

When I was in college, I had two cats. In the morning, when they wanted me to get up and let them out, they would do a 'flying circus' routine over my bed. The dresser was on one side of the room and the ironing board on the other, with the bed in the middle. They would leap from the ironing board to the bed to the dresser and back again, doing it in turns so they were like a team of acrobats flying past each other over my body, until I woke up and let them go outside.

Critters. :lol:

When I was in college, I had two cats. In the morning, when they wanted me to get up and let them out, they would do a 'flying circus' routine over my bed. The dresser was on one side of the room and the ironing board on the other, with the bed in the middle. They would leap from the ironing board to the bed to the dresser and back again, doing it in turns so they were like a team of acrobats flying past each other over my body, until I woke up and let them go outside.

Critters. :lol:

They're like little kids, playing "floor is lava". Ours do that too. From window to bed to chest to couch and back again until we finally get up and get them some breakfast.

We have an enormous Maine coon we rescued from a kitten mill. Every morning, he stretches out, full length, on my body. His head will be over my face and he will purr loudly and, if I'm really lucky (yeeesh), he drools.

I came home yesterday with bags that I put on the kitchen table. I went about doing their dinner but heard him rustling in a bag, as he always does. I went to separate him from my purchases but something spooked him and he took a flying leap off the table with the bag looped around his neck.

In the bag were heavy cans and, at about 90 mph, he ran the length of the house, terrifying the other cat who came running toward the kitchen, came nose to nose with the dog, did a U-turn and ran into (The Great) Catsby, scaring him even more.

Then up the stairs to my studio and back down - all while dragging the heavy plastic bag that was pretty shredded by then and had left a trail of heavy cans.

The dog, meanwhile, just kept looking hopefully up at his dinner dish. The look on his face was "huh?"

Catsby finally hid under a chair and I was able to calm him and quietly disentangle him.

A day in the life of -

When I was in college, I had two cats. In the morning, when they wanted me to get up and let them out, they would do a 'flying circus' routine over my bed. The dresser was on one side of the room and the ironing board on the other, with the bed in the middle. They would leap from the ironing board to the bed to the dresser and back again, doing it in turns so they were like a team of acrobats flying past each other over my body, until I woke up and let them go outside.

Critters. :lol:

They're like little kids, playing "floor is lava". Ours do that too. From window to bed to chest to couch and back again until we finally get up and get them some breakfast.

We have an enormous Maine coon we rescued from a kitten mill. Every morning, he stretches out, full length, on my body. His head will be over my face and he will purr loudly and, if I'm really lucky (yeeesh), he drools.

I came home yesterday with bags that I put on the kitchen table. I went about doing their dinner but heard him rustling in a bag, as he always does. I went to separate him from my purchases but something spooked him and he took a flying leap off the table with the bag looped around his neck.

In the bag were heavy cans and, at about 90 mph, he ran the length of the house, terrifying the other cat who came running toward the kitchen, came nose to nose with the dog, did a U-turn and ran into (The Great) Catsby, scaring him even more.

Then up the stairs to my studio and back down - all while dragging the heavy plastic bag that was pretty shredded by then and had left a trail of heavy cans.

The dog, meanwhile, just kept looking hopefully up at his dinner dish. The look on his face was "huh?"

Catsby finally hid under a chair and I was able to calm him and quietly disentangle him.

A day in the life of -

LOL Good story. We should have a thread for pet/animal stories.

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