London has Warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as Enormous Heat Dome Consumes Europe

You certainly confirmed mine about you, however. So thanks.

I love how you couldn't even put together a sentence with any geological terms.

You guys who get off on this weird "impersonation" game where you seem to want to try to make people think you're something you clearly aren't but you don't put any EFFORT into it just fascinate me.

Why would you even TRY when you don't have any fake skills you can muster?
I love how you couldn't even put together a sentence with any geological terms.

You guys who get off on this weird "impersonation" game where you seem to want to try to make people think you're something you clearly aren't but you don't put any EFFORT into it just fascinate me.

Why would you even TRY when you don't have any fake skills you can muster?

Ahhh, but I did. You see, that's the difference between a poseur, you, and a geologist, me.

We use geologic terms in our papers, and when we are discussing a specific subject.

Otherwise simple English is sufficient.

I suggest you look up the "Feynman Method" someday soon.
This conversation isn't just "you" and me. Others are posting and reading here and the information and sources I provide are for their use and benefit, should they choose. The links and illustrations from Wiki are also to provide details and data that does not have the bias and overlay of personal opinion (such as we'd likely see in your posts.)

I'm not claiming heat from the divergent boundaries/zones produce heat on Earth's dry land surface. Only that they are a main factor in the ocean's heat ~ along with that absorbed from the Sun.

The are two(or more) ways to look at the CO2 factor in Earth's climate.

If we look at the total of CO2, it's a ratio of 400/ppm; or 400/1,000,000; or 4/10,000; or 1/2,500.
I don't recall anything in the chemistry and physics I learned decades ago that would let one molecule retain say 2 degrees F and then transfer that amount equally to the 2,499 other parts of the atmosphere.

However, it seems that when CO2 was at 280ppm (round it to 300) you gorebots have no issue and think we should get back to that level. Now that it's at the level of 400 ppm, or so, an increase of about 100 ppm, suddenly all chaos is afoot and per your hero, the great scientist Al Gore, "Earth has a fever" and "We" need to do something to reduce it.

So we are really looking at one part placing equal energy/heat to the 10,000 other parts of the atmosphere, making them just as "warm" as it is. !!! ???

Sorry, but neither math nor logic can support this absurd bit of fringe science.
However politics and a socialist, anti-Western culture agenda is trying to con the World in to buying this fairy tale.

BTW, Climate isn't like your thermostat in home/office controling heat/temp that can be set to one small range and be expected to stay there. Climate is always changing, either to cooler (Ice Ages) or warmer. Climate is always in flux and short term weather it produces isn't always an accurate gauge of the long term trends.
It is quite apparent from your post you know little of science in general, and even less about geology. The basic math concerning the amount of heat that CO2 can add to the atmosphere was done by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. But I doubt with the depth of knowledge you have failed to demonstrate that name means anything to you.
It is quite apparent from your post you know little of science in general, and even less about geology. The basic math concerning the amount of heat that CO2 can add to the atmosphere was done by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. But I doubt with the depth of knowledge you have failed to demonstrate that name means anything to you.

And he admitted he grossly over estimated. Which you conveniently ignore.
I love how you couldn't even put together a sentence with any geological terms.

You guys who get off on this weird "impersonation" game where you seem to want to try to make people think you're something you clearly aren't but you don't put any EFFORT into it just fascinate me.

Why would you even TRY when you don't have any fake skills you can muster?
Many times I have caught Westwall in basic mistakes concerning geology. If he ever was a geologist, he seems not to have kept up with the field at all. He seems not to understand the meaning of bimodal volcanism at all, and why it is important to differentiate it from adakite volcanism.
Many times I have caught Westwall in basic mistakes concerning geology. If he ever was a geologist, he seems not to have kept up with the field at all. He seems not to understand the meaning of bimodal volcanism at all, and why it is important to differentiate it from adakite volcanism.

Really. Point to one.
And yet more than you. Still waiting for you to point to any geologic error I have ever made.

You keep claiming it but never seem to be able to post one.
The discussion was bimodal volcanism, and you referred to an area in California that was clearly not bimodal.
The discussion was bimodal volcanism, and you referred to an area in California that was clearly not bimodal.

Point to the thread. The only time I can recall you accusing me of being wrong was when I was talking to Foxfyre about her perched water table issue.

You said I was wrong and she said it turns out I was correct.
Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers, who confuse short term or local WEATHER with Climate/Global avg Climate/warming.
Many threads on this page alone are by those myopic clowns and their snowy days looking out their windows.
So I think it will be enlightening to have them see past their own backyard Weather, and to a very large area.
But still just Weather.

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
Washington Post - Jason Samenow - April 19

While abnormally cold weather continues to grip the Eastern United States, a full-fledged dose of summer weather has overtaken much of Europe.

An enormous heat dome, parked over Germany, has covered a large part of the continent in record or near-record warmth. High temperatures in the 70s and 80s (roughly 20 to 30 Celsius) were widespread Thursday.

The British Met Office tweeted that St. James’s Park in London soared to 84.4° (29.1 Celsius), its warmest temperature in April since 1949, when it hit 84.9° (29.4 Celsius).

Paris also experienced historically warm April conditions. Its temperature surpassed 82° before April 20 for the first time since 1949, MeteoFrance reported. ....Paris’s preliminary high of 83.7° (28.7 Celsius) ranked as the fifth-highest April temperature there in 146 years of measurements.
Several locations in France set all-time April highs, MeteoFrance tweeted.
So this was a weather story cross dressing as Climate
The discussion was bimodal volcanism, and you referred to an area in California that was clearly not bimodal.

Still waiting for you to link to your tall tale. Here's a hint, the only discussions I get into regarding volcanism is with the conspiracy theorists who keep telling us Yellowstone is going to blow.

I refute their hyperbolic nonsense. That's it. So good luck finding your tall tale.

The discussion was bimodal volcanism, and you referred to an area in California that was clearly not bimodal.

So did westwall actually try to talk geology? They made all sorts of claims that they could but they never did for me. I just assumed it was another one of those folks who thinks they can pass themselves off as a geologist.

Can you show me where this "discussion" was? I'd really like to see westwall's "science".
Still waiting for you to link to your tall tale. Here's a hint, the only discussions I get into regarding volcanism is with the conspiracy theorists who keep telling us Yellowstone is going to blow.

While the USGS does downplay the urgency and the fear of the Yellowstone supervolcano, it has blown and may very well blow again.

Why wouldn't it?

While the USGS does downplay the urgency and the fear of the Yellowstone supervolcano, it has blown and may very well blow again.

Why wouldn't it?

Alright, let's see how much of a geologist you are. What is the main difference between an extrusive and an intrusive igneous rock? Use your own words.

As far as Yellowstone goes, how much warning do you think you would have before an eruption?
Alright, let's see how much of a geologist you are.

Stop it. You keep throwing down these challenges as if YOU are some sort of expert on this stuff. GIve me a break. Poser.

What is the main difference between an extrusive and an intrusive igneous rock? Use your own words.
ARe you fucking kidding me????

Extrusive: extruded onto the surface. (Rhyolite, Andesite, Basalt) (Felsic-->Mafic)
Intrusive: doesn't make it to the surface (Granite, Diorite, Gabbro) (Felsic-->Mafic)

(There's also hypabyssal but you wouldn't have heard of that)

Did I pass the test?? Or do you want some much more detailed igneous petrology?

Why don't YOU ever have to show us YOUR knowledge? Oh, yeah, I are a fake.

Why don't you tell the class what the difference is between FELSIC and MAFIC? (get googlin')

What is your problem? Is this some sort of stupid game?

What a joke.
As many cold miserable days they have in the UK it is a good thing they have a warm Spring day.

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