LOL: Biden Says He's Open to Nominating the Surrender Monkey to the Supreme Court

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
While campaigning in Iowa, Joe Biden was asked if he would consider nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.

I guess it was a serious question, and Joe Biden actually responded: "if he'd take it."

Wall Street Journal reporter Ken Thomas was the first to report this exchange on Twitter.

Ken Thomas

Biden asked here in Washington, Iowa, if he would ever nominate former President Obama to serve on the Supreme Court. “If he’d take it, yes,” Biden says.

110 1:14 PM - Dec 28, 2019

Biden has never missed an opportunity to namedrop Barack Obama and remind voters he was Obama's vice-president. Biden has even claimed he specifically asked Obama not to endorse him—no one really believes that, but it's still something he says. Earlier this month he even claimed, “I don’t need an Obama endorsement.” If you look at national polls, this is arguably true. He's the frontrunner nationally, but he's struggling in some of the early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire to take the lead there. Losses in those states might make it difficult for him to win Nevada and South Carolina, where his lead has been cut into significantly.

But, let's get back to the absurd idea of Barack Obama on the Supreme Court. Obama is about as qualified to be on the Supreme Court as I am to be an astronaut.

Obama often talks about him being a constitutional law professor, but, as president, he repeatedly exceeded his constitutional authority. There are many examples of Obama flouting the Constitution. Most involve his inclination to bypass Congress to legislate via executive action. But the most significant example of Obama's lack of constitutional aptitude is how he was repeatedly rebuked by the Supreme Court .

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Surrender Monkey REFUSES TO ENDORSE JOJO, yet he will appoint him to SCOTUS...ABSURD!!!
Wouldn't be the first president to sit on the Supreme court after his term ended
This was a smart thing for Biden to say.

His handlers tell him lots of smart things to say...he just can't remember most of them. And, usually, if he remembers them, he says them in response to a question that wasn't asked. But, he got this one right.

He is the epitome of a "senile old fool" and this is real bad, because he was already a Dumb-Ass before that.

You stand in awe of the absurdity of him being the leader for nomination by the Democrats/Socialists...but then you assess his competition...and you begin to understand the Desperation which Leftists/Liberal/Bolsheviks (The Democratic Party) are feeling just now.

Desperate people do desperate things.

Desperate people with Trump Derangement Syndrome do...well, it's no telling...the sky's the limit...get more popcorn.

Joe Biden will never nominate anyone to the Supreme Court, because Joe Biden will never ever be the President.
Quid Pro Joe begging Barry Hussein for an endorsement.

Brother Biden has the Obama halo, my friends. as long as he has that halo, he's in good shape. but i dont think that halo will last long, my friends

there is little difference between biden and buttigieg, except that one appeals to straight jocks and the other to gay nerds!
"there's great danger in leaders who convince themselves they are crusaders against corruption" -Anand Giridharadas

that describes the danger of Trump brilliantly!
Joe Biden’s campaign trip through eastern Iowa on Saturday was met with a rather unusual conversation with reporters.
‘If He’d Take It, Yes’: Biden Considers Obama For Supreme Court Nomination

OMG two gawd dam mafia criminals who think all you who vote for them are nothing more than low life scum as the live in mansions and you live in your 2 bedrooms apt......... wake up you assholes they are the ELITES just like HUNGER games asses you WORK to make them rich while we all stay poor. Just like Hunger games idiots.
Biden said he'd nominate Obama to
the Supreme Court if 'he'd take it'

Biden said he'd nominate Obama to the Supreme Court if 'he'd take it'


Obama, a self-professed Constitutional Scholar, VIOLATED the US Constitution as President numerous times, as ruled by the USSC.

Obama by-passed Congress and violated the Constitution when adhering to the Constitution was not 'convenient' - He by-passed Congress to negotiate his own treaty with Iran and when it had been signed he then rushed it to the UN to have it ratified by 'the world' before Congress was even allowed to read it. He also by-passed Congress and admittedly violated the Constitution by imposing his own 'DACA' edict after declaring he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so.

Appointing a former President who showed no respect for the law is exactly what Biden would be doing:

- Despite taking an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law Obama made it a habit of ordering his administration to REUSE TO ENFORCE EXISTING US LAW, doing so with DOMA and existing US Immigration law simply because HE did not agree with them.

- Obama was found in Contempt of Court several times for refusing to comply with Federal Judges' orders, such as with his Deep Water Drilling Ban.

- Obama's administration was recognized for setting a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...

- Obama's administration was caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, & even the USSC

- Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against US citizens legally opposing his re-election in 2012

Nominating / appointing the President who has lost more cases before the USSC than any other modern President in US history to the USSC would also be an extremely bad idea:

Obama Has Lost in the Supreme Court More Than Any Modern President

If allowed to become a member of the USSC, which he demonstrated he is definitely NOT qualified for, he could finally 'fundamentally change' the country from the highest bench in the land...and no President could wipe his 'legacy' off the books, as Trump has done with Barry's Presidential 'legacy'.

Biden said he'd nominate Obama to the Supreme Court if 'he'd take it'
That right there is one very good reason not to vote for Biden. Another is that he's guilty of exactly the same thing the Dems are trying to pin on Trump: abuse of office.
Campaign Killing Moments:

'I want to legalize heroine, meth, cocaine, ecstasy, illegal prescription drug use - all of it!'

....1. Videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM
....2. 'I want to put Barry Obama on the USSC;

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