London has fallen

It's easy to see the part of the population that is 'terrorized' by terrorists. Conservatives are the core audience of terrorists.

During WW2 London was bombed daily for six months destroying thousands of buildings and killing tens of thousands of Londoners. Did they whine about 'London has fallen'? No, Churchill went there and walked through the bombed streets to keep the people's spirits up.

Conservatives in the US are such uber-snowflakes they twitch if a fly lands on the table. It may be radicalized! And they accuse anyone that doesn't share their abject fear as being 'with' the terrorists. It is arm flailing paranoia on a large scale. Governments are doing everything they can cons. Where is Trump and his lying bullshit statement on the campaign trail 'I will defeat Isis so fast, I'll have the generals draw up a plan and defeat Isis in 30 days'. Well?

A right wing whacko went terrorist in Oregon a week ago and stabbed two people to death. Tell us oh cons of the travelling piss, how do you stop such things. You can't even stop the homegrown neocon whacks in the US that kill their own countrymen. What we need are for the 'moderate conservatives' to come forward and denounce this radical conservatives part of their movement as evil. They are always silent.

Terrorists can't win a fight by definition so they strive to strike abject fear into a large group of people with relatively small attacks. It works like magic on conservatives. Everyone else gets out the next day and tells the losers of the world no one is going to scare them.

The bombers didn't live among them and weren't imported and protected by their own government.

Big difference, Delbert.

Barney Fife, what did George W Bush say to the country right after the 9/11 attacks, the worst terrorist attack in history that killed 3,000 people in one day? "Go shopping, go spend money."

The ultimate snowflake response. Where was the travel ban during Bush's terms? You derps flailing your arms now are just so sad. A mouse farts and you Mary's jump six feet.
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I do not recall hearing about a single love concert in England during WWII. The people understood war. They did not want to hold hands with the Germans.
It's easy to see the part of the population that is 'terrorized' by terrorists. Conservatives are the core audience of terrorists.

During WW2 London was bombed daily for six months destroying thousands of buildings and killing tens of thousands of Londoners. Did they whine about 'London has fallen'? No, Churchill went there and walked through the bombed streets to keep the people's spirits up.

Conservatives in the US are such uber-snowflakes they twitch if a fly lands on the table. It may be radicalized! And they accuse anyone that doesn't share their abject fear as being 'with' the terrorists. It is arm flailing paranoia on a large scale. Governments are doing everything they can cons. Where is Trump and his lying bullshit statement on the campaign trail 'I will defeat Isis so fast, I'll have the generals draw up a plan and defeat Isis in 30 days'. Well?

A right wing whacko went terrorist in Oregon a week ago and stabbed two people to death. Tell us oh cons of the travelling piss, how do you stop such things. You can't even stop the homegrown neocon whacks in the US that kill their own countrymen. What we need are for the 'moderate conservatives' to come forward and denounce this radical conservatives part of their movement as evil. They are always silent.

Terrorists can't win a fight by definition so they strive to strike abject fear into a large group of people with relatively small attacks. It works like magic on conservatives. Everyone else gets out the next day and tells the losers of the world no one is going to scare them.

The bombers didn't live among them and weren't imported and protected by their own government.

Big difference, Delbert.

Barney Fife, what did George W Bush say to the country right after the 9/11 attacks, the worst terrorist attacks in history that killed 3,000 people in one day? "Go shopping, go spend money."

The ultimate snowflake response. Where was the travel ban during Bush's terms? You derps flailing your arms now are just so sad. A mouse farts and you Mary's jump six feet.
Obviously going shopping and spending money was not an appropriate method of fighting terrorism. Removing terrorists is a proper method of fighting terrorism. Remove them, any way you can.
View attachment 131044

More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.

So, 7 people died in London the other day and 4-5 died a few weeks back. That's what, 12 people in a city of 8 million who died.

Phili has a population of 1.5 million, and a murder rate of 17.9 per 100,000 people per year, which is about 268 murders a year. That's nearly one a day. That's about the same rate as London with terror attacks in a very short period of time.

And the right says that that is acceptable.

Gawd you're pathetic. You're now dismissing terror attacks because we have hoods full of thugs that kill each other. When have we ever said it was acceptable? It's the left wing media that ignores that violence as much as possible.

They prove their deep state of stupidity daily don't they.
Two major attacks on the London mayor's watch.

Home grown, not unlike the KKK and the JDL and even the PP bombings. How many of our vets has carried out terror attacks in the US, best check it out.

Side note, we should not be allies with the Gulf states until they become a democracy. We are becoming like them. They are rubbing off on Trump.

No, these were not western folks, these people may have been born in the UK, but they have nothing to do with the west, and they shouldn't be there.

They were born there, home grown. Every country has home grown terrorists. What do you think happened in Syria, the Kurds wanted a country.

Yes they were born there, but obviously they have no intentions of becoming westerners. They need to be rounded up, and sent to an Islamic country where they can live out their 6th century dreams.
It's easy to see the part of the population that is 'terrorized' by terrorists. Conservatives are the core audience of terrorists.

During WW2 London was bombed daily for six months destroying thousands of buildings and killing tens of thousands of Londoners. Did they whine about 'London has fallen'? No, Churchill went there and walked through the bombed streets to keep the people's spirits up.

Conservatives in the US are such uber-snowflakes they twitch if a fly lands on the table. It may be radicalized! And they accuse anyone that doesn't share their abject fear as being 'with' the terrorists. It is arm flailing paranoia on a large scale. Governments are doing everything they can cons. Where is Trump and his lying bullshit statement on the campaign trail 'I will defeat Isis so fast, I'll have the generals draw up a plan and defeat Isis in 30 days'. Well?

A right wing whacko went terrorist in Oregon a week ago and stabbed two people to death. Tell us oh cons of the travelling piss, how do you stop such things. You can't even stop the homegrown neocon whacks in the US that kill their own countrymen. What we need are for the 'moderate conservatives' to come forward and denounce this radical conservatives part of their movement as evil. They are always silent.

Terrorists can't win a fight by definition so they strive to strike abject fear into a large group of people with relatively small attacks. It works like magic on conservatives. Everyone else gets out the next day and tells the losers of the world no one is going to scare them.

The bombers didn't live among them and weren't imported and protected by their own government.

Big difference, Delbert.

Barney Fife, what did George W Bush say to the country right after the 9/11 attacks, the worst terrorist attacks in history that killed 3,000 people in one day? "Go shopping, go spend money."

The ultimate snowflake response. Where was the travel ban during Bush's terms? You derps flailing your arms now are just so sad. A mouse farts and you Mary's jump six feet.
Obviously going shopping and spending money was not an appropriate method of fighting terrorism. Removing terrorists is a proper method of fighting terrorism. Remove them, any way you can.
A country that is "removing" native-born terrorists is already on the back foot. It is better to prevent the youth from being radicalized in the first place.
View attachment 131044

More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.

So, 7 people died in London the other day and 4-5 died a few weeks back. That's what, 12 people in a city of 8 million who died.

Phili has a population of 1.5 million, and a murder rate of 17.9 per 100,000 people per year, which is about 268 murders a year. That's nearly one a day. That's about the same rate as London with terror attacks in a very short period of time.

And the right says that that is acceptable.

MORON. that's why you guys are suicidal.
Two major attacks on the London mayor's watch.

Home grown, not unlike the KKK and the JDL and even the PP bombings. How many of our vets has carried out terror attacks in the US, best check it out.

Side note, we should not be allies with the Gulf states until they become a democracy. We are becoming like them. They are rubbing off on Trump.

No, these were not western folks, these people may have been born in the UK, but they have nothing to do with the west, and they shouldn't be there.

They were born there, home grown. Every country has home grown terrorists. What do you think happened in Syria, the Kurds wanted a country.

Yes they were born there, but obviously they have no intentions of becoming westerners. They need to be rounded up, and sent to an Islamic country where they can live out their 6th century dreams.
To which Islamic country? And what will you do if the chosen Islamic country rejects to accept them?
View attachment 131044

More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.

DOTR the wall is one of the stupidest things i have heard realize land owners are gonna take a hit with the now mexicans are a threat? what about canadians or are they white enough for you?

Keep the hard working Mexicans, deport the snot nosed Berkeley faculty and students

Those are the same as those who went to college instead of the Vietnam war, Trump included.

Biden and Bill Clinton too, right?

Yep, Cheney, and many others, no better than the draft dodgers.
View attachment 131044

More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.
Too bad about your sad life. , my rels still live there, love it.
They are not quite the pantywaists of our gun toting SO brave rubes here.
20000 gun deaths a year 100000 rapes and they moan about 7? In London. Jeez, that's a regular weekend in phila
Another who doesn't know the def of liberal? Latin, free? Got the individual and small gov?
So, 7 people died in London the other day and 4-5 died a few weeks back. That's what, 12 people in a city of 8 million who died.
One is too many, you coward,

I don't care how many mud people kill each other, it's time for White people to wake up
Mud people?? All class. Which college again? Whoops, no college? You mean like the guy who designed your iPhone?Worried about our 20000 gun deaths a year brave boy.?More people killed here since 911 by white boy terrorists than the scary Muslims
Muslim population in the U.K.:

1950: 100,000
1970: 667,000
2000: 1,500,000
2010: 2,476,000
2017: 2,700,000
In what 80000000?
Like the US, the Muslims are better educated and earn more than local rubes.
The economy would be hurt w/o them.
why so scaredy cat??
It's easy to see the part of the population that is 'terrorized' by terrorists. Conservatives are the core audience of terrorists.

During WW2 London was bombed daily for six months destroying thousands of buildings and killing tens of thousands of Londoners. Did they whine about 'London has fallen'? No, Churchill went there and walked through the bombed streets to keep the people's spirits up.

Conservatives in the US are such uber-snowflakes they twitch if a fly lands on the table. It may be radicalized! And they accuse anyone that doesn't share their abject fear as being 'with' the terrorists. It is arm flailing paranoia on a large scale. Governments are doing everything they can cons. Where is Trump and his lying bullshit statement on the campaign trail 'I will defeat Isis so fast, I'll have the generals draw up a plan and defeat Isis in 30 days'. Well?

A right wing whacko went terrorist in Oregon a week ago and stabbed two people to death. Tell us oh cons of the travelling piss, how do you stop such things. You can't even stop the homegrown neocon whacks in the US that kill their own countrymen. What we need are for the 'moderate conservatives' to come forward and denounce this radical conservatives part of their movement as evil. They are always silent.

Terrorists can't win a fight by definition so they strive to strike abject fear into a large group of people with relatively small attacks. It works like magic on conservatives. Everyone else gets out the next day and tells the losers of the world no one is going to scare them.
I love the higher than mighty brave gun toting rubes who never mention our 20000 gun deaths per year. A father killed his infant accidentally just down the street
But 7 in London? OMG

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