LOL! Corsi's trying to get MUELLER disbarred & prosecuted for treason

You are quite the idiot. Most impressive.

Spell-check much? your imaginary passage in the constitution about 'thought Americans' didn't actualy exist.

I never referenced such a passage. That fugue state you're in must be very annoying.

Missed the Spell-check button again, eh?

So where, pray tell, is any passage in the constitution that mentions 'Thought Americans'. Or states how we judge who they are?

And again, please cite the actual constitution. Not the imaginary one you keep making up.

That lobotomy really screwed up your frontal lobe. Again, I referenced no such passage. Quiet the voices in your head.

So when I asked you Who would judge the standard of 'Thought American' and you answered 'The Constitution' already knew that the Constitution makes no mention of 'thought Americans' or any mention of how to judge them?[/QUOTE]

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’

If he has the evidence he could very well get Mueller disbarred.

You can laugh all you want. I'll be waiting to hear just what happens.

Happy trails you lefty idiots.

And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

I'm sorry but there is no court involved here.

What corsi did was file a complaint. Not a lawsuit.

The complaint was filed with Mueller's boss, the AG. And the IG and the DC bar.

There is no court case. There is no judge involved.

Our courts and judges don't get involved with complaints. They deal with formal legal cases before their bench.

What corsi did was complain and that's about as far as it's going to go since Mueller has emails that prove corsi lied to the FBI. What corsi is doing is trying to get out of being charged for the crimes he has committed.

Oh but the AG and the bar will be reviewing that complaint as they review all complaints.

It won't just die like you'd like it to.

Oh and what his complaint is about Mueller trying to force him to lie. Oh and his "lie" was not remembering an e-mail from two years ago.

Don't know about you but I sure don't remember every e-mail I've sent or received.
How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’

If he has the evidence he could very well get Mueller disbarred.

You can laugh all you want. I'll be waiting to hear just what happens.

Happy trails you lefty idiots.

And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

I'm sorry but there is no court involved here.

What corsi did was file a complaint. Not a lawsuit.

The complaint was filed with Mueller's boss, the AG. And the IG and the DC bar.

There is no court case. There is no judge involved.

Our courts and judges don't get involved with complaints. They deal with formal legal cases before their bench.

What corsi did was complain and that's about as far as it's going to go since Mueller has emails that prove corsi lied to the FBI. What corsi is doing is trying to get out of being charged for the crimes he has committed.

Oh but the AG and the bar will be reviewing that complaint as they review all complaints.

It won't just die like you'd like it to.

Oh and what his complaint is about Mueller trying to force him to lie. Oh and his "lie" was not remembering an e-mail from two years ago.

Don't know about you but I sure don't remember every e-mail I've sent or received.
Any news yet on Mueller's disbarment?
Seriously, for just a minute, stop and think about this cast of the WEIRD, the WACKOS, the CRIMINALS, the TRAITORS (yes, Flynn is a traitor) and the Russians surrounding Trump, his campaign and his family!

FLYNN--an (AMERICAN) Army general. Selling access in Russia, taking money from rogue governments, planning an ABDUCTION of a Turkish cleric for several million dollars. The same guy who screamed about locking up the Democratic candidate on the Republican Convention floor.

Michael Cohen--the fixer. (Actually, he's the SIMPLEST character in this list to understand).

Roger Stone--batshit crazy conspiracy theorist for decades, acolyte of Roy Cohn (Joesph McCarthy's right hand man) (he has a big tattoo of NIXON in the middle of his back. Who does THAT?)

Jerome Corsi--batshit crazy conspiracy theorist and STONE buddy who may well have passed info on to Julius Assange, in exile in London in the Ecuadorian embassy, from the TRUMP campaign to be fed it to the Russians.

Paul Manafort--an international criminal who also helped run Republican presidential campaigns who has literally gotten people killed for his work as a 'political consultant' with despotic regimes especially Ukraine.

Stephen Miller--young, (very) weird, probably a WHITE SUPREMACIST, Trump's policy guru, even writing Trump's executive orders and is the author of Trump's immigration policy.

Steve Bannon--the lead DEEP-STATER with another bevy of conspiracy theories, many dangerous, fired but STILL HAS TRUMP'S TELEPHONE #. He was the head of BREITBART, financed by Mercer (the next guy down on the list)

Robert Mercer--secretive hedgefund billionaire who created CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA, the AI programs to 'game' social media platforms with voter manipulation. The company that TRUMP Jr. brought into the campaign!

George Papadapolous--another 'kid' with NO discernible resume, some fabricated "energy expert" bonafides sitting around a table at Trump Tower pretty fresh of the street who had connections to RUSSIAN NATIONALS and lied to the FBI about it.

Konstantin Kilimnik--Manafort's business partner. A Russian operative, likely KGB (2.0), who LIKELY used disinformation (and maybe Mercer's programs and voter/FB data--stay tuned for that one??)

Rob Goldstone--who arranged the TRUMP TOWER MEETING with Junior for 'adopting Russian orphans'. Who is a publicist to a 'Russian pop star' who just happens to be the son of a Russian oligarch who is a PUTIN BFF.

Maria Butina/Paul Erickson--she is a Russian spy who infiltrated the NRA, who was in a 'honey pot' relationship (living with) with a top REP powerbroker, Paul Erickson who has strong ties to the NRA and "Russian gun rights group". He may have been the/a back-channel operator to Russians or Putin for Trump. (He was Jack Abramoff ;s 'business partner'. You can't make this shit up)

Remember, these are the ones we know about! And I've left his 3 kids and the son in law out of the list. I could easily add another 6 or 8 names to these.

PS Does anyone think if some screenwriter with this plotline walked into any producer to try and get this 'story' made he wouldn't be laughed out of the office?

How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’

If he has the evidence he could very well get Mueller disbarred.

You can laugh all you want. I'll be waiting to hear just what happens.

Happy trails you lefty idiots.

And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

I'm sorry but there is no court involved here.

What corsi did was file a complaint. Not a lawsuit.

The complaint was filed with Mueller's boss, the AG. And the IG and the DC bar.

There is no court case. There is no judge involved.

Our courts and judges don't get involved with complaints. They deal with formal legal cases before their bench.

What corsi did was complain and that's about as far as it's going to go since Mueller has emails that prove corsi lied to the FBI. What corsi is doing is trying to get out of being charged for the crimes he has committed.

Oh but the AG and the bar will be reviewing that complaint as they review all complaints.

It won't just die like you'd like it to.

Oh and what his complaint is about Mueller trying to force him to lie. Oh and his "lie" was not remembering an e-mail from two years ago.

Don't know about you but I sure don't remember every e-mail I've sent or received.
Any news yet on Mueller's disbarment?

LOL these things take time as you know.

The AG nor the bar do anything in a hurry.
Let's take this one at a time. George Papadopolous pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He was never found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form. He drunkenly bragged about having access to thousands of Hillary Clinton emails held by Russians and then lied about THAT to the FBI!

Michael Cohen has not pleaded guilty to collusion either. He's pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump Tower deal in Moscow. He's also pleaded guilty to tax fraud, making illegal campaign contributions and making false statements to a financial institution. He has never been found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form!

Michael Flynn has not pleaded guilty to collusion either. He's pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about having conversations with Russian government officials prior to Trump being sworn in. He has never been found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form.
Do you see any similarity here bub?

Do you recall how often I posted this simple question, from very early in your Trumpenfuhrer's Presidency...
"Why do so many of Trump's Cabinet have ties to Russia, and LIED about it?"

To a man, all of you USMB rightwingers either laughed at, or fled from the question.

Chickens coming home to roost.
Are you the Thought Police?

That's funny as hell.

To Communists and anarchists, yes.

Who would judge the standard of 'Thought American'?

The Constitution.

Can you quote the portion of the constitution where it mentions 'thought americans'. Or establishes a standard to judge who they are?

The actual constiution, please.

You are quite the idiot. Most impressive.

Spell-check much?
So, can we take that as "I don't know?"
Wow. Just,

Corsi's audience just showed up.

Take a look at Mueller's team sometime, dummy....they're all partisan frauds with sketchy track records. Corsi was approached and offered leniency if agreed to lie for them. Corsi is the one who will bring down this house of cards and hopefully indict Mueller for treason in a failed coup to unseat a sitting president.

‘Representative Jerrold Nadler, who’s in line to head the Judiciary Committee when Democrats take control of the House in January, said Thursday that the list of Mueller successes was long and damning.

“The special counsel has now secured guilty pleas from President Trump’s personal attorney, his campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, a foreign policy adviser to his campaign, and his national security adviser,” Nadler said in a statement. “The president can pretend that this investigation has nothing to do with him and nothing to do with Russia, but these indictments speak for themselves.”’

Ah, ask Rep. Nadler if any of those "guilty pleas" have anything to do with "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to affect our elections. If they don't...then the entire Mueller investigation HAS been a witch hunt!

At least 3.

Papodoploous plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia. Papodopolous admitted that he had been instructed by senior Trump camaign officials to go to Russia to collect dirt on Hillary including 'thousands of emails' from representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Cohen plead guilty to lying to congress about business deals between the Trump team and Russia. Where the Trump team secured financing for Trump Tower Moscow from a VTB bank, the second largest in Russia.....and under sanction from the US. With the Trump team even appealing to Putin personally for assistance.

With this same Cohen personally delivering a letter to then National Security Advisor Flynn to lift those *exact* sanctions that had been levied on VTB bank in Russia. And Flynn in secret contacts with Russia to lift those sanctions.....and then lying about it to the FBI. And worse, Flynn instructed his Deputy National Advisor MacFarland to lie as well.

With Flynn pleading guilty to lying to federal authorities about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia.

With Mueller honing in on Corsi and Stone and their secret contacts with Julian Assange in coordinating the release of emails stolen by the Russians. With Corsi predictably lying about it.

And federal authorities in possession of wiretaps delviered to them by Spanish authorities in which Don Jr. was caught trying to set up yet ANOTHER secret meeting, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what we know of.

Let's take this one at a time. George Papadopolous pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He was never found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form. He drunkenly bragged about having access to thousands of Hillary Clinton emails held by Russians and then lied about THAT to the FBI!

Michael Cohen has not pleaded guilty to collusion either. He's pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump Tower deal in Moscow. He's also pleaded guilty to tax fraud, making illegal campaign contributions and making false statements to a financial institution. He has never been found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form!

Michael Flynn has not pleaded guilty to collusion either. He's pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about having conversations with Russian government officials prior to Trump being sworn in. He has never been found guilty of collusion in any way shape or form.
"Collusion"? You mean conspiracy don't you? And no, no one has plead guilty to that, because the investigation is not over. Right wingers are so damn stupid.
How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’

If he has the evidence he could very well get Mueller disbarred.

You can laugh all you want. I'll be waiting to hear just what happens.

Happy trails you lefty idiots.

And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

Nope. He's doing exactly what the law allows him to do.

The law allows him to make any accusation he likes. What Corsi has yet to any evidence to back up his claim.

As Mueller has Corsi's emails that prove that Coris lied to federal investigators.

So says you.

You have no idea, nor do I, if he has evidence or not.

If he does have evidence it will be up to a Judge.
It's been confirmed by the news outlets that Corsi's email dump proved he lied. Do you have anything you can produce to the contrary? If you don't, then stop typing dumb posts like this one.
And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

Nope. He's doing exactly what the law allows him to do.

The law allows him to make any accusation he likes. What Corsi has yet to any evidence to back up his claim.

As Mueller has Corsi's emails that prove that Coris lied to federal investigators.

So says you.

The emails have been released publicly from draft court documents.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Corsi doesn't deny these are his emails, insisting only that they have been 'mischaracterized'. So there's no debate from anyone that Corsi wrote them.

The problem for that these came AFTER Corsi claimed he had denied Stone's request to get in contact with Julian Assange about unreleased material that wikileaks might have.

With the email proving that Corsi did *exactly* what Stone asked him to do. And delivered the secret information on when the data dump of Emails stolen by the Russians would be conducted to do the most harm to Hillary's campaign.

Mueller has at least this. He may have more. That we'll have to wait for.

Corsi has produced absolutely nothing to back his claims.

If he has the evidence it will be up the Judge and that the end of it.
There is no "if he has the evidence" there clown. The evidence is public knowledge.
It's been confirmed by the news outlets that Corsi's email dump proved he lied. Do you have anything you can produce to the contrary? If you don't, then stop typing dumb posts like this one.

You're the liar here....Stone told Corsi to contact Assange but he never did and even if he had he didn't break any laws....a lot of people talk to Assange about where he gets his leaks. And Assange would have told them like he's told others they came from Seth Rich.
If he has the evidence he could very well get Mueller disbarred.

You can laugh all you want. I'll be waiting to hear just what happens.

Happy trails you lefty idiots.

And if your mother had a dick, she'd be your father. Corsi is making a legally pointless appeal to his followers. As the court demands evidence, while his followers demand none.

Nope. He's doing exactly what the law allows him to do.

The law allows him to make any accusation he likes. What Corsi has yet to any evidence to back up his claim.

As Mueller has Corsi's emails that prove that Coris lied to federal investigators.

So says you.

You have no idea, nor do I, if he has evidence or not.

If he does have evidence it will be up to a Judge.
It's been confirmed by the news outlets that Corsi's email dump proved he lied. Do you have anything you can produce to the contrary? If you don't, then stop typing dumb posts like this one.

If you are that interest then look it up. I did.
Nope. He's doing exactly what the law allows him to do.

The law allows him to make any accusation he likes. What Corsi has yet to any evidence to back up his claim.

As Mueller has Corsi's emails that prove that Coris lied to federal investigators.

So says you.

The emails have been released publicly from draft court documents.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Corsi doesn't deny these are his emails, insisting only that they have been 'mischaracterized'. So there's no debate from anyone that Corsi wrote them.

The problem for that these came AFTER Corsi claimed he had denied Stone's request to get in contact with Julian Assange about unreleased material that wikileaks might have.

With the email proving that Corsi did *exactly* what Stone asked him to do. And delivered the secret information on when the data dump of Emails stolen by the Russians would be conducted to do the most harm to Hillary's campaign.

Mueller has at least this. He may have more. That we'll have to wait for.

Corsi has produced absolutely nothing to back his claims.

If he has the evidence it will be up the Judge and that the end of it.
There is no "if he has the evidence" there clown. The evidence is public knowledge.

Well good. The AG and the bar will be able to look at it then. Thanks.
The law allows him to make any accusation he likes. What Corsi has yet to any evidence to back up his claim.

As Mueller has Corsi's emails that prove that Coris lied to federal investigators.

So says you.

The emails have been released publicly from draft court documents.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Corsi doesn't deny these are his emails, insisting only that they have been 'mischaracterized'. So there's no debate from anyone that Corsi wrote them.

The problem for that these came AFTER Corsi claimed he had denied Stone's request to get in contact with Julian Assange about unreleased material that wikileaks might have.

With the email proving that Corsi did *exactly* what Stone asked him to do. And delivered the secret information on when the data dump of Emails stolen by the Russians would be conducted to do the most harm to Hillary's campaign.

Mueller has at least this. He may have more. That we'll have to wait for.

Corsi has produced absolutely nothing to back his claims.

If he has the evidence it will be up the Judge and that the end of it.
There is no "if he has the evidence" there clown. The evidence is public knowledge.

Well good. The AG and the bar will be able to look at it then. Thanks.

BKW was almost certainly referring to the evidence against Corsi.

The evidence backing Corsi's 70 page complaint? There is none. Its a list of conspiratorial accusations backed by nothing.
It's been confirmed by the news outlets that Corsi's email dump proved he lied. Do you have anything you can produce to the contrary? If you don't, then stop typing dumb posts like this one.

You're the liar here....Stone told Corsi to contact Assange but he never did and even if he had he didn't break any laws....a lot of people talk to Assange about where he gets his leaks. And Assange would have told them like he's told others they came from Seth Rich.
You are an idiot;
Instead of turning down the request, Corsi in fact passed it along to a person in London, according to the draft court documents. Corsi said that person was conservative author Ted Malloch.

Eight days later, Corsi sent the email to Stone saying that WikiLeaks possessed information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign and planned to release it in October.

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump
To Communists and anarchists, yes.

Who would judge the standard of 'Thought American'?

The Constitution.

Can you quote the portion of the constitution where it mentions 'thought americans'. Or establishes a standard to judge who they are?

The actual constiution, please.

You are quite the idiot. Most impressive.

Spell-check much?
So, can we take that as "I don't know?"

No. Take that as "You are quite the idiot."

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