London has Warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as Enormous Heat Dome Consumes Europe

Stop it. You keep throwing down these challenges as if YOU are some sort of expert on this stuff. GIve me a break. Poser.

ARe you fucking kidding me????

Extrusive: extruded onto the surface. (Rhyolite, Andesite, Basalt) (Felsic-->Mafic)
Intrusive: doesn't make it to the surface (Granite, Diorite, Gabbro) (Felsic-->Mafic)

(There's also hypabyssal but you wouldn't have heard of that)

Did I pass the test?? Or do you want some much more detailed igneous petrology?

Why don't YOU ever have to show us YOUR knowledge? Oh, yeah, I are a fake.

Why don't you tell the class what the difference is between FELSIC and MAFIC? (get googlin')

What is your problem? Is this some sort of stupid game?

What a joke.

No, you failed. The main differences between them is the size of the crystals. That is due to time.

Intrusive get to cool over millions of years so their crystals are large. Extrusive, on the other hand cool rapidly, so their crystals are small.

There is little mineralogical difference between a rhyolite and a granite. The only major difference is the size of the crystals.


Like I said. You don't even know the basics. You cut and paste from geologic web sites.

That makes you a moron.
No, you failed. The main differences between them is the size of the crystals. That is due to time.

Jeezus wow! DO you know why the crystal size is DIFFERENT?


EXTRUSIVES (the hint is in the name) come to the surface and cool quickly


Maybe you wanted to know the difference between PHANERITIC and APHANITIC .

This is hilarious! You clearly couldn't even pass your "rocks for jocks" class. LOL

That makes you a moron.

I'd say YOu are the one who is a moron because you don't even understand what the simple words "INTRUSIVE" and "EXTRUSIVE" mean. Hint: the important part is "in" and "ex".

I noted you didn't answer anything about Mafic v Felsic.


As per usual I have to deal with fakers who can't speak to anything in detail.

Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers, who confuse short term or local WEATHER with Climate/Global avg Climate/warming.
Many threads on this page alone are by those myopic clowns and their snowy days looking out their windows.
So I think it will be enlightening to have them see past their own backyard Weather, and to a very large area.
But still just Weather.

London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome consumes Europe
Washington Post - Jason Samenow - April 19

While abnormally cold weather continues to grip the Eastern United States, a full-fledged dose of summer weather has overtaken much of Europe.​
An enormous heat dome, parked over Germany, has covered a large part of the continent in record or near-record warmth. High temperatures in the 70s and 80s (roughly 20 to 30 Celsius) were widespread Thursday.​
The British Met Office tweeted that St. James’s Park in London soared to 84.4° (29.1 Celsius), its warmest temperature in April since 1949, when it hit 84.9° (29.4 Celsius).​
Paris also experienced historically warm April conditions. Its temperature surpassed 82° before April 20 for the first time since 1949, MeteoFrance reported. ....Paris’s preliminary high of 83.7° (28.7 Celsius) ranked as the fifth-highest April temperature there in 146 years of measurements.​
Several locations in France set all-time April highs, MeteoFrance tweeted.​
Must have been global warming 70 years ago then.
Meanwhile... most of the U.S. is having a major cool spring. Snowed over an inch in Indianapolis on April 15th!
Too bad we don't have temperature readings for London during the Roman Warming Period or the Medieval Warming Period. Then everything was warmer but CO2 levels lower.
Excuse me for taking an Illegitimate tactic from the 70 IQ Climate Deniers, who confuse short term or local WEATHER with Climate/Global avg Climate/warming.

That's exactly what you did, so your post is completely irrelevant. Unless this is your way of admitting your IQ is 70.
Jeezus wow! DO you know why the crystal size is DIFFERENT?


EXTRUSIVES (the hint is in the name) come to the surface and cool quickly


Maybe you wanted to know the difference between PHANERITIC and APHANITIC .

This is hilarious! You clearly couldn't even pass your "rocks for jocks" class. LOL

I'd say YOu are the one who is a moron because you don't even understand what the simple words "INTRUSIVE" and "EXTRUSIVE" mean. Hint: the important part is "in" and "ex".

I noted you didn't answer anything about Mafic v Felsic.


As per usual I have to deal with fakers who can't speak to anything in detail.


I asked you for the main difference between them, and you FAILED. You gave a standard textbook definition, but you missed the primary difference between the two. Stuff I learned in Physical Geology decades ago. In fact it was covered in the 2nd week IIRC. I can go into all sorts of detail. Like you, any faker can look at a geologic web site and come across as knowing something. What trips up the fakers is the simple stuff. The things that a real scientist, or a real geologist KNOWS in their bones. Nice use of the bolding and capitalization to try and hide your mistake though. Like no one has ever done that before :auiqs.jpg:

Good luck trying to fake other people out, junior.

You have been exposed as a fraud here.
I asked you for the main difference between them, and you FAILED.

You're a hoot.

You gave a standard textbook definition,

And you didn't even know the words PHANERITIC and APHANITIC.

but you missed the primary difference between the two.

Nope, I'm 100% correct. An extrusive is called EXTRUSIVE because it comes OUT of the ground. Yes it is also APHANITIC because the cooling happened quickly.

Stuff I learned in Physical Geology decades ago.

Bullshit. You clearly barely passed intro physical. C'mon dude. No one is fooled by your pathetic attempts.

In fact it was covered in the 2nd week IIRC.


I can go into all sorts of detail.

At this point I'd pay you money to but you'd just be googling intro geology stuff because you've been shown to be a fake.

Like you, any faker can look at a geologic web site and come across as knowing something. What trips up the fakers is the simple stuff. The things that a real scientist, or a real geologist KNOWS in their bones.

LOL. Stop it! I'm laughing too hard now.

You have been exposed as a fraud here.

Why, because YOU don't even recall Rocks for Jocks???

Too bad we don't have temperature readings for London during the Roman Warming Period or the Medieval Warming Period. Then everything was warmer but CO2 levels lower.
We do have such of sorts, and even further back;


Interesting to see that for most of the past 450,000 years the Earth may have been much cooler than we've seen in recent few thousands of years. Also that some periods might have been much warmer, when there was brief warming.

Here's one going back even further and illustrates that so far in Earth's history, CO2 levels are not a cause of climate temps and likely have no connectivity in that regard.


There's some other interesting charts I provide shortly, can be found here;
You're a hoot.

And you didn't even know the words PHANERITIC and APHANITIC.

Nope, I'm 100% correct. An extrusive is called EXTRUSIVE because it comes OUT of the ground. Yes it is also APHANITIC because the cooling happened quickly.

Bullshit. You clearly barely passed intro physical. C'mon dude. No one is fooled by your pathetic attempts.


At this point I'd pay you money to but you'd just be googling intro geology stuff because you've been shown to be a fake.

LOL. Stop it! I'm laughing too hard now.

Why, because YOU don't even recall Rocks for Jocks???


Keep barking, fraud. It's all you are good for.
Hey you said you'd talk technical. You going to just run away from that?


Couldn't even muster one technical thing could you.


I already did. And you failed. I asked you how much warning there would be before Yellowstone blew up again.

That's a technical question, so answer that.

And a smart person could figure out I am asking you questions that you can't just go and Google.

Funny how that works.
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It's so cool that none of you "skeptics" know any actual climate scientist names.


You guys are hilarious!
We could web search such if we want, but most are gorebots spewing the usual pseudo-science claiming ACC/AGW is "real".
i.e. most aren't worth the bother.

Here is an exception and local to where I live;
Dr. Easterbrook received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in geology from the University of Washington and taught for 40 years at Western Washington University where he has conducted research on ancient and recent global climate change in western North America, New Zealand, Argentina, and various other parts of the world.

He has written a dozen books,185 papers in professional journals, and has presented 30 research papers at international meetings in over 12 countries. In the past decade, he has published five books and 35 peer–reviewed papers in professional scientific journals.

Dr. Easterbrook's professional service includes chairman of the 1977 national meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA); president of the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division of GSA; Associate Editor of the GSA Bulletin for 15 years; U.S. representative to the UN International Geological Correlation Program; and Director of Field Excursions for the 2003 International Quaternary Congress.

He has received awards for ‘Distinguished service to the Geological Society of America’, ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’, and Honorable mention by the American Men of Science as one of “The Most Influential Scientists in North America.” He has been featured in articles on climate change in the New York Times, and has appeared on national networks shows at MSNBC, CNN, CBS and FOX.

Dr. Easterbrook's research activities related to climate change include causes of climate change, correlation of glacial fluctuations, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, climate, and solar variation, temp changes using oxygen isotope data from the Greenland ice core, effect of CO2 on climate change, and geologic history of climate changes.
Too bad we don't have temperature readings for London during the Roman Warming Period or the Medieval Warming Period. Then everything was warmer but CO2 levels lower.
Here are some more to consider. BTW, the "gorebots" tend to be focused on the tree and not see the forest, a.k.a. the longer history of Earth's climate and the real relation of CO2 and average temperatures*

This one is interesting as the last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago.

Again, showing the rather regular pattern of ice age/glaciation occurances. Note the very brief times of slight warming and how quickly things can get colder. Something we risk if we allow the gorebots to do their geo-engineering.


Here's one show the flux in sea levels over the past @140,000 years.


Here's another on "recent" temperature ranges since last Ice Age;


And another perspective;


Again, the long cold spells and brief warm ones;


* Earth has several climate zones/bands, see next post for some illustrations.
One of the many problems in discussing ACC/AGW versus Natural CC/GW is that most mesh all climate zones into one average, which distorts the complexity.
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Here are some more to consider. BTW, the "gorebots" tend to be focused on the tree and not see the forest, a.k.a. the longer history of Earth's climate and the real relation of CO2 and average temperatures*

This one is interesting as the last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago.

Again, showing the rather regular pattern of ice age/glaciation occurances. Note the very brief times of slight warming and how quickly things can get colder. Something we risk if we allow the gorebots to do their geo-engineering.


Here's one show the flux in sea levels over the past @140,000 years.


Here's another on "recent" temperature ranges since last Ice Age;


And another perspective;


Again, the long cold spells and brief warm ones;


These Environmental Wackos always ignore real Science when they push their stupid destructive AGW scam.

I was going to post some of those graphs but whenever I do these Moon Bats just ignore the real Science.

I don't even bother to try to educate them any more. A waste of time. They don't want to be educated. They have their AGW religion and they are True Believers in this AGW bullshit and they don't want to hear the facts.
These Environmental Wackos always ignore real Science when they push their stupid destructive AGW scam.

I was going to post some of those graphs but whenever I do these Moon Bats just ignore the real Science.

I don't even bother to try to educate them any more. A waste of time. They don't want to be educated. They have their AGW religion and they are True Believers in this AGW bullshit and they don't want to hear the facts.
I know, but there are others reading here whom would like to see such.
Also, every effort needs to be made to thwart their agenda or Earth and the humans living here will be in serious jeopardy.

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