London Court Rules That Four Year Old Child Must Be Forced to Attend Pride Parade

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This is when I would yank him out of there within a blink of an eye and make sure that he gets his education elsewhere. Christian persecution is unfortunately very real.

This is when I would yank him out of there within a blink of an eye and make sure that he gets his education elsewhere. Christian persecution is unfortunately very real.

What GB needs to do is start mandating that all LGBTQ people must be compelled to join in christian church and religions ceremonies!

When they do that, I'll gladly let my kid attend their pride parade, but not until he/she is of age to understand what it is about, which would be 18 years old.

Earlier than that is forced government sexual indoctrination of children and I'd move out of the country first.

No four year old should be compelled to do anything more that eat her creamed vegetables.
No four year old should be compelled to do anything more that eat her creamed vegetables.

I wasn't even compelled to do that. I only like a few vegetables and neither of my parents wanted to force me to eat any that I didn't like.
I'm 33 but me neither lol but it's really sad that children these days are losing their innocence so young. :(

Losing it before they are even old enough to know what innocence is.

My background in psychology tells me these kids are going to grow up with MASSIVE emotional problems!

Kids need a stable family life full of carefree years and a lot of love.

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