LOL! White People Please Stop

Actually that sounds just like your ancestors when they made sure Black and Native Americans could not be citizens and practiced 400 years of white AA.
So, I sound like a democrat? That's so awkward. You know, because Republicans were the ones being murdered by the KKK for trying to free the black slaves and give them equal rights.
Actually that sounds just like your ancestors when they made sure Black and Native Americans could not be citizens and practiced 400 years of white AA.
So, I sound like a democrat? That's so awkward. You know, because Republicans were the ones being murdered by the KKK for trying to free the black slaves and give them equal rights.

No you sound like a hypocrite. I know its awkard. Your ancestors felt they couldnt compete so they made sure other races were kept from being full citizens even while hypocritically proclaiming all men are created equal. Like most conservatives your limited mental capabilities refuse to understand the dynamics of change. Even though the GOP officially admitted to the southern strategy you and yours ignorantly hold on to the idea that todays republicans ideologically resemble the republicans the KKK killed. Dont you ever wonder why the KKK of today support the GOP?
No you sound like a hypocrite. I know its awkard. Your ancestors felt they couldnt compete so they made sure other races were kept from being full citizens even while hypocritically proclaiming all men are created equal. Like most conservatives your limited mental capabilities refuse to understand the dynamics of change. Even though the GOP officially admitted to the southern strategy you and yours ignorantly hold on to the idea that todays republicans ideologically resemble the republicans the KKK killed. Dont you ever wonder why the KKK of today support the GOP?
They don't, just recently a KKK recruiter, a democrat of course, was in the Senate. I'm sure you've heard of Robyrt "KKK" Byrd. Furthermore, the KKK only supported Donald Trump because, just like most of the Democrat Party, they believe he's more likely to lose to Hillary. You ignorantly hold on to your denial that the Republicans gave the blacks equal rights.
Egads what a weird thread. Since we are a large mixed family of German, Hispanic, Black, gay, straight etc etc I laugh at the idea one race is good or bad because of some characteristic defined out of nowhere. My wife is Polish Irish and can dance with the best of them, I am mixed a bit and can't dance worth a shat. Funny how the simplest things bring out the worst bias and bigotry in humans. It shows in this thread with the ignorance and BS assumptions. We've got a long way to go as humans it seems.

Anyone watch Ellen? She dances every show, must be something in our long past, do other animals dance or are we special? Special except in thought

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once." Friedrich Nietzsche
Bullshit. That first rendition was horrible and they should never be allowed to do it again. its not a choir song. Its a dance song. That aside it was hilarious and its blowing up on the internet from what I understand. You self righteous people crack me up. Loosen up and have some fun.

Yes plenty of other animals dance.
Hit the agree button by mistake , your shit is just funny. So what if kids were trying to do it as a choir song? Who gives a fuck? Now you are showing how you really take that shit to heart. Those kids sucked but they were trying. Music is about experimenting about different things. Your just being straight up pathetic now
Youre getting butthurt. It was hilarious because it was so bad. Lots of people give a fuck. You included or you wouldnt be commenting and showing your emotions by cursing.

Saying they are funny because they suck is one thing . But then you go and say they should never be allowed to do it again. Your the one being anal retentive here. It's just a song. A lot of musical numbers are failures, but being able to try things outside the box is what gives people inspiration. Suck or not, those kids have a right to sing whatever they want. They are just kids , even if they suck that might inspire one of those kids to do something musically different later in life. You may have an open mind, but you sure don't have an open heart
No you sound like a hypocrite. I know its awkard. Your ancestors felt they couldnt compete so they made sure other races were kept from being full citizens even while hypocritically proclaiming all men are created equal. Like most conservatives your limited mental capabilities refuse to understand the dynamics of change. Even though the GOP officially admitted to the southern strategy you and yours ignorantly hold on to the idea that todays republicans ideologically resemble the republicans the KKK killed. Dont you ever wonder why the KKK of today support the GOP?
They don't, just recently a KKK recruiter, a democrat of course, was in the Senate. I'm sure you've heard of Robyrt "KKK" Byrd. Furthermore, the KKK only supported Donald Trump because, just like most of the Democrat Party, they believe he's more likely to lose to Hillary. You ignorantly hold on to your denial that the Republicans gave the blacks equal rights.
I guess its actually a good thing you are on the forum. It gives me an insight to something I never thought of. You think just like a lot of conservatives on this board. At the age of 14 that would mean that most conservatives are suffering from arrested development and think like a 14 year old.

You can pretend not to see the facts but for your sake I would recommend you research so I wont be mentally stuck at the age of 14 by the time you reach 30.
Egads what a weird thread. Since we are a large mixed family of German, Hispanic, Black, gay, straight etc etc I laugh at the idea one race is good or bad because of some characteristic defined out of nowhere. My wife is Polish Irish and can dance with the best of them, I am mixed a bit and can't dance worth a shat. Funny how the simplest things bring out the worst bias and bigotry in humans. It shows in this thread with the ignorance and BS assumptions. We've got a long way to go as humans it seems.

Anyone watch Ellen? She dances every show, must be something in our long past, do other animals dance or are we special? Special except in thought

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once." Friedrich Nietzsche
Bullshit. That first rendition was horrible and they should never be allowed to do it again. its not a choir song. Its a dance song. That aside it was hilarious and its blowing up on the internet from what I understand. You self righteous people crack me up. Loosen up and have some fun.

Yes plenty of other animals dance.
Hit the agree button by mistake , your shit is just funny. So what if kids were trying to do it as a choir song? Who gives a fuck? Now you are showing how you really take that shit to heart. Those kids sucked but they were trying. Music is about experimenting about different things. Your just being straight up pathetic now
Youre getting butthurt. It was hilarious because it was so bad. Lots of people give a fuck. You included or you wouldnt be commenting and showing your emotions by cursing.

Saying they are funny because they suck is one thing . But then you go and say they should never be allowed to do it again. Your the one being anal retentive here. It's just a song. A lot of musical numbers are failures, but being able to try things outside the box is what gives people inspiration. Suck or not, those kids have a right to sing whatever they want. They are just kids , even if they suck that might inspire one of those kids to do something musically different later in life. You may have an open mind, but you sure don't have an open heart
I think you took my words literally (never being able to do it again) which is easy to do since you cant see inflection. If i dont want to hear it I would just not listen to it. Of course they have a right to sing the song any way they wish.
I only call racist whites cave monkeys.
Every white person is a racist to you.
You arent every white person.

There are some here who have convinced themselves that the vast majority of blacks here view all white people through the same lens, which is really nothing more than a defense or justification mechanism for them to view all blacks unfavorably.
Maybe not "all", but let's say most. And it's your own fault.
Nope. Its your fault. No one is forcing you to be a cave chimp. You made that decision on your own.
I think you made that decision for me. :D
I don't think it. I know it. I watch and read....then watch and read. I want to understand WHY.
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.
Ok, so it's funny and we can laugh at it too. Once more your attempt to offend white people because of the huge chip on your shoulder has failed. EPICALLY.
Youre insecure if you assumed i was trying to offend white people. i know you dont realize it but your butthurt is showing.
"butthurt", is that from you being on the downlow?
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.
Ok, so it's funny and we can laugh at it too. Once more your attempt to offend white people because of the huge chip on your shoulder has failed. EPICALLY.
Youre insecure if you assumed i was trying to offend white people. i know you dont realize it but your butthurt is showing.
"butthurt", is that from you being on the downlow?
No. Its from you being on the downlow. You are the one thats butthurt. :cool-45:
Ok. If youre 14 this might not be the place for you. At that age you havent fully developed your mental abilities. Also the language used is sometimes harsh and i know you have heard worse at school but its really not the best for you.
I seem to be doing just fine thus far. I debate and hold conversations with adults all the time, and I have my parent's permissions(both) to be here. Furthermore, I think that if I hadn't fully developed my mental abilities, I'd be a Liberal(Ba-dum-psh).
Well if your parents think its ok then I have said my piece. By admitting you are not a liberal you basically confirmed that your mental abilities still need some major developing.
Anybody that falls for the elites dialectic still have things to learn.

If she were to say she were a "progressive," you could say the same thing.



When I was a schoolboy at the Waverly School in Monongahela, Peg Hill told us that David Farragut, the U.S. Navy’s very first admiral, had been commissioned midshipman at the ripe old age of ten for service on the warship Essex. Had Farragut been a schoolboy like me, he would have been in fifth grade when he sailed for the Argentine, rounding the Horn into action against British warships operating along the Pacific coast of South America.

Farragut left a description of what he encountered in his first sea fight:

I shall never forget the horrid impression made upon me at the sight of the first man I had ever seen killed. It staggered me at first, but they soon began to fall so fast that it appeared like a dream and produced no effect on my nerves.

The poise a young boy is capable of was tested when a gun captain on the port side ordered him to the wardroom for primers. As he started down the ladder, a gun captain on the starboard side opposite the ladder was "struck full in the face by an eighteen-pound shot," his headless corpse falling on Farragut:

We tumbled down the hatch together. I lay for some moments stunned by the blow, but soon recovered consciousness enough to rush up on deck. The captain, seeing me covered with blood, asked if I were wounded; to which I replied, "I believe not, sir." "Then," said he, "where are the primers?" This brought me to my senses and I ran below again and brought up the primers.

The Essex had success; it took prizes. Officers were dispatched with skeleton crews to sail them back to the United States, and at the age of twelve, Farragut got his first command when he was picked to head a prize crew. I was in fifth grade when I read about that. Had Farragut gone to my school he would have been in seventh. You might remember that as a rough index how far our maturity had been retarded even fifty years ago. New Individualism

By age thirteen, those who have had good parenting and good tutoring, know how to read and calculate, they only lack experience. Compulsory schooling tries to infantilize them, don't add to the notion that they cannot interact in adult society if they are able.
My son and I listen to American Roots often, it's a show I like.

I think a big problem, as someone mentioned earlier, is that this particular music in the OP, is just, well, crap.

But then, I guess it is all subjective.

There isn't a whole lot whitey can do with that crap, is there now?

If whites have good original music, then they don't do too bad. But, again, that just my personal opinion.


I'm afraid to say, the black community has decided that originality and musical talent is something that is no longer prized. Much like most of the music scene. . .

Why do you want to separate the races Asclepias ? Deny it all you want but what you are saying is racism, even though I know you are just doing it for attention.
I thought you were fun. But, it seems others are right. You are a racist. A bigot. I don't get it.
I know you are a smart man. So, why (other than attention) do you do this?
Why are you asking me questions if you think you already have the answer?

I don't think it. I know it. I watch and read....then watch and read. I want to understand WHY.
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.

but it is awesome when black people take a "white" song and make it "black".....idiot
For the record I wish EVERYONE would stop embracing a mindless ghetto culture. Blacks look like retards with their pants around their knees, and everyone else who tries to copy that should starve to death.

They would if it wasn't for food stamps.

For the record I wish EVERYONE would stop embracing a mindless ghetto culture. Blacks look like retards with their pants around their knees, and everyone else who tries to copy that should starve to death.

They would if it wasn't for food stamps.

I Can See Your Not That Intelligent,So I Want Waste My,You Should Really Practice On Being Human.Theirs A Reason For Your Behavior,And To See It Is Sad But True.
Why are you asking me questions if you think you already have the answer?

I don't think it. I know it. I watch and read....then watch and read. I want to understand WHY.
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.

but it is awesome when black people take a "white" song and make it "black".....idiot
Every Song You Song You Stole From Black People IDIOT,You Are Not That Smart.
Why do you want to separate the races Asclepias ? Deny it all you want but what you are saying is racism, even though I know you are just doing it for attention.
I thought you were fun. But, it seems others are right. You are a racist. A bigot. I don't get it.
I know you are a smart man. So, why (other than attention) do you do this?
Why are you asking me questions if you think you already have the answer?

I don't think it. I know it. I watch and read....then watch and read. I want to understand WHY.
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.
I laugh and have to change channels when whites start singing lol,Fuck they are NONE singers for sure,But we`ll keep teaching you.Until you get it right.Has`nt happened yet but we`ll working to get you there.
I Can See Your Not That Intelligent,So I Want Waste My,You Should Really Practice On Being Human.Theirs A Reason For Your Behavior,And To See It Is Sad But True.

Awww... did I trigger a twitch in your rectum bed wetter?

You are the sort who would riot or starve to death if government didn't subsidize sloth and ignorance.


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