London Mayor: Mainstream Muslims are terrorists and/or terrorist enablers


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012

Think about it; this is basically what he's saying. Don't make the muzzies mad or they might kill you. No thanks, jackass. I don't kowtow to that type of mindset.

Think about it; this is basically what he's saying. Don't make the muzzies mad or they might kill you. No thanks, jackass. I don't kowtow to that type of mindset.

poor sadiq ----He misjudged the british grit and the YANKEE DO OR DIE
Pick on mainstream Muslims and they will resist.

Pick on mainstream Christians and they will resists.

The difference: who will become the terrorists?

Think about it; this is basically what he's saying. Don't make the muzzies mad or they might kill you. No thanks, jackass. I don't kowtow to that type of mindset.
Why do you deliberately mis represent what he is saying ?
Or do you struggle with the written word ?
There is no misrepresentation. Presenting moderate Muslims as people in great peril of turning jihadi if you say things to hurt their feelings is a common refrain from Muslims themselves - even when one dares say the religion of peace isn't very peaceful. Lol.

What he's saying is that Muslims will turn terrorists if they feel slighted. Sometimes they do anyway.
That's not what he's saying at all.
Just because a Muslim is pissed off doesn't mean he'll become a terrorist...but you want everyone to help in the fight against terrorism.
Why alienate the particular section of the population that will have a a better chance of identifying these animals?

But, I know, Sadiq is a Muslim...and worse, a Muslim that proved himself the Flower In Chief's superior.
It's important that the right wing narrative turn against him.
BS -----he commented as an apologist for Islamic terrorism in a very
TYPICAL Islamic manner--------"kiss our asses or we will kill you"
He is saying exactly what he said; The West will be less safe if Muslims feel slighted.No Western country should allow Muslims to immigrate. Thanks for the fallafils, but there's no other upside if your not a fan of terrorism.

Think about it; this is basically what he's saying. Don't make the muzzies mad or they might kill you. No thanks, jackass. I don't kowtow to that type of mindset.
Why do you deliberately mis represent what he is saying ?
Or do you struggle with the written word ?
There is no misrepresentation. Presenting moderate Muslims as people in great peril of turning jihadi if you say things to hurt their feelings is a common refrain from Muslims themselves - even when one dares say the religion of peace isn't very peaceful. Lol.

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these jerks with threat signs are all but announcing WE ARE MAD DOGS
He is saying exactly what he said; The West will be less safe if Muslims feel slighted.No Western country should allow Muslims to immigrate. Thanks for the fallafils, but there's no other upside if your not a fan of terrorism.

We should never be afraid to speak truth. Fuck this asshole.

Think about it; this is basically what he's saying. Don't make the muzzies mad or they might kill you. No thanks, jackass. I don't kowtow to that type of mindset.
Why do you deliberately mis represent what he is saying ?
Or do you struggle with the written word ?
Hey, Tainant, I challenge you to actually go to any ex-Muslim groups (those born and raised under Islam) you can find and talk to them about that religion growing in England and see what they think of your stance on Islam.

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