LOL! White People Please Stop

You are CONFUSED Its more whites on welfare,more stealing from the Blacks the True Original Natives of this land.That`s For Sure,.Not being rascist,But Factual.To Be Frank whites are to be tired of constantly stealing,it is your god that backs all the murdering whites are doing maybe you worship the wrong gods.
... Okay, while everything in your post was wrong... I'll just focus on the fact that the black people came here from Africa (because they were sold into slavery by their own people), and were not the original natives. The 'Indians' were. That was racist, and was not factual.
Black people from Africa were here before white europeans got here. Read all of Columbuses writings so you can educate yourself. Also Blacks were the natives of the Americas. The Asians migrated and killed most of them off and pushed them further down into south america.
Lolo,what columbus know,nothing more lies,I don`t need to read white history just world history black history is all one need.sorry.
And that's racist.
No,thats not racist,i`m not racist.
Where are you from?
... Okay, while everything in your post was wrong... I'll just focus on the fact that the black people came here from Africa (because they were sold into slavery by their own people), and were not the original natives. The 'Indians' were. That was racist, and was not factual.
Black people from Africa were here before white europeans got here. Read all of Columbuses writings so you can educate yourself. Also Blacks were the natives of the Americas. The Asians migrated and killed most of them off and pushed them further down into south america.
Lolo,what columbus know,nothing more lies,I don`t need to read white history just world history black history is all one need.sorry.
And that's racist.
No,thats not racist,i`m not racist.
Where are you from?
right here.Where are you from?
Black people from Africa were here before white europeans got here. Read all of Columbuses writings so you can educate yourself. Also Blacks were the natives of the Americas. The Asians migrated and killed most of them off and pushed them further down into south america.
Lolo,what columbus know,nothing more lies,I don`t need to read white history just world history black history is all one need.sorry.
And that's racist.
No,thats not racist,i`m not racist.
Where are you from?
right here.Where are you from?
Where is right here? I cant see you.
Black People please stop shooting yourselves
on second thought keep up the good work
You must be confused. Your people are the ones that needed 400 years of white affirmative action and laws to specifically keep Blacks from out competing you.. All that and now you complain a Black or Mexican man is taking your job. :laugh:

You must be confused parasite. Pieces of shit like you wouldn't exist if not for the compassion of white people. You made no serious contribution to science or technology. You've done nothing but engage in tribal wars and the only commodity you've offered are slaves. Not very good ones at that. If not for white colonialists blacks would have wiped themselves out long ago.

So much for hindsight.

Your culture is vile, your intellect is laughable, you're ugly as shit, and dumb as a box of rubber dicks.

When one of your people escape and start acting like human beings, you demonize them.

We've reversed Darwin's Theory by not allowing parasites like you to starve to death.

You must be confused. Your people are the ones that needed 400 years of white affirmative action and laws to specifically keep Blacks from out competing you.. All that and now you complain a Black or Mexican man is taking your job. :laugh:

You must be confused parasite. Pieces of shit like you wouldn't exist if not for the compassion of white people. You made no serious contribution to science or technology. You've done nothing but engage in tribal wars and the only commodity you've offered are slaves. Not very good ones at that. If not for white colonialists blacks would have wiped themselves out long ago.

So much for hindsight.

Your culture is vile, your intellect is laughable, you're ugly as shit, and dumb as a box of rubber dicks.

When one of your people escape and start acting like human beings, you demonize them.

We've reversed Darwin's Theory by not allowing parasites like you to starve to death.

Youve been reading too many white history books without balancing it out with real history. Only a total fool would believe the claptrap you just posted. Please stop making me laugh white boy..
You must be confused. Your people are the ones that needed 400 years of white affirmative action and laws to specifically keep Blacks from out competing you.. All that and now you complain a Black or Mexican man is taking your job. :laugh:

You must be confused parasite. Pieces of shit like you wouldn't exist if not for the compassion of white people. You made no serious contribution to science or technology. You've done nothing but engage in tribal wars and the only commodity you've offered are slaves. Not very good ones at that. If not for white colonialists blacks would have wiped themselves out long ago.

So much for hindsight.

Your culture is vile, your intellect is laughable, you're ugly as shit, and dumb as a box of rubber dicks.

When one of your people escape and start acting like human beings, you demonize them.

We've reversed Darwin's Theory by not allowing parasites like you to starve to death.

lol read alil of your bullshit if it was`nt for us you could not exist dumb fuck.We made you monkeys like Lemur and Rhesus monkey and more but we`ll leave at this.Yes you are the TRUE smarty pants.Attitude is like the Chimp,your relative by Blood.
lol read alil of your bullshit if it was`nt for us you could not exist dumb fuck.We made you monkeys like Lemur and Rhesus monkey and more but we`ll leave at this.Yes you are the TRUE smarty pants.Attitude is like the Chimp,your relative by Blood.

Without considering the rambling incoherent and laughably stupid response... Lets just review what this insipid bed wetter retorted with.

As far as I can tell it is implying ni99ers like him fucked monkeys, and that's what made whites.

So along the evolutionary chain, ni99ers like him are beneath the evolutionary standards of homo sapiens.

Therefore since it's OK to own a Rhesus monkey, you should be able to own a species that mates with it, even if it's a ni99er right?

Raise your hand if you want a ni99er like this dipshit in your neighborhood, let alone an employee.

It's time we dropped the pretense of sensitivity and spit back in their faces.

Youve been reading too many white history books without balancing it out with real history. Only a total fool would believe the claptrap you just posted. Please stop making me laugh white boy..

Please TRY and post a legitimate argument that savages from africa would be anything more than savages to this day if it wasn't for euroweenies and concrete.

There is not a single country, state, city, town, village or neighborhood on earth populated by blacks that isn't a disaster ANYWHERE ON EARTH.


Blame the whites all you like, but Rhodesia was a prosperous African country. It's just one example of how leftist coons like you can turn a breadbasket into a shit sandwich.
Youve been reading too many white history books without balancing it out with real history. Only a total fool would believe the claptrap you just posted. Please stop making me laugh white boy..

Please TRY and post a legitimate argument that savages from africa would be anything more than savages to this day if it wasn't for euroweenies and concrete.

There is not a single country, state, city, town, village or neighborhood on earth populated by blacks that isn't a disaster ANYWHERE ON EARTH.


Blame the whites all you like, but Rhodesia was a prosperous African country. It's just one example of how leftist coons like you can turn a breadbasket into a shit sandwich.
If you were worth educating i would post a legitimate argument but since youre a white boy you dont matter to me so you are free to feel however you like. Just dont whine and say I never told you.

if it were not for Black people educating you last to civilization chimps you would still be in caves in europe scratching your ass and painting yourselves blue like in Braveheart.
lol read alil of your bullshit if it was`nt for us you could not exist dumb fuck.We made you monkeys like Lemur and Rhesus monkey and more but we`ll leave at this.Yes you are the TRUE smarty pants.Attitude is like the Chimp,your relative by Blood.

Without considering the rambling incoherent and laughably stupid response... Lets just review what this insipid bed wetter retorted with.

As far as I can tell it is implying ni99ers like him fucked monkeys, and that's what made whites.

So along the evolutionary chain, ni99ers like him are beneath the evolutionary standards of homo sapiens.

Therefore since it's OK to own a Rhesus monkey, you should be able to own a species that mates with it, even if it's a ni99er right?

Raise your hand if you want a ni99er like this dipshit in your neighborhood, let alone an employee.

It's time we dropped the pretense of sensitivity and spit back in their faces.

You right it is laughable,Fact is it`s True,caucasians do check the history.

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