Lol, Dimocrats and GOPe think they hit a home run today

Could it be true without evidence and corroboration
You are forgetting that her "witnesses" denied knowing anything about her allegation. At most this is a case of mistaken identity.
I don’t buy the mistaken identity thing. She was pretty clear in what she remembered and what she was foggy about. She was sure it was Kavanaugh. She is either fabricating a lie or he is covering it up at this point.

There was something weird about him when he was talking about beer, don’t you think? Sounds to me like he may of had a drinking problem and is hiding from it. I was split down the middle after listening to them both yesterday, so I still can’t say who I believe.

I think Judge and her friend need to be interviewed by the FBI
Kavenough wants us to beleive that an affuent private school kid in the 1980's who had a buddy that wrote boooks like waisted remained a virgin! Yet you say the right wingers say ford is not credible. I can tell you this the republican party lost female votes this week. This is the same party how ever that thought there would be no ill consequences from a trade war so I doubt they realize this.

I'm not sure why you find this so hard to believe. All my friends in HS were drunk stoners who partied all the time. I don't like the taste of alcohol so I don't drink; been drunk maybe five times in my life. I quit smoking pot in 1991 cause I got bored of it; I'd have to do some math on the stoned bit, get high maybe 3-4 times a week, 4-5 in the summers I wasn't working, etc. I still went to the parties with them - I was the DD.

I didn't remain a virgin personally, but more than one of my Christian friends waited until they were married.

The D party lost this woman's vote over this, possibly for the rest of my life, and the votes of my sons (because damn straight I told them what just happened to Kava) [The one is Vegas has left proclivities.]
That’s great, then the FBI should support his story and he will be vindicated
At the expense of another delay that could push the process back beyond the next election, which is exactly the sleazy plan the sleazy, anti-American democrats intended.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote. Not in the US.
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
It’s not a semantic cop out it’s a real fact. Deal with it
Could it be true without evidence and corroboration
You are forgetting that her "witnesses" denied knowing anything about her allegation. At most this is a case of mistaken identity.
I don’t buy the mistaken identity thing. She was pretty clear in what she remembered and what she was foggy about. She was sure it was Kavanaugh. She is either fabricating a lie or he is covering it up at this point.

There was something weird about him when he was talking about beer, don’t you think? Sounds to me like he may of had a drinking problem and is hiding from it. I was split down the middle after listening to them both yesterday, so I still can’t say who I believe.

I think Judge and her friend need to be interviewed by the FBI
Kavenough wants us to beleive that an affuent private school kid in the 1980's who had a buddy that wrote boooks like waisted remained a virgin! Yet you say the right wingers say ford is not credible. I can tell you this the republican party lost female votes this week. This is the same party how ever that thought there would be no ill consequences from a trade war so I doubt they realize this.
I agree. Partisans from Both parties should be embarrassed about how they’ve conducted themselves.
Could it be true without evidence and corroboration
You are forgetting that her "witnesses" denied knowing anything about her allegation. At most this is a case of mistaken identity.
I don’t buy the mistaken identity thing. She was pretty clear in what she remembered and what she was foggy about. She was sure it was Kavanaugh. She is either fabricating a lie or he is covering it up at this point.

There was something weird about him when he was talking about beer, don’t you think? Sounds to me like he may of had a drinking problem and is hiding from it. I was split down the middle after listening to them both yesterday, so I still can’t say who I believe.

I think Judge and her friend need to be interviewed by the FBI
Kavenough wants us to beleive that an affuent private school kid in the 1980's who had a buddy that wrote boooks like waisted remained a virgin! Yet you say the right wingers say ford is not credible. I can tell you this the republican party lost female votes this week. This is the same party how ever that thought there would be no ill consequences from a trade war so I doubt they realize this.

I'm not sure why you find this so hard to believe. All my friends in HS were drunk stoners who partied all the time. I don't like the taste of alcohol so I don't drink; been drunk maybe five times in my life. I quit smoking pot in 1991 cause I got bored of it; I'd have to do some math on the stoned bit, get high maybe 3-4 times a week, 4-5 in the summers I wasn't working, etc. I still went to the parties with them - I was the DD.

I didn't remain a virgin personally, but more than one of my Christian friends waited until they were married.

The D party lost this woman's vote over this, possibly for the rest of my life, and the votes of my sons (because damn straight I told them what just happened to Kava) [The one is Vegas has left proclivities.]
You tell your sons how to vote? That’s odd.

Now of it comes out that Ford was telling the truth and Kav did assault her are you going to change your mind or is there no redemption?
^ True story.

As an I, I was always forced to "give up" beliefs when I voted.

Seeing how illiberal, how unjust, how immoral the D's are I have /zero/ qualms about "giving up" my pro-choice and SSM views to vote a straight hard R ticket.

They've won a week and lost probably another 50 years of my possible votes...
EverC, it would help a lot if you explained or provided examples of the illiberal, unjust and immoral Democrats are. Just saying it without example doesn't provide a reader a reason to consider your point of view. Thanks

Of course. I merely strive to shorten my posts because I've expressed many of my views on here.

The one that most has my panties in a knot today is the absolute decimation of "innocent until proven guilty" going on in the Kavanaugh hearing. I mean its one thing for the #metoo movement to share their stories with each other on social media and believe each other without question, it's quite another to act out upon unfounded stories with unquestionable beliefs to destroy peoples lives and careers. The line between "showing sympathy" and "law" is there for a very good reason and to abandon it is lethal to this nation. It is completely unjust to abandon the presumption of innocence over an accusation that has as many holes in it as pumice does...

I am completely disgusted that the D's sat on this instead of investigating it. They could have respected Fords wishes and done so in confidence. They could have started this investigation, even the FBI investigation back in July - and we know Ford would have been okay with that because she'd lawyer-ed up in August, even though she believed this was going to be kept confident. They could have questioned Kavanaugh about this in private, they chose not to. They literally played this woman's [alleged or believed as you prefer] assault like an ace in the hole simply to delay the confirmation, not to find the truth as they claim to the nation. Even knowing the political climate, they put this into the public and trashed Ford and Kavanaugh and both their families. I almost agree it's an abuse of power. Even so, and either way, it is a completely immoral thing to do.

Another topic that chaps my ass: Liberalism, to me (as a classical liberal,) is a moral philosophy that supports the individual's rights, but modern [il]liberals go to far on /everything/ from "women's rights" to LGBT issues, to religious issues. Pretty much every category is being destroyed by "radicalization" IMO. For example, to stay in the theme of the thread, I'm a "first-wave feminist" I believe women have the right to vote, to have a career, even to choose abortion. Third-wave feminism seeks to destroy men, almost as a "punishment" or "revenge" simply for being born with a dick. Men cannot defend themselves, they cannot ask a woman out on a date, they cannot debate a woman, they cannot disagree with a woman, they cannot have more income no matter what, they cannot have more positions in any workplace (regardless of if said workplace naturally lends itself more to men's interests,) and it goes on and on, a never ending list of grievances and perceived slights that must be raged about and social media mobbed until the man either submits, shuts up, or is destroyed. It is completely illiberal and sexist as fuck.

I honestly do not want my sons to live in America anymore; they're all four good boys, they were all raised right (instilled that their job is to take care of their family,) but I also believe it's practically just a matter of time before they are destroyed (especially since they're all on the right side of the political spectrum.) I literally feel like they can never be "successful" in America because some activists will decide they're the next target due to something they said on FB or twitter, or if they go anywhere near politics or other 'high profile' jobs. I know that wealthy business owner men (capitalists) are next on the list (of the now socialist activists) to be "taken out" and "taught a lesson" for disobeying the liberal regime.
Dont fret EC. This too shall end.
if he is proven innocent of the charge against him all is well. We will know that soon enough.

How the hell is Kavanaugh or anyone supposed to prove something did not happen 36ish years ago with no time, place, owner, etc, no hard facts to refute?

You leftists are setting up an impossible standard.

Which is why we are supposed to assume innocense and prove guilt, not vice-versa, Jeebus!
if he is proven innocent of the charge against him all is well. We will know that soon enough.

How the hell is Kavanaugh or anyone supposed to prove something did not happen 36ish years ago with no time, place, owner, etc, no hard facts to refute?

You leftists are setting up an impossible standard.

Which is why we are supposed to assume innocense and prove guilt, not vice-versa, Jeebus!
He doesn’t have to prove it. He just needs to tell an honest account of what happened and it is up to Ford or the FBI to show otherwise. That’s how it works
At the expense of another delay that could push the process back beyond the next election, which is exactly the sleazy plan the sleazy, anti-American democrats intended.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote. Not in the US.
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
At the expense of another delay that could push the process back beyond the next election, which is exactly the sleazy plan the sleazy, anti-American democrats intended.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote. Not in the US.
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
It’s not a semantic cop out it’s a real fact. Deal with it
It’s a semantic cop out. If you believed what you said you’d demand charges be brought and a conviction secured before you deny BK his SCOTUS seat.
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
Elections do indeed have consequences. I hope you remember that in the future. Meantime, can you enlighten me on how Democrats are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda and how they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system? I'd appreciate knowing.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
Elections do indeed have consequences. I hope you remember that in the future. Meantime, can you enlighten me on how Democrats are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda and how they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system? I'd appreciate knowing.
By bringing baseless accusations at coordinated times against trump and Kavanaugh with the aid of a now overtly corrupt left wing media.
Your question is dishonest.
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing
A week is not going to push it beyond the next election. If evidence is found that Kavanaugh has been lying and Ford is not just making this story up then how dumb are you going to feel? Finding the truth should be everybody’s objective.

If the FBI validates Kavanaughs story then he gets nominated without the fog hanging over his head and anybody who has made false accusations should be held accountable. So let’s hope the FBI can get to the bottom of this.
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
It’s not a semantic cop out it’s a real fact. Deal with it
It’s a semantic cop out. If you believed what you said you’d demand charges be brought and a conviction secured before you deny BK his SCOTUS seat.
I don’t think high school groping from 36 years ago warrants charges. I think if he did it and is now lying about it then that warrants a disqualification from the SCOTUS seat.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
Elections do indeed have consequences. I hope you remember that in the future. Meantime, can you enlighten me on how Democrats are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda and how they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system? I'd appreciate knowing.
By bringing baseless accusations at coordinated times against trump and Kavanaugh with the aid of a now overtly corrupt left wing media.
Your question is dishonest.
Really? Is my question as dishonest as your accusations of media corruption implanted in you by your dictator-in-waiting?
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing

I would agree with you had it not been for the fact that the DNC had foreknowledge that Scalia was going to die.If you look at the aftermath of Scalia's death and how no autopsy was performed, the one that declared him as "deceased" never viewed the body. The Wikileaks e-mail exchange between Elmendorf and Podesta and the term "wetworks" definitely suggests foreknowledge of a high level hit.

My post on 2-1-17

Due to Wikileaks, it seems that John Podesta and Steve Elmendorf knew a hit on someone very influential was Antony Scalia

I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down From: John Podesta [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM To: Steve Elmendorf <[email protected]> Subject: Thanks Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

"wet works" is code for a hit on someone.......interesting, no? Especially when you consider that

A: There was no autopsy....
B: A pillow was found over his head
C: His bodily was quickly cremated.
D: His host (John B Poindexter) was a big time donor to the DNC and the Barrypuppet.
E: Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and without ordering an autopsy.

Move along, folks....nothing to see here at all.....
This will last only a week the way the mueller investigation has lasted only a week.
What’s more, kavanaugh’s justifiable indignation is now being propagated by DeMSM to suggest an disqualifying temperament for sitting on the SCOTUS.
This entire sham is a big delay tactic by un-American democrats who don’t believe in the electoral process nor the legislative system when things don’t go their way.
Democrats are now enemies of the US.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing
No. It was more than that. And if you want to know where the "tit' began, check Orrin Hatch holding up some 60 minor judgeships during Clinton in the 90s. Then Garland during Obama. So your gnashing of teeth over a Kavanaugh 'tat' rings a tad phony.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing

I would agree with you had it not been for the fact that the DNC had foreknowledge that Scalia was going to die.If you look at the aftermath of Scalia's death and how no autopsy was performed, the one that declared him as "deceased" never viewed the body. The Wikileaks e-mail exchange between Elmendorf and Podesta and the term "wetworks" definitely suggests foreknowledge of a high level hit.

My post on 2-1-17

Due to Wikileaks, it seems that John Podesta and Steve Elmendorf knew a hit on someone very influential was Antony Scalia

I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down From: John Podesta [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM To: Steve Elmendorf <[email protected]> Subject: Thanks Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

"wet works" is code for a hit on someone.......interesting, no? Especially when you consider that

A: There was no autopsy....
B: A pillow was found over his head
C: His bodily was quickly cremated.
D: His host (John B Poindexter) was a big time donor to the DNC and the Barrypuppet.
E: Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and without ordering an autopsy.

Move along, folks....nothing to see here at all.....
Dale you seriously need to start making movies out of your theories/intel. That shit has the makings for some good entertainment. I’d be a fan!
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing
No. It was more than that. And if you want to know where the "tit' began, check Orrin Hatch holding up some 60 minor judgeships during Clinton in the 90s. Then Garland during Obama. So your gnashing of teeth over a Kavanaugh 'tat' rings a tad phony.
I have no doubt the tit for tat has gone on for decades. I was just using the most recent and relevant example. We seriously have a bunch of ego driven children running our country. It’s been embarassing for quite some time.
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing

I would agree with you had it not been for the fact that the DNC had foreknowledge that Scalia was going to die.If you look at the aftermath of Scalia's death and how no autopsy was performed, the one that declared him as "deceased" never viewed the body. The Wikileaks e-mail exchange between Elmendorf and Podesta and the term "wetworks" definitely suggests foreknowledge of a high level hit.

My post on 2-1-17

Due to Wikileaks, it seems that John Podesta and Steve Elmendorf knew a hit on someone very influential was Antony Scalia

I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down From: John Podesta [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM To: Steve Elmendorf <[email protected]> Subject: Thanks Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

"wet works" is code for a hit on someone.......interesting, no? Especially when you consider that

A: There was no autopsy....
B: A pillow was found over his head
C: His bodily was quickly cremated.
D: His host (John B Poindexter) was a big time donor to the DNC and the Barrypuppet.
E: Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and without ordering an autopsy.

Move along, folks....nothing to see here at all.....
Dale you seriously need to start making movies out of your theories/intel. That shit has the makings for some good entertainment. I’d be a fan!

Nothing I brought up in my post was wrong. I also believe that Scalia was less than an honorable man given that he was at a Texas version of "Bohemian Grove" the night he died AND a jesuit schooled catholic. High level officials and politicians are compromised and if it's not via a "honey pot", then it's by pedophilia. Believe it or not but nothing has changed since the revelations of the Franklin Scandal of the late 80's and early 90's.
The mueller investigation is criminal. This is a background check. How many times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?!
Semantic cop out.
All of this democrat sleaze has the same sleazy objective of dragging out until the midterms. Don’t act like you don’t know that.
Roshawn, has it ever occurred to you that the opposition feels the same about the Republican effort to ram this nomination thru BEFORE the mid-terms and BEFORE specific charges can be checked out independently? And isn't it amazing how polar opposites can be so alike in their opposition?
The republicans are exercising the privilege granted through being elected into a majority and into the WH. Elections have consequences, said Obama. Elections reflect the will of the people. The dems are circumventing the process through shakedown and propaganda because they refuse to acknowledge and abide by the American system.
My post stands.
It’s nothing more than a tit for tat from when the Republicans blocked Garland from receiving even a hearing
No. It was more than that. And if you want to know where the "tit' began, check Orrin Hatch holding up some 60 minor judgeships during Clinton in the 90s. Then Garland during Obama. So your gnashing of teeth over a Kavanaugh 'tat' rings a tad phony.

Clinton fired 93 District attorneys and FBI director William Sessions one day before Vince Foster was found murdered. I believe that a vetting of judgeships was the right of the repu controlled house and senate but I don't recall that it was 60 judges that were delayed....have you a link? BTW, I hope all is well with you and yours! Wish that you posted more often!

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