LOL! At Joe Biden

Vice President Joe Biden kept up the heat on Mitt Romney’s investments at Bain Capital in companies that outsourced on Wednesday, telling a crowd in Dubuque, Iowa, that it went to the core of the governor’s economic philosophy.

“After days of saying nothing in response to our criticism for that policy, the Romney campaign responded, I think yesterday, by saying we just don’t get it, we don’t understand the difference … between offshoring and outsourcing,” Biden said. “If you’re looking for work, that’s a pretty cruel joke.”

He continued with an image straight out of a New Yorker cartoon: “I can picture one guy in my old neighborhood standing next to another guy in the unemployment line and saying, ‘Hey John, did you get offshored or outsourced?’”

Joe Biden: Romney’s Outsourcing Explanation ‘A Cruel Joke’ | TPM2012

Funny coming from Obama's VP. 79% of Obama's Green Tech spending in the Stimulus when to Foreign Companies.

They seem to know about out sourcing pretty good.
The hits just keep on comin'.
Another Obama-Backed Green Energy Company Goes Bankrupt | InvestorPlace
You should have kept yer yapper shut.
Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 unemployment never exceeded 10.4% during the Bush years.

It was 10.5% in July 2008. That's higher than 10.4%. And it went up to 13.5% by December.
Don't play stupid.
Very poor form.
I am neither stupid nor playing stupid. You made a false statement and I corrected you. Instead of admitting your error, you choose to insult me. That 's poor firm. I assumed your false statement was an error, at least.
Vice President Joe Biden kept up the heat on Mitt Romney’s investments at Bain Capital in companies that outsourced on Wednesday, telling a crowd in Dubuque, Iowa, that it went to the core of the governor’s economic philosophy.

“After days of saying nothing in response to our criticism for that policy, the Romney campaign responded, I think yesterday, by saying we just don’t get it, we don’t understand the difference … between offshoring and outsourcing,” Biden said. “If you’re looking for work, that’s a pretty cruel joke.”

He continued with an image straight out of a New Yorker cartoon: “I can picture one guy in my old neighborhood standing next to another guy in the unemployment line and saying, ‘Hey John, did you get offshored or outsourced?’”

Joe Biden: Romney’s Outsourcing Explanation ‘A Cruel Joke’ | TPM2012

If you are looking for work under an Obama/Biden administration...
That's a pretty cruel joke... :eusa_whistle:
I was hoping those who asked the difference between offshoring and outsourcing.
No one defined the terms...
That is either by political design or outright stupidity..
First, few jobs that are no longer here but done elsewhere are higher than an entry level occupation. Most in fact are back office data entry and customer service jobs which require little skill.
Quite frankly I would rather speak top an American person when I need customer service. However, Americans are a selfish people. When they have a problem, they want an answer YESTERDAY. So in order for companies to handle those calls, they set up call centers half way around the globe so that companies can offer 24 hr service.
That type is an "off shored" position.
Outsourcing a term the Left uses as the boogeyman is a bullshit term..
Fact is most auto manufacturers out source their parts manufacturing.
To AMERICAN based companies.
For example, I have a friend who is a quality engineer at a plant that makes car parts out of powdered metal. Water pumps and stuff like that.
There's nothing wrong with that.
So Biden's yammering about outsourcing is a bunch of bullshit. In fact Biden is a pile of bullshit.
He should go back to Delaware and live in his mansion.

[ame=]Ella F. and Louis Armstrong - Let's Call the Whole Thing Off - YouTube[/ame]
I'd like to know the 'real' unemployment numbers for Bush then as well, thanks.

You should have kept yer yapper shut.
Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 unemployment never exceeded 10.4% during the Bush years.

Except, ya know, when it went as high as 14.6%.

It never got that high under Bush: the highest U6 was 14.2 in January 2009.

I find it odd that you're correcting wrong numbers with wrong numbers.
It was 10.5% in July 2008. That's higher than 10.4%. And it went up to 13.5% by December.
Don't play stupid.
Very poor form.
I am neither stupid nor playing stupid. You made a false statement and I corrected you. Instead of admitting your error, you choose to insult me. That 's poor firm. I assumed your false statement was an error, at least.

No..I posted a chart. The chart clearly indicates the U-6 figures. You don't like them. So out come the talons.

I despise people who ignore the facts for their own reasons. You are ignoring the facts.
Another poster asked about U-6 figures during the Bush years. I posted them.
You decided to inject your version of reality. That's your problem.
If I wanted to insult you, your unborn great grand kids would be crying.
Don't go all hypersensitive here.
Facts are facts. I did not make up the chart. If you want to argue the chart, find the people who created it. Argue the facts with them.
We're done here.
I'd like to know the 'real' unemployment numbers for Bush then as well, thanks.

You should have kept yer yapper shut.
Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 unemployment never exceeded 10.4% during the Bush years.

Except, ya know, when it went as high as 14.6%.

Erkl....You and the other libs crack me up...The last month of Bush's admin the U-6 was 12.7% And that was AFTER the election. Bush was a Lame Duck.
Obama was the President Elect.
Business was reacting to the NEW GUY....
Nice try though...
You should have kept yer yapper shut.
Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 unemployment never exceeded 10.4% during the Bush years.

Except, ya know, when it went as high as 14.6%.

Erkl....You and the other libs crack me up...The last month of Bush's admin the U-6 was 12.7% And that was AFTER the election. Bush was a Lame Duck.
Obama was the President Elect.
Business was reacting to the NEW GUY....
Nice try though...
why do you lie so blatantly? I mean, ok, you read the chart wrong, but now you're out right lying: Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Series Id:***********LNS13327709
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:********(seas) Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers
Labor force status:**Aggregated totals unemployed
Type of data:********Percent or rate
Age:*****************16 years and over
Percent/rates:*******Unemployed and mrg attached and pt for econ reas as percent of labor force plus marg attached

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 9.2 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.7 10.1 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.8 12.7 13.5 *
2009 14.2

You claimed that under Bush it never went above 10.2%. Now, without admitting you were wrong you changed it to 12.7. And trying to claim it's really Obama's fault. I'd love to see you back up that claim.

Note that I'm not blaming anything on Bush. The recession started while he was President. That doesn't mean he's the cause or reason.
How scary to think Biden would be President if something happened to Obama?

and they talked about Palin..

yet they cheer Biden for his idiocy..
Don't play stupid.
Very poor form.
I am neither stupid nor playing stupid. You made a false statement and I corrected you. Instead of admitting your error, you choose to insult me. That 's poor firm. I assumed your false statement was an error, at least.

No..I posted a chart. The chart clearly indicates the U-6 figures. You don't like them. So out come the talons.
where did I say I didn't like the chart? There's Nothing wrong with it. You misread it and gave incorrect numbers.

I despise people who ignore the facts for their own reasons. You are ignoring the facts.
what facts are you claiming I've ignored? I pointed out that you had the facts wrong. You're not dealing with that well.
Another poster asked about U-6 figures during the Bush years. I posted them.
and you were incorrect when you claimed the max.
You decided to inject your version of reality.
My version of reality is called: Facts. You clamed that during the Bush years the U6 never went over 10.2%. In July 2008 it was 10.4% and continued to climb to 14.2%

If I wanted to insult you, your unborn great grand kids would be crying.
Don't go all hypersensitive here.
ah, so "don't play stupid is a compliment among your friends. Got it. I wasn't being sensitive, just point intone out that your response was not to admit you were wrong or even to argue the facts, but to accuse me of playing stupid. It tells a lot about you.

Facts are facts. I did not make up the chart.
No, you just couldn't read it right. It clearly shows a sharp upturn starting mid 2008 and crosses over 14% as it goes to 2009.
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I feel sorry for Plugs, actually...

It's not like the 0bama admin can campaign on how good they are for the unemployed, or as Plugs himself says, "depression for millions and millions of Americans"...

Here's what the GOP does for the unemployed:

In December 2010 the Republicans in Congress put the unemployment benefits of millions of struggling Americans on the train tracks so they could preserve tax cuts for top bracket income earners.

The Obama Administration caved to the GOP in order to preserve those benefits for those struggling Americans.
The last month of Bush's admin the U-6 was 12.7% And that was AFTER the election.

So now you admit that it your previously stated 10.4% figure was not true. :clap2: But you're still wrong. The last month of Bush's Presidency was January 2009, and the U-6 was 14.2% according to the very chart that you posted. Are you paying attention?

Bush was a Lame Duck.
Obama was the President Elect.
Business was reacting to the NEW GUY....

Really? Businesses were reacting to something that hadn't even happened yet? You do realize that that's impossible, right? The U-6 had been trending upward since the end of 2007.
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I feel sorry for Plugs, actually...

It's not like the 0bama admin can campaign on how good they are for the unemployed, or as Plugs himself says, "depression for millions and millions of Americans"...

Here's what the GOP does for the unemployed:

In December 2010 the Republicans in Congress put the unemployment benefits of millions of struggling Americans on the train tracks so they could preserve tax cuts for top bracket income earners.

The Obama Administration caved to the GOP in order to preserve those benefits for those struggling Americans.

well I think the savior obama should just go for giving people lifetime unemployment benefits..two years to find a job just isn't enough time..
but then as you put it, he had to be bribed to continue giving people tax cuts...he is so generous we should all bow and give thanks
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