LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

I've said it for quite some time​

YEC IS the biggest Conspiracy theory. It (and James Bond) defy at least 6 branches of science or Lie about/twist them.

Why Creationism bears all the hallmarks of a Conspiracy theory

February 4, 2021

""Many people around the world looked on aghast as they witnessed the harm done by conspiracy theories such as QAnon and the myth of the stolen US election that led to the attack on the US Capitol Building on January 6. Yet while these ideas will no doubt fade in time, there is arguably a much more enduring conspiracy theory that also pervades America in the form of young Earth creationism. And it’s one that we cannot ignore because it is dangerously opposed to science....

Creationism re-emerged in this form in reaction to the mid-20th century emphasis on science education. Its key text is the long-time best seller, The Genesis Flood, by John C Whitcomb and Henry M Morris. This provided the inspiration for Morris’s own Institute for Creation Research, and for its offshoots, Answers in Genesis and Creation Ministries International.

Ken Ham, the founder and chief executive of Answers in Genesis, is also responsible for the highly lucrative Ark Encounter theme park and Creation Museum in Kentucky. As a visit to any of these websites will show, their creationism is completely hostile to science, while paradoxically claiming to be scientific.

Demonising and discrediting​

These are Common Conspiracy theory tactics at play. Creationists go to great lengths to Demonise the proponents of evolution, and to undermine the overwhelming evidence in its favour.

Why just last night James Bond accused ME and Scientific American of "Bestiality."

'Creation Science' classically Includes...
'Intelligent Design' and 'Irreducible ͛c͛o͛m͛p͛l͛e͛x͛i͛t͛y͛.'

(two recent substitute Frauds for Creationism posted here by Seymour Flops)

The Bible goes up to around 5,000 years as you know. The believers can describe what happened during that time and how the Earth was.

It seems like you're making excuses. What I said was there is no observable nor testable evidence for evolution. It means that evolution isn't backed up by science and couldn't happen. It's BS. Just think if creation science had nothing observable nor testable. You would say I lost badly and would be lol'd off all the threads that we discussed all this time lol.
'The Ark' Museum/exhibit' gets about 1 million people/Pilgrims a year.
That 'proves' the flood right?
Creation science is the REAL SCIENCE. Evolution is based on observation of the Earth after the flood and isn't correct. They assumed the global flood was a religious fairy tale. The atheist scientists started with the wrong scenario and went way wrong. Satan could not have done better. It's like how he fooled Adam and Eve. Evolution is the fairy tale, but you do not have the metal fortitude and capacity to be able to figure it out. Evolution has no scientific evidence while science backs up creation.

Everything I learned about science backs up creation while none of it validates evolution.
'The Ark' Museum/exhibit' gets about 1 million people/Pilgrims a year.
That 'proves' the flood right?
God's word is the ULTIMATE proof of the global flood. For physical proof, you, yourself gave us the flood stories found all around the world. Ancient Babylonians, Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Aztecs, Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Mayans, Inuits, and more. You can't find Darwin's BS stories around the world. You farked yourself.

For physical, we have 3/4 of the Earth's surface covered by oceans. Not only that, 3/4 of the land surface is sedimentary or washed away rocks. Will you fall down on your knees and admit you are SAF and POS now?

Some, like abu afak and his writer, need to die for their ABSOLUTE PROOF they want. It is written that they will receive EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT. Unbelievers will be sent immediately to a temporary holding place of torment, and once Jesus returns, then they will be judged and condemned to their final destination of being tossed into the Lake of Fire.

This is the good news. Other good news is Adam and Even had three sons after Cain killed Abel and had other sons and daughters afterward. Thus, the males and females were able to populate the world. Today, we see that our population doubles every forty years as further evidence. SAF and POS people like abu afak need to die for their evidence as they do not believe and question the Bible even though science backs it up. I suppose one can't help people who have their heads filled with the rocks of evolution.
Some, like abu afak and his writer, need to die for their ABSOLUTE PROOF they want. It is written that they will receive EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT. Unbelievers will be sent immediately to a temporary holding place of torment, and once Jesus returns, then they will be judged and condemned to their final destination of being tossed into the Lake of Fire.

This is the good news. Other good news is Adam and Even had three sons after Cain killed Abel and had other sons and daughters afterward. Thus, the males and females were able to populate the world. Today, we see that our population doubles every forty years as further evidence. SAF and POS people like abu afak need to die for their evidence as they do not believe and question the Bible even though science backs it up. I suppose one can't help people who have their heads filled with the rocks of evolution.
Your gods have a real "thing" for familial and incestuous relations.
Creation science or scientific creationism is a Pseudoscientific form of Young Earth creationism which claims to offer scientific arguments for certain literalist and inerrantist interpretations of the Bible.

It is often presented without overt faith-based language, but instead relies on reinterpreting scientific results to argue that various myths in the Book of Genesis and other select biblical passages are scientifically valid. The most commonly advanced ideas of creation science include special creation based on the Genesis creation narrative and flood geology based on the Genesis flood narrative.[1] Creationists also claim they can disprove or reexplain a variety of scientific facts,[2] theories and paradigms of geology,[3] cosmology, biological evolution,[4][5] archaeology,[6][7] history, and linguistics using creation science.[8] Creation science was foundational to intelligent design.[9]

In contrast with the views of creation science, the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community is that creation science Fails to qualify as scientific because it Lacks empirical support, supplies No testable hypotheses, and resolves to describe natural history in terms of scientifically untestable supernatural causes.[10][11]

Courts, most often in the United States where the question has been asked in the context of teaching the subject in public schools, have consistently ruled since the 1980s that creation science is a Religious view rather than a scientific one.

Historians,[12] philosophers of science and skeptics have described creation science as a Pseudoscientific attempt to map the Bible into scientific facts.

Professional biologists have criticized creation science for being unscholarly,[18] and even as a Dishonest and misguided Sham, with extremely harmful educational consequences.[19]...

Creation science is very comical.
God's word is the ULTIMATE proof of the global flood. For physical proof, you, yourself gave us the flood stories found all around the world. Ancient Babylonians, Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Aztecs, Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Mayans, Inuits, and more. You can't find Darwin's BS stories around the world. You farked yourself.

For physical, we have 3/4 of the Earth's surface covered by oceans. Not only that, 3/4 of the land surface is sedimentary or washed away rocks. Will you fall down on your knees and admit you are SAF and POS now?
There was no global flood. The story arose in Mesopotamian mythology before Adam and Eve.

Probably based on huge floods that periodically engulfed the Euphrates river basin. There's evidence for that based on flood sediment and the King's list. Most myths and fables teach a lesson in morality. That doesn't make them history. Christians understood that until about 1916 when protestant ministers gathered in Philadelphia in a massive backlash against science and modernity. Que Schofield promoting Christian Zionism and futurism.

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