London on Lockdown

anarchy is not and never has been the result of liberal thinking or of political parties...anarchist stand alone with few goals or ambitions other than fucking up the will find that on both sides of the spectrum.....

anarchy cannot be tolerated....the whole goal of anarchist is simple destruction

With respect (and I really do mean that), I disagree. It is very much the result of decades of overly lenient attitudes towards standards of behavior. These kids need discipline. And they do not get it... not at home, not in school, not by society. This is the result of that. And those attitudes - they are liberal attitudes. These are Labour policies in action. Conservatives in the UK have always been the 'law and order' party.

A+, CG! I tend to blame the majority of the ills of society on Dr. Benjamin Spock.
Rather than Spock, if parents consulted the King James version, they would see:
Proverbs 13:24
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.

It's the American right that is waaaaaaay to the right on the global political spectrum. Maggie Thatcher is my political hero. Michelle Bachmann? Not so much.

OTOH I'm pretty sure that if I lived in San Francisco instead, I'd be a diehard Republican.

Exactly. I think the British cons are more "real" conservatives than the American pretenders to conservatism.

Since you clearly do not understand what 'conservative' means in the UK, I doubt you're opinion is of much real value. I, on the other hand, have a decent understanding of both. And both are 'real'.... in that they are what each country understands by the word. You're making yourself look silly now.
I already tried to explain that. Ravi confuses words with facts. Fact: British Conservatives are more akin to Blue Dog Dems than Republicans or US Conservatives.... but that is too inconvenient for her. It doesn't fit her opinions.

It's the American right that is waaaaaaay to the right on the global political spectrum. Maggie Thatcher is my political hero. Michelle Bachmann? Not so much.

OTOH I'm pretty sure that if I lived in San Francisco instead, I'd be a diehard Republican.

Exactly. I think the British cons are more "real" conservatives than the American pretenders to conservatism.

The two big differences that I see in American conservatism that I don't see elsewhere are the influence of evangelicals and this religious belief that tax cuts are the cure for all our economic problems, including deficits.
It's the American right that is waaaaaaay to the right on the global political spectrum. Maggie Thatcher is my political hero. Michelle Bachmann? Not so much.

OTOH I'm pretty sure that if I lived in San Francisco instead, I'd be a diehard Republican.

Exactly. I think the British cons are more "real" conservatives than the American pretenders to conservatism.

The two big differences that I see in American conservatism that I don't see elsewhere are the influence of evangelicals and this religious belief that tax cuts are the cure for all our economic problems, including deficits.
Yep. That and the cons never ending battle to let their morals trump everyone's civil rights. I suspect that is not the case in GB, but I could be wrong.
Exactly. I think the British cons are more "real" conservatives than the American pretenders to conservatism.

The two big differences that I see in American conservatism that I don't see elsewhere are the influence of evangelicals and this religious belief that tax cuts are the cure for all our economic problems, including deficits.
Yep. That and the cons never ending battle to let their morals trump everyone's civil rights. I suspect that is not the case in GB, but I could be wrong.

You're not wrong about that.... and.... this may shock you.... I intensely dislike the influence of the religious right in US Conservativism. We (US Conservatives) would be better to argue on policy. If one accepts Conservative values - those values include accepting individual responsibility - that means accepting other people's faith - or the lack thereof.
The two big differences that I see in American conservatism that I don't see elsewhere are the influence of evangelicals and this religious belief that tax cuts are the cure for all our economic problems, including deficits.
Yep. That and the cons never ending battle to let their morals trump everyone's civil rights. I suspect that is not the case in GB, but I could be wrong.

You're not wrong about that.... and.... this may shock you.... I intensely dislike the influence of the religious right in US Conservativism. We (US Conservatives) would be better to argue on policy. If one accepts Conservative values - those values include accepting individual responsibility - that means accepting other people's faith - or the lack thereof.
Thanks for admitting that I understand the conservative viewpoint in the UK.

Late to the party.

Why are they rioting?

Who is it? [it can't just be black people]


Keep your head down and your weapons ready.

The youth are rioting - not really race based. No idea why.... the Brit media referred to it as 'recreational rioting' in that there is no real cause, they're just fucking thugs.
Yep. That and the cons never ending battle to let their morals trump everyone's civil rights. I suspect that is not the case in GB, but I could be wrong.

You're not wrong about that.... and.... this may shock you.... I intensely dislike the influence of the religious right in US Conservativism. We (US Conservatives) would be better to argue on policy. If one accepts Conservative values - those values include accepting individual responsibility - that means accepting other people's faith - or the lack thereof.
Thanks for admitting that I understand the conservative viewpoint in the UK.


I'm not sure that you do.... since you seem to misunderstand the difference between US and UK conservatives... and seem to assume that the UK Conservatives are as 'evil' as you think US Conservatives are. That's a basic lack of understanding right there. But you are right that the UK has much less religious influence than the US. They are a heathen bunch in the UK.*

*Disclaimer: that's a joke.
Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Again, their parents are not necessarily 'liberals'.... I suspect that most of their parents couldn't tell you who the Prime Minister is. They are - probably - completely disengaged in the political system. It's not about liberals, Ravi... it is about the result of liberal policies. Please try and learn the difference.
Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.
Late to the party.

Why are they rioting?

Who is it? [it can't just be black people]


Keep your head down and your weapons ready.

The youth are rioting - not really race based. No idea why.... the Brit media referred to it as 'recreational rioting' in that there is no real cause, they're just fucking thugs.

So they are bored and just want to steal things they don't have and destroy whatever else comes along.

That's a far cry from tipping cows and smashing mail boxes.
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Again, their parents are not necessarily 'liberals'.... I suspect that most of their parents couldn't tell you who the Prime Minister is. They are - probably - completely disengaged in the political system. It's not about liberals, Ravi... it is about the result of liberal policies. Please try and learn the difference.
Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.
BBC reported that 2 of the punks stopped to beat up a witness and try to take his camera, and were caught by the cops.

Caught is not brunt to death.... to bad....

but i am glad they were caught.

450 of the little thugs have been arrested so far.

The cold light of day shows the amount of damage - it's pretty horrific. Whole rows of stores and homes have been completely destroyed. Thousands of ordinary hard working people - of a variety of ethnic backgrounds - are now homeless and have lost everything just because some little brats can't behave like civilized human beings.

If you ask me, everyone involved - including the families of these little thugs - should lose any kind of government assistance - permanently. Let them live on the fucking streets that they've destroyed.

Sad. I am with you there.... they should forfeit any and all public assistance for life.
Again, their parents are not necessarily 'liberals'.... I suspect that most of their parents couldn't tell you who the Prime Minister is. They are - probably - completely disengaged in the political system. It's not about liberals, Ravi... it is about the result of liberal policies. Please try and learn the difference.
Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.

I don't know where you live in the UK but people are very proud to come from where I live.
First the University protests, now this.
Instead of putting money into "nothing" (Lybia) maybe the Brits should re-route some of that money into the more important things, I mean the money they take as credit.

yeah... like deporting.
What happens in gang areas in the US

Crime. And occasionally riots like you are seeing.

Then would you agree that a way forward would be dealing with these gangs and replacing their influence with positive role models and structures so that they can see the possibility of reaching adulthood and getting a good job and their own home, rather than being on the dross pile trying to show their worth and make their money through crime.

So now it's government's responsibility to provide role models? It's an individual choice to adopt a role model These kids have the choice of emulating productive, inspiring people, or thugs. They have chosen thugs
First the University protests, now this.
Instead of putting money into "nothing" (Lybia) maybe the Brits should re-route some of that money into the more important things, I mean the money they take as credit.

yeah... like deporting.

Most of the rioters are not immigrants, Sy. They are British. Deport them to where? Fortunately, the government appears to be quite hard on rioters. Those arrested during the student riots got prison time.... and not just a month or two. :clap2: Over 500 were arrested last night. I hope they come down as hard on them.

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