London has Warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as Enormous Heat Dome Consumes Europe

"American (GFS) model simulation of intense area of high pressure at high altitudes, known as heat dome, parked over Germany on Thursday. (" (via WaPo)


"American (GFS) model simulation of intense area of high pressure at high altitudes, known as heat dome, parked over Germany on Thursday. (" (via WaPo)


Yep... regional WEATHER PATTERN...

In a cooling world blocking highs do in fact sit for a while. But hey you don't know the difference between weather and climate...



As usual, the stupid deniers do not even bother to look at the data.

I love it when you post up your Karl Et Al crap models... It makes me laugh at the shear ignorance it takes to post up this crap over and over again when you have been show its made up...
Silly Billy, go back to flipping your burgers. The numbers have been positive all winter. And we will all feel the effects of this;

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Again for old crock.... We have been ice free in the arctic 5 times this interglacial already. Your fixation on 15% sea ice coverage is bordering on shear lunacy..

When you can produce evidence that shows this is not natural variation and outside interglacial oscillation norms, call me.
Silly Billy, go back to flipping your burgers. The numbers have been positive all winter. And we will all feel the effects of this;

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Define "positive" please. Not a graph with a manufactured vertical axis please. I do graphs almost daily at work and can make the numbers look as good or bad as I want.
Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers,

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe

So, basically, the position that if you don't believe in man-caused climate change, that you are a "denier" with a 70IQ really takes any legitimacy much less point out of responding, doesn't it?

70 years ain't jack shit, honey. Why don't you look at the climate records to see that as bad and worse warming events were happening hundreds of years before that there, and THOUSANDS of years before that, and MILLIONS of years before that. Then get back to me.
So, basically, the position that if you don't believe in man-caused climate change, that you are a "denier" with a 70IQ really takes any legitimacy much less point out of responding, doesn't it?

70 years ain't jack shit, honey. Why don't you look at the climate records to see that as bad and worse warming events were happening hundreds of years before that there, and THOUSANDS of years before that, and MILLIONS of years before that. Then get back to me.
Of course 70 years is notablke as it's half of all known modern Temp Time.
And of course we're talking AL Of Europe under the Heat Dome, many places in whch Did set ALL Time April records.
Silly Billy, go back to flipping your burgers. The numbers have been positive all winter. And we will all feel the effects of this;

Image 3 of 6 (play slideshow) Download

Again for old crock.... We have been ice free in the arctic 5 times this interglacial already. Your fixation on 15% sea ice coverage is bordering on shear lunacy..

When you can produce evidence that shows this is not natural variation and outside interglacial oscillation norms, call me.
Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers,

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe

So, basically, the position that if you don't believe in man-caused climate change, that you are a "denier" with a 70IQ really takes any legitimacy much less point out of responding, doesn't it?

70 years ain't jack shit, honey. Why don't you look at the climate records to see that as bad and worse warming events were happening hundreds of years before that there, and THOUSANDS of years before that, and MILLIONS of years before that. Then get back to me.
If you chose to believe the silly assholes denying the basic physics of GHGs, then you are either a fool, a sub 70 IQ, or both.
So how is the dome doing?


The shit these meatheads come up with!!!

Here it is 2018 and the level of absurdity with the bomb-throwing continues despite having made little to no inroads with the people. Perpetual losing and no recognition of it.... yet marching to the same drum beat over and over and over.

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Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers,

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe

So, basically, the position that if you don't believe in man-caused climate change, that you are a "denier" with a 70IQ really takes any legitimacy much less point out of responding, doesn't it?

70 years ain't jack shit, honey. Why don't you look at the climate records to see that as bad and worse warming events were happening hundreds of years before that there, and THOUSANDS of years before that, and MILLIONS of years before that. Then get back to me.
If you chose to believe the silly assholes denying the basic physics of GHGs, then you are either a fool, a sub 70 IQ, or both.
As you and just about every alarmist here doesn't have a clue what GHG's are actually capable of or retarded by other factors and actually does, it is you who is an ignorant liar.. As 'in our atmosphere' science is incomplete, your the fool here.
And the high pressure has broken down allowing temperatures to return to the average for these regions.. Your 'dome' lasted what 8 days? Regional weather....
Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers, who confuse short term or local WEATHER with Climate/Global avg Climate/warming.
Many threads on this page alone are by those myopic clowns and their snowy days looking out their windows.
So I think it will be enlightening to have them see past their own backyard Weather, and to a very large area.
But still just Weather.

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
Washington Post - Jason Samenow - April 19

While abnormally cold weather continues to grip the Eastern United States, a full-fledged dose of summer weather has overtaken much of Europe.

An enormous heat dome, parked over Germany, has covered a large part of the continent in record or near-record warmth. High temperatures in the 70s and 80s (roughly 20 to 30 Celsius) were widespread Thursday.

The British Met Office tweeted that St. James’s Park in London soared to 84.4° (29.1 Celsius), its warmest temperature in April since 1949, when it hit 84.9° (29.4 Celsius).

Paris also experienced historically warm April conditions. Its temperature surpassed 82° before April 20 for the first time since 1949, MeteoFrance reported. ....Paris’s preliminary high of 83.7° (28.7 Celsius) ranked as the fifth-highest April temperature there in 146 years of measurements.
Several locations in France set all-time April highs, MeteoFrance tweeted.
More of the ITS HOT OVER THERE... MUST BE GLOBAL WARMING..... Ignore the cold over there its just weather.....

Idiot! Doesn't know the difference between regional weather and climate..
Very few people understand the difference!
Silly Billy, go back to flipping your burgers. The numbers have been positive all winter. And we will all feel the effects of this;

Image 3 of 6 (play slideshow) Download

Again for old crock.... We have been ice free in the arctic 5 times this interglacial already. Your fixation on 15% sea ice coverage is bordering on shear lunacy..

When you can produce evidence that shows this is not natural variation and outside interglacial oscillation norms, call me.
Please supply them to prove your theory...
We haven't had a usual winter in Vegas since 2011. The entire southwest US has seen +10 degrees above normal. The majority of storms that have caused the severe weather in the middle and eat coast of the US have originated right here in the southwest. In essence, warmer than warming.

Yeah but meanwhile the whole rest of the country is still sporting their nut sack warmers. Global warming not so much:113:
You don’t understand the basic science of global warming.

The planet is heating up, which causes polar ice melt, ocean warming (and rise in sea levels), and that feeds the global weather system with more, warmer precipitation which results in significantly stronger storms systems - hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards, too. Here in New England we keep having blizzards - record-breaking ones, in fact - but overall our weather patterns are much warmer and winters much milder - which leads to explosive tick and mosquito populations, drought, and other negative effects. The last few summers that I’ve been back in Massachusetts have been unlike any summers I experienced the first 16 years of my life here (70s/80s); it is much hotter and drier with hot weather happening sooner and lasting longer, and an extensive 100 year drought two summers ago.

I just got back from almost a decade living out in Montana, and everyone there talked all the time about how winters were queerer and fire season was worse than anything they’d seen in their lives before. Yes, they still got bitter cold stretches and brutal winter storms - but the snowpack overall was down significantly and drought was widespread, with the worst fire season in 2017 than they’d had in half a century.

Weather isn’t proof of (or proof undermining) global warming - it’s one effect of it, manifested in climate change which means the typical climates of various regions are changing dramatically in a short period of time.

If you have kids or grandkids, you owe it to them to educate yourself on this subject and not drink the FOX koolaid. The US Defense Department, hardly a liberal organization, has just announced that humans will no longer be able to inhabit many of the islands in the Pacific Ocean by 2030-2060, which is just around the corner. The Defense Department acknowledges global warming and climate change because it’s going to be a massive security threat to the US and our allies in the coming years, as millions of people are displaced from coastal communities and water and other resources are impacted by sea level rise and regular flooding.

Open a book and your mind as well.
We haven't had a usual winter in Vegas since 2011. The entire southwest US has seen +10 degrees above normal. The majority of storms that have caused the severe weather in the middle and eat coast of the US have originated right here in the southwest. In essence, warmer than warming.

Yeah but meanwhile the whole rest of the country is still sporting their nut sack warmers. Global warming not so much:113:
You don’t understand the basic science of global warming.

The planet is heating up, which causes polar ice melt, ocean warming (and rise in sea levels), and that feeds the global weather system with more, warmer precipitation which results in significantly stronger storms systems - hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards, too. Here in New England we keep having blizzards - record-breaking ones, in fact - but overall our weather patterns are much warmer and winters much milder - which leads to explosive tick and mosquito populations, drought, and other negative effects. The last few summers that I’ve been back in Massachusetts have been unlike any summers I experienced the first 16 years of my life here (70s/80s); it is much hotter and drier with hot weather happening sooner and lasting longer, and an extensive 100 year drought two summers ago.

I just got back from almost a decade living out in Montana, and everyone there talked all the time about how winters were queerer and fire season was worse than anything they’d seen in their lives before. Yes, they still got bitter cold stretches and brutal winter storms - but the snowpack overall was down significantly and drought was widespread, with the worst fire season in 2017 than they’d had in half a century.

Weather isn’t proof of (or proof undermining) global warming - it’s one effect of it, manifested in climate change which means the typical climates of various regions are changing dramatically in a short period of time.

If you have kids or grandkids, you owe it to them to educate yourself on this subject and not drink the FOX koolaid. The US Defense Department, hardly a liberal organization, has just announced that humans will no longer be able to inhabit many of the islands in the Pacific Ocean by 2030-2060, which is just around the corner. The Defense Department acknowledges global warming and climate change because it’s going to be a massive security threat to the US and our allies in the coming years, as millions of people are displaced from coastal communities and water and other resources are impacted by sea level rise and regular flooding.

Open a book and your mind as well.
Anecdotal BS. Weather patterns shift on 120-180 year scales so your missing living long enough to see full cycles. Many tribal records spanning hundreds of years show the drought and warming followed by cooling a snow...

You need to understand the system your pontificating about before doing so. Yes the climate changes but man has very little to do with it.
We haven't had a usual winter in Vegas since 2011. The entire southwest US has seen +10 degrees above normal. The majority of storms that have caused the severe weather in the middle and eat coast of the US have originated right here in the southwest. In essence, warmer than warming.

Yeah but meanwhile the whole rest of the country is still sporting their nut sack warmers. Global warming not so much:113:
You don’t understand the basic science of global warming.

The planet is heating up, which causes polar ice melt, ocean warming (and rise in sea levels), and that feeds the global weather system with more, warmer precipitation which results in significantly stronger storms systems - hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards, too. Here in New England we keep having blizzards - record-breaking ones, in fact - but overall our weather patterns are much warmer and winters much milder - which leads to explosive tick and mosquito populations, drought, and other negative effects. The last few summers that I’ve been back in Massachusetts have been unlike any summers I experienced the first 16 years of my life here (70s/80s); it is much hotter and drier with hot weather happening sooner and lasting longer, and an extensive 100 year drought two summers ago.

I just got back from almost a decade living out in Montana, and everyone there talked all the time about how winters were queerer and fire season was worse than anything they’d seen in their lives before. Yes, they still got bitter cold stretches and brutal winter storms - but the snowpack overall was down significantly and drought was widespread, with the worst fire season in 2017 than they’d had in half a century.

Weather isn’t proof of (or proof undermining) global warming - it’s one effect of it, manifested in climate change which means the typical climates of various regions are changing dramatically in a short period of time.

If you have kids or grandkids, you owe it to them to educate yourself on this subject and not drink the FOX koolaid. The US Defense Department, hardly a liberal organization, has just announced that humans will no longer be able to inhabit many of the islands in the Pacific Ocean by 2030-2060, which is just around the corner. The Defense Department acknowledges global warming and climate change because it’s going to be a massive security threat to the US and our allies in the coming years, as millions of people are displaced from coastal communities and water and other resources are impacted by sea level rise and regular flooding.

Open a book and your mind as well.

C'mon now.... in 2018 everyone and their brother knows that you can't use computer models to predict the future climate. .... publicly stated by the IPCC. Duh

Don't have to open my book or my mind.... for Skeptics the only thing that matters is who is winning.

Members of the religion and those duped by it have been on the weather does not equal climate campaign for 10 years. It has netted them 0 in the real world. It's the only thing that matters sweetie:113:
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