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Loud Sounds Coming From Their Walls. When They Cut Into It…


see what they found

What a little heart breaker and looks like he has an upper respiratory infection.

This actually happened to our son. They did huge work on their new house in Cambridge. The electrician left, they missed one of the cats and then heard her in the wall. They took a video as our son took the wall out and pulled poor cat out.

I was living in an apartment in Denver, late 60s, one of my kittens managed to get into a heating duct. This was back when there was a fire furnace in the basement of older buildings. Between the landlord and other tenants, we tore that place apart to resuce the kitten.

That's what it is all about my friend!!!!!
Loud Sounds Coming From Their Walls. When They Cut Into It…


see what they found

What a little heart breaker and looks like he has an upper respiratory infection.

This actually happened to our son. They did huge work on their new house in Cambridge. The electrician left, they missed one of the cats and then heard her in the wall. They took a video as our son took the wall out and pulled poor cat out.

I was living in an apartment in Denver, late 60s, one of my kittens managed to get into a heating duct. This was back when there was a fire furnace in the basement of older buildings. Between the landlord and other tenants, we tore that place apart to resuce the kitten.

That's what it is all about my friend!!!!!

I was never more proud and more impressed with my son (step-son, actually) than in that video. Tearing that wall out right after the work had been done was going to cost them but there was never a cross word. He held his own hand where it could have been hurt because he didn't want the cat to accidentally get hurt. Coaxed her out, held and petted her and we could hear him cooing, "Who's a silly Abby cat" while he comforted her. Loved him to pieces in that video.

One time in Tucson, I got a call about a cat and kittens in a tiny crack between two buildings that were scheduled to be closed up. I took my snake tongs to drove into town. Found my friends in front of the crack, refusing to move, cops had been called and the workmen were waiting. I was able to get all the kittens and, thankfully, where kittens go, mom cats follow. I have photos of me laying on the sidewalk in downtown Tucson, hauling kittens from between buildings with my snake tongs.

I agree. That really is what its all about.
Turn on your speakers.
I wonder if they're hungry or if they see their keeper. Zoo animals usually ignore people but always see their keeper.
[ame=]Otters at Chester zoo - petes b'day 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MVI 0368 - YouTube[/ame]

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