore because it is not worth the effort. The existence of the class action lawsuit in no way shows us that there are more than the 4 litigants that agree with the suit itself.
:rolleyes: Come on, man! The class action suit itself is proof of a large number of plaintiffs represented in such a suit.
I have been involved in several class action suits myself. The court does not even dignify or entertain the idea of a "class action lawsuit" for four people! The idea is absurd.

Teachers versus the city: Federal class action lawsuit filed against NYC over vaccine mandate for public school staff

Take a number and go to the back of the line.
And yet here you are, advocating for the exact opposite. That the companies do not have the power here to set the rules.
they do you moron.
Holy fuck.
If companies say wear booties over your shoes, you wear booties over your shoes.
If companies insist you must park in this area, you park in that area.
If companies insist you wear a suit, you wear a suit.
If companies say wear a mask, you wear a mask.
If companies say you're fired, that means, you don't work there anymore.
Is there any sector though, of the Jewish faith, where the Rabbi teaches its parisioners it is against their religion to receive a vaccine??? Just curious....?
Not as far as I know. It would not make any sense whatsoever in the context of the faith. Jewish faith does not really work like that.
They do in the workplace.
That's the thing, majority rules, a company doesn't run a democracy, a company rule is a company rule.
It's your 'right' to drink, you think you can show up drunk?
You have a 'right' to smoke, you think you can light up, anywhere on their property?

No, Karen, they really don't. If you and I work in the same office, it's MY workplace just as much as it is yours. Which means MY rights continue to extend just as far as yours do there the way they do everywhere else.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you're not the center of the entire universe, with the rest of us just existing as props in your life movie?

It also amazes me that your simplistic "thought" processes have devolved down to a level where the only "analogy" you can think of is, "Well, you can't come to work drunk, so that must mean they can also demand that you inject substances into your body." I can only guess that you had a bad experience with being fired for being a drunken moron, and you're still bitter about it.
they do you moron.
Holy fuck.
If companies say wear booties over your shoes, you wear booties over your shoes.
If companies insist you must park in this area, you park in that area.
If companies insist you wear a suit, you wear a suit.
If companies say wear a mask, you wear a mask.
If companies say you're fired, that means, you don't work there anymore.
And none of that has to do with what I stated considering we are discussing a specific topic. Well, the rest of us are.

That topic is not booties, parking or whatever other red herring you need to cling to because you forgot what the topic was. It is vaccines and the federal government mandating them. A mandate, by definition, means the companies are not the one setting the rules.

But I have wasted far to much time responding to someone that cannot get past insults, has no idea what the topic even is and cannot stop pointing to things that have nothing to do with anything.
:rolleyes: Come on, man! The class action suit itself is proof of a large number of plaintiffs represented in such a suit.
I have been involved in several class action suits myself. The court does not even dignify or entertain the idea of a "class action lawsuit" for four people! The idea is absurd.

Teachers versus the city: Federal class action lawsuit filed against NYC over vaccine mandate for public school staff

Take a number and go to the back of the line.
No, its not. It is proof that someone went to an attorney, they found at least 3 others that were willing to be named, the attorney took it to a judge as a class action lawsuit and the judge agreed to have it heard.

Nothing in there requires more than the 4 in the suit as the purpose of a class action lawsuit it to stop multiple cases flooding in on the same topic. There are approximately 70,000 teachers in NYC, over 130,000 people working in the NYC DOE. Show ANY indication that more than 1% of them support this measure. 1% would be more than enough to justify a class action as well, that would be over 700 teachers alone. It does not indicate what the OP claims though.
Clearly, you need to.

  • 1. an acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979.

BOTH are viruses, both are contagions.

Read in as many times as you need to, for it to 'seep' in.

Seriously? That's what you mistakenly think is an intelligent response? "Smallpox and Covid are both viruses, so that means they're exactly the same!"

This is what happens when someone is so fucking stupid that they can't even recognize how fucking stupid they are.

I realize that this, like every other fact and intelligent thought, is going to whiz right through your empty skull, but we'll just put this out there.

1) All viruses are not the same. Covid is caused by a corona virus; smallpox is caused by a variola virus. Although they are both viruses, and that's all a lackwit like you is capable of understanding, the two are actually as different from each other as you are from a thinking human.

2) One difference between variola virus and corona virus is that variola is a more stable virus. It doesn't mutate anywhere near as rapidly or as often, making it much easier to acquire lasting immunity once doctors figured out how.

3) People infected with smallpox don't spread it until the symptoms appear. Covid-19, as we all know, can be present in a person's body and spread by him/her without the patient ever knowing he/she has it. This made smallpox easier to contain.

4) Now we get into the most important differences. Covid-19 has a death rate of approximately 1%; smallpox had a death rate of 30%.

5) Covid-19 is largely only dangerous to groups with co-morbidities; smallpox was dangerous to pretty much everyone.

I won't even suggest that you let this seep in, since you've proven that no facts are able to seep into that chunk of granite you call a head.
No, Karen, they really don't. If you and I work in the same office, it's MY workplace just as much as it is yours. Which means MY rights continue to extend just as far as yours do there the way they do everywhere else.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you're not the center of the entire universe, with the rest of us just existing as props in your life movie?

It also amazes me that your simplistic "thought" processes have devolved down to a level where the only "analogy" you can think of is, "Well, you can't come to work drunk, so that must mean they can also demand that you inject substances into your body." I can only guess that you had a bad experience with being fired for being a drunken moron, and you're still bitter about it.
'No, Karen, they really don't. If you and I work in the same office, it's MY workplace just as much as it is yours. Which means MY rights continue to extend just as far as yours do there, the way they do everywhere else'.

SO, you can come over to my space in the break room and light up, have a beer or keep your'Fluffy' the cat in there?

IF the company allowed that, cool.

'Have you ever considered the possibility that you're not the center of the entire universe'.
YES, I have, dramatically, wife and kids kinda do that.

But being a former business owner, for decades, YES, you are the universe that guides your ship.
And yes, if you show up to work drunk, being that stupid, you will be tested on the gamut of testing.

' It's MY workplace just as much as it is yours'

YES, it is, but guess whose workplace rules over both our opinions?
No, it isn't.
Except, they are ALL contagious.

No, the vaccines are different.
Why do you think that is?
(hint) They're different fucking diseases/viruses.

Then again, republicans are taking a horse dewormer for Covid.

Ah, more "thinking is just too hard" input from you. "All viruses are the same; all contagion is the same; the media told me to believe this, so that makes it TRUUUUUUEEEE!!"

Seriously, you should avoid speaking where real people can hear you. I realize that you're too stupid and too leftist (but I repeat myself) to realize how ashamed you should be to be you, but take my word for it.
they do you moron.
Holy fuck.
If companies say wear booties over your shoes, you wear booties over your shoes.
If companies insist you must park in this area, you park in that area.
If companies insist you wear a suit, you wear a suit.
If companies say wear a mask, you wear a mask.
If companies say you're fired, that means, you don't work there anymore.

"Companies get to set other rules, so that means they can set ANY rule they want!!! It's too hard for me to understand differences!!!! Doing whatever anyone tells me is easier than thinking!!!"

I continue to reiterate; be ashamed to be you.
Seriously? That's what you mistakenly think is an intelligent response? "Smallpox and Covid are both viruses, so that means they're exactly the same!"

This is what happens when someone is so fucking stupid that they can't even recognize how fucking stupid they are.

I realize that this, like every other fact and intelligent thought, is going to whiz right through your empty skull, but we'll just put this out there.

1) All viruses are not the same. Covid is caused by a corona virus; smallpox is caused by a variola virus. Although they are both viruses, and that's all a lackwit like you is capable of understanding, the two are actually as different from each other as you are from a thinking human.

2) One difference between variola virus and corona virus is that variola is a more stable virus. It doesn't mutate anywhere near as rapidly or as often, making it much easier to acquire lasting immunity once doctors figured out how.

3) People infected with smallpox don't spread it until the symptoms appear. Covid-19, as we all know, can be present in a person's body and spread by him/her without the patient ever knowing he/she has it. This made smallpox easier to contain.

4) Now we get into the most important differences. Covid-19 has a death rate of approximately 1%; smallpox had a death rate of 30%.

5) Covid-19 is largely only dangerous to groups with co-morbidities; smallpox was dangerous to pretty much everyone.

I won't even suggest that you let this seep in, since you've proven that no facts are able to seep into that chunk of granite you call a head.
Yeah, seriously?
'Smallpox and covid are viruses are both viruses, so that means they are the same'.
Never stated that, you dumbass.
I stated they are both viruses and contagions.

'People infected with smallpox don't spread it until the symptoms appear'
Tell that to the American Indian tribes.
Those blankets had rashes, pustules and rashes.

Holy shit, it must have taken years for you to get that stupid, with help and brainwashing, of course.

'This is what happens when someone is so fucking stupid that they can't even recognize how fucking stupid they are'.
Good for you, the first step, is recognizing you have a stupidity problem.

NYC teachers want to stop the mandate.

Tons of Trump supporters in NYC and among teachers......said no one ever

Oh and I think you need a college degree to be a the hick uneducated narrative bites the dust
Do you think that the uneducated hicks that we lovingly call rednecks voted for Biden over Trump?
"Companies get to set other rules, so that means they can set ANY rule they want!!! It's too hard for me to understand differences!!!! Doing whatever anyone tells me is easier than thinking!!!"

I continue to reiterate; be ashamed to be you.
Holy fuck.
Companies can set their own rules?

'It's too hard for me to understand'.
It's the same for parents, yeah, the rules don't change much.
If ya' know, you want to work n stuff.

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